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Everything posted by Squall
hmm... I remember that scene in the anime, and one of his eyes were open, so it wasn't traced. very nice job. 9/10 (didn't like the closed eyes.)
Kyru swung his sword madly, until he finally connected with the figure. It fell back, it's foot twitching. "geeze. What the hell was that?" Kyru turned around, and looked at the shocked Kovu. "Kovu?" "LOOK OUT!" Kyru threw himself out of the way before the demon thing could hack through him. "What the hell?! That was a direct hit! Nothing could survive that!" The figure sprang around, almost like it had never been cut at all. "RAIN OF TERROR!!" Kyru yelled out. The skies darkened with a forboding sense around them. Something wasn't right, Kovu could feel it. "NOO!!" The rain started to fall. The figure threw it's head back and laughed. It welcomed the rain to splash down upon it. With every breath, it grew stronger, inhaling the essence of the rain. Kyru stood still, the ball of energy clasped in his hand. "THIS IS IT! I"LL FINISH IT!" "NOO!!"
Okay, your in. Now I'll post mine. Note: You're going to want to keep your class attributes close, you'll need to refer to them often. Name: Inanis {In-Ah-ness}(Latin for empty) Class: Assasin (thief) Physical Description: Short white almost spikey hair. Scar over one of his dark green eyes. The rest of his face is covered by a black bandanna. Chain mail under a grey. Grey pants and boots. Fingerless steel gloves that go up to below his elbow. [img]http://www.tenchuwrathofheaven.com/html/images/characters/riki_001.jpg[/img] Other description I am the assasin of the dark. I am silent justice. My target never leaves my sight, until they lie dead on the ground. Chosen weapon: Twin blades (attack+6, evasion -6 (1)) Bio: An assasin who has never failed to kill his target. His grace andsilence are legend, known to all with powerful enemies. His trademark, the slanted stab mark in his victum, has been seen world over.
The city of Malnusk was calm. The bar was full of drunken sayjins, who had recently conquered another planet for Frieza. Two figures lazed on the roof. One of them had black messy hair that went off in two directions, and a scar on his cheek. He chewed on a piece of straw as the other one started taking. "Yo, Bardock, you were talkin 'bout Frieza bein a twisted **** in der, what was it 'bout.?" "It's like I said, Gordo, Frieza ain't helping us one bit. We do his bidding, and we're rewarded with a pat on the back and another assighnment. It isn't right." "We should rebel! Attack him in the night and blow him to hell!" "Naw. Someone'll do it, not me." There was a long silence between them, until Gordo spoke again. "Heard your kid got born." "Yeah, they do that." "You should go visit 'im." "Nope. There's no point, he'll be shipped out anyways." Silence spread again, until four objects flew in from the west. "Lazerous!" Gordo yeleed, springing up. "Bardock, we gotta split!" Bardock grinned and fixed a scouter to his ear. "Why? This may actually be fun for a change." The objects turned out to be sayjins. they landed hard and looked over the town. One of them let out an evil laugh as he ignited the building closest to him.
Okay. Just tell me your weapon of choice, and your in. OH! And Elf HP=50 Soecerer/ess=40, and now that I look at it with renewed eyes, Minion(10): Brings a guard with 10hp and 4 attack pts. And, other person? I know your a demon, but what class are you in? I made them so everything isn't confusing. You can't just make your own. You can modify some things, like names of spells, but thats it. Heres a signup: Name: Class: Physical Description: Other description (I am the merc. of shadows Chosen weapon (weapons can be switched in the towns, and traded at market places.) Bio: [b][u]Dwarf[/b][/u] You lumber through many a town,not letting anything get in your way. Your massive phisique is legendary. HP: 70 Attack +10 Evasion -0 (1) Guard -1/2 Magic MP=5 Spells: Rage(5): attack +2, but HP-20 Likes: Caves Dislikes: water Weaponry: Heavy Glave: attack -2, evasion -4(1) Large Axe: Standard. No changes. [b][u]Mirinna[/b][/u] You, are the sorceress who ended civalization, the reaper of the land. Entangled in a spell of love, you willingly called upon the dark lord. You now have eternal life, and are forced to see the lord's rain. HP=50 Attack +4 Evasion -4(3) Guard -1/2 Magic MP =35 Spells: Ice Blast(5) +8 attack Heart Break(20): Selects one enemy to come to her side and attack his/her allies for the remainder of the battle. Lullaby(10): Puts an enemy to sleep Weaponry: White Staff of the sorceress: Standard. No changes. Okay, here are some important notes: [b] Health and magic refil after every battle, unless another battle is held in succession. Some battles will not use the battle modes, instead will be completely acting. Usually against large groups. Minatuars are a variation of warriors, and therefore acceptable. Cenotuars are a variation of elves, therefore acceptable. Valkyres/amazons=warriors, Assasins/lowlives=Thieves, ect. [/b] Everything clear?
OOC: here goes! PS if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. To begin, Yes. I am the dungeon master, and a player. [I]The peasent's mountain of rubble, may become the kings finest riches, but the foul odor of peasnt's rubble will linger forever.[/I] OOC let's start this off with a girl, nobody ever does, so it may prove intiresting. Merrina considered herself the most powerful sorceress in the world. Her spells were deadly, and her lure to men never ceased. Her power, was only limeted by the drifting clouds in the sky. Until the fateful day she met Lazerous. His sweet talk and calming eyes sickened her, but none the less luered her into the same web she had entangled so many men. Lazerous asked her one plead, to call upon the demon lord. She was promised of a new rule, one of flourishing and peace. She willingly accepted and sealed it with the boring of his child. To complete the task, she was given seven rune stones to open the portal. She foolishly summoned the dark lord, and single handedly ended are world. The dark lord laughed at her attemps to reseal him, and cast a curse on her to live forever, and watch the world crumble before her eyes. 17 years have passed. The dark lord has taken over after many valiant struggles. The world lays in ruins, and the ruin stones have been cast to every corner of the world. OOC: whew! think you're almost done? kukukukuku! Classes: [b][u]Thieves[/u][/b] You are a stalker of shadows, with fingers both quick and light. Your are aware of the softest sounds and move even softer. Your friends are none, your obligations are less. You tread with the scum of the earth. You are a thief, and it's a pleasure to meet you. HP: 50 Attack +6 Evasion -6 (1) Defense -1/2 Magic MP=10 Spells: Silence (5): -3 attack from enemy Steal (10): -15 from enemy MP, and add to own only useable once per battle Likes: dark dislikes: light Weaponry: Throwing knives: Because of their long distance, it is hard for the other player to attack. Not very powerful, -2 from your own attack points, but +3 to your evasion. twin blades: Standard. No changes Here's a good chance to explain the system. the battles are in turn order. At the start of your turn, you are given a choice to either attack, cast a spell, defend yourself, or cast a spell Attack: When you attack, the corrisponding number (+6) is how much you take off of enemies hp. this is a role playing game, so there is some acting involved. Ex: The beast's scream tore across the valley. Kanu was unaffected, though. He charged and unsheathed his dagger, which gleamed in the rising sun. He rose his dagger and sunk it into the monsters flesh. Attack +6 Of course, yours will be longer to not aggravate the moderator. Evasion: Now comes your chance to dodge. Soon after you are attacked, on you're turn you will be given the oppertunity to evade. NOTE: evasion can only be used a set amount of times (Evasion -6 (*2*)) a battle. to evade, simply subtract your evasion points (-6) from the other's attack points (+6) again, act. Ex: The monster cackled at the thief. What he had thought was flesh, was only a mere shadow of the beast. evasion -6 attack=0 again, your's will be much longer. when evading, you will be able to attack, guard, or cast a spell on that same turn. Ex: The monster cackled at the thief. What he had thought was flesh, was only a mere shadow of the beast. evasion -6 attack=0 The monster flapped it's mighty wings and slashed the thief accross the chest. attack+8 Note: these bottom things are very important! Guard: this puts your char. on guard. guarding takes the ENTIRE TURN. Guarding subtracts one half of the damedge. Ex: The claw hit Kanu hard. He shot back and gasped for breath. He held up his swords to guard. Guard -1/2 If you chose to evade, it looks like this: Kanu leaped back, the claw only scratching him slightly. He guarded and readied for the next attack. Evade -6 Attack=2 Guard -1/2 Getting it yet? Now comes spells. Spells are controlled with Magic Points (MP) they are marked MP=10. how many you have determines what spells you can use. the number by each spell (silence(5)) represents how much that spell costs. Ex: The monster chuckled and cast silence Silence(5) -3 attack from enemy Current Magic Points (CMP)=5 Enemy Attack pts. =5 You used five points to cast the spell. the affects of the spell end after the battle. Got it? Now comes doubling. if you have 10 MP, and want to cast silence twice, you can do it in one turn. He chuckled and cast a spell. Silence(5)(5) -6 from attack. CMP=0 Enemy Attack pts.= 2 NOTE: attack pts. can never go under 2. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Likes/dislikes If the area you fight in is an area under you char's likes list, you will be given +2 attack pts. for the rest of the battle. Under dislikes, -2 attack pts. Whew! that about wraps up the battle system! Now for the rest of the chars, and then were good to go!!! [b][u]Thieves[/u][/b] You are a stalker of shadows, with fingers both quick and light. Your are aware of the softest sounds and move even softer. Your friends are none, your obligations are less. You tread with the scum of the earth. You are a thief, and it's a pleasure to meet you. HP: 50 Attack +6 Evasion -6 (2) Defense -1/2 Magic MP=10 Spells: Silence (5): -3 attack from enemy Steal (10): -15 from enemy MP, and add to own only useable once per battle Likes: dark dislikes: light Weaponry: Throwing knives: -2 from your own attack points, but +3 to your evasion, along with +1 to times per battle allowed to evade. twin blades: Standard. No changes [b][u]Warrior[/b][/u] You are the noble warrior. Your blade guides you through life. You are never afraid and always show your best in battle. HP: 60 Attack +8 Evasion -4 (1) Defense -1/2 Magic MP=10 Spells: Bloodthirst(5): Raises attack +2 Warcry(10): disables enemie's guard option Like: Grassland Dislikes: Wasteland Weaponary: Two Handed Sword: Large and very powerful. +4 to attack, but evasion drops 2 Sword: Standard. No changes. [b][u]Elf[/b][/u] Your cunning and speed are your only worry. Your friends are limeted, for you scarecly go away from the forest. Attack: +4 Evasion -4 (4) Defense -1/2 Magic Mp =10 Spells: Speed of the Fox(5): Evasion grows 2 points Arrow of wind(10): attack grows 2 pts. Likes: Forest Dislikes: Fire places Weaponry: Dual Daggers: Attack +2 Evasion drops 2 Bow: Standard Sorcerer/ess You can trade a nickle for all the physical strength you have. Your weapon is your magic, and it serves you loyaly. Attack +2 Evasion -4 (2) Defense -1/2 Magic MP =30 Spells: Fireball(3): attacks enemy +8 pts. Barrier(5): all attacks against you -2 Minion(10) Creates a miion w/ 10 HP adn =2 attack points. Likes: Light Dislikes: Dark Weaponry: White sword: -2 0n evasion +5 P. Cane: Standard. There! I'll answer and post mire tomorrow, she I gotta sleep niw...
OOC: And? what happen's next? Don't keep me waiting! PS Shinobi, go ahead and ask me what you're planning! You people just want to keep me waiting... James couldn't help but stare at the face. He relized that it was twisted in pain and sorrow, rather than fear and terror. For a moment, all was still, until the face gave a violent twitch. James: NO!! EVERYONE! WAIT! James ran out in front of the demon, barely out of the way of Nami's attack. He heard a shreik behind him, and he saw no more, for at that moment Snitch had kickeded him out of the monsters path and into a pile up. James could only hear the crackling of fires, and faint gunshot. He opened his eyes to see Mirth, grinning at him. James: Wha- What happened? Mirth talked in a raspy voice. "You blacked out, thanks to Snitch." James: Where is everyone? Mirth: They went chasing the demon, see- He pointed to a new trail of acid like blood, which blended well with the carnage surrounding. "Why aren't you helping them, and why are you talking?" "I talk just fine, but only when words are needed. Anything else, is a waist of time." "Okay, and my other question?" "...they had it under control. Someone had to stay behind and guard your worthless hide." "I get you." James cast a glance at the revolver, which was still grasped in his hand. "Hey, he's dead. There's not much you can do anymore." "...I know. I'm acting like a baby over it all, like I'm the only one with problems." "Yeah, you are. But your the only one who isn't used to it." "Yeah..." He cast a glance back towards the grave as he stood up. "You saw the face, right?" Mirth asked, causing James to spin around. "Relax, I caught a glimpse of it earlier." "Oh. Yeah I saw it. So... what exactly does it mean? And what exactly happened?"
n- oh wait, (darn) how do they reproduce? (don't want to think about pregnant Piccolo) Anyways, I just saw the cooler movie, and he did refer to Frieza as his brother. I'm not entirely convinced, but who said it had to make sense? The only difference between Fiction and Non-Fiction, is that Fiction has to make sense. ~Tom Clancey
Well, now I want to see the japaneese version. Lol. Anyways, it does sound like it is as close to a guy that it will (ever) come, so I'll keep with that. You notice how there are about 40 different spieces of alien in the show, but all of them are gendered? I'd think some aliens would be a-sexual.
The man grinned. "I'll keep that in mind." Inuyasha charged, and this time slashed with the tetsuiga. He slashed and the man was pushed back. A large scar ripped across his chest. The only reason he wasn't killed, was because his arm was in the way of his heart. The lower part of his arm, though, was not so lucky, for it now lay a few yards away. "Arrh! Heh, you done yet? This hurts. And I think I'm more than even with what's her face." InuYasha's face wreathed with fury. "I'll end it quick, and you'll never hurt anyone again. The man walked forward, his face twisted in disgust. He picked up his arm and slapped IY with it. "You're far too rash. Decisions like that lead to chaos and misery. I th- NO!!" A shrill ring rang through the air. The wings on the man's back vibrated, and started to crack. They split, revealing pearly white wings. The man's face was pounding with terror. "GET OUT OF HERE NOW!!!" It was too late. The man suddenly lifted off the ground and jerked to a stop. They jerked from side to side and then the man sped forward. Inuyasha grabbed his arm and was pulled through the canopy and high above the trees. IY: If you think you're getting away, you got another thing coming! Man: LET GO BEFORE WE CLIMB TOO HIGH! He jerked his arm around, his flight undesstirbed. Inuyasha kept a firm grip until they were cutting through the icy cold clouds. Man: *sigh* It's too late. InuYasha, let this be a lesson to you, to not take everything for what it seems. IY: What are you babbling about?! Man: It looks like were both dead, now. The drop is too long for either of us to survive. IY: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?! Man: Well, we keep flying until my wings stop flapping, and then we die. IY: If you want me to belive that you can't land, you got another- Man: Shut up. I can't control my wings now any better than I can eat them. They stop flapping, we fall, we die.
Azreal stared into the leaders cold, dark eyes. His sword burst to flames, and he took off. Azreal collided with the leader, who jumped onto his sword and vaulted back. "You're going to have to do better than that!" Azreal gripped his shoulder, but no blood came out. the wound glew a pearly white. "If my sword be your sanctuary, so be it. " He charged again, this time batting her with the blunt side of his sword. She was forced back as Azreal came in again. She jumped to the side of him and left another wound on his leg. "You're way too slow." "Grr..." He flew upwards and hovered over her. After a small while he came back down with a thundering crash, leaving a burn scar on the leader. "How could you kill so many people? They were unnarmed! Helpless!" She cocked her head back and laughed. "shouldn't you ask yourself that?"
You must also be aware of no "fix it" posts. In harlequins words "they are spam. why do i feel like nobody reads the rules anymore?" Anyways, the reason I made this post is to ask, what was mass going to protect the world from? I mean, they were given a whole lot of power for it. Note: I only asked cause if you are writing a book on this, readers are REALLY picky (and stupid not to assume)
OOC: I'm gonna guess that the figure is the inviso dude, right? I don't know what a sillohete is, so i'm guessing it was invisable. Correct me if i'm wrong Kyru stood up in a heartbeat, kicking dust on Mina and Haru. "What?!" Before they had time to ask exactly what it was, he sprinted down the narrow path that Kovu had traveled on. Haru looked at Mina, shaking off the dirt. 'What was that all about?" The figure rammed Kovu hard in the stomach and sent her back into the ground. Something flashed before her eyes, but it left before she could see it. Kyru's battle scream roared through the air. He vaulted into the air, his sword drawn. Kovu screamed. Thousands of images flashed before her eyes, so fast she couldn't make out clearly. Kyru dropped, but the figure moved. Kovu felt like her head was going to burst. Suddenly, she was completely drained from anything but the images. Kyru let out another yell as he leaped into the figure, only to be met with a hard blow to the face. The images became a small bit clearer. They were of pain, agony, her own experience flashing before her in a heartbeat. She screamed again, and the images stopped. Her strength returned, and she looked at Kyru, who was staring right at her. [i] Keep this in check for a little bit, got it? [/i]
"Wow, creepy." James shook his head. A large roar reminded him of the matter at hand. He pulled out his knife. "Here goes... everything. HRAAA!" He ran at the demon and dived between it's legs to avoid being swatted with the massive claw. "Oh god..." On the demon's back, a face twisted in a scream. It had the looks that it had slid off the head, and found it's way to the back. He shot at it, and the demon gave a loud scream. OOC: Has to be short, I'm out of time. Sorry
[i] Kovu? [/i] There was no response. Kyru felt slightly happy that he was back in his own mind. He watched her walk away, her head hung low. [i] Geeze. Was she mad that I asked Mina more than her? Does that make any sense? How am I always the bad guy?...I shouldn't have asked her, how would I feel if someone asked me about times of old?...She needs to calm down, though. When people get mad, they make mistakes. They start tripping over their own feet, sometimes into a grave. [/i] He put the chicken back in the bag, appperently loosing his appetite. Mina looked at him confused. He pointed at his head and Mina nodded. Haru looked helplessly confused. "So, when are we leaving?" "Give it some time." "What exactly has been going on?" Kyru ignored Haru and looked back at Mina. "That reminds me, what is it that we've been chasing?"
[i] To the winner goes honor and the spoiles of battle, to the fallen comes eternal shame. Defeat is not an option, for the forsaken. [/i] the year is 3047. To be more presice, April 30, 3047. A revised glatiator like colluseum stands in the middle of the town. Cheering and jeering fill the air, as four small space crafts try to annialate eachother using lazer's and missles. Suddenly, without warning, the ships turn from eachother and speed into the stands, killing many innocent people. This was usual, now. For months, ship pilots have been rebelling on the innocent crowd that watched their manslaughter. Rumors float that the rebel started with this pilot: [img]http://www.acclaim.com/games/forsaken/char/images/memphis_bike.gif[/img] The rebellion has continued for months, pilots being pulled in as this man's followers. ~10 years later, April 30 The rebels have taken over their own contry, known as Murderous. Actions must be taken, and a special group of pilots arrive to the situation... Find your pilot's apperences at [url]http://www.acclaim.com/games/forsaken/char.html[/url] keep in mind, that the added biographies won't meen much in the RPG slap the chars onto this Name Age Years of experience Rank (Green, pathetic, intermediate, closer, Ace, divine) (this is more like a preference, I will choose later) Apperence: (use pics, or describe, or use a pic of your own) Laser Type(max: 2): (suss gun (rapid fire) Launcher (Shotgun) topex(huge cannon, long loading period) Ring ( med. power med. speed) or make one up) Missle type (max 1): MFRL (multiple fire rocket launcher) Gravitron (paralyser) MUG (standard) Seeker (powerful, accurate, slow) other) To pilot, you prefer: Speed, strength, defense, wisdom (order them from best to worst) Here's mine: Name Jax Age 21 Years of experience 15 Rank Ace Apperence: [img]http://www.acclaim.com/games/forsaken/char/images/jo_bike.jpg[/img] Laser Type(max: 2): suss gun (rapid fire) Launcher (Shotgun) Missle type (max 1): MFRL (multiple fire rocket launcher) To pilot, you prefer: Speed, defense, strength, wisdom (order them from best to worst)
Name: Kanriku Nickname: wanderer Age: 17 Weapon: gunblade (lightsword with a revolver handle. shoots bullets that go a foot farther than his blade. very powerful) Appearence: short combed back hair, black leather jacket, black shirt, blue pants, combat boots Bio: Those who see him only know him as the wanderer, for that is all he reveals. Hot headed, critical, and serious to a fault. Mystical power(optional,and only 1): Teleportation (can only do it so many times, requires alot of energy
[i] Just don't pry. How would I help it if I did? How does she expect me to know? When the hell did I I can hear you. I told you not to pry. [/i] Kyru looked slightly annoyed and walked away from the bridge. "Mo- Mina, can I ask you something?" "Sure." "If my father is the king of skulls, than aren't I the prince of skulls?" "*Shakes head* Technacly, but he would have to give you the title himself." "Oh..." "You sound dissapointed." "No I- *looks back at Kovu to make sure she wasn't hearing his thoughts* I was just curios." He searched his inside pocket, and fished out what looked like raw chicken meet. He took a bite out of the thigh. "That's really gross." Kyru gives Mina a dissaproving look. "I haven't exactly had much choice over the years. You get used to it, anyways." "Right... So, why do you try not to call me mother. You stumble on it enough." "Are you dissapointed?" "No, in your own words, I was just curios." "Honestly, because I would rather consider you another fighter on the field than a fossil." They remained silent, the figure slipping Kyru's mind. [i] Kovu? Yeah? You never said exactly how you got pulled into this mess. Why are you here? [/i]
The massive demon was the description of hideous. It stood about the size of a one story building, everyone coming up just below it's waist. It's left arm streached about two yards farther than the other and was topped by five gigantic black claws. The chest skin was torn off, revealing blood red skin and revealing bits of bone. The head was more human shaped, red skin peeling to a pale skull with buldging pale eyes. It's right arm was horribly deformed (like everything else) the skin of the fingers were almost completely melded together. "Wow." James was completely awestruck. Suddenly a large cracking gunshot filled the air and it's head flung back. "Nice shot, Mirth." Snitch exclaimed. The head leaned forward ahead, an almost demented grin spreading across the skinned side of it's face.
"hey! I'm not the one with the lousy aim!" He shoots back at. Shippo. "You're still mad about that? It was your fault-" "My fault! I didn't do anything! She almost killed me!!" "You jumped in front of her arrow!" Inuyasha's face bristled with anger. He manedged to stop from stomping on Shippo, and sat on the ground cross-legged. Shippo couldn't tak a hint and continued on. "Really, you should apologise to her for-" Inuyasha grabbed him(or her) and hoisted (h/h) into the air. "Give me one good reson why I shouldn't pummel you." "Uh, wait! lemme down!" He started flailing around madly, but Inuyasha kept a firm grip. He stood up and launched Shippo into the air. "Was that really nessicary?" Miroku asked. "It felt pretty good from here."
"...People always talkin what they gonna do, they must want their face to maybe taste my shoe. (part that would probably get me in trouble) I don't got time for the crooks and the cronies, the cops and the creeps and the peeps and the phonies. Am I the only one on my side? Test my pride I bet you'd run and hide." ~Kid Rock The rest of my favorite lyrics are in latin, and would probably put you to sleep. :-)
the angel knights. It's right above my note.
okay, what are the androids like? But I'll be a pilot then. one thing, I'm really horrible at geography, but isn't france in italy?