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Everything posted by Squall
Alex: So, what was that favor you wanted? Ace let out a long sigh. He looked up at the celing and leaned back in the couch. "You were the leader of an entire mafia, correct?" Alex: Yes. But that's behind me now. Ace: How long do you think it was? I mean, how long was it that you kept the entire thing running without a single hitch? Alex: I only made the decisions, My uncle (is that right?) did all the work. Ace: The decisions [b] are [/b] the work, Alex. Like the stock market, one person has to decide to buy or sell, changing lives and risking billions of dollars. Everyone else just forwards that message. Alex paused, thinking about what he had said. "What does that have to do with anything?" Ace: It has to do with everything. My dream was to recreate the guild. I never intended on leading it. I need someone with the experience and the know-how to get this thing off the ground. So what I'm asking you, is- Ace's eyes fell from the celing, to Alex. His grin was as cockey as ever, but much calmer. "Will you lead the guild?"
Ryden: Just great. Ryden balenced on the wing of the freedom flyer high above the Val Shinobia's fortress. Mineru flew the plane while Ryden strapped himself onto a bungee cord. With another crack of thunder, he dived off the jet and sailed towards the roof. The jet shook, angeling Ryden off towards the side. Ryden bounced upwards, and dangled just in front of a window. "Oh, crap." He swung his arms wildley to get close enogh to grab onto the window. As luck would have it, two guards walked by on patroll. Guard: I seen him mad, but he was MAD! Guard: Yikes... Ryden unclipped himself and rolled through the window. The two guards spun around in time to see the handle of Ryden's revolver crash into their foreheads. "Infiltration complete. This is gonna be fun." He dragged the guards out of the hallway and dumped them into the bathroom. He walked out, wearing a guards uniform, and walked purposefully down the hall, towards a lavish oak door.
As soon as Ace pulled in, he remembered the whiskey he had bought. He felt around under his seat and finally pulled out the bottle. After a few swigs, he started swishing around the bottle. He remembered, just this morning, wondering if he'd go down in history as the guy who couldn't do it, or something just as corney. He would have never guessed he would have almost done it, half a bottle later. Just as he started viewing the sunset through the empty glass bottle did a car pull in beside him. He looked to see Zen and Keth grinning at him through the window of a sudan, almost identical to his old one. Ace matched their grins with one of his own as he ran his hand along the roof. Ace: Nice. Everything go okay? Zen: Yep. Not a worry in the world. Ace: Great. Let's head out. He reached back into his old car and pulled out a long black case. He stuffed it into the trunk of the new sudan, and grabbed for his radio. Ace: Helllooo? Alex: Hmm? what do you want? Ace: We're outta here. Trixie will ride with you. [i] The new sudan looked a lot more welcoming than the vomit stained, whisky scented sudan I was riding. Once again we we're on the road, and I couldn't care less. [/i]
It's up, er, now it is. It wasn't when you posted, wind master, but now it is.
oh, I thought you asked me cause he was taken. can i change back?
Ace grinned. "Hey, would you guys mind helping me with a job?" He craned his neck back and looked at the others. Keth: sure Zen: yeah Dallas: What is i- Ace: You don't have a say in this. Because of those freaks you dragged along, I gotta get a new car. Either that, or we won't have peace for another fifty miles. Dallas: Allright, I'm in. Ace grinned and kicked it into overdrive. He drove into an alleyway by a car shop and stopped. [i] I can't tell you what the feeling was like, because it was too mixed. The first job with the almost completed guild was great, but, I couldn't help but wonder what would happen if the guild failed. Nobody had anything to go back to, I made them forsake it. What would happen? I know this was a nothing job, but I couldn't help but wonder. [/i]
The winged man landed in the town, grabbing the nearest vilager he could find. "Where is the girl." He commanded tot he squirming villager. "What are you talking about? Lemme go!" He instead slammed him against a wall. "The one with the dog boy!" "InuYasha? You must be talking about the reincarnation of Kikyo." "Where is she!?" He said, pushing the villager harder up against the wall. "AAh! The well! She's coming from the well!" "I was just at the well two days ago." "She's coming today! I saw InuYasha going over there! Let me go!" The man dropped the villager and spread out his wings. He tore upwards and skimmed through the clouds. It was definate of how annoyed he was through what was visable of his face. Suddenly his wings folded into hi sides and he landed with a thundering pound. He winced at the pain and slowley started walking towards the well.
Both of them are great. Name: James Starfire Age: 18 Gender: Male Description: Dark brown hair, parted and combed diagonally back. Green eyes, hidden behind black sunglasses. Black leather jacket, zipped up on one side. Dark blue jeans and combat boots. Bio: Biker. He doesn't have a home, but enjoys traveling too much to get one. Has a family that lives in the affected city, so he goes to visit unknowing of the takeover. Weapon: Long silver knife
A large slab of beef hung off of a tree in the forest. With a loud thump, a man continuesly started punching it. His hair had a look that it had not been combed in ages but messily cut with a knife. His white shirt was torn and wet with cow blood. He had jeans and combat boots, which were also old and breaking. With one last punch the beef launched off of the tree and rolled into the brush. The man craned his neck to look behind him. The brush rustled as a grin fell on his face. "Not to sound like I don't like company, which god knows I don't, but You best quit stalking me."
Hey, is Leon taken or not? He was when I posted as him, but now it says he isn't which one is it?
Azreal stirred. Something cool had been draped across his forehead. Waking up in the gutter was an age old habbit for him, so he tried to guess what it was before he felt it. His first guess was that he had accidentaly rolled back into his vomit, or that someone had spilt a drink on him. The smell was not putrid, but rather very refreshing. He pushed his hand up his face to feel a cool cloth on his head. He sat up, realizing that he had once again woken up in a different place than he had expected. His eyes opened, but his vision swam in a sea of gray. "Relax, you are not in danger." Said a calm voice from behind him. His head spun with questions. [i] Where am I? Why can't I see? why am I here? [/i] but, finally one slipped out. "Who are you?"
[i] You must go, Azreal. Your path is set. [/i] Clouds hovered like platforms for warriors of god. Giant, blood red ravens on the wings of hell bombarded them, sending hoards of deamons onto the clouds and dropping god's warriors to an endless fall. [i] The chosen warriors, they will end the holy war. You must find them. So, they bring the key to send hell to oblivion. ... [/i] A warrior in a white tunic swung his mighty axe at the beast, forming a golden ball that ahnnialated the raven. [i] The path to destruction is every bit as wide as the path to creation, always bear that in mind. Those who wish to accompany you will meet you shortly. ...I see [/i] A figure with large white wings and blue eyes that shown from under his hood stood at a large set of pearly white gates. Behind him were no less than twenty other soilders, who proceeded in two paralell lines out in front of him. They lifted their spears high as Azreal walked through the middle. At the end of the lines, a tornado of smoke surrounded him, and a moment later he was gone. Azreal appeared on a wasteland on earth, the tornado dissapearing soon after. The apocalypse had made most of the world as barren as the place he stood now, the continents forming closer together. He looked up at the dark foggey sky. [i] Do not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. [/i]
Ace paused, holding back a laugh. "Don't go too far! We're heading out soon!" Keth continued walking, not paying any attention. Ace sighed, and looked back at Trixie's questioning face. Ace: Well, uh, we're traveling accountants. Trixie: Right, and the jet is just for show. Ace: No, it's... our mascot. Alex: (who had just popped out of the jet and walked beside Ace) So...where does team of the world's greatest theives come in? Trixie: Team of worlds greatest what?! Alex: The theives gu- Ace: Shhhhh! (pulls Alex close and whisper's in her ear) You can't just go blabbing that to anyone! Alex: Well you blabbed it to everyone else hear! (she said, almost yelling in his ear) Ace: I know who- At that moment, something beeped in the back seat of the sudan, indicating that Ace had e-mail. Alex showed a triumphant grin. "aren't you going to answer that?" Ace slowley crawled in the back of the sudan, listening to Alex talk to Trixie. "Well, it's the theives guild, a band of the world's.... Ace: Dallas... been busy... very drunk... meet me... Ammunation 12th, williams... one hour.
cool. Ruby, if you want to be good again, go ahead. If not, then don't. I'll start this today no matter what.
That's the cartoonnetwork schedule. the series itself ended. And I'll be really annoyed if I have to wait 25 weeks just to see it again.
Heh, not me. anyways, now we got two for heaven, two for hell, and three for neither. sounds pretty balenced. give it one more day, just in case of a really late arrival. Besides, I gotta put together a good start.
Make sure that your posts are about seven lines long, I don't want to get busted by the moderator. Ace slammed on the breaks, so fast that Zen and Keth's heads rammed into the two front seats and Alex had to double back. Ace: I doubt it. What are the odds that Rei is in Idaho? Just to be safe, he drove into a turning area and parked. Whoever the dark figure was, they had already left. Ace got out and searched the ground. Muddy footprints followed away from the main road. [i] I didn't think it was her, though I'd feel really stupid if I passed her up. I'd also feel really stupid tracking a bum for three miles. [/i]
okay, if i'm not mistaken, we got 3 for heaven, one for hell, and three for neither. we need more hounds of hell.
Ace thought for a second, and then realized something. "You know what? I have no idea where Rei is." He said in a hushed voice, not to wake Keth. Zen: Then where are we going? Ace: I have no idea. I thought one of you might of known. Alex: Nope, your pretty well screwed. Ace: Oh well. We'll find her sooner or later. [i] three other theives and a jet hovering like a guardian angel. Maybe I was a little cocky, but I had good reason to be. I really didn't care if it took years to find the rest of the guild. It felt good knowing that everyone here had nothing, nothing but the clothes on their backs and the twisting road ahead.[/i]
oops. I didn't read the top thing close enough. I'll edit it.
Okay, I've been following the episode to about when the dark aura thing was created. Can someone tell me what happened and how the series ends?
I'll go along. Name: Leon Age: 21 Appearence: White hair, parted on the right and combed diagonally back. Silver eyes. Black leather jacket, zipped up on the right. Black pants and boots. Fingerless gloves Occupation: none Bio: A very powerfull wanderer. Where ever he goes, misfortune follows in his wake. His dreams have been haunted by images of Jenova and the life stream lately. Nothing else is known. Weapon: A sword hilt that produces a blade of flames when he beckons. Attack: Murderous Intention Mag.Attack: Demi 3
Wow, I thought this thread had died about two weeks ago. Name: Kyru Starfe Age: 17 Description: Brown hair, parted on the right and combed diagonally back. Blue eyes, hidden behind sunglasses. Black leather jacket, zipped up down one side. Black fingerless gloves and dark blue jeans. Black semi-large leather boots. Weapon: Large sword Spells: Death dimension, Sword of the leech, Rain of terror Element: Dark Bio: Grew up in an orphinage that was destroyed in the great rain. From then on, his rain of terror attack has been mistaken for the rain of fire, and he has therefore been dubbed as a demon from the pits of hadies. From then he has been overly strict and serious to a fault.
[i] April 29, 2039 The demons... One year ago, they began their slaughter upon our city. It used to be just a few missing people, but the attacks became slowly more rapid and violent. The goverment turned a blind eye to our pleas, afraid of the existence of creatures capable of such numerous attacks. The city is closed to being overrun. Humans, who are infected by them, they're changing, they're becoming like them. May 10, 2039 They've taken over. There are barely any of us left. Those b@sterds in the goverment... The gate to the city... it's closing... We're trapped... we cannot get out... drums in the deep... we cannot get out... [/i] Blood splashes across the rest of the page Name: Age: Gender: Description: Bio: Weapon:
Azreal gasped, now on his knees. The phantom like creature had toyed with him for hours, leaving scars and gashes across him. His eyes couldn't focus, but it was still clear that the figure was lurking about, still in an endless waltz. "Good night, "Azreal"." It's voice was clear and right in front of him. The sun peeked above the mountain tops as the figure rushed at Azreal, icy cold fingers gripped around his intestine. With a shreik the creature exploded into a plume of smoke and vanished. Azreal breathlessly clutched his stomach, the figure leaving a chill that felt like it would never pass. His head throbbed as his vision spun, his vomit scorching his throat as it came up. It was all Azreal could do to roll out of the street, where he lay unconcous in the curbside gutter. [i] O Fortune, Just as the moon you vary your state, always increasing, or decreasing; the detestable life, now difficult, and then easy, with your game sharpens poverty, power, dissolves like ice. [/i]