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Everything posted by Squall
the adventure is now. we are not in a party yet. we are wondering around a town. we will enter a party some time soon. post soon, or forever hold your piece. And any more questions will be in PM form.
uh, your kinda late. this rpg started, was warned several times by harlequin, and abandoned by almost everybody. I don't know if nashville will reopen signups, but I doubt it. Is there a moral here? ~Before you say it, harlequin, i don't think this is counted as spam, because it keeps from countless people wasting their time.
your fine on timing, your signup was fine, you're golden. If you wish to post, do so.
Man: Now! Inuyasha swung the tetsuiga, hacking off one of the wings. The man screamed in agony as it flopped th the ground, leaving nothing but a stub. Inuyasha swung the tetsuiga, but the second wing was flailing to hard for him to hit it. "Hurry! The river's going to curve!" "Give me a minute, will ya!!!?" He fially stabbed the wing and tore it in half. The man screamed again as they started to plumet. The water broke their fall just before it curved off. Inuyasha climbed onto the bank and looked to see the others rushing towards him. Kaira grinned as she drew nearer. "Inuyasha! Your okay!" "Yeah. Where'd he-" Inuyasha turned around to find the man, who was sitting on the opposite shore. He looked up at them and scowled. "If you still want to fight, go jump in the river and fight the current."
I cant belive that. The shooter must have been the overactive "Kill the umpire" guy. But I guess thats what happenes in the world today. Y'know, this is why i stop reading the newspaper.
Inanis watched Talonir walk away to the town boarder. He ran along the roof tops and ducked in an alleyway ahead. Talonir stumbled across the street, but came to a halt when a katana stuck out of the shadows in front of him. "Leaving the town is forbidden." "Keep out of my way." He launched his arm into the shadow, but only met with air. Inanis spoke again from atop the roof. "These people live in secracy, and you would endanger them so freely.?" Talonir looked up at him and examined the rations hoisted on his belt. "You should talk. I doubt any distance inside the city requires that much equipment." "I am not of your concern. I can keep out of sight, while you may lumber right under their noses." "I can take care of myself, thanks." He walked on and turned a corner, only to find Inanis standing there. "I don't care if you take care of yourself, what about everyone here? Could you so easily make the same decision if the roads were painted with corpses?" "You want to try and stop me?" "I think you would rather me over the authorities, but do as you wish." In a flash, he dissapeared. Talonir looked around, but couldn't find him.
The falling autum wings swayed lightly around the forset. Theskies were painted a brilliant pink and orange in the setting of the sun. Two men faced each other in a clearing, a small while away from a river and a waterfall. "Amazing how things can still be this beautiful, in these harsh times." "..." "Oh yeah, you don't talk. Maybe I can persuade you to this once. Are you sure what you are doing is right?" "Yes." "I cannot let you go. You know that. Are you prepared to face me?" "Yes." One of the man had long black hair in a ponytail, and dark blue Kimono. this man drew his sword, which shined in the falling sun. The other one, who had short white hair and a bandana around his face beneath his eyes, reached behind him and drew a katana. A moment was spent in utter silence. The man with black hair grinned. "Now!" (catchy song starts playing) He ran forward and attacked with a flying round-a-house. The other man ducked to the side and swung his blade upwards. The white haired man leaped back, but his enemy threw a volley of shurikens at him. He leaped back and jumped into the tree. Their fight took them to the edge of a massive waterfall. The white haird man rolled and monkey flipped the black haired man over him. The black haired man grabbed the other and they fell off the side, along the waterfall. The whie haired man pressed his katana against the others heart, who had stuck a dagger to the mans head. they landed in the pool that the waterfall created. A moment of silence, followed by the red dying of the water followed as the white haired man climbed out. He looked back into the pool. "Goodbye, brother." [COLOR=darkblue]DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS: The Gauntlet Legend[/COLOR] The man walked silently into town. [i] Times have been hard, but from the looks of this town, you would never guess it. As long as I can remember, the dark lord has reigned supreme, desolating the land in his path. My so called brother, was the guard of the town. He made sure nobody left, and nobody entered. Thats how the town was kept secret for so many years. But I had to go, my journey leads me to the end of the world, into the dark lords own territory. I am Inanis, the merchant of his death. [/i] The dirt streets were laiden with leaves. Inanis walked through the town, when suddenly a large explosion caught his attention. He instinctevly leaped onto a near roof for a better view. "What the hell?!"
Okay, now i'll really start this. (sorry)
hmm... this is going to be really creepy if this thread lasts till page 2. Lol. Hey, do you think Frieza will ever come back? I know trunks rekilled him/her, but it was kind of rooted pretty deeply to the entire saga for it to just dissapear.
Inuyasha: What?! Man: You heared me. Your mother couldn't have both of you, so she abandoned her. Inuyasha:... Man: Mind boggling, isn't it?...Oh great. He sighed, looking ahead in their path. Inuyasha twisted around to see. A group of smowcapped mountains loomed ahead of them. Man: twenty to one, we fall in a vally, or maybe a whirlpool. Inuyasha: And you really cant stop this thing?! Man: Maybe. Get out your sword. Inuyasha pulls it out and looks up at him. The man looks down, his face cold and dark. "Okay, now hack these things off when we near a highrise." Inuyasha: Are you serious?! Man: Yeah. They've been torn out before, there are worse things. The wings suddenly started madly jerking around, trying to avoid being hacked off. "Would ya hold still?!" Man: I think we've already discovered that I can't. Look, heres a river up. You set?
I havent seen the last ep. so I know exactly how your friend felt. I actually first thought you were a child molester, cause I have seen a pic of her as a little kid, but that's all I've seen.
Kyru didn't know exactly why he was calm, but for some reason it just came about. He knew that he would be the key to a new era, but Mina's death, but none of that mattered to him at that moment. [i] Maybe it was... rrrr stop thinking! I'm pissing myself off right now! [/i] He shook his head frantically, and then climbed up the nearest tree to relax on a branch. The silvery moon shone brightly beneath the clouds. He tried to relax, but something kept him up. [i] Miru! Let's head out! everyone seems to be awake again. [/i] He waited for a reply, but found nothing. He spun around, which was a bad move on a branch, and toppled off the tree. [i] Kyru? Yeah? I think we'll spend the night here. Are you serious? Yep. Make do and get comfy. Comfy... [/i] Kyru squirmed around, upside down in the pricker bush he fell into. [i] Are you mocking me? [/i] After a good five minutes, he finally found his way out of the bush and brushed himself off. [i] I've changed... I wonder if it was for the better? [/i] He ran his figeres through his hair, pushing out some of the prickers. [i] sleep is for the weak. [/i] he grinned and shot up into a tree. He lept from one to the other, looking over the destruction his attack had caused. He climbed higher, to the top of the highest tree and looked again at the moon.
Kyru fell to his knees. "I-you... were unconcious." His eyes were wide in shock. [i] I kill the king of skulls, I kill Mina. What do I do? I can't kill Mom, but I have to kill the king of skulls. [/i] A burning rage filled him when he thought of Kaguro. [i] It's all his fault! All of this!! [/i] The mundane life he left when he entered the wind tower looked so far behind. He unsheathed his sword, his eyes brimming with tears. "I'LL KILL YOU!!!!!" Suddenly, hundreds of thundering cracks filled the air, black cubes appearing and dissapearing with the trunks of trees and things that were contained in them. The cracks stopped, trees fell and pieces of empty space drifted through the air. Kyru fell face first into the ground. [i] I'll kill god if I have to. [/i]
Okay, I am going to take the biggest newbie gamble I can muster, by making something that I have no idea how works. Name: Riikamuraski Age: 16 Gender: male Race: Vampyric Side: Doesn't know Quote: W-what happened to me?!! Height/Weight: 6'5, 130 lbs. (tall and light) Description: Light brown, or dark blounde hair that falls into his face and around the back of his neck. Red eyes, and an unwillingly blood thirsty look. Commonly wears a blue jacket and black pants. Weapons: .45 socom pistol Bio: A normal human religious kid. To give a good desciription of what happened, let us travel back to that night. [i] It was a cool night, Riikamuraski (often called Rikky) walked down the misty road, reciting his montras. It was a night that looked to be quiet and dull, until something lurked in the shadows. Rikky turned the cliffy road, waving his hand out in front of him and reciting different words. "Kota! Tara! Minke! J-what the hell?!" A figure loomed in front of him, grinning from ear to ear. "I have come, Riikamuraski, to set you free." The figure charged and knocked Rikky out. He woke up in the church, bathing in the rising sun. his swollen lip tasted oddly pleasent. He bit his lip, piercing the skin and causing it to bleed. He spat and felt around his mouth, to find two large fangs in the place of his incisors. "W-what the hell?!!!" [/i] Long story short, he was implanted with the freak-chip. Sorry if this is too long. And as always, if I have made any inconvienence, please let me know immediately.
"So you're the tragic hero then?" Bardock said to Gaul. He growled and flew up in front of Bardock. "Hold your tongue, or I will happily remove it." "I'll keep that in mind." Bardock replied in a bored voicle. A flaming red beam rocketed past his head and destroyed the building behind him. He turned around and grinned. "Allright!" He sped down and charged at one of the sayjins. He dissapeared as soon as the sayjin fired another beam at him, and reappeared behind him. He grabbed both sides of his face and turned his head with a horrible crack, breaking his neck. "No! You'll pay for that!" A sayjin behind him open fired as Bardock flung the dead sayjin into the line of fire. The sayjin disintagrated, leaving a wall of smoke. Bardock burst out of the smoke and launched his fist into the sayjin's face.
Your privelages are like mine, just shared. We control where the story takes us, concequences for victory and defeat, and a very important one, deciding the weaponry that we barter for. That's basically it. And I'm afraid, that any more questions will need to be put into PM's, to avoid wasting Harlequin's time.
sure, just fit into a catagory of weaponry (i.e. double axes replace standerd large axe.)
yes. thank you for taking the position.
OOC: Time to light a fire under this thing Ryden grinned. "There might have been, but I don't know." He looked at all the others, smiling. "Listen, when you get to the divine dragon, you are to protect it at all costs. Inside it, is a key to destroy the world." Hiei almost stopped dead. "What?!! And why have'nt you said anything before?! What is this key?!" Ryden grinned at Hiei. "I have to be vauge. There's not much time left. Take care of everyone for me, okay?" "What?" "There's a town about five miles from here. I own a weapons shed, my friends Rose and Zeig live there. There's a guide you'll find, who will lead you." Ryden circled back and charged at the verges before anyone could ask him anymore questions. He landed on the verges's face and shot his sword into it's eye. Xaru charged forward and flew along side him. "Miss me?" "Yeah, this would be no good without you." Ryden ran along the verges's back and crouched on it's tail. He crossed blades with Xaru jumping about to dodge the verges's attemps to shake him off. Kicked Xaru in the stomach and stabbed him in the head. His head flung back, but came back with a huge grin. Ryden's grin matched his, as he shot out his other arm, which now glew an emrald green. "GUUST!!" Ryden, Xaru, and the verges were hidden inside a cloak of raging wind. "RYDEN!!!!" It was a good minute before the winds died. The verges remained nowhere to be seen. Ryden limply fell to the misty ground, and the verges was nowhere to be seen. Xaru half floated, half fell through the air, unconcious. The dragon founght to keep the others moving forward. ~one hour later "Damn!!" Hiei punched the ground as hard as he could. He punched it over and over again. Serena held her eyes shut, as Zo weaped in her hands. Hoshi, unable to cry or speak, sat far away from everyone with her back turned. She thought the one thing that everyone thought, but was too shaken to say it. [i] He's dead. he's really dead. [/i]
Okay. Your all in. Thanks, Zantar Shadow, for fixing your mistake. And I apologize for being so vauge on my first post. I'm a slow typer, so it took me a whie to pull this together. By the time I had gotten down a fair combat system and chars, my brain was mush (as you can guess from my spelling.) anyways, if anyone wants to be in a class that I have not posted, ask me and I'll happily divise a sheet for you. Something I wanted to explain, is that there will be plenty of times that you use the battle system, but there will be times (in like a war scenario) when I ask you not to go into it, but go purely on acting. If one person looses a battle, they will be knocked out until the monster is defeated. If we're all knocked out, then we are captured by who ever we were facing. So, like if we fight a dragon, and loose, we will be brought to it's cave and wait to be eaten. That way, everything is more real. Also, we will be taking trips to a town from time to time. the two weapons with each class are yours already. In each town you will be able to barter these weapons, along with some of the spells and attributes, for better equipment. After every thirty posts, if we have been fighting enough, we will gain levels. I will decide everything about that. Also, I need a second duengeon master. a DM controls everything inside the world, what weapons are for sale, ect. I don't want to give myself an unfare advantage, so I need someone who will control the things that directly affect my char. any takers?
Kyru sighs and sits down. "This one too..." He mumbles to himself, picking at the grass. "What was that?" Haru looks at him. "Nothing." He looks at him in confusion. "Would you stop looking at me like that!" He yells. [i] This one was looking for me too. They're following me, and they won't stop until I'm dead, or with them. I can't let the others go through that. [/i] He stood up and paced around. He found that Mina was looking at him. "What?" [i] I heard you, you know. [/i] "Can I get a private moment inside my own friggen head?!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. Mina looked down at the ground. Kyru walked away and unsheathed his sword. He swung it around him in a training mannor, and then stood still. [i] Focus. Focus on the rage. power your sword with it. [/i] He waited for something to happen. Finally, a blur appeared in his head, and he started attacking the air. His sword crashed into the ground. Sweat dripped from his face as he looked absently into the ground. [i] It wont be enough. Why would you focus on those things? [/i] Mina talked to him through telepathy, startling him. [i] Mind your own. [/i] It continued like this for a long time, as Kovu slept and the sun started to set. He finally stopped. [i] I just remembered. Mina, whats exodia? [/i]
If you want another pleasent image, try Frieza pregnant. Hey, maybe Frieza's a-sexual? I mean, i haven't seen any girl friezas anywhere.
know what? I think everyone in this threads iq has dropped just from looking at that thing. I'd guess, that if it was real, ir'd be like s sesame street dothack for the young people Tsukasa is at the bed after taking subaru there, morganna lifts him up, he screams in terror. (cut to .hack//gift) sets tsukasa back down. "just kidding"