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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Yeah, Mira's a girl. And don't worry about not findinag a pic, I can imagine what it looks like. Don't stress the mecha thing too much, it's an academy so you can learn all about it :-)
  2. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru looked back in shock, but then looked forward again. [i] No. Don't get too attatched to them. Lesson well learned. [/i] He grumbled something under his breath and looked bak in front of him. [i] Would he go to the next tower? It's been too long... Kyru! Damn you to the lowest of the nine hells! [/i] Kyru responded by blocking his mind off and setting the stone she had given him down. Kovu picked it up and growled. Kyru just continued walking. [i] This tower is the light tower, the tower of illusions. Would he go there? Why couldn't I defeat him? I killed him before... Is that all you can think about? Your mother almost died and your thinking about- Stay out of my head. [/i] Kovu looked slightly taken back, but then yelled at him freely. "Fine! I'll yell at you the old fashioned way!! You greedy little brat!!" "And I will ignore you the old fashioned way." Kyru's voice was suprisingly calm. [i] If he didn't kill me here, he must have something else in mind. Could he be in leauge with my father? No. He would have killed me then. How do I find Him? [/i]
  3. OOC: Before I start, I would like to mention that I was very boared when creating this, so don't use the content against me. 3099 X.D. After every thousanth human being, a child with blue blood is born. The blue blood is fabled to be the mark of unlimeted potential. These gifted children grew with amazing reflexes and awsome attributes. The goverment immediately saw them as the ultimate weapon, and therefore enforced the law that every one of these children would be trained at the Kakashki academy to learn to pilot the MPSB's, twenty foot tall robots that have the ability to fly and travel in space. Nobody questioned it being outlawed, because these childeren were not classified as human, and therefore were given no rights. The gifted children, which were classified as project Faylen, never questioned their superiors, because barely any of them knew there was a life other than the one they lived. Everything was calm, until the Faylen project leaked into parts of China. The chineese were furios at Japan for hoarding such an army, and threatened to attack. It seems now that Japan may go to war, and allow the Faylen to shine... Name: Age: nothing below 14 Apperence: Bio: Mech Name: Apperance: Please provide a picture, if you can. here are some sights for good pics: [url]http://www.robotech.com/[/url] therobotechpage.com [url]http://www.nauticom.net/www/cheffox/Robotech/[/url] Weaponry: Okay, some chars I need filled: Mira: James's long time friend. (TAKEN) Mason: Leader of the Faylen project (bad guy) Zieg: Silent and deadly. Rival to James The rest are up to you! Here's mine: Name: James (could you guess?) Age: 17 Apperence: Dark blue hair, combed like trowa's in gundam wing, but shorter. Green eyes. Brown jacket and blue pants. black sneakers and fingerless gloves. Bio: reckless and cocky student, James is cheerful but has a hot temper. Great in manuverability over anything else. Can't remember anything outside of the academy, but has dreams of a faraway place... Mech Name: Cooler Apperence: [img]http://www.therobotechpage.com/splashpage/supervt2.jpg[/img] Weaponry: Multiple fire beam rifle, spray missles. Hope to see you here!
  4. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] I wanted to ask you something, but I never had the heart. [/i] Kyru popped into Mina's mind. [i] What is it now? Did you really think you did me a favor by letting me live? How do you think a demon would survive in a human world, thats pretty well terrified of the very name? I... I mean, if you just planned to find me and kill Kaguro yourself, why didn't you just let me die? I was trying to protect- Protect me?!! From Who?!!! Kaguro? I think I may have preferred that, thanks! Kyru, Mina was just- And you, Kovu! Why couldn't you just have left me alone? Did you really have to cling onto me?!! ... ... [/i] The conversation ended as abruptly as it had begun. Kyru punched the nearest tree in rage. [i] How did I let him get away? [/i]
  5. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] No, he's more honerable than that. ??? You wanna know who this guy is? Who? He's my trainer. Everything I know about fighting, I learned from him. Thats why I have to fight him alone. I must kill him with my blade. [/i] Kyru stumbled back up. He took off his jacket, and his chain mail. He readied his sword again and faced off. [i] My honor depends on it [/i] Kyru charged at the man and hacked through the tree he was leaning against. The man leaped into the canopy with Kyru hot on his tail. The thundering cracks of the death dimensions rang shrilly through the air. "Ha! You never really learned, did you? Allow me to re-educate you." The man stopped leaping back and punched Kyru across the face. He was flung back, through a tree. He stumbled back up and growled. [i] Damn! Sword of the leech is useless, death dimension is too slow, so that leaves... [/i] Kyru balled his hand into a fist. "RAIN OF TERROR!!" The skies grew black and void of stars. It started to rain the familliar black drops. The man growled as the drops burned into his skin. Kyru grinned. "I-I'm really that w-weak, am I?" The man suddenly grinned. "You can't keep it up, can you?" Kyru growled. "I'll show you!!" The rain started coming down hard, but then stopped. The man sunk his fist deeper into Kyru's stomach. "Perhaps, I will not kill you today." He cackled and hit him in the back of the neck, knocking him out. An hour passed by in silence. Kovu looked worried as she peered into the forest. A smile came to her face as Kyru trudged out of the forest. "Kyru! You're okay!" She ran up to him. "Did you kill him?" "Get the hell away from me." Kyru walked past everyone, in the direction of the next tower.
  6. grrr... WOULD YOU MAKE SENSE!! listen! If you want to join, go to the recruitment section and sign up. Otherwise, you have no buisness posting here.
  7. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] He- well... he was... listen. the only thing you need to remember, is that whenever you see him, turn tail and run. Kyru... Look, I already told you that alot happened since you sent me away. What exactly was it that happened is none of your buisness. [/i] A chuckle snapped his attention away from her. The man had gotten back up, a scar now embedded in his cheek. "That's right, Kyru. that power is just what I had hoped for. Now, show me again. Show me the pain that I long for." He walked towards Kyru calmly, in a meaningfull march and then dissapeared. [i] Oh crap! [/i] Kyru held his sword out in front of him in a blocking position. In an instant, hundereds of cuts found their ways across his body. Kyru was flung back, but the man looked dissapointed. "Where did your power go? Was it... I see." He laughed again as Mina charged. [i] MINA!! GET OUT OF HERE!!! THIS IS MY FIGHT!! [/i] Mina paused and waited while Kyru got back up. He shot her a get-out-of-here look and raised his sword. Mina contemplated leaving as Kyru leaped into the air. "SWORD OF THE LEECH!!" The man didn't even try to move. The sword struck him and the dark aura surrounded him. "You think you can handle my energy? Well, here's your prize! 100%!! A beam of light screamed up the sword and into Kyru. Wind shot out of his cuts and light shot out of his eyes. He screamed in pain and flew back.
  8. ...uh, erm, you need to sign up in the recruitment section.
  9. Himura searched the town from upon a ledge, hoping to find the one called Sesshomeru. "Maybe..." He tensed. His eyeballs buldged and he growled. He let out a scream and two black wings sprouted from his back. "Arrgh! It worked... why the hell am I helping these people out anyways? Inuyasha's a prick, and I don't know the others. The things i do..." He complained to himself as he shot up and soared over the plains. He flew into the outskirts and scooped up a villager. "AAH!! Not you again!!" "Well, what do you know. Tell me what you know about Sesshomaru." "It's a demon!! He comes here to fight Inuyasha!" Himura drops the villager and turns back. ===================== "Inuyasha, use the tetsuiga to signal Sesshomaru." "Huh?" "I think he may be attracted to you when you are most powerful." Inuyasha gave him a skeptical look, but did it just the same. Bright flashes of light soared into the sky. Sesshomaru, who was four miles away, suddenly stood up. "What is this I sense from Inuyasha?"
  10. *grins* Good. now comes spells. spells run on mp, as shown in the class profile. You, as a warrior, have 10 mp available. your two spells have numbers by them, they are the cost of the spell. if you use bloodthirst(5) you use 5 mp. Here's an example of a spell. Inanis looks Talonir over. He growls and charges. Talonir dodges and jumps back. He feels oddly weaker. Inanis turns to glare at him and shows him a blue ball which he now devoures. Steal (10): -15 from enemy MP, and add to own. only useable once per battle mp=15
  11. A strange man looked out the window at the sheer destruction in the streets. He gave a small growl and turned around. The building he was in looked on the edge of tipping over, or collapsing under it's own weight. Scattered papers lay strewn across the floor, as empty desks quivered with the occupants underneath. He snorted, kicking one of the desks to reveal an ear splitting scream.The man snorted and continued out of the building. He looked up at the forboding sky as he walked down the street. [i] Just another day. Nothing exiting happens anymore. Jus the same death and destruction. Why would I care? MASS can go ahead and destroy the world. [/i] He walked into a small abandoned store and took a sub from behind the counter. He began to eat it, looking out onto the street. OOC: I hope thats a little better :-)
  12. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    As Ryden talked, he heard a guard walking down the hall. "Shh! Wait." The guard walked up with a large grin on his face. "Hey, buddy! What brings you here?" A shotgun that was slung over his shoulder wheeled around now, trained on one of the pilots. "Watch where you point that thing! I m- BLAM!!" The pilot was sent back into the wall, a trail of blood following his slide down. "WHAT THE HELL?" "New orders." The guard replied gleefully, shooting the biggest one who had run up to the bars. He laughed, watchin the pilot tumble back. "Like shooting monkeys in a barrel!" He cackled, shooting another pilot. Soon, Ryden was the last one left, soaked in the blood of his friends. The guard grinned at him and aimed. ?And now the moron who wouldn?t shut up!!? Another guard came tearing down the hall. ?No! You don?t have clearence to-? That was all the time Ryden needed. He ran up to the bars and grabbed the soilder around the neck. It snapped like a twig and he slumped to the floor. He grabbed his keys and went unlock the door. The other guard held out a small pistol. ?FREEZE!!? Ryden kept walking, paying him no attention. The guard shot him in the arm, causing him to turn around. He picked up the shotgun and blew the guard away. [I] it didn?t take a genious to figure that the VS had given the order. My game backfired, now I was the mad one. There?s only so far you can push someone, and I passed that point so long ago I don?t even remember what it looked like. [/I] The hallway was filled with gunshots. Ryden?s uniform caused them to hesitate before shooting, which gave Ryden the time he needed to fire. Guards surrounded the VS. ?Sir! So not fear, we are here to protect you.? ?What the **** is going on?!? Suddenly, one of the guards flew back into the wall. Four others did the same soon after. Ryden walked silently through the hall. ?The VS, just the man I?ve been killing to see.? ?Who the **** are you?!? ?I am the merchant of death, the devils advicate. I am vengance and terror all in one. But mainly, I am your executioner.?
  13. Evasion can only be done a set number of times per battle. As a warrior, you can do it once per battle and -4. I would suggest using it when you are low on hp. but, the style of your post is almost perfect, except when you post (evade) I would prefer it If you used concequences, and post (evade-4) And then when you attack, also concequences (attack+6). Getting easier? Lets move on to guarding. Guarding is useful when you are trying to last loger in a battle, like waiting for another player to come to your aid. Guarding subtracts half of the enemys next attack. Heres an example. Inanis is caught by suprise and takes the full hit of Talonir's attack. He stumbles back and coughs up blood, which stains the black mask he is wearing. He shakes his head and looks back at Talonir. He attemtps to hide, but his wound prevents him. He instead kneels on the ground and forms a cross with his blades in front of him. Guard -1/2 Note that you cannot attack or cast a spell if you choose to guard.
  14. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "KOVU!" Kyru looked back at her, horrer struck. "Our battle can not be interrupted." Kyru growled and looked back at the man. The man cackled. "Are you already relying on the rage technique? How pathetic." "SHUT UP!" Kyru charged and hacked at the man. He jumped up to dodge. "DEATH DIMENSION!!" The small black cubes thundered from Kyru's hand and shot at the man. He cackled again and jumped to another tree. Kyru jumped upwards. "DIE!!" He started slashing madly at the man, who dodged with great ease. "You've grown weaker. We used to be at a perfect match." The man sheathed his sword and blocked Kyru's blade with his bare arms. "Do you see? My arms are not even bleeding. Can you remember me now?" "No!! You died!!" Kyru jumped up and treid to shoot down onto the man's head. The man dodged and hit Kyru across the face. An energy ball formed in his hand. "Should I kill you now? No. I'll do you a favor..." He turned to face Kovu, his face twisted into a demented grin. "AND KILL YOUR WEAKNESS!!" "HRRAAAA!!" The man looked to the side to see Kyru explode out of the underbrush. His eyes glew red and two fangs were visable inside his moth. In an instant, his grin turned to horrer and they both diisapeared. Blurs, followed by flashes of light and thundering clashes filled the air. They both reapeared, the man flying back, his face gushing blood. Kyru gave a satisfied grin, before his eyes returned to normal and his fangs dissapeared. His face was full of shock as he looked around. "W-what the hell?!"
  15. "Its Lazerous. The **** you dont belive in!" Frieza smashed him against a wall. "It's not polite to lie. How many times must I remind you?" Frieza pushed harder, driving Bardock through a wall. Bardock growled. "What's wrong with you? We're on YOUR side!" Frieza laughed and threw him to the side. Bardock did a handspring and fired an energy ball at Frieza. "You wanna play tough?!! COME ON!!" Bardock started to power up. Frieza cackled and held out his finger. A small red beam shot out and struck Bardock in the chest. "Pity. I was going to send you out again to." He laughed again and hovered across the streets. After a good ten minutes, Bardock stirred. He stumbled out of the rubble and found a clinic. "H-help me." "Sorry Mr. Bardock, but we have direct orders not to let you- AACK!!" Bardock grabbed him around the throught and raised him off the ground. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T HEAL ME?!!" He set the frightened man down and coughed up blood. [i] Just great... [/i]
  16. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] so, what was death like? It's hard to explain. I see... what the?! Kyru?! ...I'm going to ask that you do rest now, wheather or not you have been sleeping for an eternity doesn't mean sleep isn't a good idea. Kyru, what happened? Just, stay there. [/i] The disscussion ended, Mina looked to the treetops, but couldn't see anything in the pale moonlight. He gave a worried look to Kovu, who had obviously overheard. Kyru's eyes darted from every direction, following a blur in the shadows. A cold dark voice loomed out at him. "How is it that you were talking? I saw it in your eyes. [i] Aw damn! He's looking into my eyes?!! [/i] "Thats none of your buiseness! Who are you?!!" The blur stopped and stood on the top of a neighboring tree. "I am like you, I have no name." "I do have a name, its Kaguro. What is it that you want?" "You have forgotten, the feel of battle, the clashing of bone, and sinew." Before Kyru could respond, the figure lunged at him and knocked him off the tree. "AW! Damn... you!" Kyru struggled to get up as the figure loomed over him again. The figure kneeled down and stabbed Kyru with a sword. "AARRGH!!" "I have come to remind you, Kyru, remind you of the joy of battle." The man stood up, the pale moon showing his face. He had long black hair and piercing red eyes. A scar snaked its way down his eye. Kyru growled at him and shot up. He unsheathed his sword and attacked. "Thats right, Kyru. Attack me. Your the only one who can set me free, after all." "SHUT UP!!"
  17. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Yeah, probably. now it's animangademons weight to carry, so no worries on your part. :-) Anyways, I wanted to say that I may not be able to log on tomorrow, but thats a big maybe
  18. OOC: Okay. It is very simple. your char is HP: 60 Attack +8 Evasion -4 (1) Defense -1/2 Magic MP=10 Spells: Bloodthirst(5): Raises attack +2 Warcry(10): disables enemie's guard option Sword: Standard. No changes. those catagories are battle options. If you chose to attack me, you take off pts from my hp. since your attack is +8, you take off 8 pts from my hp. Simple. Evasion minuses from that one attack. so, if you were to evade an +8 attack, that attack would be reduced to +4, since your evasion is -4. get it? Evasion does not take up your turn. you can attack and evade in the same one. let's go from there. IC: Inanis charges at Talonir, unsheathing his katana. Talonir twirled his giant pike and readied himself. Inanis ran forward, but then dissapeared. Talonir searched the trees, but couldn't find him. He turned at a rustle behind him and found Inanis preparing to swing his sword. Attack +6 now its your turn. you can evade my attack, or take the hit. After that choice, well, right now you have to attack.
  19. *sigh* are you new? i guessed so. Here, I'll enter your char for you. What you have to know, is that most of the people so far are probably friendless bums. A weary shaman trudged through the roads of the town. His arm, along with several other places, sported cuts and gashes. He stumbled into a clerick's office, dripping a trail of blood. "What in the word?" "I seek your healing." The clerick looked him over and walked him into the surgery room. "What happened to you?" The shamen remained silent and waited for the clerick to finish his work. After about ten minutes, the sorcerer exited the shop, covered in bandages. He blinked in the light and looked around. Two figures faced off on a ledge nearby. He grinned and started his way over. OOC: do you see how that works? at the OB, there are moderators. moderators won't let you post smaller than a specific amount. unless you post that amount, you get kicked out. I suggest seven lines to be on the safe side. this rpg is in the 3 person, not "I seek a clerick in town" but "The shamen stumbles through the town, seeking a clerick." Another thing, where we are, adventures dont just spring out at people. when I do more of these D&D threads, and people decide to use the same chars, then it will be like that. And small one line posts, they are known as spam. they are forbidden. got it?
  20. ... uh zantar? i'm glad your familliar w/ the battle system, but you still havent entered the rpg. I'm not sure how avrage D&D works for you, but this RPG has to focus more on RP, role playing. that stops our posts from being too short. normal posts have to be seven lines average. I really would appreciate if you take dondar or ssj brolly's example and enter the rpg with posts that go over two lines long. ok?
  21. OOC: I want to make sure everyone is familliar with the battle system. this is where you may need your class's stat sheet. IC: Inanis looked at Talonir. His unreadable eyes shifted from him to the doorway, where a small group of people walked gleefully into a market way. "May I suggest a place of more privacy?" Inanis asked, turning back to Talonir. "That ledge, beside the waterfall." Talonir turned to see the ledge, but when he turned back around, Inanis had left. The minotuar grumbled under his breath and started up the rocky path. Inanis waited at the top as Talonir came into view. he drew his katana and prepared to fight. battle mode forest clearing
  22. allright, i edited to make it look more like the game. hey, Zealots are the first warrior that are warped in from the gateway, right?
  23. Name: Zorlon Age: 267 Weight: unknown Height: 6'7 Species: Protoss Unit: Zealot Class: Appearance(Armor Recommended): dark grey skin with blue eyes. no mouth, but oddly shaped head. bronze armor w/odd shoulder things. light sword things attached to arms. Bio: In dire times, Zarathan was part of a large group of other subjects that were for the only purpose of becoming warriors. Things such as emotion, relaxation, pleasure, sorrow, and pain are completely unknown to him. He doesn't know who is right or wrong, but if someone hands him a weapon, he was only trained to ask how many to kill, or else he was the one they shot instead.
  24. I've only seen one fragment. When a man kills the girl in the train, the guy shoots fire birds at him, and when he gets in the back car, the man is gone. :eek: and then the dude with the past reading powers come, and I couldn't watch anymore. What exactly is tokyo babylon? :eek:
  25. Baaaad images! This conversation is going waay deeper than expected! Well we can conlude that DBZ is the show with freaks, geeks, and women with multiple cheeks. Frieza is... wel... it's realy neither of them...
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