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fire Name: Koji Starfe Age: 23 gender: male Bio: From an ansestral time, the Starfe name was highly respected and very noble. Koji's father had become very rich and powerful from his many inheritence. Koji, who was barely tooken notice of, developed a taste for kickboxing matches at an early age. The first time he saw a tournament, he knew immediatley that that was what he wanted to be. He spent most of his life in training, until his own form of martial arts was perfected as much as he could alone. At 19 years of age, he won his fith consecutive tournament and went missing. It was said that he left to seek his fortune. That rumor was deemed false, as four years later he was sighted in the town, now wanted for breaking out of jail. His reasons for being tried in the first place are unknown. It is said that he is now hiding deep in the forest of Aduin. Description: On his last sighting, Koji had short black hair and a red bandanna. He wore a whire shortsleeved shirt, a black jacket, and a pair of dark blue jeans. he had black shoes and fingerless gloves.
Vash works for me, though I'm a little confused on how we're going to do all this...
Try best buy. they have it for 15-20$. There is also supposed to be a stalking or following mode and an energy gauge that decreases faster when you use it. I heard something about the build thing, but I never put any thought into it. If it is Big boss who you play as, I think it's gonna be really weird knowing that you'll kill the hero later on. (or earlier on, depending how you look at it.)
Ijimeru gave a mixture of a growl and a snort. "I hate being followed." He rested his hand on his hilt and waited. Nothing. He relaxed and went back to talk. "Basically, this virus only affects people involved in the world, right?" Kara: Yes. Ijimeru: then why would that bum be affected? He doesn't have enough money to buy the game, let alone the computor. Enix: Maybe he was a n internet cafe junkie. Ijimeru: *Shakes head. No way. This guy was permenently drowned in alchahol... I'm going to log out and check the area, before the cops clean it up completely. Here. *Objects float from his hand into everyone elses. My member adress and cell phone. if anything happens, call me ASAP.
Ijimeru scratches his head as Enix backs off to avoid any more head locks. "So... If the people back there were recordings, than where did these two come from?" He asks, motioning towards Subaru and Tsukasa. Enix: I had doubts, but your just plain stupid. Ijimeru: Hey! What's that supposed to-GWAAA! Ijimeru took a leap back, staring into the space in front of him. Subaru: What happened? Tsukasa: N-not again! Enix: Ijimeru! IJ? Ijimeru's eyes darted from side to side, and then closed with a sigh of relief. Ijimeru: Huh, mail's here. *round of sighs* Enix: You moron! Ijimeru: Hey! It's not every day that a body appears in front of my eyes is i- Enix: Body? Ijimeru's face went from a glare to a nod. "Yeah, I'll set up a PMB (private message board.)" Suddenly, a large wooden sign materialized in front of them. On it was an article with a picture of a poor man's body. The article read: [i] Man struck down by unknown source. [/i] [i] Earlier today, police were sent to investigate reports of a dead bum in the alley of Koki st and Garu av. When officials arrived on the scene, it was found out that the man was not dead, but in a very deep coma. Doctor Kawazoki had this to say. "These comas are not new. They have happened before and the victums have made a full recovery." When investigated, reports of comas such as this had happened precisley two years ago. This is the first coma staged away from a computor. The CCcorp, the makers of the popular online game "The World" and first blamed of the past comas, had this to say: "We said we weren't involved, and this proves it. This man was, and probably never was, near a computor." The victum has been identified as a twenty year old...[/i] Ijimeru: Wow, I followed the coma story, and I always thought cc were to blame. Tsukasa stamped his foot in rage. "They are involved! I kn-I know it!" Subaru: Tsukasa... *goes closer to comfort him.* Ijimeru: wait a minute, I've seen that man before! Koki and Garu... I live on the other side of Koki! That man comes by and begs every day!
*Big Grin* I'm going to have a ton of fun with that. ars_magicae, I know you figured it out, so don't spoil it. *Grin gets bigger.* I'll start this when about...5 more people join.
The ways of a theif, combinded with the ways of a ninja, with a con artist in the mix. A little much... hmm... I'll have to get back to you on that, Arika. (meaning I'll probably forget it in an hour and then remember that this is supposed to be fun and not so strict...)
That's great. I never thought of stealth and hacking, but, yeah. They do compliment each other quite nicely. Name: Ace Sterling Age: 22 Gender: Male Reputation: Hot foot Speacialty: Acrobatics/stealth Weapon(s): Martial arts, cane (short quarter staff with a large hook on the end. Apperance: Short brown hair, covered by a dark blue french cap w/visor. Black blindfold with eye holes and brown eyes. dark blue T. neck sweater and light brown pants. blue boots and gloves. (if you can guess what I'm getting at, pm me.) Bio: Came from a long line of theives and con artists. When his father went to jail, his uncle trained him to be a theif. He used to hear stories of the theives guild, and never sat right with their dying out. Quote: If you were to take the theif out of me, there would be nothing left.
I would first want this one to be like a gothic, blah blah blah, but then I decided to have fun with it :-D The Guild of Theives. A legend alone. It started as a band of the finest theives across the world. From France came the gentleman theif, Lupin the 1st (heh, I questioned putting Sly Cooper here.) Italy hailed Al Capone's right hand man, Tommy Gun (i'm making this up as I go along.) From america to china, not a single country went without a theif. The guild pulled every job imaginable, from Fort Knox to Her majesties gems, the guild was known in every bank or dimond shop across the world. After the fifties, the guild slowly faded, members disbanning to either go clean, or go solo. The guild was remembered for fifty years, as a code of honor, instead of a group. Finally, at the turn of the century, one man attemps to recreate the guild. Corny? I sadly didn't put too much time into this, but I still have a good feeling. Name (Lupin the third is open along with Jigen and Goemon, please don't put Sly Cooper, he's a racoon. Not to offend him/it) Age Gender Reputation (ie the gentleman theif, the mad hatter, the Ragin Cajin, ect. optional) Speacialty: (Lockpicks, paranodics, hacking, con artist, swindeling, stealth, whatever max is 2, but they have to do good together, like hacker/lockpic, or stradigist/hacker, I'm very leniant so try a combo and ill probably accept. If you want two totally opposites, do something with it in the bio) Weapon(s): (swords, guns, anything) Apperance Bio Quote
(sigh) I wrote this once but my comp screwed up before I could post it. Name:Semper In Angaria, but calls himself Azreal Age: 17 Race: human Appearance: short brown hair, parted on the right and combed diagonally back. Yellow circular sunglasses (like vash's in trigun.) Black suit jacket and pants with rasberry shirt. black mens dress shoes and holy cross embeded fingerless gloves. Bio: Cathlic holy man. Known as the wandering Archangel to those who have heard of him (hence Azreal) Thrown out of the church for his obsessive sword training. He then almost completely abandoned religion, but can't help but to cling on to it. He has been a nomad ever since. "I fight in the name of god, and yet I wonder if I am only spilling blood on the lord's title." Weapon(s): Light dark blue sword with red hilt. White cross on blade.
Ray: Hey, wait a minute. Didn't you say you were in bunker 12? Tazo nodded, her eyes dropping to the ground when she remembered the sight of the dead bodies. Ray looked confused. "Where were you when they attacked?" Tazo: I was in the bunker. Ray: That can't be right. Think back. Tazo shook her head. "I was in the bunker. Is there something wrong with that?" Ray's face continued to grow with confusion. "You must have been sleeping in a bucket of snow. They swept the room with IR goggles. Either your an Ice queen, or..." It was clear what Ray was saying, but Tazo just shook her head. "I'm sorry, but I have no idea." Ray grumbled and sat back in his seat for a moment. The engines woke up and started to roar. Ray shook his head and walked to the back. Clyde: Where are you going? Ray: Standard protocol. Secure the perimeter and eliminate all ground threats. Sides, I hate big ships. PS here's a good Idea on what Glaicer looks like. [img]http://www.robotech.com/images/content/GIM_142_2_2317.jpg[/img]
Ryden sat at a bar, his eyes bloodshot from lack of sleep. He ordered an egg in a cup to try and cure his hangover. Ryden: I gotta wait for the FF counseler to report in. Ryden remembered when he first got here. Ryden: You should get home, Mineru. Mineru: Nope. I caused this mess, so I'm going to explain it. Ryden:You know, every pilot in that airfield probably wants to kill you. if he brings anybody with him... Mineru: You know, home just looked a whole lot better. He chuckled to himself, adding tomatoe juice to his egg and downing the glass. At that moment, the door swung open and an old man in a dark green suit came in and sat next to Ryden. ???: This had better be damn good, Ryden. I don't go out at four in the morning for nothing. Ryden: I told you to meet me at midnight, Smith. Smith: We don't have time for excuses or small talk. Ryden: Very well. Yesterday, around noon, an explosion and a fire in the radio tower alerted authorities to the presence of a rebellion airfield. An evacuation ensue almost immediately. Smith: What the hell caused the explosion. Ryden: A flying clown. Radio contact with any and all other pilots has yet to be established. It is probable that they are being retained in the enemy base. Smith: Very well. Your next assignment is to infiltrate the enemy fortress and confirm the presence of FF captives. You are to release them if there are. Ryden: And Here's why that's not going to happen- Smith: And here's where I stop caring, damnit! His fist pounded on the table and his face turned red with anger. Smith: You abandon your commrades, this is what happens!
Ray never liked thinking about the past, it always seemed "like a waste of future" so he tried to change the subject Ray: Well, we're a few miles away from the last sos signal, so we should get a move on. He rushed to his mech's cockpit and pulled out a small labtop. "Judjing by are location, we should be able to make it to the cosmat station, just a half a mile off course. From there we can call for a pickup and maybe (more) backup." Akumatsu looked on the verge of glaring at him, but nodded instead. Akumatsu: Right. I'll inform Tazo and Cecilia
The forest cleared around a small square well. Bones littered the bottom, along with very old footprints. A man with what looked like an enourmous sack on his back waited by it. One of his eyes were swollen shut and the other was barely open. He had what looked like a breastplate on, but it was shattered and rusting. The bottom of his pants were torn, revealing his ankles, which were raw with rope burn. He walked towards the well and looked down it. [i] She was here. She went in and never returned. How? What type of magic? [/i] He grumbled under his breath and started to walk away. He came to the town a small time later and drank in the patches of water on the outskirts. Each time his hands lowered into the water, blood would stream down his wrists into the water. [i] I know it, she could find a solution. [/i] The bag on his bag twitched twitched and wriggled around. It finally burst, revealing two large scaley black wings. With each flap they lifted the man farther off the ground. [i] I did not travel 14 hundred miles just to head back empty handed. [/i] His wings stopped flapping for a moment and he drifted slowly in the air. The wings tucked to his sides and he took off like a bullet into the town. The villagers down below gazed up and pointed. Many of them went for their bows, but few of them calmly went back to their buiseness, having seen InuYasha so many times before.
If there's something in Arika's post I'm missing, I couldn't read it. So sorry. It's just too small for the screen I'm using. ------------- Ijimeru looked quite perplexed. Ijimeru: Ts-Tsukasa? He looked up at him. Ijimeru: What were you doing in the holy grounds today? Confusion spread as he looked oddly at Him. Tsukasa: What are you... Talking about? Ijimeru: Don't screw with my head! You, and the painted man, and the naive heavyblade, you were in there being asked if you were a guy. Something struck a cord in Tsukasa, and he remained silent. Ijimeru: Come On! Then you were in that room telling Subaru that this was more than a game to you! And then I hear (glares hard at Enix) that you were a recording! Which one is it? Subaru: Mr? Ijimeru: Ijimeru. Subaru: Well, Ijimeru, Tsukasa and I haven't been in the holy grounds all day. Ijimeru: So you're recordings? (puts Enix in a head lock) How about you tell me whats going on? [i]pal[/i]
OOC(whatever that means): I can't tell if Xaru Silverfire has taken another leave of absence, or is just waiting for the right oppertunity to post. I feel I owe an apology at any rate for ending the battle so abruptly and sloppily. I'm not sure exactly why i did, I guess just to keep the thread going. And Also, if any of my posts are incomplete, it means only that I ran out of time to finish it. ___________________ Ryden nodded at the group. "I wanted to hold off on telling you, but are next orders are to launch an assault on the divine dragon itself. But, we must also think about Hoshi." He looked on to see everyones reaction when he felt a shard of his armor dig deep into a nerve in his shoulder. Zo looked suprized and immediately fished inside her bag for her jewl. She got it out and started towards Ryden. "ARE YOU NUTS! WHERE IS YOUR Dignety?!" Ryden Burst out and gave a small leap back.
I've been having trouble with dying threads in the advent. section, so i wanted to know good ideas to avoid it.
Ray sighed and went back to his curry. He had heard about the hope, the first and only mech to not be weighed down with ICC laws. He guessed he was expecting a little much, but... *gags on another bite of curry.* Ray: Forget what I said. Clyde: Well, the hope is- Ray: No, not that. About making due with this curry. He stood up and walked towards his mech. "I got a few dozen cans of fruit in emergency stash." The cockpit folded open and he climbed inside. He returned with a huge dark green pack and pulled out a few cans. Clyde looked down at the rest of his curry. He could feel some of it on the edge of coming back up. Clyde: You could have mentioned that before, you know. Ray: Shut up and be thankful. Anyways, when you called for backup, what was the scenario? I heard it was a support mission of some sort. Some pilots may still need assistance. Clyde caught one of the cans and popped it open. He looked to the sky and thought about the mission.
Ray: We'll have to make do. He took a bite of the month old curry, and immediately covered his mouth to keep it from coming back out. Ray: O-okay. It's not th-that bad. *takes another bite.* But Clyde, there's something I need to ask you. Clyde: What? Ray: Are you THE Clyde Valentine? The pilot of Hope? (I don't have time to check that, running out of quarters.) Clyde: The one and the same. Ray: Clyde, the Hope is a legend. How can you be so casual about it?
A live trigun...right. (pictures the angel arm and laughs.) Maybe in another dimension. With stuff like that, You have to do an anime with no magic period. I think the only action anime thing that would work is either a gundam or a robotech movie. That way, they can polygon the robot battles and shoot the actors in front 0of a green screen. And if all the robo battles were computorized, it would cut on budgets and still look good.
Oh geeze, it looks like South park .hack style, or, vica versa. Theres no way thats official. The creators have too much respect for the .hack universe to waste it like that.
Heh, I was hoping this wasn't going to be a never ending porno. anyways, I'm halfway back, at an in. cafe at five bucks an hour. Anyways, I thought I'd say something in case anything huge happens.
Hey, I'm not back yet, per say. I can't post anything cause i'm at a in. cafe in canada (hoser land) Anyways, I thought I'd tell you just in case anybody had any questions.
Before he could answer, a butcher walked through the forest. "The... the dark flame. It's back." He was breathing hard, as if he had been running all night. "Dark Flame? You don't think..." Kitty looked at the others and then took off down the trail. They reached the empty town at dusk and walked through the abandoned streets. The man walked out of a bakery just as they walked past. "Hey, what happened here?" The man continued walking. "Rain." I'll be gone for a week and a half
I'll be gone for a week and a half.