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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Here we go. Five hundred years before the mechs were built, there was a time of peace on earth. The planet was becoming vastly overpopulated, to a point where each couple could have only one child who was taken to a shelter, and the parents would be killed soon after. The world was at a breaking point in one hundred years when project luna was launched. Project luna was an attempt to inhabit the moon, and it flew with flying colors. But, in only fifty years the moon as well became overpopulated. Thats when project expand was put into action. The plan was to actually expand the moon using artificial resorces, making another earth. In two hundred years th project neared completion. With the artifitial soil and chemicals, earth2 (known as Luna) had enough resorces to thrive for centuries. Earth1, on the other hand, ran direly close to running out of their precious resorces. Luna's export rate skyrocketed in an attempt to keep Earth alive. In 75 years project Luna was completed, and the Earth was incing it's way back to life. At that point Luna cut the Earth off from all exports, leaving the planet and it's inhabitants to die. In 25 years the people of earth called upon a time of war in desperation. They established the faction known as the ER, the Earth Rebellion. With technolodgy on their side, the Earth looked to gain control. Luna retalliated with a faction known as the LE, The luna Enforcement. The two planets have been deadlocked in war for fourty nine years, when the Earth came with a new force, the Mechanoid. This Mech stood fifteen feet tall and was known as Project Hope. The mech had only one pilot and had the destructive power to match an entire patalloin. With replicas of hope coming at an alarming rate, it looked like Hope would lead the Earth into a new world order. Not to be defeated, Luna created their own mech, known as Project Virtue. With replicas coming, the two worlds were deadlocked once again. Now, twenty five years later, newer models of the mechs are being created with more advanced weaponry. Air support as well as ground and sea support were established in the war that looked like it could never end. [b]Mechanoid Pilot[/b] Name Age Description Side (Earth Rebellion/Luna Enforcement) Mech (Hope and Virtue are available) Weaponry (rail guns, beam cannons, stuff like that) Mech Description You favor A. speed B. Power C. Skill D. wisdom E. Defense F. Other (Just to get a feeling on how you operate your mech) [b]Footman[/b] Name Age Description Side (ER or LE) Weapons (Anti mech cannon, M30 buster rifle, stuff like that) You favor A. speed B. Power C. Skill D. wisdom E. Defense F. Other [b]Jet Pilot[/b] Name Age Description Side (ER or LE) Jet Type (F-22 fighter, ect.) Weaponry (Dual Barrel macine gins, lock on missles, stuff like that) Description You favor A. speed B. Power C. Skill D. wisdom E. Defense F. Other [b]Helocopter Pilot[/b] Name Age Description Side ER or LE Helocopter Type Weaponry Description You favor A. speed B. Power C. Skill D. wisdom E. Defense F. Other
  2. I'm suprised that nobody has swiped InuYasha yet, usually he's one of the first to go. Anyway, I'll play Inuyasha if nobody else will or wants to. Though I seriously doubt he'll be open much longer.
  3. Ryden's entire body tingled, as if one big shiver had spread to every nerve. He nodded to Zo, who carefully backed away. Without her support, Ryden immediately dropped to one knee. He slowly unsheathed his sword and leaned on it to push himself back up. Once on his feet, he swung his sword to the side, bringing up a trail of dust in it's wake. Ryden could feel the weight of his sword tipping him off balence. He grinned slightly, swinging his sword back towards himself. "Xaru!" He yelled across the street. Xaru halted his attack on Serena, and looked at him. He grinned and charged forward. He stopped his pike an inch from Ryden's chest, and Ryden tumbled backwards in an attempt to evade it. "Are you joking? I could have more fun with a bean bag." Ryden slowly got back up and swallowed hard. He mumbled something under his breath and held his hand out in front of him. Small dust devils formed around Xaru's feet. Xaru laughed and readied his glaive to impale Ryden. "Time to say goodbye!" Just as Xaru started to dash towards Ryden, Ryden stood up completely and started yelling. The dust devils dissapeared and in their place a large whirlwind rose from the ground. It caught Xaru and he flew up into the air. The whilwind died out and Xaru hovered in the air. "That was really just annoying!" He yelled as he slowly lowered to the ground. "Plus a waste of energy. Actually it felt pretty good from this end." Ryden retorted. He could feel his knees start to give in as Xaru spun his glave out in front of him.
  4. Hope this is okay Name: Himura Race: Half human Weapon: Twin short swords Age: 17 Gender: Male Personality: Always cold, serious, and otherwise emotionless Bio: Exiled from his village at an early age for being a demon, he left to the forest to live out his days. Himura found it nessicary to train his swords to ward off all travelers from venturing into his part of the forest. Description: Himura has long black hair that is parted down the middle and tied in back. Ragged black shirt and rusting broken chestplate. Torn black pants and boots. Large black dragon like wings on back.
  5. OZ earth colonies, ect. I have no Idea. I need someone to explain them and their objectives, and for someone to put these char's into their spots: Heero Yuy Trowa Barton Quartre Winners Duo Maxwell Wulfie Yieng (or whatever it is) Zechs Marquize Relena Peacecraft Matymeia ect. Can you help me out here?:( :nervous:
  6. I'm thinking of posting a thread about RPG's in the advent. areana, but the thing is it's not an adventure. Where would it go?
  7. I think one key factor in this fight that people are forgetting is that when players are attacked by the guardian, they are put into comas. When Tsukasa is attacked by the guardian, he is regenerated. So Tsukasa must have some sheild or something that protects him from too powerful of attacks.
  8. Overly obsession comes to mind... where I live dothack comes on in half an hour so I'll have to get back to you on your dream. PS do you think there could be a connection between you and swamplands?
  9. Everyone's IQ in this thread has just dropped 50 points... This stuff is starting to look like philosiphy. Great comic! Most of the stuff in OB revolves around death, tourment, and war, so it's good to see something funny and not complicated
  10. Hmm... Vash's gunarm -Trigun Gundam Zero's preminition ability -Gundam Wing 009's acceleration mode -Cyborg 009 You have to relize, that if you did have the three things you wanted from an anime, you'd probably want three different things in about a month
  11. The man stared in awe. He had heard stories of the warrior Hiei, but until now he had always hoped that it was a myth. He looked to the ground and chuckled. [i]Dragons, and now dragoons. I must have fell into dorthies rabbit hole.[/i] He flagged Hinten down and thanked him. "What the hell was that thing?" He asked. "Are you blind? That was a dragon." The man sighed and walked back to what was left of the tree to pick up his guitar. He knew what it was, but he didn't want to belive it. "Great. If your looking for shelter, go somewhere else. Every inn in seven miles is closed up for the night." He slung his guitar over his shoulder and headed over the other side of the hill. "Corton is twenty miles in this direction, if you start now you can be there by midnight."
  12. Squall


    The man in the abandoned inn lay in bed, staring at the celing. (sigh) [i]I don't know why I go to bed anymore. This is starting on the third week of sleepless nights and tiring days. I guess going to bed is just a habbit.[/i] He sat up and put his boots on, and then walked out of the inn. He wandered the streets, taking abandoned equipment and food as he wanted. Suddenly, he dropped his sack and fell to his knees, reaching at his back. Something glew bright red under his jacket. He screamed in agony as visions of demons and a poisoned mist filled his head. It suddenly stopped, leaving the man gasping for breath. He picked up his sack and walked down the road at a brisk pace. [i]somethings not right, I know it.[/i]
  13. Squall

    Par Ninkil

    It has a vauge story plan, But I'll give ita shot. :-) Name: Ryden Age: 2240 Race: Elf Position in the Ravites: A soilder Weapons: A large sword known as the Wind of Life Magic attacks(Max 3): Whirlwind, Wind blast, Speed of wind Appearence: Dark blue mid length hair, A white bandanna and large ears. Blue longsleved shirt and White vest. Gray Pants and White boots. Bio: Born in a town that was destroyed in a violent raid of Beserkers. He joined a clan of nomads that taught him the art of the wind. He travels alone now without a purpose.
  14. It lasted for three weeks. When the world would end, I used to think that there would be some resistance. All the need to survive, all the resistance, and three fourths of the human race was gon in three weeks. April 30, 5:30 at night, the skies darkened all over the world. A wave of fire shot down to the earth, destroying everything in it's path. It wasn't done with us yet, though. The skies darkened further, and then dropped, laying a black fog on the world. Horrible demons were born from the fog and ravedged the land. Eight towers shot from the ground all over the world. The tower of Fire, the tower of Water, the tower of earth, the tower of wind, The tower of death, the tower of life, the tower of lightning, and the tower, of elements. Name: Age: Description: Weapon: Spells: 3-4 Element: Bio: (optional)
  15. Squall


    Allright, it's up and waiting. :-]
  16. Squall


    The sky darkenned over a small town. Screams and panic filled the city. Many people left at the first sign, running with only the hope of staying alive. A man in a black coat sighed and walked down the emptying street. In only a few minutes, the only people left in the city were himself, the handicapped, and the people comitting suicide. The man held out his hand, and a drop of rain fell into it. He put his hands into his pockets and continued walking. [i]has been two years since the tradegy of Oberan, but the entire country is still terrified.[/i] His mind wandered onto Oberan and the cursed darkflame. [i]Only a few people made it out of Oberan alive, and those people started spreading the word about the signs of the darkflame. First was supposed to be the coming of a strange wanderer, and then the darkening of the sky. After that illness would spread and seal there fate.[/i] It would be days until any of the townsfolk started to wander back to their town, so the man decided to stay the night in an evacuated inn. [i]nobody should worry about it anymore, if the flame wants you dead, chances are,[/i] He remembered the unexplainable deaths of the survivors. [i]you will die.[/i]
  17. Note: This will not be in first person. All first person posts can be made in [i]italicized[/i] writing. That also goes for thought. the tag for italicized is [*i][/i] no * though. The rain Pelted hard on the town of Oberan. A small in was full of families trying to get out of the rain. A man in a black jacket sat and looked out the window. He ran his fingers over an old folk guitar that was leaned up against his seat. [i]Things are becoming increasingly more weird. Dragons haven't been sighted in 11,000 years, but as soon as I get here the town's in panic from dragon sightings.[/i] The clerk walked over to him and sat in the chair next to him. "Hey, you mind playing a tune to lighten things up? I've got fifty people begging for a room and I'm booked solid." The man stood up and walked out, carrying the guitar. He walked down the street and to another inn. It had already locked up for the night so he walked back. The one he was at had just locked up as well. He sighed and looked up a hill on the side of the town. A large tree gave shelter to a group of runaway sheep. He shook his head and started walking towards the hill. He reached the tree, soaked and very annoyed. He sat at the trunk and looked at the town. Almost all the stores and inn's had already been closed. It was only about seven, but everyone was nervous about the dragon sightings. Almost as if it were called, a black dot circled above the town, swooping at unfortuneate pedestrians. A barrage of arrows flew at the beast and it started to send black beams across the bowmen. The man stood up and almost ran to the town when the dragon made a bee-line in his direction. The sheep under the tree baah-ed in disapprooval and huddeled into one group. The man looked to the sheep, and then to the dragon, and then dived away from the stray herd. The force of the dragon sent the tree crashing down the hill and into the city.
  18. okay, I'm starting this thing. Give me a little bit to get the first post set up.
  19. What is the tag for italicizing your posts. Also, is the tags to make your posts bold?
  20. Ryden found himself floating in darkness when he came to. 'Where am I know?' He started to turn around, looking for something he could watch, something he could focuss on. He felt as though he was drowning and he needed something to tell him he was still alive. Suddenly the darknes faded and Ryden was hovering above a pile of rocks, surrounded by grassland. In the pile of rocks he saw the kid he was talking to earlier, who he relized was himself. The kid was making some sort of a catipult and readying it to fire. 'I... remember this.' A man on a dragon flew through the air, over the kid's head. The catipult fired, raining burning rocks onto the man. 'That was the green dragon of fog. Prisioner of general Tsutla.' One of the rocks crashed into the dragon and it went down flaming. The kid ran over to the dragon and cut a hole down it's forehead. He reached inside to find a green dragoon spirit. There was a bright flash and the scene faded into darkness. Everything dissapeared and he was floating in darkness once again. Below him was a pale, winged firgure that flew up. It was a girl in a white dress, that looked very much like Hoshi. "Hoshi? What are you doing here? Tell me your not dead!" The girl shook her head, and suddenly Ryden felt himself shooting up. There was a bright flash, and Ryden looked to see that he was back in Gnarwood. "Y'know, if I have to get transported one more time, I'm gona freak." He saw Hoshi look back at him and give a big smile. She opened her mouth to say something, but immediately closed it. "Hoshi." Ryden tried to move his head, but found that he was almost completely immobile. " Hiei looked over. "Your back." Ryden tried to move his head again, but gave up soon after. "Not really. By the way, Hoshi, that dress really didn't suit you. And neither did transparency, come to think of it." Hoshi looked at him in confusion. Hiei looked at Hoshi, and then back at Ryden. "What the hell are you talking about?" "Skip it, can someone tell me what's been going on?"
  21. darkred is all mine [color=darkred]I recived a challenge from an annomynous fighter in this town. The whole thing stank, but my nose had been in the cold for too long. My cigarette burned out as I walked down the street. I threw it aside and looked around for a sign of the challenger. The longpole axe that I had strapped to my back drew stares from the oncoming crowd. I turned a corner and into the nearest inn. The clerk got me a cheap room at a jacked up price. At the sight of my axe, he suddenly "volunteered" a better deal.[/color]
  22. Has this thing gone up yet? I haven't seen it in the ad. section. Where is it?
  23. I'm glad you could all join. I'll start this thing either tomorrow or when three more people join... whichever comes first.
  24. This is going to be really weird but oh well! Ryden was falling. He looked around. Everything was pitch black. He felt disorientated and very dizzy. He hit the floor with an odd echoing thud. He slowly stood up and rubbed his head. A long ways away was a light. "Is this the dark tunnel? Am I dead?" His thoughts echoed around him. "DAMN IT! IT CAN'T END LIKE THIS! I STILL HAVE TOO MUCH TO DO!" Almost immediately the light rushed at him, sending him onto a large hovering platform. Mirrors surrounded the platform, showing different images. "Your not dead." Ryden whirled around to see a kid that looked very similar to himself. "Absorbing Hieis beam and amplifying it into Xaru with your own energy. I really hoped I would grow up with more sense." Ryden sat on the floor in an almost cross legged position. "If I'm not dead, what the hell happened?" "Your body absorbed it, amplified it, but couldn't shoot it back out. Pretty much, it poisioned your system and your nerves shut down." The kid ran towards Ryden and dissapeared. "Great." Ryden sighed and looked over the mirrors. He saw a picture of Gnarwood. Hoshi was in the picture, walking away from him. He watched as she nodded at Zo, who then prepared to fire something at Hoshi. "HOSHI! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! STOP! ZO! DON'T DO IT!" It was too late and Zo fired something into Hoshi. Ryden ran into the mirror and started punching it. "DAMN IT HOSHI! WHAT WAS THAT?! WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He watched Hoshi walk over to his body and pick up his hand. Seeing that it wan't suicide amde Ryden calm down a little bit. He slumped to the floor, pale and drenched in sweat. "The most important thing I had to teach her, and I didn't say a word." He looked up at Hoshi. She seemed very sad. He watched her until he felt darkness creep over him again. Ryden's bodies movements started to go smoother, instead of violent twitches. "Goh-...Ghoshi"
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