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Everything posted by Squall

  1. name: Trunks age: 20 anime you're from: Dragonballz weapon: sword rank: Soldier appearance: [url]http://theotaku.com/dragonball/pictures/pics/020.jpg[/url] bio: [url]http://theotaku.com/dragonball/characters/future_trunks.shtml[/url] Thats a lot of writing, so to summarize, a fighter from the future who helped the others take out a huge threat. I guess now he lives on middle earth. Society: Angel Knights NOTE: To make things easier, his streangth is like way toned down, he can only fly for so long, his sword is more powerful than his fist, and he can only shoot one type of powerball.
  2. James lowered his gun. "Another one? These demons didn't do a very good job at killing everybody." "There are ways to hide from them. In any water, they won't go in water." "So why didn't everyone just go into the water?" "They tried. There's only so much time people can spend in water without food, and the demons were allways right on shore." "I bet they could have overwaited them if they wanted to." "You've never seen a hunt be fore, have you?" "No, I-" "Months! They wait for months for the smallest bit of meat. People starved to death trying to just 'outwait' them!" "I- " "You may want to think sometimes before you think." "I got here this morning. There's not enough info I know for me to think about!" "You got in?" "Yeah, but before you go running off, the gates closed behind us, so now we're stuck."
  3. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru runs after her. All teh while a sense of forboding hit his stomach. "What's going on?" Mina spares him a look and looks back ahead. "I told you, there's no time." "There's plenty of time, we're talking right now. I can feel it, I don't know half of it, do I? There's way more than what meets the eye here." She looked at him, but then back ahead. "I'll explain later. Now really isn't the time." "...right." Kyru soarly dropped back a little bit. He searched around for the figure, but he long since lost it. [i] Which way are we headed? I think it's south, but I can't be sure. I wonder what I am expected to do? Destroy all the towers and kill my dad? That sounds like an old fairy tale. Then again, to think about it, we sorta did just slay the dragon... [/i] He needed something to think about to keep his mind off how long they had been running, or how tired everyone was. [i] ...what would be the point of wishing for eternal power? To watch the populations come and pass, the world morph, what type of existance would that be? And how the hell am I supposed to beat someone who has eternal power? [/i]
  4. Name: John Smith Age: 21 Country: America Bio: His life was as normal as could be expected from a boy who grew up in a city near the battlefield. He hates the war and would do anything to end it. His records say he died in an accident when he was 17... Job: Numerous oddjobs Appearance: black suit. Black combed hair and pale skin. black gloves and a white shirt under his black suit jacket.
  5. They ran back to the grave, still unable to see who screamed. Snitch sat in the shade of a tree. "Let's think. It was far, but close. It wasn't where we just went, so it must... nope, can't think." Suddenly a demon dropped from the tree. "Holy ****!" Snitch pulled out his uzi's and pumped the thing full of lead. It lay on the ground, it's leg still twitching. "Ithink it died somewhere about thirty rounds ago." He said, sitting beside the grave. "NO! THE HEAD!" The thing slowly got back up, bullet holes lining it's chest and stomach. It hissed and dived. Snitch moved out of the way, shooting blindly all over. "Ahh! Ahh! Get it away!" Damen aimed, but couldn't get an opening without hitting Snitch. "Try aiming." Said James, still focused on the grave. Snitch slightly opened his eye and pointed narrowed his field of fire down. He hit the demon square in the head, green blood spurting out. The blood splashed on his face. Snitched dropped the uzi's and cried in pain, holding his face. "Allready? I was hoping it would be a few hours." James held out the revolver and aimed it at Snitch. "NO! HE'S NOT INFECTED!" BLAM. Snitch flailed around and the bullet missed, taking out a good bit of the building behind. Snitch calmed down, his face badly burned. He looked up at James with horror struck eyes. "You would have killed me! You didn't even hesitate!" "Can you blame me?" "WE REALLY DON'T NEED ANOTHER MIRTH JAMES!!" Snitch wound up and socked him hard across the face. He didn't stumble back, but just stood there. Cat walked up, her face tear stricken. She kneed him hard in the balls and he toppled over. "How could you?!" She spat back at him. Cat was the moody person, her highs were highs and her lows were low, and her horniness lasted forever. She also could barely remember a thing, the next day she would be back to normal. James stood up and brushed off his coat. He looked up in the tree and spotted a shadowy figure. He held up his revolver. "Show yourself!"
  6. Squall

    Theives Guild

    "You guys go on ahead." Ace waved them off. They turned back. "Why aren't you coming?" "I'm not in any hurry to get on her bad side, thanks. And I suggest you do the same. She leads the guild, Which is-a-team, y'know, one of those things that trust each other?" "She'll flip on you anyway for letting us go." "Ya, well if you both want to go, there's not much I can do. Besides, you can't hop her jet, my car's missing, and about now the army's probably still searching for us from before. It'll be fun to see how far you can get." He looked at them in a don't-do-it-or-else look. "Besides, I still gotta ask her why I'm in trouble." He added on sheepishly. [i] You can't force trust. I already learned that. Alex should have known better than to get so angry. When people get mad, they make mistakes. They start to trip over their own feet, somtimes into a grave. [/i]
  7. The man flew up high, just out of InuYasha's reach. "Why? I don't want to fight you." "A little late far that! Get down here!" He floated calmly, watching InuYasha's attempts to hack at him. He flew up another foot and dully floated. "You shouldn't be so willing to fight. The more angry you get, the more mistakes you make." "SHUT UP!" He shot up and almost made it to him, but fell short. The man sheathed his swords. "I'm tired of all this sensless fighting. You go ahead and tire yourself out." He jumed again, this time coming level with the man. He kicked Inuyasha back down. "Okay. I know what to do." The man slowly landed, standing across from Inuyasha. Inuyasha charged, but the man didn't move. Inuyasha hit him hard and he tumbled backwards. The man slowly staggered up. IY charged again, landing a kick into his midsection. Once again, he just stood up. "Not so much fun when nobodies fighting back
  8. The man finally found a river and soaked his toasted and flattened hand. "Aw, man, what luck. *winces* What were those guy's problem? setting my hand on fire and then pinning me..." Suddenly, a small heat comes from his hip. It continues to get hotter, until it is scorching. "AIEEE!" He looks to see the flaming sword sheath glowing red hot. "Fire off! Fire off! He flings it up and it collides with a tree branch. He snaps his fingers and the sheath starts to cool down. "Uhh. That was- UNFFF!" The tree branch falls, knocking him upside down into the river. His legs flail as he and the branch soar down the river.
  9. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru growled and hauled her to her feet by her wrist. "We need to hurry!" He started running, Kovu stumbling behind. She tried to stop. "Where are we going! Wait a minute!" Her feet skidded across the ground until she was hoisted off of them. In a moment she found herself over Kyru's shoulder. "Stupid woman! There's no time to explain! Either you run, or you stay behind!" She started flailing around. "Just put me down and tell me what's going on!" He dropped her flat and continued running. She scrambled up and sprinted to catch up. The figure darted left and right, hoping to lose it's followers. Kyru unsheathed his sword and ran at full speed. Mina watched him leap forward and slash at the figure, only meeting with air. "Kyru!" Before he could do anything, something hard struck him in the jaw and he was flung backwards into the others "what the he-" "Don't say it." Haru said flatly. "Aw, to hell with you!" He said springing back up to chase the figure.
  10. OOC: Here's what I think went wrong. See, Nate (Shinobi1827) was perched in a tree, and you said "Screaming she knocked whoever was behind her out of the tree." Everyone took that as an attack on Nate, not a demon
  11. Inuyasha leaped from tree to tree, completely unaware of where he was going. "Stupid... never comes..." He mumbled angrily under his breath. Suddenly one of the tree branches cracked under his foot, and he fell to the ground. He rubbed his head, and heard a mufled shout below him. He reached under the branch to retrieve Shippo, who was unlucky enough to be walking under that branch at the time. "Ow... That hurt!" "Oh, it's just you." "Well, that's a pleasnt greeting. Visiting the well again?" Inuyasha hoisted him up, much to his dismay. "What if I was? It's none of your damn buisness!" "Just come out and say it, Inuyasha. I'm sure Kagome..." He continued on as Inuyash set him down. He raised his foot and stomped, putting and end to Shippo's rambling. (little swirlies in Shippo's eyes, and PS I have no idea if it's a guy or a girl,) Inuyasha sat and looked at the sky. "I wonder if she is coming back..."
  12. Squall

    Theives Guild

    They withdrew, Ace with his usual grin. He flipped Alex around back again and started running. "Where are you taking me?" "Wherever I want!" Ace responded. He ran up a building's fire escape and ran along the roof. He jumped on top of a chimney and off the side of the building, doing a flip onto the area outside of an office window. He casually opened the window with his foot and ran inside, much to the dismay of the workers there. One of the buiseness men got onto the elevator and waited for others to fill it up. He looked very busy, glancing at his watch every three seconds. Suddenly, a wet man with a mask on ran ito the elevator with a girl with a tie on his back. They were both soaking wet. They pushed the topmost level and waited quietly, the slow elevator music droaning on. Ace: Hi, how are you? Man: Er... Alex: What's wrong? Man: Uh... Ace: Woops! This is us. Nice talking to you! The doors opened with a cheerful ding, and they ran off. Ace ran up another flight of stairs, Alex on his back. They pushed open the doors to the roof and Ace jogged forward. "Hang on tight!" He jumped over the edge, clinging onto a hanging flag pole. The scenary glew with the rising sun and small casinoes. The air smelled of a burger palace below, just like a thousand other diners crammed between the casinoes. "Nice, huh?" "Yeah." "Glad you like it, cause it'll take a while for me to try and get back down..."
  13. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru slings Kovu over her shoulder and runs next to Mina. "What is that thing?" Mina looks at him for a second, but then her head darts back to follow the sillohete. "There's really not time for that!" Kyru nodded and looked at the figure. He could see through the corner of his eye the excited villagers looking back at the ruined tower and pointing at them. Kyru could just imagine the future stories. [i] Tell me about the tower again! That one's my favorite! Really? Okay. A while ago, the town was in a deep depression, and a large tower loomed over it. People were starving, sick, and the graveyard was bigger than the eye could see. But one day, out of the blue, the tower crumbled! Many of the villagers claim to have seen a group heading out of the tower, but that's just hogwash. [/i] Kyru's thought came to a halt just as he relized the grin sitting upon his face. He shook it off, making sure Mina hadn't looked over, and then reconsentrated on the figure. [i] Focus, damnit! If this thing gets away, we'll have no leads on a next step. [/i]
  14. "...Right." James still held his revolver limply in his hand. His normal grin had long since faded from his face. His expression remained unseen, sunglasses covering his eyes. [i] This wasn't supposed to happen like this... [/i] He walked up the steps towards the entrance, placing the revolver in his jacket. "Don't you think that's disrespectful?" Said Damen, motioning towards the gun. "Shouldn't you burry it with him?" "When I find the head of the demon who bit him, that's what I'll put on his grave." Cat walked up to him, her face full of tears. "Spiegie's gone..." She cried into his arm. [i] Spiegy? Has she gotten stupider, or have I been too stupid to notice? [/i] Despite what he thought, he wrapped an arm around her back. "It's okay, he would have rathered this than being a demon."
  15. OOC: Kesaki, here's your opening They reached the city hall as the moon started down on it's journy through the sky. "Uh, guys? This thing just grew a half a foot, seriously." "Aw, poor Spiegly." Said Cat, draping her arms over his shoulders from behind. "Is that mean old scab still bugging you?" She put on a pitiful face, tucking her top lip under her bottom. "Scab? What scab?" Nami said alert, her hand inching towards her gun. "Yeah, I got bit by this little girl. Look, it's almost covering my entire forearm." Said Spiegal, pleased to have an audience to complain to. Nami whipped out her gun and pointed it against his skull. "He's infected! We have to kill him now, or he'll become one of them!" In an instant, everyone drew their weapon and pointed them at Nami. "Do it, and you won't be around long enough for him to fall." James said coldly, his usual grin wiped off his face. She looked around at everyone, and slowly put her gun away. A moment of quiet releif, that was soon interupted by the thundering crack of a gunshot. James watched in shock as Spiegal's forehead split open, showering James in blood. His blank eyes stared accusingly at him as his large revolver fell at James's feet. Shouts from hsi team all seemed muffled as a trail of blood left Spiegal's body. "AAAAAAAAAH!"
  16. actually, the ginue squad wore pants without... pant legs. I'm not sure if they could be called pants. But back to the subject. I think I did hear Cold say his son was Frieza, but it wears purple lipstick (or just has purple lips...) and in his first transformation, the one he spends inside a floaty chair, it just don't look real manly. Uhh... I don't know what to think anymore...
  17. OOC: Aaagh! I forgot this had started. A well stood in the clearing of a forest. A familliar half-demon looked into the depths, as if waiting for something to spring out. "aah, who needs her. All she did was get in the way." Inuyasha paced around the well, and then looked back in. "I don't care. YA HERE ME?! STAY IN THERE!" He yelled at the well, listening to his voice rebound off the inner walls. He sat with his back against the well crossing his arms. He looked up to see the brim of the well staring back at him. He stood up in a hurry, shaking his fist at the well. "Darn it! Stay in there!" He crouched down and kicked dirt in the well, and the took off through the forest.
  18. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "Don't read too far into this, woman." His face turned red and Mina gave a small laugh. "What?!" "Your face." "My what?" "It's halfway between an apple and a cherry." He put his hand up over his face and looked at the canyon wall. "It's the heat." "Your okay with a sword, Kyru, but you're a horrible liar." Haru and Kovu looked down, but they couldn't see a thing. "KYRU! MINA!...nothing." "You don't think they-" "Don't say it."
  19. A man walked through the town, completely unaware of where he was going. He was transfixed in his sword, witch erupted in flames at the snap of his fingers. "Wow, what a find." He grinned. "Who ever thought I'd find this fishing. Better than my old one. As he reached the edge of the town, something bumped into him and caused his hand to collide with the flaming blade. "Oh, sorry about-" "AAAAAAAAH!" The man waved his flaming hand around madly, putting it on the ground and stomping it out. He turned back around and looked at who bumped into him. He raised his burnt hand and decked the person with it. "You're on my ****list, pal!" He walked away in search of water. Kyp looked up at the others from the flat of his back. "What was that all about?"
  20. Azreal continues walking, followed closely by Saffire. The priest's kind look had faded, leading to one of confusion. Azreal's gaze falls onto Saffire, and she looks up at him. "What?" "...I cannot be sure, but I think, you are a warrior of prophet." "A what?" "There was a prophecy, that a chosen few will end the war. Who and where they are, remains unknown." He looks back ahead of him, to what looks like the start of a village. As they grew nearer, Saffire gasps. Upon the gates, a hill of corpses burned a forboding glow. "No..." A horrid cackling fills the air as a group of figures ravege the town. Azreal unsheaths his sword and erupts into flames. "This deed will not go unpunished!" He charges at the group, but stops when they are in plain sight. "[i] Humans?! [/i]" A number of humans cackled with few demons. [i]The path to destruction is every bit as wide as the path to creation, always bear that in mind. [/i] "This is unexcuseable, but I cant kill anymore..." He turns back to the hill, and then back to the group. "Demons or not, this will not be forgiven!" [i] shower of blood, wearing the flesh of fallen angels [/i]
  21. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru runs to the edge and watches Mina plummet. He turns back to Kovu. "What happens here, is never repeated, got it?" Before she could respond, Kyru dives off the side, shooting like a missle towards Mina. He grabs her around the shoulder and digs his sword into the canyon wall. The two stop falling, the bottom nowhere in sight. "This, is your fault." He said to the unconcious Mina. "If you and the others hadn't come along, I would have died and life would continue as mundane and boring as ever." Mina didn't stir. Kyru looked up, the top barely visable. "Aw, damn. I know you can't hear me, but I think we're pretty well screwed."
  22. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru stared at Mina and Haru's twisted grins. Kyru sheathed his sword and held up his fists. "Kyru, let me help." Said Kovu. "Allright, you take Haru, I'll take Mina." Kovu looked suprised by Kyru's sudden answer. He looked at her and then looked back at the two. "Don't worry, I've given up trying to argue with you." He said calmly. Before she could respond, Kyru rushed forward. He swerved to the side before mina could attack him. "Are you going to be taken over that easily? C'mon, mom!" Mina turned and attacked again, graizing Kyru's arm. "Are you going to lay down and accept d-, the king of skull's wishes?" Kyru ran in close and grabbed both of her wrists, pushing them out to the sides. "Damnit, wake up!" Mina headbutt him in response, breaking his nose. [i] I have to knock her out! But I can't hit my own mother! Damnit!
  23. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "Screw this!" Kyru drops the sword, but his hand remains glued to it. He drops to one knee, trying to hold up the sword. "AAAH!" Kyru slowly inched his way to the demon, dragging the sword like a ball and chain. The demon mockingly stepped back each time he got closer. Finally, Kyru reacked him and latched onto his foot. His body was drained from carrying the sword, so he just latched on and refused to let go. The demon let out a mocking laughter, throwing Kyru off with one swift kick. He crashed against the wall, his sword sinking deep into the stone. Kyru hung limply from it, still drained. He shook his head and continued to try and pull the sword out. It refused to budge. He let out a long sigh. He still refused to call for help, flinging himself as far out of the way as he could of the demon's thundering punch. "I... can't do this... alone." He said weekly, the demon's fist flying again. This time it skimmed along his side, pounding into his arm. "I need your help." He said at last.
  24. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] Why do I hate her? [/i] Kyru thought. [i] Am I mad at her for boring me? For doing what she thinks is right? [color=darkred] No, for abandoning me in an orphinage and leaving me there to be put through every hell imagineable. [/color] She was just trying to protect me... [color=darkred] Alot of good she did. What's that symbol on my back called? The one that they burned into my skin after the first time I tried the rain of terror attack? [/color] That can hardly be called her fault. If anything, it's my father's fault. [color=darkred] Why? he didn't bring me into this hell called reality. [/color] So, I'm mad at her for existing? That makes no sense at all. [/i] Kyru looked around to make sure nobody was looking at him. [i] Who are you? [color=darkred] I am you. Or, I am me, whichever I prefer. [/color] [/i] "Kyru? Are you okay?" "Why wouldn't I be?!" He said more spitefully then he had intended.
  25. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    OOC: Oops, I didn't catch that. sorry. IC: Ryden looked through one eye, his other one being black and bruised. His jaw was tipping on dislocation, and the guard was furios. "GET IN THERE!" He tossed Ryden into a cell with several other people. Ryden recognized these people as Freedom Fighter pilots. Ryden grinned. [i] Mistake number one [/i] The guard stormed off, leaving Ryden to talk to his companions. "Ryden! Good to see ya. How'd the get you?" "I came to rescue you guys, and this is what happened." "Oh, well, good work." "Hey, I belong in the sky, not in VS HQ." "Right. Whatever helps your pride." "So, how are we getting out?" "We were just getting to that..."
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