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Once again, Tsukasas out cold. Ijimeru stood up, his eyes heavy and his body drained. "Where am I?" As if called upon, the memory of Tsukasa talking to Subaru in that room flashed through his mind. He stumbled to the doorway and tried to push it open. It didn't budge, so Ijimeru pointed his sword at it. A drill of wind thundered against the door, until it collapsed. [i] My attack was never that powerful before. What is going on? [/i] The hallway before him was nothing like it used to be. It was a wide dirt hall leading to daylight. "Hmm? I may want to report this... *starts to write a message* ...Had the weirdest adventure... A devil thing named Lucifer... weird cenatuars and a thunderhammer with a sheild... don't know where I am... any ideas?... feel like superman on kryptonite... send. That should do it. Now," Ijimeru sheathes his sword and, just to make sure, taps on his VR goggles. He gives a sigh of relief and starts on his way out.
...streached out his hand to shake her's. "Great..." [i] I couldn't think of a single thing to say. The feeling was insurmountable. As if in one hand shake, all of the hell this brought seemed like water under the golden gate bridge. Keth, Alex, it was the starting of a legend. [/i] Act One Scene Two The twisting Road Ahead The black sudan pulled onto the freeway as the jet soared above. Keth, who was in the passenger side of the sudan, crossed her arms and looked out the window. "I don't see why we couldn't leave this hunk of junk behind." "Unless you feel like hitch hicking, you may want to- hmm?" Something beeped in the back seat and Ace started craining his neck to see. The sudan swerved in and out of traffic. Keth: Hey! Keep your eyes on the road! Ace: I got e-mail. Take the wheel. Before Keth could say anything, Ace streached over his seat and leaned into the back, forcing Keth to lean over and grab the wheel. Keth: Are you nuts?! Ace: Zen, eh? We need to head somewhere around the airport... Alex: What's going on down there? Keth: You moron! Ace: Another one? Hello... Rei... where are you? Send. What about the mail? Keth: Do you really think this is the time for that? Keth Grabbed Ace's belt and pulled him back into his seat, punching him in the side of the head. A radio on the dash board buzzed with Alex. Alex: What the hell are you doing down there? Ace: It's just Keth... Keth: ME?!!!
[i] A whispers edge that will slowly burn, "Surley I will return."... what waits for him at journey's end, eternal mourning for the land. [/i] Azreal opened his eyes with a shock. He had fallen asleep, his cigarette barley missing scorching his lap. He half expected to be bound and gagged, vampire's cackling insanely at his struggle. Instead he found himself still on the staircase, his sword at the bottom. He stood up and slowly yawned. The silver moon shown brightly over the shadowed streets. His stiff leg joints moaned as he stood up, like a rusty machine. The dark skies threatened rain, like icy pitchforks awaiting their release. A shiver flew down his spine as a heavily cloacked figure approached him. It seemed to drift liflessly from side to side, swaggering in the wind. Icy cold breath streamed from under it's hood. Azreal was quick to draw his sword. The figure continued to dreamily float, as if in an endless waltz. Azreal raised his sword and tried to bring it down on the figure, but it passed through his sword and through his body. An icy chill followed as the figure began to speak, it's voice split and snake like. "Had I not been so curious, your heart would be in my grip." Azreal spun around, the air momentarily leaving his body. "You wouldn't want to talk things out, now would you?" He said, trying to act like it was all a joke.
[i] After three months, a sharpshooter and a Fem fatal come to find me. I thought someone had slipped me a mickey, or that I ate the wrong type of mushrooms. Maybe i'd wake up with a splitting headache somewhere with a bottle of maddog tucked under my shoulder. But hey, I wasn't in any rush to wake up. [/i] Ace felt stupid putting his slick black sudan next to the jet, trying to compare them. Alex: I got your e-mail. It sounds interesting. Ace looked almost dissapointed. "Interesting? You may as well get heading home." Alex: What are you getting at? Ace: This isn't some club, or a common intrest. You would have to leave everything in your past behind. The mofia, a home, all will be pleasent memories. Are you sure you can do that? [i] She had a lot to loose. It was as obvious as how valuable she would be on the team. She may have been leaning back. I couldn't tell if I just pushed her out the door or tugged her in. [/i]
Name: InuYasha Age: 55 (or so...) Gender:Male Race: Half-demon Weapon: Tetsuiga Appearance: Long silver hair with silver dog like ears. Red (whatever it's called) and pants. Yellow eyes. Bio: Fifty years ago, Naraku tricked Inuyasha to betray his love, Kikyo. She bound him to a tree for fifty years until a girl named Kagome freed him. A while after that, he, Kagome, and the others have searched for the shards of a sacred jewl. (I'm not sure, but this rpg sounds like its after the shards are collected and naraku's dead so...) Tell me if i should change or add anything.
"And that's why they call me Azreal." Blood painted the walls around an old bar. A man sat amongst the bodies, pulling his sword out of one of their heads. He walked out of the bar slowly, lighting a vigtory cig. One of the vampire's still alive in the bar slowly peeked out after him. "W-what are you?" "Me? Just an old fashioned holy man." The vampire suddenly felt a great swelling of courage. "So your just a-" "Before you say anything, you have to be alive before I can kill you, and therefore sin." He continued walking, ignoring the vampire scurrying back to the bar. He walked to a fire escape on a nearby building and climbed to the fith floor window. He pushed it open and casually walked through, much to the dismay of the owner. He walked through the front door and out into the hallway. He sat on the steps, waiting to see anymore vampires.
Ace couldn't help but chuckle at the maneger and the police. He capped the whisky and walked a few blocks from the alleyway. He stopped at an old fire escape and started climbing. When he got to the roof, the theif was already there. Ace: Hey, there! Messy, but you got some skill. ???: Who the hell are you? She had already tooken out her gun and trained it on ace. Ace: Whoah, down girl! I'm a nobody. Can you put that thing away? The theif didn't budge, but instead set the hammar back on her gun. Ace pushed up his sleves. "Look, nothing up my sleeves. But if you want to get out of stealing quick stop stuff, I'm the black sudan out front." He started to step back to the tip of the ledge. "Later." He took another step off the roof and plumeted down to the ground. [i] If I were in my right mind, I wouldn't have wasted my time. But, I was getting kind of annoyed with no go's [/i]
Ijimeru felt as though he was going to be torn apart. The rings held him down, thrashing himat every second. He slowly reached for a Sprite Orcerania, but a ring knocked his hand away. He searched the room for Lucefer, but found that everything was slowly melting away. Everything faded into darkness, except a small girl's giggling... His eyes slowly opened. He was in a small familliar room. The dirt floor and pillars were lit by a small window. His head throbbed violently as he gazed at the door, which was permenently sealed. Ijimeru felt like all the energy had been torn out of him and spilled over the ground. He gazed up at the green fly-like insects as he slowly closed his eyes. Enix looked around. The rings had disintigrated as Ijimeru vanished. He scratched his head in bewilderment and looked around. "Where'd he go?"
Act One Scene One Prolouge Midnight. A run down shack was surrounded by cops. Officer: Put down your weapons and come out with your hands up! ???: No, not this early! ???: Your not giving up, are you? Many people waited in the house, their faces conceiled in shadow. ???: What can we do? One of them peeked out the window. He thrust his head back inside as a barrage of bullets lined the sill. "WOW! We didn't do anything that bad, did we?" The sound of guns clicking rang through the air. "If it's a fire fight they want, that's what they'll get." [i] Who are these people? You may ask yourself. And what are they talking about? You may also ask. If you wish to know, sit back and grab yourself a cold one. [/i] Noon. A black sudan rolled down the street and parked at an old quick stop food mart. The driver got out and yawned. His eyes were bloodshot and his blue hat was tipped to one side, revealing tuffts of brown hair. [i] My name is Ace Sterling, a man who has commited his life to one goal. I was searching for the people to be in my project. These people were the world's greatest theives, which can only lead to the theives guild. I remember listening to stories about Tommy Gun, Lupin, and the others, but I couldn't see the guild dying. I had been searching for three months and not a single person joined me. Lupin the third, who I just had met the night before, had rejected me say ing he was happy solo. My goal was becoming a joke, I even had an e-mail sign up. I was desprate, to a point that I was currently chasing the e-mail. If the guild never revived, I don't know what I'd do. [/i] Ace entered the mart, passing a teenage girl who gave him a skeptical look. He exited back out and sat in the parking lot, pulling a fresh whisky from his pocket and took a few sips. [i] That was the best drik I had ever tasted. In an old boomrag town in Idaho, saying I was about three days away from my next destination wasn't much. It was like a never ending road trip. [/i] I wan't to start this slow and get a chance to meet you all. Your posts don't have to connect to mine.
This was strictly IC, xaru. everyone seems to be hitting you with trapping spells and all. ---------------- Ryden looked back, but he could no longer see Hiei. Ryden wanted to go back, but he didn't want to interfear with Hiei's mission. He lowered his head and turned around. "We need to get going. I'm sure Hiei didn't just go on his own for us to wait for him." He slowly lifted off his feet and prepared to leave. "Can't we just-" "no" said Ryden, anticipating Serena's question. "Hiei won't be long, he'll catch up to us later." He finally launched and sped off, towards the rising moon.
I can't wait for ars anymore, this will start at 6:ooam tomorrow.
[i] The ring of abyss. It's cold black gaze sets upon you. [/i] A ring of fire blasts it's way from Lucifer and knocks Ijimeru into the ground. He jumps up and shakes his head. Ijimeru charges and tries to spear the demon. He misses and his sword is stuck in the wall. The demon walks close, his fork tongue buldging out of his mouth. Ijimeru backhands him and knocks him into the wall. His sword comes loose and he readies it to block another ring. The ring pierces his sword and he is sent into the far wall. His eyes blurred as the demon paused. He took a moment to regain his composure and rolled to the side. With another wind drill he knocked the demon into the wall, a tingle of triumph on it's slide down.
Uh, just to say, Tsukasa's unconcience [i] Lucifer shows himself. You are the lone hero, the decendent of Azreal. The battle begins. [/i] Ijimeru peeked beside the pillar and saw a vile fork tongued demon. He charged, and even in the light he remained guised in the shadow. "HRAAAA!" Ijimeru lept and readied himself to dive on Enix. Enix manedged to jump back in time to avoid the sword's point. Enix: Are you nuts?! What are you- Ijimeru's voice was split and doubled. "Crawl back into the shadows!" The wind drill blew again, and Enix threw himself out of the way. The wall behind him erupted and bricks flew in every direction. Enix: What do I do?
heh, nobody likes you, Xaru ----- Seeing the dragon reminded Ryden of something. "Hey, Serena?" "What?" "Where's Rangarock?" She went wide eyed. "Tell me it's not still in Gnarwood." "I-" Ryden: "We can't go back for it. There's no time." Zo: I think we could spare a half an hour. Hiei If my spell doesn't hold Xaru... Serena: We can't leave it! Ryden was annoyed at having to delay more. "Rangarock is your decision, Serena. I have a feeling you wouldn't take no for an answer here anyway."
cool. that looks like everyone :-)
Ijimeru entered the dungeon. As soon as he entered, he was greated by a thunderhammer monster. He charged and attacked, but a large sheild appeared. "You are in direct violation of code 002. Your charicter will be deleted and..." The monster hissed and roared at him. Ijimeru's sword was encircled with a screw-like wind, that peirced the sheild and into the monster's skull. [i] time is against you. The floor feels like rotting cardboard, breaking at any wrong step. Your choice vanishes, and you have nowhere to go but down. [/i] Ijimeru pointed his sword at the ground and the same drill blasted it open. He jumped down without giving any thought at all. Enix burst in, his staff pointed ahead of him. On the ground lay a dead moderator and a hole. "Oh geeze." He jumped down the hole as well. Ijimeru landed on the lower level and sprinted into the next room. [i] Somebody behind you is breathing down your neck. Avoid sight at all caosts. [/i]
[i] Ijimeru, this is a waste of your time. Their souls are covered with the flesh of fallen angels. Gate out. Chosen Hopless Nothingness. [/i] Ijimeru sheathed his sword. "Gotta go." Kara: Wait, there may be m- It was too late as Ijimeru dissapeared. [i] The monster's, they will suffice. Your luck holds true. All war is is luck and chaos, anybody who belives otherwise is a fool. [/i] Ijimeru ran throught the feild, coming across two cenotuars. [i] They are worthy. [/i] two players on puchigos trotted across the feild, preparing to gate out. "I can't belive it's closed. just when I get the code, too." "I know what you- what's that?" A heavyblade charged them, guised in shadows. the only thing that could be seen were his eyes, wich glew a light blue. He jumped and span in the air, hacking away at the rider. Instead of turning gray and fading away, she lay in a pool of her blood. "Oh my god!" Ijimeru killed the first cenotuar with ease, the human part fading away. The second one reared on it's hind legs, readying it's spear. He threw his sword and the head rolled to the ground. [i] they give you the gift of speed. [/i] Both the players were dead. The heavyblade trotted off on a puchigos, towards the dungeon. Enix: Hmmm? a message appeared, the picture was a blurred white haired player, going by Aur@ Gr@ d-stroyer c@ptv* Pl*** hlp
"A vessel dragon..." Ryden stared as the baby dragon continued to shake all the spit off. "What are you staring at?" It said, noticing Ryden. "I'm contimplating weather your really a dragon, or just a big loogie." He replied sarcastically, drawing up to full height. He searched his pocket to find a leather pouch and placed the spirit inside. "At any rate, we need to hurry to the dragon before it d- *pauses* ...before it-er- it de-destroys anymore." He said, taking off into the air. "I have a friend near here not five miles away. we can load up there."
It has been one thousand years since it started. The war between Heaven and hell has been deadlocked for centuries. It was a miracle that the humans were oblivious for so long. That's when it happnened. Our worst fear, the Apocolypse. three fourths of the human race were wiped off the face of the earth. The hounds of hell have tooken most of earth and are now bearing down on the stairway to heaven. It is time, for the final offensive. Name Age Gender Species: (Angel, Archangel, Minotuar, Cenotaur, ent, god*note*, human, elf, dwarf, ogre, demon, devil, ect.) Description: Bio: Weapon: Spells Side: Heven, hell, or neither *If you want to be a god, you can't be all powerful. You can be any god though. I hope to get in Anubus and Astrix Name: Azreal Age: 4,097 Gender: male Species: Archangel Description: Face hidden by a white hood and light blue vest, white sleeved shirt, black pants white boots, light blue gloves. Large white wings. Bio: I am the archangel of death, Azreal. I have been in the holy war as long as I can remember. At a whim, I was sent down to earth to punish the wicked. the humans feared me and god, so I was forced to return to heaven. I now travel to earth (with or without company, whoever wants to) to seek the warriors that are foretold to end the war. Weapon: A Large white sword. Spells: Sword of flames (his sword erupts with flame) spear of the heavens, Light of aduin (healing spell) Side: Heven
Let me tell you right now, if you base this on the show, you'll be very screwed coming up. Gene hung limp from his chains. The electricity had stopped as soon as the other person was cut down. The chains slackened and Gene fell to the floor. The stench of burning skin filled the air. Japaneese engravings burned into his back and showed through his jacket. The symbols were etched onto his wrists and ankles. He slowly rolled onto his back, blood dripping from his mouth. Enix: Did that statue just move? Enix and the others waited around the man, now looking at the statue. With a faint rustling the man had dissapeared. Yago: Where'd he go? The man lay on the roof, gasping for air. "W-what the hell was that?" He looked down at a symbol now engraved on his wrist. (contradicting Gene's) "what the hell is this?" His wrist dropped to the side and he lay silently. Enix: Hmm? I got a message. It's Ijimeru. Mac Anu, ten minutes. Gene stumbled home, a miny keyboard sticking out of his pocket. He didn't know exactly what he was doing, his train of thought came like someone was talking to him. The sky darkened and it started to rain. Here's what entered Gene's mind: [i] The rain fall's like icy pitchforks, straight from the devil's heart. The people around scatter like there is no tomorrow. You ignore the rain and stay focused on getting home, and into the world. nothing else matters, your so far past the point of no return, you don't even remember what it looked like when you passed it. [/i] Gene finally got home and stumbled into his room, his computor screen glowing a pale green. -Mac Anu- Nitsu: What's this black thing on your back? Ijimeru entered the root town to find the other's waiting for him. Oddly enough, the charicter reflected him on the real world. His pants were torn around the ankles, revealing the black symbols and a rope burn the chains left. His sleves were torn the same. His hair was messy and, for anyone who could smell it, he gave off the slight aroma of burning flesh. Enix: What happened? Ijimeru: It doesn't matter what happened to me as much to the two worlds. the real world and this world connected, I saw it. Kara: We kinda guessed that. What are these? *points at burns left on his wrists. Enix: And what's that smell? Ijimeru:...this meeting was a mistake. He pushed himself on the grassy mound they were sitting on and walked out of the puchigos ranch.
If you read it, disregard my deleted post Ryden sighed. "DO YOU EVER STAY DOWN?!!!" Xaru was breathing very heavily, he looked barely able to stand. "Nope." He stood up to full hight, his charred and bleeding skin letting off a putrid aroma. "Ryden, I got this. You got 'things' to sort out." "I-you can't... thanks." Ryden said at last. He sat across from Hoshi as Hiei walked towards Xaru. "Okay. Since you lost sight and vocal, Xaru has kept us on a continuous onslaught. When he found the orders to defe- attack the divine dragon, it seemed he would leave us to meet us there. Instead he transformed into an improved Xaru, and continued his hunt." Hearing Ryden talk so formal was starting to annoy Hoshi. "...at Hiei's awakening. He quicklly attacked Xaru, badly wounding him and knocking him unconcious. That's about it." He paused with out answering all of her questions. Her hand found it's way to his wound, and she pushed hard. [b] what about this? what about your promise? [/b] She felt Ryden's hand clasp around her wrist. Instead of pusshing it back to her, he pushed it farther into the gash. She could feel the hard sharp edge of a piece of armor that had found it's way inside, the bones threatening to snap or dislocate, the blood pushing out of a broken vein on rythem with his heart beat. "Is that my punishment?" Ryden's voice was calm, but brimming with other things that he was desprate to hide. "I won't lie to you. I can't keep the promise that you will never be scared, or that either of us will live through this. I can say that I will be by your side as much as my body will allow it. I'm not all powerfull, though. And your going to have to accept that." He stood up, Hoshi's hand falling away from his wound. He walked over to Hiei and Xaru, who were staring each other off. "He's weak. It would be wise to finish him here." Hiei said in a cool, cold voice. "No. Enough blood has been spilt on his account. Besides... (Walks to Xaru, who manedged to hoist up his glaive) This hell won't end with his death. I want him to see it through to the end." "Don't talk like I've already been beaten." Xaru said, getting into a good strong defensive stance. "Hiei. I am still questioning if it's really you. I am familliar with the languedge of your last two spells, and I can't say I like what I'm hearing." Ryden said, completely ignoring Xaru. "It's not your concern."
This is going to be really creepy. Be warned. PS ars, I'm going to do something that I have no Idea how you'll react to. I think you'll be pleased, though. "GNYAAA!" The brick finally came loose. And more bricks started to fly. They pushed themselves out of the way, revealing a small door way. Gene rubbed his head gingerly, having been launched back on pulling the brick. (start of intro song, very quiet) He walked through the doorway, revealing a very odd room. The walls and the floor were stone, pillars of diamond rose from the side, flames bouncing on the jetting edges. This wasn't what Gene was looking at. Suspended upside down, was the horribly sinister girl. She was standing on a pedistool, her purple hair flowing up to her fingertips. The celing was transparrent glass, revealing the holy grounds. Gene: W-what's going on? In the holy grounds, The cat creature head for the exit as his ears perked up and he spun around. Tears ran down the statues face. With a loud gong, the doors to the holy grounds sealed themselves, as did the brick wall. ???: What the hell? Gene's eyes darted furiosly for another way out. Chains slithered out of the walls, wrapping around his arms and legs. They pulled tight, suspending him in the air. The cat man tried to block the chains, but they went straight through his weapon and bound him as well. ???: NOO! Gene: The evil girl started to giggle, her eyes still unrevealed. Subaru: Tsukasa! Tsukasa slumped to the floor, out cold. All over the world various players did the same. The statue in the holy grounds started to quake. A transparent pale little girl that looked exactly like the statue emerged, her eyes wet with tears. (song gets much louder) The evil girl continues lauging as she flies into Gene, Ijimeru now a shadow behind him. The cat creature held back a scream as the girl flew closer. Both girls passed through their victums at the same time. Black electricity surged down the chains and into Gene, as white into the cat. "GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
The sound of his footsteps echoed away from her. "Nope. My answer's still no. Sorry for blowing up on you last time." Zo's expression turned confused. "What? Why?" "It's my code. Until My battle is fineshed, I deserve no rest. Is it just me, or is everyone going blind lately?" He sat down on an upside down bucket in the far corner. "How you holding up, Hoshi?" Hoshi was sitting on the floor by the wall. Ryden felt a small timge of relief that she couldn't talk, he really didn't want to hear about being sensible. She held up a small thumbs up to show that she was fine. "Ryden, you shouldn't ri-" before Zo could finish, Ryden interrupted. "Serena! How's Hiei? I didn't see exactly what happened, so I cant be sure." "He's alive." Serena replied as she set Hiei down and sat next to him. "Good. It doesn't seem like him to run from a battle, he seemed to want to get to the divine dragon first. I suggest we wait until he wakes up, or...something."
They all remained silent for a short period. Ijimeru: Right. Time's flying. Subaru: What do y- before she could finish her sentence, golden rings encircled Ijimeru, and he dissapeared. -Koki st. Starfe residence- A boy rubbed his eyes and walked away from his coputor. He grabbed a set of keys and put a foot out the door. He hesitated and walked back inside. In one of the droors, a rusty revolver and a box of bullets lay hidden under some clothes. The boy loaded the gun and hid ti in the back of his pants. [i]Just in case[/i] The streets were littered with trash as the boy slowly trudged down the sidewalk. The skies threatened rain and the wind picked up. At last the boy got to an alleyway, where a cop was packing up. He looked up at the boy and smiled. Cop: Gene! Why are you here? You haven't been out of your house in weeks! Gene: Right... You already cleaned up? Cop: Nope. Nothing to clean up. This place is bare. Gene: sorry if I don't take your word for it. Cop: Suit yourself. I can't stop you from wasting your time. The squad car's door shut and the car sped off into the distance. Gene inched his hand closer to the gun. A black cat jumped downfrom a rooftop and landed behind Gene. He turned quickly, slipping in a puddle and landing farther down the allyey, smashing his head into a brick wall. His hand went for his gun, but it flew to the street curb on his fall down. Ijimeru: Oww... Huh? there's something you don't see everyday. Four of the bricks he had crashed into were now buldging and looked to be trying to push themselves out of their holes. Gene grabbed one of the bricks and tried to tug it loose. It remained stuck. Gene Got up and bent down to pry it out with his full strength.
pkay, so puuting it like that, being a theif and a ninja aren't your specialties, they're just what you are. You need one or two specialties in those fields.