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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Um... I already am Kamori. Sorry, but your gonna have to choose someone else.
  2. [color=darkred] Kamori blinked in the new found sun outside of a dingey old bar. His face was almost as red as his hair, which quickly showed that he was...drunk. "Not a single drop of... *hic* info. I'm gonna be hangovered to **** tomorrow..." He stopped to puke, and almost fell face first into it. Kamori manedged to hold himself up, and continued stumbeling down the road. The sun blazed down on his head, so he decided to hail a wagon (taxi, if we're in that time per.) He fell asleep in the back seat, and woke up when the town was just a lining on the ground. "Hey driver! I said the hotel, not the flipping-" "I know what you said. Hahahahhehehe." Kamori blinked stupidly. "You mess with the Kalen Gang, you die." "Kalen gang? was that that person with the hat in the bar?" The driver seemed fairley angered about his comment, and stopped the wagon. Kamori got out, as did about three gang members. The leader took of towards the town as the gang members closed in. Kamori knocked them out with a quick number of hand chops, and looked at his situation. "Just [i] flipping [/i] GREAT!!" [/color]
  3. [color=darkred] Name: Wolfgang Amedaous Age: ??? Gender: male Spieceis: Vampire Description: Long black scraggely hair and clear silver eyes. silver chestplate, black gauntlets, pants, and silver boots, under black hooded cloak w/strange silver markings. Weapon: Gunblade/ .50 Desert Eagle Bio: As a vampire, he could not understand the idea that vampire's could only vontrol so many souls. Even worse was the idea that the vampire was almost unable to move during the control, due to serious concentration. Through the hatred of his heart, he created the first Necromancer, a spieceis that could bring forth dead creatures, control an entire army of minions without a blink's worth of concentration. He continued to create them, even after the first one's rebelled against him. Whenever he is asked why, his only answer is that "it is his role." [/color]
  4. Vampires started to raise from the shadows and attack. Nobody would belive it. Everybody was so entangled in the image that humans were the ultimate species. Thier illusion was their downfall. In fifty years the vampires had become an unstoppable force. The entire human race waged war for countless years. The war was affectionetly dubbed the blood war, for obvious reasons. In a desprate last attack, the humans shot a world wide nuclear strike. Almost every life on the face of the earth was destroyed, and those who survived were plunged into chaos. People had no goverment to follow, since no leaders were still alive. For one thousand years the last of the world was plunged into pure Anarchy, and it looked like the victors of the war would surely collapse upon themselves. That ended long ago. A scientist by the name of Gib Emmerich launched a device that wiped every memory off the planet, allowing the humans to restart. It worked, as cities were built and order was restored. One mistake was made. Without a past, the humans were sure to repeat their mistakes over, as vampires started to rise again, following one leader. This leader immediately started rallying troops, and creating a new immense threat. This new spiecies was unleashed upon the world. It grew until it became a force as strong as the humans or the vampires. The vampire leader who created all the turmoil is today known as Wolfgang, or the creator, of the Necromancers. Name: Age: Gender: Spieceis: (vampire, human, necromancer) Description: Weapon: Bio:
  5. Ryu was furios. He could almost feel the joy he had been given when the curtains stained red. "If you don't let me go, it will start again, and you will be dead. Is that what you want?" The man didn't move, or relinquish his grip from Ryu's arm. His silence only built up more rage in Ryu. He cocked his fist and sent it flying. "I'm GONNA SMASH THAT STUPID FACE OF YOURS!!" The fist hit dead on, but the mask didn't even crack. "[i] Suit yourself [/i]" The man's left hand opened wide and grasped around his throat. Ryu gasped and tried to pry the hand loose, but one of his hands were already grasped in the man's other hand. Ryu went limp in a matter of seconds. Another show of disturbing images passed, until he woke up in the dark. " [i] Luna, the latin word for moon. Do you know why it is dubbed so? [/i] " The man talked through the dark. "It is because normal Luna's go insane on full moons." Ryu looked around, his eyesight trailing behind his eyes. "Where are you! Why am I here?!" "It's something about the moons radiation. Vampires are actually fueled by the moon though. They cannot go out in day, so the two may make the perfect creature. Ring any bells?" The man tossed a bloody old notebook by Ryu. "Those are... my notes..." "Your history is not my concern. You probably injected yourself to create the perfect beast. Enjoy the history lesson? I was hoping it would jog your memory." "Save it! Why the hell am I here?!"
  6. Ryu woke up. He blinked in the light and found that he had collapsed on the side of the road. He rubbed his sore head, and looked around. [i] A fresh breath of sanity... [/i] He weakly stood up and found that his hand was clasped around his magnum. Ryu holstered it and continued on. "Hello." A voice from behind him caught his attention and he whirled around. "I think you may be able to-" "No I can't." The man didn't change his expression. "Can't what?" "Whatever you were gonna ask me." Ryu walked away, still rubbing his head. "You are a Luna?" The man slowly waked after him, his question sending a jolt down his spine. "How did you... what is a..." "I can smell it, I doubt anybody is unaware, expecially after that 'incedent' with the church." "Look! I don't know anything! Back off!" Ryu started walking away at a brisk pace and cut into an alley. He looked up to see that the sun was dangerously close to rising. He started to run for cover.
  7. In MGS it didn't look that way. Also, the white house is pretty huge w/all those secret doors and gizmo's, and this may just spill out somewhere else... But when their the good guys, your probably right. But, it would be very boring posting by myself... Ayways, your all accepted.
  8. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru frowned and started running through the wood. [i] Maybe there's a way to bring Kovu back in the tower of light... no. That tower is only filled with deception. What were the rumors? [/i] Kyru finally reached the edge of the forest, casting one last glance at where Kijiro appeared. [i] And Kovu came to help me... [/i] Kyru darted across the hill until he found where the village was. For some reason, he could see the tower in his mind. It was pearly white and glowing, no gates or demons around at all. [i] That's because that tower doesn't need guards, it's its own weapon. [/i] A strange ankeling to roll down the hill came, but he shook it off in an instant. [i] I'd hate myself if I decided to do that. [/i] Suddenly, he relized that it wasn't his ankeling at all, but Mina's. *Flashback* Mina laughed as she started rolling down the hill. SHe swerved to the left and hit her head hard on a rock. Someone very familliar walked up to her. "Hey miss! You okay?" "..." "Miss?" The man leaned over and relized that she wasn't breathing. He almost paniced as a group of small girls came to see. "Oh my god! What'd you do?" "Wasn't me." "Aren't you going to save her?" "Save her?" The boy scratched his head and looked up at them. "How?" "CPR, dummy!" "What?! No way! You do it!" "She's not gonna hold on much longer! Hurry up!" The boy groans and leans down. Mina's eyes flickered open just as he got closer. "What are you doing?" The boy leaped back in suprise. "I er, I was trying to..." Kyru couldn't help but laugh. He heard Mina in his mind and immediately stopped. [i] [color=blue] Fond memories... they're hard to come by these days. That was how Kaguro and I first met. [/color] Uh-er... that was Kaguro? [color=blue] Yes. In the few years before he went insane... [/color] You really loved him, didn't you? [color=blue] No, he was really a- [/color] Retorical question. I'm kinda proof that you loved him. [/i]
  9. Azreal paused, looking at Asphodel. He took off his hood, which was a rare thing indeed, and started rubbing his forehead. "The curse of mental prodegy. I cannot remember more than so long ago. It was her that stopped my onslaught. It seemed to destroy her somehow... I should be going." Azreal stood up and put back on his hood. "Why the rush? You should stay and rest, that wound looks-" "I have to continue on, for that is my... role." He gripped his sword and started to walk away. before leaving, he reached back and plucked a feather from one of his wings. He set it upon Asphodel's forehead and continued out. [i] Nivura... That's troubling. She might have been on my list, and I would have killed her. [/i] He sighed and took one glance back before departing. ---------- Sorry that was small
  10. Cool. We still need whole bunches of people to be both FH and terrorists. Name: Starfe Gambit Age 26 Description Short white hair and dark green eyes. Scar diagonall between eyes. Blackbullet broof vest and dark grey long sleeved shirt. Black pants and tight boots. black gloves and clips attatched to vest. Bio: His childhood was spent in the Virtual reality training curnel. He had legendary reflexes to his peers. On his first field excercise, he hesitated in battle and lost three comrads. He has never had any real expirience, until now... Previos placements: Force XXI trials Weapon: AK-47u, UPS silent handgun Philosaphy: In the right situations, anybody can fight like a man of experience; training's just recognising those situations.
  11. Kanriku looked around. [i] What the hell was that? [/i] A volly of daggers suddenly came flying at him, and he flipped out of the way. Kanriku ran behind the chimeny and peeked out. "Not bad." In a sudden ringing sound, the man appered in front of him with a dagger to his neck. "You don't know the half of it." Kanriku manedged to get out of the way an aimed his sword at the other side of the chimney. He pulled a trigger on the hilt and a bullet shot through the chimney. He pulled the trigger five more times, until it made a clicking empty sound. "Unwise of you." The man's voice coming from behind Kanriku chilled him to the bone. He turned around and pointed the gunblade at him. "Who are you!?" "You may call me, Wolfgang Amadeus." "Mozart?" "Hardly, but like his work your death will be beautifull." He growled. "Watch it pal. This is a fine piece I got to your head, in case you haven't noticed." "Your...empty." Kanriku flared his nostrils and pushed on his blade. Wolfgang moved before the blade could find it's mark in his skull. "Why did you come to find me?!" "You are not yet trusted to make such decisions."
  12. Saffire grinned back at them to see their expression, when she noticed something slung over Azreal's shoulder. She looked closer and immediately jumped back. "You brought [i] her [/i] along?!" Azreal looked down. Selenay remained unconcious. "Yes. I belive she may have purged the evil inside of her, so I could not let the demons kill her." "Right killing the innocent is [i] your [/i] job!" Yelled Asphodel, causing Kiya to gasp. Asphodel looked around in horrer, her eyes suddenly brimming with red tears. "I-I'm sorry. I just... it..." "Be silent, I understand." Replied Azreal in a calm, quiet voice. Azreal looked down. [i] What if she's right? What if I am killing all the innocent? What if those people were fleeing? Could I face myself anymore? WOuld I even know if I crossed the line to the damned? [/i]
  13. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC: to avoid confusion, Mina's telepathy is in [color=blue] blue [/color] He stood there until a falling pinecone brought him back to reality. He shook his head and looked at the ground. [i] I'm not doing anything just standing here. I need to catch up with the others, but I haven't won yet... could I really go back? [color=blue] Of course you cna, Kyru. You can fight Kijiro another day. He'll show himself sooner or later. [/color] Yeah, I guess you're right... Hey! How long have you been listening?! [color=blue] *giggles* just started, swear it. [/color] grrr... [color=blue] Oh don't get so upset. [/color] Who says I'm getting upset? [color=blue] Would you prefer the term emberassed? [/color] So you were listening! [color=blue] No, lucky guess. Hurry up and get here so we can start on the next tower. [/color] *in an annoying little kid voice* Yes mom. [/i]
  14. Ryu walked away, clutching his neck. [i] Luna... a type of demon? Yes... it was a muse demon, lesser evolved than the standard. Why would I inject myself though? It does seem intiresting for an experament... that freak was right. I need to get out of here before the sun shines... [/i] Suddenly his head went ablur and he found himself in an old dingy library, watching himself read book after book. "I see. The muse seems to develope anthipolohygen at a small age. No doubt the runt would be killed..." Ryu watched himself in a state of awe. "Hello?" The other Ryu did not seem to notice. All went black, until he awoke in the same library, except it was lit by dim candles. The other Ryu stood in the corner, pouring beakers of a strange red liquid into a vile of black ooze. Ryu scanned the room. A revolving table stood in the corner, a horrible creature with a missing stomach strapped in. Visions such as these revolved in his head for many hours, yet none of them giving any explination of why he was in the state he was in. Ear splitting shrieks and maniac cackling filled his head for many hours, until he froze at one image. It was him, walking away from a burning village with something big slumped over his shoulder. He seemed to be disgusted by something and ripped his sleeve off to reveal his arm. This Ryu brought his arm up to his mouth and... [i] bit it?! [/i] He seemed to be feasting on himself, but that couldn't be right...
  15. "What to do with me? I feel like I'm laking to a bunch of juges. Now you know I wouldn't-" He tried to walk forward and everyone tensed. "...I see. I'd love to stick around for the verdict, but I gotta go." He said in a calm tone. A second later he gated out before anyone could stop him. He reappeared in Dun Loriag and went to relax in the grunty fields. [i] They know I'm not a killer. They just want somebody to blame... come to think of it, all those monsters were out of roman mythology, not The World... this is way too confusing. [/i] ~Real World The computor class went on as normal, until two girls collapsed in their chairs. Sirens and panic filled the air...
  16. OOC: *shrugs* I'm kinda hoping this thread continues, I really like .hack... anyways I'm still here, and if this really does flop, expect another .hack thread in the close future for those of you who didn't wnt this thread to die.
  17. The man suddenly made a disgusted look at the sandwich in his hand. He tossed it over his shoulder and walked out of the shop. [i] MASS may have contaminated the food. I need to be more carefull. [/i] As soon as he walked out, he heard a voice from above. "Five today-or perhaps, six?" The man looked arond and found the man talking to him. He was cutting a scar across his chest, his eyes sunk into the back of his head. "Who are you?!" The man's voice was raspy and cold. The other man grinned and jumped down. "Maybe I'll tell you, maybe I won't. It is not for you to decide, Kanriku." His voice sounded like a toneless hiss with a slight russian accent. Kanriku stepped back and unsheathed the gunblade that was sheathed on his belt. "How do you know my name?" The man laughed again and leaped into the air. Kanriku growled and ran after him. The man went into an alley, Kanriku hot on his trail. With a grin, Kanriku went behind a box and hid. The man bounded from rooftop to roof top, until he was met by Kanriku on the last one. "Teleportation really comes in handy against freaks like you." The man showed a grin to match Kanriku's and pulled out a handfull of knives. "Oh crap."
  18. Squall


    Sign up: Name: Seth Age: 26 Gender: male Class: Necromancer Appearence:Long white hair black vest, pants, cloak. green eyes, pale skin, cross shaped scar on cheek. Bio: He used to travel with a platoon of warriors until they all reached the Monestary in Trowl (I can't remember the name, but it's the town where Diablo 1 took place) He locked himself into the library for several months, reading diagnostics and expirements involving demons. One thing intirested him the most, and that was the fusion of demans and humans. In his insanity, he injected himself with a vile of demon's blood... Weapons: Wizard Pike dagger, Schimitar Skills or magic: Skeliton Raise x4, Bone Armor
  19. "Sloppy. I'll see you in about a month." He grinned and kicked up the cover to a manhole. He dived down in and Chinkan followed. A moment later Ryu shot back up and closed the lid. Chinkan pounded on it, unable to get out. "Damn you!" At that point the fire trucks came, and as luck would have it, parked a wheel onto the cover. Ryu waved her off and started to leave. [i] That sould give me a good hour. [/i] He thought to himself. Ryu walked down the street, pondering to himself. He turned a corner, to find himself back at the manhole. Chikan laughed at a glimpse of his suprised expression. "That's luna blood, and a luna is forbidden to leave a battle." "Say what?!" In fury, he took out his magnum and blasted the hole. The cover fell through and the tire sunk in the gap. One of the firemen came running over. "What the hell are you doing back here?!" "Move the truck or die!!" Ryu yelled. The man panically obeyed and Ryu dived down the hole. As a vampire he could see in the dark, but he could not see Chinkan anywhere. A crashing blow from behind sent him into the wall. He turned to see Chinkan in a state of fury. "Wanna try running away now?!" "Damnit! Would you listen! I-dont-know-why-I-killed-those-people!! If that's not good enough, than I will kill you and not waste your time!" "Shut up and face your demise!" Ryu held up his gun as Chinkan charged forward.
  20. I used to have a girlfriend, but she was on a constant sugar high. I'm not exactly sure how we broke up, I think I was the first to think about and then she said I was a "wannabe dead person" please don't ask me what that means. So, since we weren't together for any dances, I will and have not gone to a dance for as long as I will/have remember... PS before you think I'm a lonely sap, I dislike dances anyway, so I probably wouldn't have gone even with her.
  21. "Asphodel... I haven't seen you since I left. I was told that you would join me, but you never did." "Alot has happened." "Hmm?" "Well... don't worry about it." "That can't be good." His face was rehidden behind the shadow of the hood, so his expression was unseeable. Saffire stood there until she remembered something. "Azreal, that woman was calling you Seth." "Yes. After spending a year as a human, for a short time my veins were damned and my flesh was that of fallen angels. I decieved my way into hell and became a minion." Saffire nodded and Azreal turned back to Asphodel. "Listen, there's something very important I need you to know. These people. They were killing with the demons but-" "Azreal, every human soul here was innocent, I felt them being slaughtered by... dear lord. Azreal, you didn't..." Azreal shut his eyes and turned away. Her tortured sobs mixed in with the sight of humans being slain by demons, and then by him. [i] And that was the truth... [/i]
  22. "I'm afraid you cannot have me." Ryu said politely, but still in a dark gloomey voice. Chinkan flared her nostrils and darted in front of him as he started to walk away. "Don't even. You killed that boy... those men..." "Not to mention a church full." He nodded across the street to a burnt monestary. Chikan gasped and raised her sword. "How could you!" "I don't know myself. I woke up without memory and just started... killing." He showed her his arm, which still pulsed with black veins. Strangely, Chikan winced at the sight. "You b@st@rd!! You actually felt necissary to take on that blood?" "What do you mean 'that' blood? Is there something special about this?" "Enough of this! I will kill you for what you have done!" At this, Ryu frowned and pulled out a long magnum. "Have you ever seen something shot with a magnum? There among the most powerful guns ever. Six bullets. More than enough to kill anything that moves. I will let you back out now, if you wish."
  23. Ryu crouched atop a monestary, looking from a glass roof top onto the preceedings. [i] It's been a while. Wait, what's that? [/i] A small black ball fell from his hand and crashed through the window. Ryu looked to his hand to find a pull pin. "LOOK OUT!!" He yelled into the room below just as it lit with inferno. Ryu was thrown off the roof and through the apartment on the other side of the street. He now relized that the veins in his arm flown black. A buisness man stood over him, his shirt doused in wine. "What the hell was that?!" Ryu slowly stood up. He pointed the revolver at him, but it made an empty click. The man stood back in fright as Ryu grabbed his head and twisted it, breaking his neck. He then leaned closer and proceeded to suck his blood. [i] Semper in angaria, cordis pulsum tangite, mecum ones plaginte... [/i]
  24. Azreal jumped back and landed on another building. Suddenly time seemed to stop. [i] What the...[/i] He saw the group of demons and humans attacking the town, but in a flash it became humans running from demons. Azreal stepped back and time restored. He fell off the building and landed on the ground. Kovu looked down at him with a triumphant smile. "loose your footing?" "What was that?!" He yelled up at her. "What was what?" Azreal growled and leaped off the ground. He kicked Kovu in the stomach, and then in the head. She stumbled back and held her head. Azreal charged forward and Kovu flipped over him. Azreal flew high in the air, spotting two figures in the distance. A forboding sense came strong from one of them. [i] Is that Asphodel? It can't be... [/i]
  25. Ryu walked through the town, a pair of sunglasses hiding his cold bloodshot eyes. One of the sleeves of his trench coat were missing, revealing purple and green popping veins. He gasped for breath, trying to recall what had happened. [i] Project transfer... what was it? Why am I now immune to sunlight? [/i] His thoughts were interrupted by a small child playing in the road. An old car took a fast turn and sped towards him. Ryu shouted and scooped the kid out of the way. The car screeched to a stop as the driver came out. "Oh man. I'm really sorry, I- AAACK!!" The man drew a black revolver from his pocket and let out four shots. The driver slumped to the floor. The child looked up at Ryu. "Why did you do that? That was a good man!" Tears started streaming down his cheeks as Ryu pressed the revolver against his forehead and slowly pulled the trigger. A blood curtaling scream was shortly followed by a loud gunshot. Ryu's hand was trembeling as he looked to his gun. [i] What did I just do? It felt so good, and I have one bulet left... [/i] Ryu dropped the kid and turned to the buildings. A shadow of a seinior with a phone shown through yellow curtains. The curtains rustled and were painted red as another gunshot filled the air.
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