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Everything posted by Squall

  1. This RPG is rated R for bad languedge, possible sexual situations, gore, violence, suggestive scenes, unlikely, but possible nudity. I reserve the right to add to this list at any given time. Also, this is really descriptive from my standards, and may be slightly confusing. Bear with me, though. [i] Drums in the deep... we cannot ge out [/i] The roaring of Motercycles filled the air on a cool spring's night, barely drowning out numerous yells from the riders. There were five of them, all wearing leather jackets that posed a symbol of the ace of spades on their backs. The fruitless and barren deserts on each side of the road wizzed by as the seven road towards a small city in the middle of nowhere. The forbiding dimness that shown through the tall buildings in the distance wavered the followers spirits. "Hey James! What gives! You said this place was a hot august night town! It looks more like a ghost town, If ya ask me!" "Nobodie's asken you, Spiegal." The leader of the pack had short combed hair that was now whisping in the wind. His eyes were hidden by a pair of black sunglasses, which he seemed to wear easily even in the dark of night they were now cutting through. He had a belt with a big golden texas belt buckle that read 'Step Off' In gleaming silver letters. He was riding what looked like an average harley, but if you asked him it became a custom digger with the VRevelution engine and double exaust pipes. He craned his neck to look back at the rider who was supposedly Spiegal. He was bulky, the jacket sleves completely torn off to reveal his overmuscled arms, which looked ready to pop at any moment. He was wearing a patriotic american flag skull cap, which matched his belt that was now threatening to fly off. As the city flew closer and closer to them, the bikers started to notice the more 'finer' details to the city. The gothic black bars missing a gate, three or so bodies at the gates with their heads run through with no apperent cause, the car pileups lining the fence, fire barrels tipped over and spreading fire to turned over cars, and the pugnent smell of burning rubber. The bikers reached the gates and stopped. "This don't look good." Said another one of the bikers, who looked entirely too much like a weasel. He was tall and lankey, a taxi cap flicked up revealing his large but beady eyes. He had a pointed chin and a large nose, with what looked like force grown bristles underneath. "Mustashes are the new look," he would explain. "No sh!t, Snitch." The leader shot at him as he scanned the destruction in front of them. A pile up that fell into the road stopped them from riding any further, so they got off and stumbled through the wreakage. "Ugh, what's that smell?" Spiegal dimly proclaimed. "Smell's like your room." said James, who was now running a comb through his hair. "Uh boy, James. here we are at a hellzone that satan would be proud of, and all you can think about is your hair." "Oooh, I think it's hot." said a girl as she leaned into James. Her outfit was in pure shining leather, from her knee tall high healed boots to the taxi cap with bunny ears sowed into the top. She was wearing a tight short skirt with a sowed on cat tail and a revealing vest with an engraved paw print on one side. Her flowing blonde hair fell over her ruby red glossy lips. James started to rub his nose up her neck as she pushed away, holding up a finger. "no no nooo." James shrugged, "That's cruel and unusual." "Oy, You'd make the Fonz proud." Speigal grinned as they continued walking. A pale little girl in a flowing white dress stood in front of them. "Hey, little lady. Can you tell us what happened here?" James said in the sweetest voice he could muster. The girl remained silent. Spiegal stepped forward and crouched down. "C'mon, we won't hurt you." The girl grabbed at Spiegal's arm and held it tight. "There you go, now tell the nice men what hap- UUURRRRGH!!" The girl mouth opened wide and bit town hard on Spiegal's arm. Spiegal got up and flailed her around. "Get her off!" He punched her a few times, but she didn't budge. Instead her teath grew and sunk deeper into Spiegal's bone. "Holy sh1t! Get this little fu(k off!!" With a loud gunshot, the girl flew backwards and skidded along the ground. The fith and final biker, who had been quiet for the entire time, cocked his shotgun again and prepared to shoot again. This biker looked nothing like the others, a jean hooded jacket covered by a leather vest. His face couldn't be seen, because the hood was pulled over his head and cast a shadow over any recogniseable features. "Wow, nice shot, Mirth." James grinned back at Mirth, who said nothing but slung his shotgun back over his shoulder. Spiegal breathed hard, clutching his bleeding arm. "Yeah, t-thanks." "It's just a little girl," said the cat girl pityingly. "You mean 'was' a little girl, Cat." Snitch corrected. "Uh, guys?" James pointed behind Spiegal. The little girl was nowhere to be found.
  2. Sorry Harlequin, just curious. Anyway, we'll find out when the RPG starts, won't we? And before you think this too is spam, I am brought to the purpose of this post which is... This things taking off like a bat outta 'ell (I'm starting this right now)
  3. The man's expression dropped, when he found that his so called 'stalker' was just a horse. "I hate horses. Shoo! Get outta here!" The horse whinnied in response, refusing to move. The man bent over and picked up some rocks. He started throwing them at the horse's feet, but the horse refused to move. "Would you get the hell outta here!" He yelled. The horse finally trotted away. The man grinned and sat down at a make-do fire pit. He lit the fire, and got the big piece of beef to coock. The smell was eye watering, the raw blood mixing boiling inside the rotting carcus. After about an hour, The man picked at a rib and ripped it apart with his teeth. He looked over to see the horse back again. He paused for a moment, and then threw him a rib. "Don't get used to it, after this you're gone." He said between mouthfills.
  4. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC: Your doing fine, I would have never guessed you were new. The boy looked from Mina, to the place on the tower she keeps screaming at. "You got problems, lady." He mumbles under his breath as he drapes his sword over his shoulder, walking towards the tower. "You can't just leave!" Mina shouts at him. The boy crains his neck over his shoulder to meet eye with Mina. "Not alot you can do to stop me." He continues walking, paying no attention to Mina's obvious dissaproval. "Your not going to the tower, are you?" "..." "At least tell me your name!" "I don't have to tell you anything, and you'll be fine with that." He shot back, not even looking back to see Mina. After a short while, he came within eye shot of the twisted metal gate, which was littered with the bodies of past warriors, who were too close to the tower for anyone to come and properly burry them. The air started to become swifter and harder, in the stench of demon blood. [i] In the three weeks I've been here, nothing new happens. It was starting to become an adventure sitcom. I'd rather die in a battle than watch any more of it unravel. [/i]
  5. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The boy yawned, looking over the rising moon. A few people wer fighting with demons, nothing new. A light appeared out of the corner of his eye, but it dissapeared before he could really see it. The demons seemed more fired up than usual, he thought. He jumped over the side of the balcony and landed on one knee on the ground. [i] I may as well get some practice. [/i] He slowly walked towards the graveyard, his sword draped over his shoulder. Finally, one of the demons spotted him, showing a fangy demented grin. It ran towards him, it's claws glistening in the falling sun. The boy swung his sword, casting the sheath into the demon. The demon knocked the sheath up and leaped at the boy. The boy jumped back and charged forward, swinging his sword across the demon's mid-section. The demon cackled insanely and lept up high over head. The boy rolled forward, narrowly dodging the incoming demon, who left a small indent where it landed. two more demons, who were now dripping with the blood of fresh corpses that were only buried this morning, Started running in his direction. "Okay! Here we go RAIN OF TE..." The boy stopped himself shaking his head. [i] no, not here. [/i] He instead charged at the demons, flipping over the leader and hacking at the second one. He flipped his sword around and ran the demon behind him through, blood of the fresh bodies splattering on his back. He slowly drew himself up to full hight, staring at the demon he had first encountered. [i] Other people may consider this thrilling, but those people never lived here. [/i]
  6. Name: James Age: 19 Weapon(s): Flaming sword of Azreal Dragoon: Fire dragoon Appearence: Dark red leather jacket, zipped up on a side. Black hair, combed diagonally back and parted on the right. Hazel eyes and blue jeans. Bio: Had a great life, until he was ten years old. The town he grew up in was under constant attack from raiders, but that didn't stop the villagers from leading enjoyable lives. His mother and father were cathlic, and went to church every sunday. One sunday though, a group of beserkers crashed the town and burned down the church, everyone sealed inside. He is haunted at nights of dreams of that day, and fights as his only escape from insanity.
  7. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    Ryden looked up at the guard, still grinning. "So, where are we going now?" The guard kicked him. "Shut up." Ryden: Now, that's not very nice. Guard: Shut up! Ryden: Are you in anger manedgement, cause... The guard dropped him and pulled out a night stick. He started hitting him across the face, left and right. After a few minutes, he picked Ryden back up, now his turn to grin. Guard: Feeling any less talketive? Ryden: Nobody knows, the troubles I've seen... [i] When people get mad they make mistakes. That was right where I wanted the guard, so mad he would trip over his own feet, preferably into a grave. Pissing him off was a dangerous game, but I didn't have much choice left. [/i]
  8. OOC: You lost it, pal. IC: The winged man stared at Inuyasha, quietly thinking about his next move. "Are you the dog man?" Inuyasha: Dog man! Why you- ???: My quarrel is not with you, or anyone I have seen here. Inuyasha: You just made a quarrel with me, pal. The man looked annoyed. He took out a pair of short swords and spun them around. He went into a fighting stance. "I see. My mistake was coming here. If you have a death wish, I'll be happy to accomidate you." Both of them tensed for a moment, until the winged man charged at Inuyasha. Inuyasha held up the tetsuiga to block the man's rapid sword slashes. The man forced Inuyasha back, until he reached a tree. Inuyasha ducked before the man could run his head through with one of his swords. IY kneed him in the ribs as the man turned with a roundahouse kick. Inuyasha lept back and charged forward. The man took off into the tree tops as Inuyasha jumped after him. Inuyasha vaulted from branch to branch, the man now flying back.
  9. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The boy sighed and started walking out of the cemetary. "Your leaving too?" The boy looked back at Kovu. "I have no buisness here. Why would I stay?" He sighed, wiping off the blade of his sword. The blood dissolved the small cloth like acid, but for some reason didn't affect the blade. With a grunt, he sheathed the sword and reached the building. The staircase was torn apart, but a small pully elevator allowed him to go up. He looked across the graveyard at the girl, who was now looking back at the graves she morned. His gaze lifted to the tower in the distance. [i] The weird thing is, nobody really had to die. All of them went to the tower, not the other way around. Their pride was too strong, and they couldn't just let it be... [/i]
  10. Squall

    Theives Guild

    OOC: Happy times. :-D Put his finger on her stomach. He traced along her abdominals all the way up to the little hook in her braw. He moved it around, but it didn't undo. He started fidgeting with it, now with both hands. Alex giggled. "you need some help with that?" "Hang on, I'll get this thing..." Finally it came undone and slumped around her waist. She leaned over and they kissed again, Ace brushing his hand through her hair. " Shine, bright morning light, now in the air, spring is coming..." Ace started singing in a small voice. Alex giggled and picked up on the song. "Sweet, blowing wind. Coming down hills and valleys." She giggled and...
  11. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    Ryden started to hear fragments of sound between his elapses of darkness. ???: Don't kill him yet, we may be able to use him to find... ???:...Shinobia will not be pleased...BLAM!... ???:...Anybody else want to talk about the VS?... Ryden opened his eyes. He was tied to a chair, somewhere in what looked a boiler room. Two people stood before him. A man with long blond hair and a grey trenchcoat, and another general looking woman. He recognised her as the black haired lady he had bumped into earlier. A guard was sprawled across the floor, drinking from a pool of his own blood. Man: Hello, Ryden. How'd you sleep? He asked in a mocking voice. Ryden: Not bad. You're chair works wonders. Man: Your going to become very familliar with that chair when i'm done with you. He picked up a bat that was leaning against the wall. He polished it with a handkercheif, practicing swings at Ryden's head. Ryden: Cut the crap what do you wan- UUNFF! The bat hit him square in the jaw, and then in the back of the head. His eyes swerved in and out of focus. Woman: Be careful what you say around here. Ryden's head went limp, noises starting to get farther and farther away. Man: Don't fall asleep on me again, we have so much catching up to do. For instance, where are those other freedom friends, hmmm? Ryden: It's freedom fighters, and what the fu(Ix do you think I'm here fo- A cloth, damp with blue liquid was smushed over his mouth. He wriggled his head, but then went completely limp. "Now you can sleep..."
  12. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The boy charged at one of the demons, A sheath dropping from his large sword. His sword clashed with the demon's claw, each rebounding off each other. He attacked again, still clashing with the demon's claw. The boy shot back, crouching on top of a tombstone. The demon charged as the boy cut the tombstone in two and launched the top into the demon's face. The boy's sword hacked through the tombstone and ran the demon's head through. The demon fell forward, the boy walking towards Haru. "Who the hell are you and what is going on?" He asked flatly.
  13. oh... good point. I don't know. (four girls and a genderless...)
  14. Okay, this is like, COMPLETELY morphing the story, and takes plce before Frieza destroys Vegitta (the planet, not the charicter) ________________ Sayjins continue to take over worlds in the name of Frieza. As a blood thirsy race, the Sayjins never questioned Friezas resoning, or (his/her i can never tell) supreme command. All they cared for, was an excuse to kill as many people as they could. After many years, few sayjins started to wonder about why they followed Frieza. It became apparent to them that Frieza never gave to the sayjin planet. Of course, those who showed any suspicion were quietly killed by it's team of elites. The suspicions grew ever more steadily, until a third power came into play. A Sayjin, by the name of Lazerous, started reaking havok onto the sayjin world. He and his followers created a ship, much like Frieza's, and launched it out on the opposite side of the world. Frieza pretended to be oblivios to Lazerous's doings, calling the numerous complaints myths and made up junk. The sayjin race is becoming restless, and a war is brewing... Okay, I need some one to play Frieza and Lazerous. You have to use A sign up list still, or Harlequin will have my head... And yes you can make up chars. Name: Age: Gender: Side: (Lazerous, Frieza elite, Sayjin) Apperence: Bio: Weapon (if any) Okay, here's mine: Name: Bardock Age: 26 Gender: Male Side: Sayjin Apperence: [url]http://dbzac0.tripod.com/pictures/id39.html[/url] Bio: Father of Kakarot, Bardock flies all over the galexy to claim planets for Frieza. A warrior for all his life, he suspects Frieza greatly, but doesn't care to do anything about it.
  15. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The boy looked down at the girl who was weeping over a grave. "Hey, get up. There's no need for that." The girl looked up, her eyes pooling with tears. "Whoever it is that you miss, I doubt they'd like your blubbering all over them." The girl just looked back down at the grave. "Besides, it's your fault for getting too attached to them." He said flatly, turning away. The girl put her hands over her face, tears continuing to flow freely. [i] People who act human these days almost seem weak to others. At this time, most people will leave the dead behind, or kill themselves to join them. It's almost like a spinning vortex of misery. [/i] The boy looked up. Through the constant gray skies, a darker color shown through. The boy mumbled something about rain, and continued on his way.
  16. uh, first, were playing people, so far. second, the demonic haven't tooken anything over but the one city. I have to be stubborn with only the one city, you'll see why in the rpg. Thanks for joining. I was hoping there would be at least one other boy (not that i'm complaining :-) )
  17. " Are you done yet?" Ryden looked back at Serena and Hoshi. "You can cry on their shoulders in about an hour." Serena again looked back at the town, her eyes still wet with tears. Ryden sighed and hovered in the air. A foul stench hit his nose, and he recognized it at once. He spun around in the air, searching for something. He spotted it to the west, A giant rock like creature headed their way. It was hunched over, one arm longer than the other. It's massive horns curled on it's sides. "no..." The stench grew, Ryden's senses starting to numb. He instinctevly plugged his nose and his senses returned to normal. "Plug your noses, people!" Hoshi looked around startled, gasping for breath. Ryden rushed for her and piched her nose shut. "Keep this thing in check, would ya?" Zo, who had already pinched her nose, looked at her quizically. "What's going on?" "There's a Verges coming, the dragon slayer. It's smell brings about the bowels of Hadies." "Bowles of Hadies?" "Putting it simply, unless you want to relive every bad experience in you life, you'll keep your finger's jammed." The creature drew nearer, it's long arm clasped around a chain. OOC: I meant to introduce those sooner, but I got kinda sidetreacked.
  18. Squall

    Theives Guild

    Ace threw off her tie and the buttons down her shirt. He kissed her again as he undid her suspender straps. She flung his sweater of and lay down next to him as they kissed again. Ace felt along her back. It felt smooth, but slightly tender. He felt the riges of her spine up to her braw strap. He could feel Alex's hand move to the lower bart of his back and trace around a bullet mark 'souvenier' a cop had left him. He gently nudged Alex's hand away from the hole, not wanting to think about anything else than the moment at hand. [i] I never did much girl tracking before, wasn't a charmer, wasn't a womanizer. It was hard finding a girl who wasn't tied to a kitchen. I thought that finding a girl ment settling down, with the kids running around the yard playing with the family dog. I hated houses, dogs, and kids, so I was pretty out of luck. I just wish I had met Alex sooner. [/i]
  19. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    Ryden continued down the stairs, getting dizzier and dizzier. He went from a march to a jog, axious to get off of the staircase. A guard coming up didn't have time to move, so just crouched down and covered his head. Ryden tripped and tumbled down the rest of the stairs, which he found to be quite long. He finally stopped in front of a group of guards, looking at them from the flat of his back. Guard: State your buiseness! Ryden: Uh... prisoner check? Guard: This is the kitchen! Ryden: I... lost my way. Guard: What unit are you in? Ryden remained silent, but drew up to full height. The guard reached towards his neck and grabbed his dog tags. Guard: John Montgumry? Guard: This is not John, I knew him well. Guard: WHO ARE YOU?! Several more guards surrounded him, their guns trained on his head. He grinned. "Ryden Silverfire, at your service." The guard spat. "You were one from the airfeild!" Ryden's grin continued to get wider. "Nothing gets past you, does it?" The guard rammed the handle of his gun into his stomach. Ryden fell over in pain. Guard: Should I inform a Shinobia? Guard: No, it is not his buiseness. We will execute him on our own accord. Guard: Sir! You do not have the authority to- That was all Ryden heard, for the next moment a guard slammed the back of his gun into his head.
  20. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The sky was a foggy gray, clouds swirling around a tower that shot up high into the sky. A village formed about two miles away from it. Along side the village was an immense graveyard. [i] But I guess that's how it is around every tower. [/i] Thought a boy as he looked through the tombstones. [i] The so-called heroes that set off into the tower of wind, they're all here. It was like a passing fad after the first one went. A huge ceremony was held in his honor, confetti, a feast, the whole nine yards. He failed miserably, clinging to the outer gates. From then, it became a passing thing. Feasts became send offs, and then down to a good luck wave. [/i] He reached the edge, running his hand through his combed back hair. The villagers were all pale and half starved, grouchy from their windows or porches. The bakery windos were empty, but inside a large amount of dough sat to rot. [i] The dough was pure poisen until touched up exactly right. The baker, and only one who knew what to do with the dough, had left for the tower a week ago. Nothing new happens anymore, death is common and funerals were formalities. [/i]
  21. Okay, I'm going to start this thing before it goes under again.
  22. Azreal looked at the rising sun, which rose a blood red. "Blood has been spilt on this night." He slowly walks across the wasteland, ignoring the beggers grab at his clothes. [i] This world has gone soft since days of old. Not a single mortal here is not guilty of a sin. [/i] One of the beggers wouldn't give up. "Please, sir. All I ask is for some food." He turned around, throwing off the begger. "And this is after you burn crops in the name of anarchy!" He unsheathed his sword. "N-no, I d-din't." "You're lying!" Azreal swung his mighty sword, sending another jolt of pain into Asphodel's skull. The man screamed, his hand now laying a yard away. Azreal calmly sheathed his sword and continued walking. [i] Such actions are ill afforded, for the number of humans grow thin. [/i]
  23. Name: James Starfe Age: 19 Bio: Always wanted to travel the stars, but could never afford to. He became a space investigator (hehehe) because of the need for traveling. His files say he died in an accident seven years ago... Attitude: Hot headed, grouchy, and slightly rude. Gender: Male Weapon: Spaz shotgun Appearence: Brown hair, parted and combed diagonally back. Black leather jacket, Zipped up on the side. Blue jeans, combat boots, and fingerless gloves.
  24. Squall

    Theives Guild

    Drew closer, until their lips met. The pale moon glow fell like a puddle across the floor. All was silent, except for the faint wind outside. [i] That was one of those moments you here about, the ones that should never end. My lips still tingle at the fond memory. I knew, at that moment, that whatever happened, it would be allright. It was like our path was set in golds and silvers. [/i] They both withdrew. "Sealed with a kiss."
  25. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    Ryden tried the door, but it refused to move. He swore under his breath and searched the hallway. The hallway turned at the wall. He walked down the hall and was led to a corridor of more doorways. "enie, menie, miny, moe." He chose the door farthest to the right and walked through it. The next room held yet another hallway, filled with doors. he chose one and walked up to it. A girl came out just as he was going in, starteling him half to death. Ryden: Bwaa! c'mon lady! don't do that! The black haired girl stared in wonder. ???: Do what? Walk through a door. Ryden: Er... yeah. He felt like a complete idiot. At the sound of footsteps behind the girl, He stood up as straight as he could and marched into the next room, which fitting his luck, was a closet. He closed the door and hurried to the next one. This time it was a spiraling staircase, that he hurried down.
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