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Everything posted by Squall
Hey, I'll be gone for a week and a half
I'll be gone for a week and a half.
Hey, I'll be gone for a week and a half. Horrid timing, isn't it?
I'm confused, how did we get to the hangar so fast? I guess to move the story along... PS Orien, have you played Robotron Battlecry? Thats the only place i've ever heard HUD used Ray wanted to go after Ivrene, but his mech wasn't equipped for space fights. Plus, he didn't think Atumatsu would like the cold of space. A screen appeared in the top left corner of his cockpit, showing a transmission. "Identify yourselves or be destroyed!" "Ray Solid, ER Mechanoid Pilot. Bunker 12. Who are you?" The mech raised it's weapon. "LE." Ray growled and fired his gattling gun. The Glaicer wheeled itself behind some derbis. His radio crackled, he could barely make out what he was listening to. "Risi-- sun com- in dam- -t!" Ray hit a button and tried to respond. "This is Rising Sun! We need backup!" "Yo- ne-d back-p? Y-u ar-e b-ckup!" "Bad day, isn't it?" at that time the transition died out. The glaicer peeked over the top of the derbis and shot at the enemy mech. Something about the mech caught his eye, but he couldn't place it.
Ray blindly searched the room for the enemy mech. He could barely make out the outlines of two figures. "HOLD IT!" He rubbed his eyes. "LE? State your names and Factions!" "We are not your enemy. We need to get to the engine room." Ray could see more clearly, but still blurred. "I was heading there before I got attacked..... Allright. I'll give you a ride" The glaicer outstreched it's hand. "Climb onto the back and hold on tight." The girl turned away. "I need to get to Hinoto." Ray looked confused. "You'd have better luck surviving in space. The hanger's a warfield."
"Try this on for size!" Wheels sprout out of the bottom of the glacier's feet. The wheels turned up smoke and the glacier took off like a rocket. The enemy mech sprouted blades out of it's wrists and readied itself for the attack. Glaicer shot a round of beams and the rifle folded onto it's back. The gatteling gun was dropped to the side as the Glaicer grabbed the enemy mech's wrists and pushed them to the celing. "Koji! Get to the engine room SAP!" "What about-" "I can handle this! We're all dead if the engine fails, GO!" The gray mech hesitantly followed directions and shot down the hall. The Glaicer was left at a standstill with the enemy mech. They both pushed back and drew their rifles. "Your pretty decent." Ray commented as he opened fired. "Too bad we couldn't meet under better circumstances." He chuckled to himself.
[b]Field Log[/b] Two days ago, ER recieved a distress signal from a small patallion on Luna. ER immediatly sent reinforcements on a large ship named Rising Sun. The Rising Sun is almost a mile wide, and two miles long. The crew has been aboard the rising sun for over two days. In that two days the security was breached by a group of LE spies. In their attempt to cut off reinforcements, they have killed almost all of the soldiers in their sleep. They're main target is the engine. Without it, the survivors will be doomed to drift in space for the rest of their lives. To make matters worse, LE mechs have been hidden in the supply depo and are now forcing their way through our barracades. [i]Journal Log Entry[/i] Everyone I know, is dead. Those monsters killed everyone in bunker 12, including both of my brothers, James and Marquise Solid. The last thing James said to me was "Thank god we're alive." I'm alive, but sould I really be thankful? The battle for the Rising Sun raged on. Blood and derbis painted the walls as a deadly game of cat and mouse ensue in the dimly lit hangars. A red mech followed by a gray mech and a light blue mech shot down a hallway. "Bad wake up call, eh?" The pilot of the gray mech radioed to his partners. "i'll say. The Glaicers gonna get one heck of a test drive." The light blue mech pilot replied. The red mech turned around, the booster's from it's feet keeping it hovering in the air. "Shut up and keep your eyes peeled. This isn't the time for-" A gunshot filled the air and the black glass visor on the red mech splattered with blood. "VIIIICK!" "Damn! It's an ambush. Ray! Put your sheild up now!" The pilot clenched his eyes tight, and then reached for the wall and pulled out a joystick. The Glaicer (AKA the light blue mech) was surrounded by a purple barrier that immediately dissapeared. A large gun unfolded from the Glaciers back and readied itself in the galicers hand. "MONSTERS!!!"
Allright, I'm starting it up!
Great. That's all I need about the chars, but I still need to know about OZ, earth, colonies, ect. it would be a big help.
Fooly Cooly, I still don't know what that is. I like the show a lot, but it's really confusing. It actually has a plot, it just doesn't use it much.
A moment of silence passed between Ryden and Xaru. Hiei, Serena, Zo, and Hoshi wait at the side. Xaru points his glaive at Ryden. A small smirk appears on his face. In an instant, Xaru charges, his glaive pointed out front. Ryden attemps to jump, but his knee buckles and he's forced to a kneel. "DAMN IT!" The (pike or glaive, I can't remember.) sinks deep into Ryden's shoulder and comes out the other side. Hiei spits and takes off towards Xaru. Ryden slumps to the floor as Xaru picks up a piece of paper that Ryden had signed by the commander. "The Divine dragon?" Xaru reads with intrest as a spear materializes in Hiei's hand. "sounds fun. See you there." The spear flies through where Xaru was, destroying a wall behind it. Xaru lifts off, yelling I'll see you there. Hiei stops and looks around for him, but he was long gone. PS I'll be gone for a week and a half, probably starting on Fri. or sat.
-Malnourished Hopeless Aqua Feild- Ijimeru, Kori, Shape, Arika, and Enix suddenly appeared in a wet grassland area. (sorry if I missed someone or something) They slowly walked towards the dungeon, weapons drawn. Ijimeru took a big gulp when he saw the entrance. A large skull with an open mouth. He took a deep breath and walked in, saying 'I'm just being paranoid' over and over under his breath. As soon as they entered, they were greeted by a moderator who told them to turn back. "Thank you for playing the world. This dungeon is currently out of service, and will be running again shortly. Please exit to the feild, and then to the root town." The group ignored him and went deeper in. The dungeon floor was lined with the corpses of dead monsters. Shape poked one with his sword, and it immediately dissapeared. "That's odd." Enix said calmly, poking another monster. The door at the far side of the hall was barred off. Kori sighed. "Dead end, let's head back." Ijimeru looked confused. "You need some fresh air, pal." He slung his sword over his shoulder and passed through the bars, deeper into the dungeon. The others looked on, and then at each other. On the other side, Ijimeru found himself in a small dirt room with a window on the far side. Suddenly, a small glowing green bug landed on the hilt of Ijimeru's sword. He watched it until it took off again, and landed on a silver haired wavemaster huddled in the corner. "Tsukasa?" At that moment a girl with dark blue hair and small wings passed through Ijimeru and walked over to the boy. "I apologize for the inconveinience, but I really wanted this chance to talk to you." Tsukasa was silent. The girl closed her eyes and looked at the ground. Finally, Tsukasa spoke. "I guess, this is more than just a game for me." Ijimeru couldn't belive his eyes. "That is Tsukasa." Outside, the others pushed to try and get through, but to no avail. "I can't hack in." Arika said silently. "I definately can't, I'm stuck in here." Enix said. "If we can't get in, what do we do?" Kori asked.
Aaagh! My tags are screwing up! [color=darkred] I walked into the park to find my challenger. I caught a glimpse of him behind a tree. My axe spun slowly in my hand as I continued walking. The man dove into the brush next to the tree and started moving away. I picked up speed, hoping to catch the man before he luered me to far into the forest. I readied my axe like a javeline and threw it into his jacket, trapping him against the ground. [/color] "Get this thing off me!" [color=darkred] He screamed as I drew nearer. I could smell his blood heat up, a sure sign of his desperation. As soon as he was free, he shot out a volley of shurokens and tried to run away. A quick swipe of my axe sent the shurokens to the ground. My hands slid to the bottom of my axe and I brought it down just in front of him. He leaped back, into my grasp, and I hoisted him high by his neck. His pockets overflowed with his cash, which quickly became mine. He ran through the forest screaming, the loss of his ear would serve as a constant reminder about challenging people.[/color]
[darkred]I guess going to bed is just... a habbit for me. I sat up in my bed and pulled on my boots. tomorrow will be the start of the third sleepless week. I can't say I miss it much, it always seemed like a waste of time. I walked back out to look for the challenger. I peer over my shoulder to see a drunken couple of russians. As I continue walking, a french couple make out in an alley. Coincedence? I flick a strap on my chest and the longpole axe unhooks itself from my back. With a quick turn I grab the axe and stretch it out towards the couple.[/darkred] "Who ze 'ell are you?" [darkred]The man continues to play stupid with whisky on his breath.[/darkred] [darkred]Save it. I don't like being followed.[/darkred] [darkred]His adam's apple bounces with a hard swallow. I hold it still with the point of my axe. His hand shakes as he points it across the street at an old park. I lift the axe and punch him hard in the jaw.[/darkred]
Anime Is there some weird connection between me and .hack//sign?
Squall replied to Elk's topic in Otaku Central
I haven't been here in a while so sorry for the confusion. I said a connection to swampland because a) Aura's swimming b) Sora's a spider c) Maha's a butterfly get it? -
Firstly, if you are mad that this thread won't die, but you continue to post here, you have serious issues. Secondly, the thought just crossed my mind about another factor, and that's when this battle occurs. Whatever it is that trapped Tsukasa and sent the Guardian to protect him, I doubt it would let some player kill their hard work. That was before Morganna ahnnilated Tsukasa with that one attack. After that, though, Tsukasa has a lesser chance of winning, but still a strong one.
Well, I did hear that he was missing an eye so probably. You have a good point about the cast. I really hope they don't trail off into cold war events and leave Sons O. L. at a cliffhanger.
"If a tree falls in the forest, and nobody is around to hear it, does it make a sound?" I couldn't get that out of my mind, so I came up with two answers. a No What if sound is only something things with ears can pick up? I mean what if our ears pick up a certain vibration and transform it into something we can comprehend, like a sound. So, if that is true, than a tree falls in the forest, it makes a vibration. b yes A sound is not limeted to living beings. a sound is a sound, an unlimeted source that ears only absorb. What do you think?
heh, I would download it, but I don't have four hours. Anyway, I too am A metal gear solid vetran, and in Kojima's style isn't anything edible but rations and isn't in a forest. In this game, suspect the unsuspected.
1963... I heard that just recently, along with you can eat almost anything and you can throw beehives XD
I've heard a lot about this game, inccluding that it comes out in 2004. It's supposed to take place in the jungle, concenterate more on gameplay than cutscenes (like the last two),will be playable on the internet, and is supposed to relate to "back to the origin. Anybody else hear about it?
Did he become human or loose the tetsiaga or something?
Heh, I don't like to screen people, to me it seems like a version of bragging. So yeah, your'e all in and this will start in due time.
Cool. At first I wasn't sure anybody would come. PS I would like for everyone to keep in mind that these are'nt all that gigantic. 15 feet isn't a lot, like three people on eachother's heads [b]Mechanoid Pilot[/b] Name: Ray Solid Age: 19 Description: Medium length dark blue hair and Green eyes. White shirt under an unbuttoned short sleeved shirt. Blue jeans and black sneakers. Black fingerless gloves. Side: ER (Earth Rebellion) Mech: XG9-775 Glacier Weaponry: Long Beam rifle in left arm that autamatically folds on it's back. Gattling gun in right hand. Long Blade that slides out of wrist. Description: Ice blue and white paint. Jetting shoulders and knees. Blue human shaped head with white hockey mask like face. Emerald green eyes and center of waist. Center of chest jets in to a black glass like stripe (cockpit) Favor: Speed Skill Defense Power Wisdom
My first pick would have to be Rachmoninov's Concerto No. 3. It is the hardest piano piece known to man. The piano itself though is only a fraction of the song. Without the entire orchistra behind it it plays weak and silent. It's... complex, like me. Second would sadly be Madonna's Die another Day. With all the mercy of your heart, don't ask me why. I hate the song but I always listen to it through to the end.