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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "Okay, this leads me back to my first question. Mina, how can you be sure that you can kill Kaguro? Didn't he say a large place in your heart?" "Damn it Kyru! I don't know! I'd think you of all people would recognise a time to shut up!" Kyru was going to protest, but decided against it. "Your call..." He mumbled under his breath. [i][color=teal]This can't be good. Why is this tower still standing? If we defeated the illusion... color][/i] Kyru thought, making sure Mina couldn't hear. The corridor led to a spiraling staircase. Kyru started up, but Mina passed him and led the way. Haru trailed behind, pondering countless things. [color=teal][i] Why would he choose that to say as his last words? His village was engulfed in flames... he couldn't have! I would have known! DA- urgg... damn his poison... [/color][/i] Kyru spit, keeping his thoughts hidden. The staircase led to another white room, but this one was filled with black liquid. "Well?" Mina looked at him expectedly. "Well what?" "Use your attack and get this goop out of our way!" "I can do that about as good as I can swallow it! It's dark energy and I'm dark energy! I'd fuel it if anything!" Mina looked ahead and walked purposefully into the liquid. [i][color=teal]Our worst fears... here goes nothing. [/color] [/i] Kyru followed in, as Haru trailed behind him...
  2. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru blinked. He heard a weak small laughter behind him, and looked to see the demon was still alive. "D-don't worry, I'm dead this time..." Kyru walked over, his hair turning brown and his eyes turning back to normal. "You could have killed me there, why did you hesitate?" "K-killing you would have made the boss angry." He laughed again. "I'm such a h-h-hypocryte. I didn't join the boss for his ideals, I never cared for his philosaphy, I just wanted an excuse, to kill as many people as I could..." "You monster." Haru looked at it in disgust. "Let 'em talk, it doesn't have much time left." "I've dove into c-countless minds, they were all filled with the same twisted obsession, of passing on their genes... but not you... like me, we live for the moment... we forget our past and don't look for our future... the present is our only concern..." It coughed again. Mina started back. "Aren't you coming?!" "Shut up. Just give me a minute." "The first mind I dove into was my fathers... all I could see was hatred for me... I thought he was going to kill me... and when I came to, the village had been engulfed in flames..." "You destroyed your village just because of your father?!" Mina burst out, causing the demon to cackle. "Yes... but thats not that bad... compared to you... Kyru... I have seen the face of true evil... once in your father... again in you... and then spilling into you... Mina... any of you can match me... no, Mina... no you're worse... compared to you... I'm not so bad..." Mina couldn't say anything, just looked in shock. [i][color=blue] Pure evil, inside of me?! [/i][/color] "Your heart Mina... it is filled with lesser good... ther's a large place in your heart... not for Kyru... but for Kaguro... everything else is just crammed into a corner... You Kyru... I dove into you as well... your heart... is poisioned by damnable mist... But in it... was one that is not with you know..." "Stop. I don't want to hear it." "Haru... you are filled with chaos and misery... there is nothing in your heart... you are your only guide to happiness and good... and you follow it closely..." The demon turned back to Kyru. "I've been killing for so long... but now I see... I was only waiting to be killed... I have a last request... please... kill me quickly..." Kyru nodded and rose his sword. In a churning swipe, the demon was dead. "Hey Kyru" "Yes?" "About what he said..." "What's the problem now?!" "Oh, nothing..."
  3. Azreal sighed. "I belive I must leave now." He said at last. "You said that about a half an hour ago." Selenay retorted. "That would be correct. Seeing as I can't leave any of the warriors of prophet alone, I will take first watch. I am in much more need of thought than company." He said with a definate tone. He looked to the entrance tot he cave and dived down to a ledge just below. He sat cross legged, his wings folding behind him. [i] Selenay and Asphodel both here. This can't be good, this is not the time to be attacked by personal demons, my mission came with a time limit, and even now angels die to buy me more. How they would hate if they knew I was relaxing... [/i] OOC: Sorry this is short...
  4. OOC: Tis one is pretty boring, don't put the entire rpg on this, I just wanted to get this thing off the ground... [color=indigo] ?Those bluebloods are an endengerment to the world! They must be destroyed before they get out of hand! [/color] Two figures talked through a tv cutoff. [color=darkred]Patience, my friend. The Faylen will be controlled, and will become infamous in the pages of history. I stake the Japaneese name on it. [/color] [color=indigo]It will be your kingdom for mercy if the americans find out![/color] [color=darkred] Be calm, they will not find out. And if they do, the Faylen will lead us into a new world order?[/color] ~Kakashki Academy~ Many white dome shaped buildings connected by white hallways and one huge dome stood in the center of a grassland. Wooden planks of domes still under construction continued to rise from the ground. A computor tune rung through the air as students in blue and white jumpsuite-like uniforms filed into the hallways. Many of them went directly to the cafeteria; a large white room filled with vending machines of different sort and round white tables. [color=teal]Your never going to get that.[/color] At one of the tables sat a student with blue hair, poking what looked like an egg that twisted with every touch. A weired thing on his wrist beeped and flashed it?s screen. ?Shut up, Bebo. I?ll get this thing if it kills me.? The student grinned an ran his finger around the center of the egg, causing it to explode and knock the student down in his chair. The thing on his wrist started to comment. [color=teal]I told you so, those are tamper proof.[/color] A big :-) appeared on the screen. [color=teal]I suggest you start on nutrient intake, your glucose level is below normal.[/color] ?You make it sound like I?m a diabetic. I?m fine your not apart of me, so quit telling me how I am.? He stood up and brushed himself off, catching a peek out the window at the massive mech hangars. [color=teal]Error. I run on your vital signs, and currently moniter them. Put bluntly, I am apart of you.[/color] [I] In this place, nothing really ever happens. Besides the occasional training accident or duels in combat training, you can bet on this place being pretty mundane? [/I]
  5. Worked like a charm. Anyways, this will start like, in a half an hour. See you there!
  6. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru came down and slashed straight through the demon. He grinned and stood up at full hight. "Kyru what are you doing?! It's an illusion!" "I'm gonna beat this guy up so bad none of his tricks are gonna save him!" "You stuborn idiot!" Haru yelled at him. "Listen to Mina!" "Shut your hole!!" The two halves of the demon weakly stumbled, but then created another half, making two full demons. "Close, but I read your mind! I can control it too!" "I'd like to see you try!" Kyru jumped up, but instead of attacking flipped onto the other side. He landed with a splash and shot his sword into the back of the demon's head. "Sword of the Leech!" He yelled. He slowly yanked out his sword and let the energy flow into him. With the demon's cackling, he dropped to one knee and started to vomit a black liquid. "Tell me, what happens when dark mixes with light? Pure poison!!" Kyru growled, his eyesight swimming in front of him. "I-I'll kill you slowly."
  7. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] That cut doesn't seem to fake. [color=blue] You have to trust me on this! Don't belive in it! [/color] Your call... [/i] Kyru sheathed his sword and closed his eyes. "This isn't real this isn't real..." The demon launced into the air and brought his blade down, sending a gash across Kyru's chest. "KYRU!" Mina started to get up, but Kyru signalled her to stay. [i] The black water... it'll kill you... [color=blue]I can't just stay put![/color] It really didn't sound like you have a choice... Th[color=red]is[/color] [color=darkred]is real enough... for ME!![/color] [/i] Kyru's hair copletely changed white as he shot off the ground and into the air.
  8. The man coughed and looked around, chaos surrounded him as the ringing of the grenade finally silenced. The man decided it was a good time to escape and bolted down the alley. After going through a maze of alleyways, he ran into the man that had helped him. He signaled him and paused, out of breath. "Why did you help me?" "Because I think it's fun." The figure mocked as he dissolved into shadow. The still breathless man stood there, and then jammed his hands into his pockets and left. "Fine by me." The man found his way out of the alley, right back at the tree by the bar. He shrugged, deciding that the cops would be after the other guy for some time, and decided to catch a nap...
  9. The man from the hotel stood up. "Police remain baffled as an unidentifiable man was seen shot numerous times. The Audtoppsy may or may not..." The man turned off the tv and walked down the stairs. He threw his keys at the innkeeper and walked out the door. As soon as he got out, he was greeted by the cheerful ringing of sirens and cocking of guns. "Put your hands in the air!" "...me?" A fat tourist climbed out of one of the squad cars. "That's the guy! He was talkin' with that lady!" He shouted in a paniced voice. An officer in a brown suite spoke through the megaphone. "You are under arrest for assisted homocide!" "That's a whole bunch of crap. Now back off." He started to walk down the street as the cops closed in. The man in the suit walked up to him. "You will get a fair trial without running. If you resist, you may as well be dead." "..." "Why would you run? We'll catch you sooner or later." "...because I think it's fun." He grinned and dived through the gap between two officers. In an instant, one of them grabbed his arm and another grabbed his leg. "I didn't do anything!"
  10. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "But first, I'm tired of swimming." He grinned and held up his hands. "Death dimension!" In a flash of black and a thundering crack, the liquid vanished. Kyru laughed. "Sweet air. Now you die." Kyru charged forward and swung at the demon. It sprung back and produced a blade of it's own. Kyru flipped up into the air and came down with crushing force. The demon leaped back and cackled. "I can read your mind! Your moves are like an open book!" It threw it's head back and laughed. "I am the telikenetic of the Farthin, you will die here." "Farthin? You talk too much." Kyru stepped back for a second. [i] Mina, get to higher grounds and stay there. I can't protect you from this. [/i] Mina was confused, but decided to obey. She limped up the steps at the end of the room and sat down. "Rain of terror!!" The rain started to fall as normal, but then the drops grew bigger and hardened. The demon squeeled in pain as the hail-like balls dropped and exploded onto him. The floor started to puddle with black liquid. "Here demon! Try swimming in this!!"
  11. yeah, hope. Actually to tell you the truth those presets are kinda a way to determine when to start, so we're almost there. PS Everybody's in. [color=red] Sorry this isn't up yet. It will be soon. [/color]
  12. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC: Sorry I'm posting so much, and so repetitively... Kyru tried to get away from the illusions. He could almost hear Mina's panic, until it died into nothingness. [i] I have to get out [/i] His head felt like it was going to burst as he saw a small blurry portion of reality. A black drop of inky liquid was beginning to surround Mina. The vision blurred and he came back to the illusion. [i] [COLOR=darkred]I... have to get out of here![/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Why? Isn't this better? As long as you stay here, you will never face a hardship again.[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Thats.... not true. Everyone will die in here if I don't do something.....[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Be calm, you won't need to worry. I can sooth the chaos in your head...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]Shut up!! I'm breaking out of here!!![/COLOR] [/i] Kyru pushed with all of his energy to escape. Kovu fluttered around in his mind. [i] [COLOR=darkred]If I Die Here, She Will Never Be Revived! The world will stay in darkness, I can't let that happen!![/COLOR] [/i] A purple volt of lightning surged through his head. [i][COLOR=teal]You also have no choice but to let that happen...[/COLOR] [/i] Something snapped inside Kyru. He came to his knees, as something inside him surged to get out. His eyes started to glow red, as his incisors started to grow into fangs. Kyru growled out, his voice changing deeper and colder. His hair flashed white, as he stood up with great ease. He slowly made his way across the room in a lesiourly path towards Mina and Haru. [COLOR=teal]What are you doing? Stop...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]"I'm tired of your crap. I'll give you five minutes to give me everything you got, to try and stop me."[/COLOR]
  13. "Just what it sounded like, you were there on the 14th." "What else? Why was I there?" She ran up to the man, lowering her magnum. "Who was my love? Why was his diary so important? Why?!" "I... I don't know. I'm not even sure how I saw it. It all came through green liquid..." Charolette put her hand to her mouth. She remembered to that night, the odd viles of green liquid. "You were in there?" The man turned away again. "I don't know. Leave me alone." He went back down the fire escape and walked across the street. It didn't take long before something was pressed against his head and a familliar cocking sound was heard. "Don't do that. I told you, I don't know." "Than what use is it to keep you alive?" "...Your friend, he was very brilliant." "...what di- uhhh..." The man turned around and knocked Charolette unconcious. He hoisted her over his shoulder and set her down on the desk of an innkeeper. "She's very tired and would like a room."
  14. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Young Kyru walked through his orphanage, admiring the art on the walls. He smiled as a little girl came running up to him. "Kyru!" "Seravel. Whats up?" "I've been looking for you. Kyru, I've been adopted!" Kyru smiled and hoisted her into the air. "That's great! Who are the lucky parents?" "They're really nice looking! Mr. and Mrs. Fallen! They have a nice house in a valley by the waterfall!" At that point a couple came walking down the hall. They smiled at Seravel and then looked at Kyru. "This is my big brother I was telling you about! He'll be coming too, right?" "Well..." The lady looked at the man, who smiled back at her. "I guess we could-" Kyru cast a stern look and shook his head, making sure that Seravel didn't see. "...I'm sorry dear, but we just can't." The man said. Seravel looked down. She slowly faced Kyru. "Kyru, you can't come." Kyru laughed and smiled. "Hey! Don't look like that on my account! I love it here at the orphinage." Seravel still looked depressed. "But, you're my big brother." "No, you know that's impossible." "Not blood wise, but..." "Listen, all that matters is that you're happy." [color=darkred] [i] This is a dream. [/color] [COLOR=teal]Than it is a good dream...[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkred]It isn't real. But... I can't stop it... [/COLOR] [/i]
  15. The man under the tree finally woke up. [i] that same dream... [/i] He stood up and blinked stupidly. The sound of sirens in the distance caught his attention, causing him to ram into some girl. "Hey! Watch where you're going." The man crouched down. "You were in sector BR03886, in febuary." "W-what did you say?" "...I don't know." The man stood up and left the girl baffled. He noticed the girl was scrambeling up to follow him. The man started to run until he got to a fire escape and climbed up to the roof. "HEY!! Come back here!!" The man jammed his hands into his pockets and walked across the roof.
  16. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC: Sorry, I guess I did leave you kinda short handed... Kyru looked back at Haru and Mina. "C'mon, this way. Er, actually... the only way." Mina lit a blue flame in her hand and lit the hall. Brown dingey walls and skeletons decorated the path as the group cautiosly proceeded. The hall twisted and turned like a big maze. The end led to a large white room. The silvery liquid formed a wall in front of them. "Wow, does it really think we're going to swim in that stuff again?" Haru asked skeptically. Kyru walked forward. "C'mon, we need to get going." "Are you serious? Kyru, we kinda learned not to do that." "If you have any other ideas, let 'em loose." Kyru walked up to the barrier and dipped his finger in. It felt oozy and sticky. "Kyru, wait. If we go in there, we probably won't wake up." "No, we'll probably wake up when it's too late, when we are so attached to the image that not seeing it will drive us mad. Anything else?"
  17. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC: Great time for dream talk, I just paused nightmare on elm st. *crys* Kyru blinked. "Haru, did you have a dream?" "Yeah, I was in the corridor that led to my old village. Why?" Kyru paled. "We were caught." "Huh?" "Those must have been our fondest desires. The liquid must be it's way of ensnaring people." Mina looked at him. "No, you have to be wrong. My fantasy isn't a real bright room with a carring Kyru." "Did you get a look at the place?" "Well, no... my eyes were adjusting." "So you could have been anywhere. You could have been standing over Kaguro's body, or you may have been next to him..." "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" "I ment as kids, before this hell erupted. Aren't those your happiest memories?" "I..." "The only question, is why did we wake up?"
  18. James looked at them for a second. "Uh, so can somebody tell me what's going on?" They looked back at him. "What do you mean?" "We just got dive bombed by some freak with wings. Are you going to explain that, or am I going to be left to stand around like an idiot?" "You've been doing that quite nicely without are help." Felica mumbled under her breath. Kyp explained the story up to when they found James. "What?!! You mean to tell me that [i]that[/i] is the moon child?!" "I am not a that!!" "Well, yes. Now you know." Kyp calmly nodded. "*Sigh* You should really be more carefull about telling people about that. I'm ditching this boat." "Serious?" "I don't give a damn about any of that, so for all I'm concerned, The monster and the child can go rot in hell!"
  19. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru turned around and started pounding on the shield. His blows sunk in, but were pushed out like a trampaline. "Damn this thing!!" The liquid rose over a hill and was now in plain sight. "What are we going to do!?" "Don't ask me! I have no idea!" The liquid roared down the hill like a giant tidle wave. Everyone braced themselves, and the liquid thundered down upon them, washing them away... [color=darkred] Kyru woke up. He was sprawled across the floor of what looked to be a holy room. In front a casket lay, bathing in the warm sunlight. [i] I can see with both eyes... [/i] Mina had already woken up, she walked through the aisle of benches towards the front. She turned around looked at him. "Good, your awake." "What happened?" Mina shrugged and ran her fingers across the satin benches. "That wave must have washed us inside. I only just woke up." Haru was sitting on one of the benches, examening the wall. "These markings are really cool." "They're incantations. This one reads Oh fortune, just as the moon you vary your state, always increasing or decreasing, the detestable life..." [i] Why is this place so familliar? [/i] [/color] [color=blue] Mina woke up, slumped in the corner of a room. Her eyes hadn't ajusted to the light, so she could barely see. "Hello?" "Mom! You're awake! Are you okay?" "Did you just call me mom? Forget about me, Kyru, are you feeling okay?" "Yeah, everything is okay." She held her hand over her eyes and looked around again. "That title wave must have washed us inside." [i] I know this place, somewhere... [/i] [/color]
  20. It doesn't have the same insane party wierd feeling that fooly cooly has... 6/10 [COLOR=orangered][size=1]Elaborate, please. Say [i]why[/i] you like or dislike something...not just that you do. If you think it's lacking something, tell how you think the problem could be amended. -Sara[/size][/COLOR]
  21. Dondar, I wasn't writing for you. I wanted to keep it clear not to use that thread as a reference, 'cause it was misleading. :-)
  22. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru made it to the bottom of the hill and started towards the town. [i] Mina, I have to ask you something that may be hard to answer. [color=blue] Hmmm? [/color] Well... [COLOR=blue]C'mon, you can say it. What's on your mind?[/COLOR] It's just... well... nothing. Nevermind, forget about it. [COLOR=blue]Forget about it? Now I'm curious.[/COLOR] I said forget about it. We'll cross the bridge when we come to it. [COLOR=blue]If you don't trust me to answer your question, how can-[/COLOR] I said forget it didn't I? We should concentrate on the Light tower. All that I've heard, is that it first ensnares tresspassers in a web that shows them their fondest dream. Immediatley after, it's supposed to show you your worst nightmare. [COLOR=blue]Sounds interesting... what could be on your mind that's so bad or good or whatever, that you wouldn't even be able to trust me to answer it?[/COLOR] ...no. you're not going to badger me into saying it. [COLOR=blue]Y'know if Kovu were here, she'd probably tell you to stop acting like a little prick! Didn't you learn anything from her suicide? Wasn't it caused from this kind of attitude?[/COLOR] You're probably right. She said it in the wind tower, to stop running and accept some help... [COLOR=blue]Look, I'm sorry that she died, but-[/COLOR] What the hell is that? [COLOR=blue]???[/COLOR] [/i] Kyru looked on as a white liquid like silvery... thing started spreading across the horizon. People nearest to it started to flee in terror, but some seemed to welcome it. Kyru looked into the distance, but could'nt see a beginning or an end to it, because his view was blocked by a foreast. [i] MINA!! GRAB HARU AND GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE!! [COLOR=blue]Ky.. ca... .ear yo... KYr...[/COLOR] Mina! Haru! Anyone!! [/i] Kyru growled and started in a full fledged sprint towards the town.
  23. A figure blinked in the blazing light coming down on an old desert town in Idaho. He stumbled out of an old saloon. [i] *Flashback of the bar he was just in* "look Mister, I can't let you just stay here without eating anything. Order, or I'll have to ask you to leave." "I...can't eat. Never could." "Tight stomach? I got just the thing for-" "I don't know if I even have a stomach..." "Oh. One a'dem freaky people questionin what the earth spins on and the mistic b'yond. Get outta here." "..." [/i] He walked out onto the dirt road and started down the street. different stores and alleyways lined the road as he found a shaded place near an apple cart. [i] What am I? [/i] The town seemed to silence as he felt himself drift off into nothingness...
  24. This should be it Name: Cyborg Ninja Gender: ???? Age: ???? Appearance: [img]http://www.metalgearuniverse.com/Ninja_chara.jpg[/img] Weapon: High Frequency Katana Blade Nationality: ???? Organization: None Bio: One unit was seen at the sight three hours before Snake was sent in. This unit has killed some and wounded many. Suvivors have only seen small sights, so only report him as a blur...
  25. Okay, to be honest, the dd thread I have is not true dd, it is simplefied about a million times. But that does not mean I am a phony. If you want true advice, go to thievesguild.cc go to the boards, general, and theres a thread titled what is the thieves guild? Started by yours truly. everything is there, you can post on it if you have anymore questions that haven't been answered. To be honest, DD has more numberes than my algebra class. there are attributes for jumping, running, water, ect. thats why you get a handbook for each class. Creating your own class is pretty well impossible. Don't worry though, I bet you wont use most of them most of the time. DD is a lot like a videa game, except that the console is a human being. Please enjoy and do not become a steryotipical player.
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