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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Name: Ryden Shinnarah Age: 24 Weapon: Doube sword (The black center hilt bears a long curved schimitar blade on each side, both bearing engraved symbols of luck and destiny.) Dragon Elements: Phycic Folk Guitar Water Pan Flute Plant Flute Personality: Ryden is a bright lad, though he finds sometimes that he lacks to use it. He is sometimes cheery but often aloof in his own mind. Appearance: [url]http://gundamofficial.com/www_ac/gw/characters/charpopups/media/ozthumb1_lg_zechs.jpg[/url] (A black long sleeve, a dark brown vest, and dark blue pants instead of the uniform.) Information: Birthed in Forlorneth, Ryden's father trained him from an early age to be a champion fighter. His father was a prize fighter in many tournaments, and he wished for his son to follow his legacy. Ryden's training paid off, as he slowly climbed the rank in tournaments to the highest championship. He defended his title for three years with his deadly double sword, yet he wasn't satisfied being a fighter for entertainment. He wanted to make more of himself, become something great that his father could really be proud of. He planned to leave Forlorneth, and travel the world for a legacy to call his own. That's when something called upon him. He couldn't explain exactly what it was, but he knew a task had been set out for him. I hope that was okay. If you want more, or modifications, don't hesitate to ask.
  2. (this one's kinda weird, since it takes place in both Feudal Japan and future times) [color=teal][i][u]Story Without An End[/color][/i][/u] A group of people sat, waiting in the darkness. Out of the shadows they resided, fires loomed over a town in a show of despair. No people around, only their remains scattered across the dirt. One of the men sitting in the group stood up, and walked to the edge of the shadows. [i]One world, one existance, one race. That's how the world as you know it is, and that's how it stayed for generations. I wish I could say that it's still like that. But I found this to be far from reality. The beginning of my story is far away from here, in another era now far behind me. Others that sit around me start from a future so distant, and still others never came from a time at all. I could try to explain how this all works, but it would be quite difficult if I weren't to start from the beginning. If you would, I have quite a tale to tell you, one like you've never heard before. Lend me your ears, as I step back into the past...[/i] [color=teal][i][u]Misplaced Locations[/color][/i][/u] Feudal Era: The world exists as one, as nations are less varied than your history tells. One war has concluded almost ten years ago, between two sides of the world that threatened to plunge the world into extinctsion. To prevent another war, the number of recruited soldiers has sky rocketed, some children even being shipped off to Military Academies. Protest is great against these acts. Elven, dwarven, ogerlen, and other species reside here. Future Era: Floating cities, hover cars, and beam rifles are the norm here. There are no forests anymore, and humanities natural recourses are now manufactured in factories. The streets are unsafe, and Mafias struggle to keep a hold on the cities they once dominated. (I know it's confusing, two RPGs in one, perhaps. Just bare with me on this, you'll love it.) [color=teal][i][u]Signups[/color][/i][/u] (you shall have one of each era) [i][color=teal]Feudal Era[/i][/color] Name Age Gender Race (elf, dwarf, wizard, ect.) Bio Description Personality Weapons (bows arrows swords ect.) [i][color=blue]Future Era[/i][/color] Name Age Gender Description Personality Bio Weapons (guns) (confusing, isn't it? Bear with me. Here's an example signup, mine) Feudal Era Name Ryden Haru Age 17 Gender male Race elven Bio: Ryden's parents refused to send him to the Military academies when he was born, so they were publicly executed for their defiance. Ryden wasn't taken to a Military academy, though, for he was rescued by the leader of a resistance group known as Geo's. They trained him in the arts of assassination, as the Geos were in short supply of their expertise. Still loyal to the Geos, Ryden uses his skills to take out high ranking generals and war providers. Description[img]http://gundamofficial.com/www_ac/gw/characters/charpopups/media/ozthumb1_lg_zechs.jpg[/img] (minus the seatbelt, change uniform to blue) Personality Ryden is usually quiet and sometimes appears cold and sinister, usually when on the job. Because of his life of killing, his respect for human life has diminished almost completely. Weapons A katana and a bow Future Era Name Logan Koliah Age 32 Gender male Description [url]http://groups.msn.com/metalgearsolidnet/solidsnakes.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=42[/url] Personality Short tempered and bad mannered, logan's lack of moral value is evident at first encounter. His combat know-how seems to run his life. Bio Logan's a vetran to seemingly endless conflicts, big or small. He uses his head in tough situations, but sometimes resorts to blazing guns to get through a tight spot. He tries not to remember his past, and doesn't like to think about the future. Weapons Dual .45 handguns, AK-47u
  3. The AS-Revolution floated floated peacefully in space, Jupiter looming in the distance. Another craft flew slowly towards it, the Earth insigna plastered along the side. On the top of the craft, a long hatch opened and soon JECHTcoms swarmed out, and formatted around the craft. The JECHTcoms flew with certain forboding, these war machines seeming almost innocent in the emptyness of space. These final moments of quiet were drenched in forboding, as the AS-revolution inhabitants slumbered peacefully, unaware of the threat that loomed just outside. "We are to take out the Bunkers in sectors 1-11 and 7-14. Destroy any and all resistance." A voice came over the Earth JECHTcom's radios, deep and cold. ------------------ Logan rounded a corner and ran as fast as he can, two ASR soldiers chasing him. "We'll teach you to break into the hangars at night!" Shouted one of them. Logan shook his head, trying to keep his mind off of the lack of air he had from running so far. "LOGAN!" He heard one of his friends shout, the one that had talked him into this. "HELP!" His friend struggled against the force of two guards, who had grabbed his arms and shoved him down. More cries from all his friends came, they had all been caught. He rounded another corner, when he saw the Earth JECHTcoms break throug the false sky of ASR in the distance. They swarmed through and all went in different directions, guns blazing. Their beams scorched the ground, a large group of them firing in the Hanger's direction. One of them shot a hanger building away from Logan, and it exploded in a show of firey chaos. Logan stared for a moment, transfixed in horror as a beam seared it's way just in front of Logan, creating a steaming fissure where the guard was. The beam continued up a building, as pilots and engineers scrambled out. It was too late, and that building exploded as well, their bodies fung away from the blast. Logan screamed and ran, as a JECHTcom landed in front of him, cracking the pavement under its massive weight. It took a fatal second to lock onto Logan, as a shot decapitated it from a protecting ASR JECHTcom. Logan ran away from the wreakage, vearing closer to the two piles of flaming rubble that used to be buildings. He made it to the entrance to another hanger, but turned away from it remembering what happened to the last two. Another explosion shook the earth and he was sent crashing in, tumbling down the steps. He skidded to a halt at the bottum of the steps, dizzy and bleading from the fall. He stood up and looked over the enormus hanger interior, as JECHTcom after JECHTcom took off to protect themselves. He needed to get somewhere safe, and fast. On the level below him, he saw an open cockpit to a JECHTcom, and he immediately ran towards it. He had no idea how to pilot one, but he thought it may be a safe place to hide until the JECHTcoms had all left.
  4. Ok, everything lookd great. And thank you for editing that, Vilechangemon. I know I said I'd start this yesterday, but I was having problems on the internet. Anyways, I'll start this soon, and I'll PM everyone about it. PS The (sic) Shape and Crazy Ace, great signups and thanks for siding with the ASR, it was getting lopsided. And of course, anybody can change almost anything at anytime in the RPG, like upgrades, weaponry, sides, models, ect. ect. As long as they keep it in limits.
  5. James stood in front of Cooler, stunned in the surrounding chaos. It was more than he had ever hoped for, a mech of his own. "James!" He turned and saw Haze running towards him. "Hey, Haze." "James, you idiot! Why did you run like that? What's going-" The sound of gunfire and running feet drew their attention off. James jerked on Haze's shoulder to get her down, and he fired off at them. "There's no time for that! Listen, They built Whiteblaze, we're outta here." She smiled. "Take this," he handed her the pistol. "And if anyone official looking gets in your way, squeeze a few rounds off, but try not to kill any of them." She nodded and took off. James ran in the other direction, towards the stairs up to his cockpit. In a minute he was inside, the controls flashing to life. He had only been in a real mech once before, and that time he was too numb with anger to appreciate it. Cooler stood up, giving James one heck of a rush. It was like going straight up on a roller coaster, unbelivable to James. He tapped the comm to give orders to Haze, but paused. "Hey, you ready to go?" He said. "You bet!" "Good. Let's get out of this trash heap."
  6. I'm not really positive about how many people I need, just more than I have now. Anyways, I don't want this to fail in the rec. stage, so I'll start it by friday night. By that time, it should be determined whether or not there are still more who want to join up (though I hope there are...)
  7. James dived out of the way, the cockpit rattling and thundering against the ground. "What are you doing?!!" James shouted at Kitsune, the MPSB slowly struggling up. Phalanx was motionless for a second, until it's smoking rifle turned on James. James couldn't understand exactly what Kitsune had told him, about a family, parents, but he did know what murder was, and a terrible feeling swelled in his gut. But why would he fire? James saw the beam building up inside the rifle again, and James shoved the controls to try and dodge. It struggled jerkily, and almost got out of the way. The MPSB's hand was destroyed, ahnnialating The lazer-ball attack, James' lifeline. He knew he couldn't win, it would have taken all he had in his best condition. But why would Kitsune attack? After what he had said? "Kitsune, go back to the Academy. I've...I got to do this. Please, just go." Kitsune didn't respond. James' mecha got up, almost collapsing on itself. Phalanx turned and readied its beam sabre. "Kitsune..." Phalanx charged and slashed, the broken mech's arm going up barely in time to take the damage, a large piece of the arm flying off. As phalanx continued to slash, more and more of the arm was destroyed. James knew Phalanx was going at a fourth of it's best speed, it looked like Kitsune was waiting to see if James had anything hidden. Finally the arm was completely taken off, and James defenseless. He looked horrified at the MPSB as it drew closer. In the corner of his eye sat the sim disk he took with him. He knew what he saw, it was a plan to kill all the students, he was sure of it. He needed to get away, get help..The unfinished mecha made a run for it, taking off and flying at the highest speed it could manedge. Phalanx caught up in no time, a turn slash straight through the mecha. James screamed and hit the eject button, the sabre appearing over his head just as his seat ejected out the back. The seat unfolded a parachute, as James watched the unfinished mecha explode, and Phalanx turn to him. It caught James in its massive hand, and James stared off at the cockpit in its chest. He took out the small handgun from before. He knew he would be considered expandable for what he knew, for the damage he caused. James would fight as long as there was breath in his body, no matter what.
  8. Legacy, keep in mind that students don't leave the Academy, therefore shopping or stores are new concepts for them. ---------------- James waited in the darkness, as the cockpit flashed to life all around him. [color=teal]Please enter MBSP data into the disk drive, now.[/color] James waited, as it comfirmed that he did not have any information to give. [color=teal]Information, accepted.[/color] "Say what?" He looked to see a disk sticking out of the drive. He groaned. "Haze, hang on a sec. Somebody left their data here." Haze didn't respond. "Haze? Yo!" James flicked on and off the Radio, but it wouldn't turn on. The Kakashki sim shown in front of him, the large dome broken and rampaging students flying around it. That was normal, but he couldn't seem to pilot the mech, or whatever he was in. Suddenly the screen flashed blank for a second. "...Haze? Are you still there?" Nothing but silence. He waited, trying all the controls for something to work. [color=teal]Accessing sim-D12[/color] The screen flashed again, this time in a grid enviorment. He looked around, puzzled. Then he saw it, a group of mechs materializing right in front of him. On both sides of him stood an army of cream colored Mechs, all bearing the KA symbol on them. James assumed he was one as well. It didn't matter, he was far more interested in the group of mechs in front of him. They were oddly familliar, but too far away to recognize. He and the army slowly moved closer, as details started to reveal themselves. It took a while longer, but he finally got it, leaving him speechless. Angel, Prowler, Phalanx, Shadow, Shrapnel, Whiteblaze, one he saw before, what he thought called Daimon, and...at the far end was his own mecha, Cooler. There were more of them, but that was all he could recognize. "6112, 1197, 1338..." A high class looking mech seemed to be reading off random numbers to the students, as they all stood straight as a board. James realized they were ID numbers when he heard his own. "...and 6698. You are all found..." A moment of utter disturbing silence. James had a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Guilty." There was a round of gasps as the line of students started shouting and screaming "we didn't!" and "We were saving it!". James saw his own mech leap forward in the exact way he would think to attack. The entire army of mechs raised their guns, and there was a flash... Haze sat boared in her cockpit, picking off renegade students as they came, when a muffled scream hit her ears. She unlocked the cockpit and pushed out, looking around. The screams came from the cockpit next to her, James's. All the cracks in it were spewing smoke and a blinding light. She pressed the emergency unlock button, and the door was rammed open by James' foot. James looked at her, horrified, clutching a disk in his hand. Shattered glass flew out from the now broken VR screen. "James! What the hell-" The door bursted open, as a teacher came in. "What's going-" She stopped when she saw the disk in James's hand. Her tone changed from worried and suprised to furious in a split second. "SEIZE HIM!" James took off, knocking the teacher out of the way. "They'll kill us!!" The sound of gunfire echoed through the halls, whcih had been emptied by other teachers. James hauled down the hall, a newly aquired pistol in his hand. He shot back at the presonell, who were now open firing on him. He busted out one of the few open doors left and went to a dead sprint across the grassy field towards the hangar. He would have been picked off for sure, had it not been for Haze's attempt at shoving the personell's guns off target. James entered the hangar and ran up the stairs to the head section of the under construction mechs. A mechanic tried to stop him, only to be greated with a barrel staring in his face. James continued running down the path, hoping to get into the finished mechs section, but no such luck. Raining bullets befell him again. He came to a dead halt in front of an unfinished mech, unpainted, one arm unattatched, and the head hainging on by a thread. All of which were connected to support cables leading from the walls. He lept down and landed on the door to the open cockpit, throwing out a mechanic who was typing on the computor. James dissapeared inside as the door closed, and the unfinished mech lit up. It pushed off the wall, snapping support cords in a show of sparks and gunfire. The mech lifted it's only arm and blasted a hole in the roof with an odd lazer-ball attack. The mech soared up through the hole and into the sky. It turned around and shot another powerful ball at the main dome of Kakashki, blowing a hole in it. The other mechs started to launch as the security code took affect and locked down the hangar, trapping them inside. James and the mech turned around and took off, dissapearing from sight.
  9. Squall


    James grinned as Kari prepared to fight. "This looks interesting. Twenty bucks I can get that one's nose broken." James signalled to one in back. Ceris shook her head. "Naw, too easy. Now if you could take it off all together..." "Hey!" Chris yelled, a sign of fear in his voice. "Enough chatter already!" James paid no attention to him. "Hey, you guys got an extra cronie or two stashed away somewhere? five don't go to well between three." "Shut up!" James was enjoying himself completely. "Alright, alright. All talk and no play makes Jack a dull boy." He put his guard up and bounced on his feet, readying his power for quick action. There was a pause, as they waited for the first punch to be thrown. "Let's rock!" James yelled, as he, Ceris, and Kari all chose their targets. James ran at Chris, who predictably threw a punch. James ducked under it and threw a punch at a cronie behind him, square in the jaw.
  10. Logan shook off his bewilderment, and turned to Blake. "So, these things were from that Choatic thing, right?" Blake nodded, his voice wheezing from his neck's wound. "Yeah." "How'd they get out?" "A portal on-" He coughed, as his throat lost all sound. Ariyel laughed. "Earth and the Chaotic Realm are connected by a doorway, right on-" Her throat seized up as well. "Powerful magic is at work here." Ryan said, looking around and clutching his wound. "There must have been a spell placed to keep the location of the doorway hidden." Ariyel said, her throat becoming better almost magically. "It shouldn't be too hard to overpower it." Logan sighed. "Whatever. Chaotic Realm, Demon, I just want them out of my hair." He turned to Blake. "Speaking of witch, who the hell are you?"
  11. James sighed as he walked down the hall, Haze following him. "Where're we going, James?" "I'd rather not pry at Mira's problems, I usually...well, never mind. We're going to the Combat VR deck. I gotta see if my MPSB's in, and there's an updated sim reving to go." Haze sighed. "Why're you dragging me along?" "I need an ally, don't I?" "Alright. Since you'd obviously do so bad yourself." She teazed. "Hey, knock it off. This is gonna get real dicey, it's supposed to simulate if there was a studen't uprising at the Academy. Half of the students are trying to overrun the school." "Hey, let's join 'em." "I wish. You got Whiteblaze?" She held up a disk. "Got the data right here." "Great. I'll probably be stuck in the Standard beginners model, since they're not going the fastest getting my data formed." They walked into the room and turned on the light. It was quiet, the VR cockpits imbedded in the walls. "Let's get to it." James said with a sigh.
  12. Thanks for joining up, Hakira, everything looks good. And Vile, one of my rules was, and I quote: "You can have custom models, newer models, but no untested models or best models. Advanced speed, and some of the best are fine, just not the best." "Devistating super weapon", "built to be the ultimate weapon"...I'm not blind, or stupid(don't say it). I'll allow "take a major toll on the pilot" even though it kind of falls into the test subject catagory, which was also omitted in my rules. As for weaponry, the Wave Devistator, the high powered lasers, it seems a little much. Tone it down, would ya? I want you on this cast, but I don't want a superman.
  13. In my opinion, this was the best giant mecha game to date. Although it was too easy to complete, it was still very fun. I don't understand why it's been criticized so much, the graphics were stunning, the battles were fun and brilliant to watch, the enemies were nicely done, ect. I guess it's been criticized mainly for its easyness, and the players ability to beat most enemies with the popular button-mashing technuque. I don't know, what do you think? And if you could do it without spoiling anything, what's the 2nd runner like?
  14. I like the system used in Grandia2, a menu-based battle system, that isn't just run up, attack, and run back via Final Fantasy, though I like that system as well. In my opinion, menu based systems are great, but they get boring when fighting a very tough boss with 50,000,000 Hp, where it just becomes a matter of time before something dies. I would like it if a few Final Fantasies had something besides a menu-based system, but I like them even if they don't.
  15. Squall


    James grinned. "Ah, why not?" He walked out, waving to Mr. Smith as he left. Mr. Smith's face burned red with anger. "Well, I guess that's a save for a save." He said, turning to Ceris. "What? When did you ever save me?" James grinned. "I saved you from the office, remember? You never thanked me for that, by the way." Ceris sighed. "Oh yeah. You turned. I would have never thought of that." James grinned before recognizing the insult. "Hey! It's not the brain to do it, it's the guts to do it. You would have never turned if I hadn't egged you on." "oh, really?" "Yes really." He grinned, and turned to Kari and Matt. "C'mon! Get the led out!"
  16. Logan ran and postitioned himself under the electric Pyrl. He tried to get a bead on it, but couldn't. A grin spread across his face. "Let's rock." He jumped up the side of a building and kicked off, leaping towards the flying Pyrl. It looked at him for a second, as he raised his shotgun to it's face. He pulled the trigger, and both he and it fell to the ground. Logan rolled and stood up, the Pyrl fell and lifelessly twitched. Logan grinned at the others. Ryan looked relived, before a look of shock filled his face. Logan turned back around, to see the Pyrl standing, staring right at him. "What the hell are these things?" He took his sword off his back as the Pyrl flapped its wings enoguh to fly just a bit. it attacked Logan with it's sword of lightning, as Logan parried the shots with his sword. Ryan held his cross firm and pushed it against the Pyrl's back as it let out a screech of pain. Logan took the chance and clung onto the winged fiend, his sword unreachable on his back and his shotgun falling to the pavement. The pyrl took off, and Logan held on. It flailed around madly, trying to shake off it's hitch-hiker, but Logan refused to yield. "That was dumb." He said to himself.
  17. Wow! This is the first time more people were bad guys than good. (technically, there is no such thing as good or bad, just different views and where you stand, so maybe Earth is the bad guy) jro13, would you mind adding a bit more to your Bio? Allright, now that that's all out of the way, great signups everyone, now I just gotta get more of 'em.
  18. James sighed, relived that the hardest of his day was over. "Hey, uh, what's that big bro lil sis come from, anyways?" Kitsune turned to him. "I just like to think of her as my little sister, that's all. You've heard me say it be for." James stared blankly. "I know all that, but what's a Si-stah?" His pronunciation made mira laugh. Kitsune tried to explain. "It's part of a family. with brothers, siblings-" "Famah-lee? Broth-her?" "Oh, never mind. You'll find out later." James shrugged. He didn't like feeling so stupid, but what choice did he have? Mira was glaring at him. James looked at her confused, and she nudged him in the arm. "Oh yeah. Hey, sorry about all that at lunch. I didn't mean to-" "It's okay. It wasn't all that bad." "I know, but man, if I had known I had beaten you up that much..." He was looking at some of the open scars. "Those weren't from you. They were..." He pasued, leaving James hanging. "Whatever. I had to do that stupid war sim again. Every friggen person was trying on me! I had to reboot like thirty times! I would have done better if I had my own data, but if I had any one of the MPSB's I destroyed today..." He trailed off, thinking of a real mecha. "Hey, did you hear that big noise this morning? It sounded like an explosion." James gave an all knowing grin. Haze's work had probably been heahr all over the school by now. "That was just Haze's john hancock. So, what've you been up to today?" James asked.
  19. Very nice drawing. But, as said before, the pinky is a bit deformed. And on the other hand, it looks like he's missing a finger. But other than that it's very nicely done. A little plain, not a very interesting setting or pose, but It still looks good.
  20. Cowboy Bebop was a great anime. Through series to movie, I honestly can't think of any aspects to really criticize. I'd have to say the best part is fight sequences. Wheather by gun, fist, or ship CB made a special and unique style of capturing the action that is basically uncopyable. The plot is great and matches with a Blues feel. Every character has their own backround, and I think CB exploited it perfectly. I don't enjoy the subtitled version much though, but that's pretty normal seeing as I can never really get used to reading and watching a show at the same time. The dubbed actors fit beautifully. In all I give Cowboy Bebop a 10/10
  21. Name: Ryden Evander Age: 17 Gender: male Race: Human Occupation: Nomad, swordsman Weapon: A large broadsword with a stony grey dragon hilt. Skills: advanced speed, formidable swordsmanship, smith skills Home Town: Sinnarah Bio: Ryden's childhood was spent in poverty. As a motherless son of a poor blacksmith, Ryden could find nothing better to do than craft swords like his father. For his birthday, he was given a large sword that he weilds today. Ryden practiced with it as much as he could, seeing as it was a coinable trade he could do well to profit from. It became regular for him to issue a challenge to anyone who would swordfight him. At sixteen years he left his home town, his father dying from a rare disease. He tries to coin off of his swordsmanship, but so far all that's come is the foul thoguht of others carried by all of his class. He's gotten by the year he's been gone by doing numerous oddjobs. Regular Appearance: Ryden has blonde hair that seems to fall where it pleases, cut short and dirty from travel. His eyes are a dark emrald green, and his skin is slightly pale. He wears a brown tunic with long sleeves, torn in may places. On his back sits his sword, wrapped in cloth as a make-shift sheath. His pants are black and torn, and his boots are of brown leather.
  22. Hey All. Sorry for the wait, but It's started up. It explains Kakashki a bit more, along with some other stuff. It's up, so hurry up and post! PS I'll be PMing you all about it as well. Thanks for joining up.
  23. The green forest streched for miles over hilltops in Japan. It streached over one entire Island to the north of the main one. In the middle of the island was a clearing, with neatly groomed grass. In the clearing sat one large white dome, connected to smaller domes by circular hallways. In this spot, undiscoverd by anyone but Japan, lay the Faylen, in Kakashki Academy. To the north of the clearing sat a big grey rectangular building, housing the tall mechas who would someday be on Japan's front lines. In Kakashki, nobody comes, and nobody leaves. The Faylen spend their entire lives there, that's how it is. An electronic bell sounded, and the students flodded the halls, eager to make it to their next destination. All of them wore the same uniform, White thin jackets and white pants, red spots on shoulders, elbows, and knees. At a distance, it may seem to be a harmless academy, after all the students are fed sheltered, and taught. But it would soon become apparent to everyone, the true meaning of Kakashki Military Academy. --------------- James yawned as he got out of class, streching and rubbing his eyes. "Ugh, battle tactics class has to be the most boring thing on the academy." He looked down at his wrist, where a small screen sat, attatched to a braclet. "Bebo, what do I got next?" The small screen whirred, and the screen lit up. [color=teal]Your schedule is as followes: Battle Tactics Combat Manuvering Break Period mechanics Battle Training and Situation Control[/color] "Has my mecha's information been finished yet?" Another whir. [color=teal]Negetive[/color] James sighed. All students were able to create a mecha program that they could insert into VR devices, and get a feel of using them. James's was late. Real mechas were built only for advanced students, and James longed to prove himself advanced. He walked down the hallway, entering the big dome and exiting to a smaller one. The hallway went to the center of the dome, where a small circular room cut off into the entrances to different classes. He entered one labled: "Combat Manuvering"
  24. I'm hoping to have more than one of these, as improbable as it is. I'm expecting this to be pretty fast paced, also. What I emnt by death in the title, is that this isn't a real bloody gorey rpg, but it is war, so people will die. If you are offended by that, or for some reason can't handle anybody dying in your rpg's, i suggest you not join this one. --------------------------- [u][i][b][color=darkblue]Story[/u][/i][/b][/color] [b]201AX[/b] Technology has reached an astounding rate. Space travel has surpassed mars, and is now tempting to reach Jupiter. Sadly, as technology grows, so do weapons of war. Thanks to the worldwide treaty made at the turn of the century, weapons such as Nukes and gas bombs have complelty stopped manufaturing. But the human race will always find ways to have war, and are now starting on a weapon known only as project JECHTcom. [b]250AX[/b] Space travel has made it to Jupiter, as the first man saw it's gassy surface with his own eyes. Unknown to the public, Astronauts also found a ruined spacecraft orbiting Jupiter, it's contents unbelivable. Giant mechas, ruined but still recognizable, sat locked away in the ship's hangars. The most disturbing thing about these mechas, is the likeness they share with project JECHTcom. studies were done, and the ship was found to definately be from earth. [b]309AX[/b] The broken ship found at jupiter was revealed to the public, but as another attempt made to get to Jupiter, instead of it's unknown nature. An attempt was made to tow the ship back to earth, but it's journey ended halfway between mars and Jupiter due to the towing ship's engine failure. Astronauts relaunched, this time in an attempt to fix the ship instead of tow it. The repairs succeeded, but the ship had to be made stationary because the origional booster program couldn't be duplicated. They started adding onto it, making a space station for easier access to the rest of the glaxy. [b]400AX[/b] Project JECHTcom was completed, thanks to the prototypes in the broken ship, now known as the AS-revolution. [url=http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/zoneoftheenders/screens.html?page=556]The JECHTcoms looked something like this(note that this JECHTcom is off-limits when signing up.)[/url] The AS-revolution itself has upgraded far beyond any other space station, and access to it has been made much easier thanks to the new solar-powered space ships that came about thanks in part to the AS-revolution's origional design. More and more people are able to tour the ASR every week. [b]450AX[/b] The ASR has been through more and more upgrades, and is now almost two-thirds of the earth's size. Earthlings, who are eager to start anew, or those who wish to, are traveling to ASR and starting a new life. With artificial resources made to similate the earth's, it looks like the ASR may become a second earth. [b]550AX[/b] The ASR's population is now almost three fourths of the earth's population, and has become able to function idependently. Of course, the ASR has long since adopted the earth's project JECHTcom, and both the Earth and ASR are mass producing them at unbelivable rates, upgrading and creating newer models with higher capabilities. All was looking well, until JECHTcoms started attacking cities on earth, JECHTcoms made on the ASR. The Nations of the world quickly reacted and sought out explinations from the high Inquisitor of ASR, Viola Henderson. She accused the earth of forcing them into space, and officially declared war on planet earth! [u][i][b][color=darkblue]Signups[/u][/i][/b][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Name[/i][/u][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Age[/i][/u][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Description[/i][/u][/color] (pictures are good. If not, make it good) [i][u][color=blue]Personality[/i][/u][/color] (more than one sentence, please. How do they feel about the war? How do they act around people? How do they act alone? ect.) [i][u][color=blue]Bio[/i][/u][/color] (Please, I'm begging you, don't make these all sob stories. Belive it or not, not everyone has a tragic past. if you have to have a tradegy, make it during the RP. The war has been on for a week, and three cities have been attacked) [i][u][color=blue]Side[/i][/u][/color] (earth/AS-Revolution/civillain) [i][u][color=blue]Location[/i][/u][/color] (some on ASR are pro-earth. as some earthlings are pro-ASR) [b][i][u][color=darkblue]JECHTcom[/b][/i][/u][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Model Number[/i][/u][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Nickname[/i][/u][/color] [i][u][color=blue]Apperence[/i][/u][/color] (pictures are very good, and no you can't use the one I posted in the story. You can have Gundams and robotech fighters) [i][u][color=blue]Bio[/i][/u][/color] (When/why was it created. You can have custom models, newer models, but no untested models or best models. Advanced speed, and some of the best are fine, just not the best.) [i][u][color=blue]Weaponry[/i][/u][/color] (guns, sabers, ect. not too many) [i][u][color=blue]AI name[/i][/u][/color] (Every JECHTcom has an AI that handles many aspects of piloting, such as minor repairs, specific controls, radio usage, ect.) (here's mine) [i][u][color=blue]Name[/i][/u][/color] Logan Ronnah [i][u][color=blue]Age[/i][/u][/color] 14 [i][u][color=blue]Description[/i][/u][/color] [img]http://absoluteanime.com/kikaider/jiro.jpg[/img] [i][u][color=blue]Personality[/i][/u][/color] Logan hates the war, he hates death, and most fighting. Around others he's usually nice, sensible, and bright. Alone he usually finds himself dreaming, or staring off into space, wondering why there has to be a war. He has a daring side that flares up on occasions. [i][u][color=blue]Bio[/i][/u][/color] Logan's never touched a JECHTcom, or a gun. His parents are both loving, and although they're not home as much as they'd like, they do a good job to make sure Logan's not neglected. When the war started, they all became very nervous that Logan's father may be drafted, but weren't too concerned. Logan has a group of friends, and they all dispise how ASR started the war. They sometimes go into ASR HQ to break windows and take small parts, but not often. [i][u][color=blue]Side[/i][/u][/color] civillain [i][u][color=blue]Location[/i][/u][/color] ASR [b][i][u][color=darkblue]JECHTcom[/b][/i][/u][/color] (note that Logan does not yet have a JECHTcom) [i][u][color=blue]Model Number[/i][/u][/color] 1185-GPU [i][u][color=blue]Nickname[/i][/u][/color] Satienah [i][u][color=blue]Apperence[/i][/u][/color] [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/zoneoftheenders/screens.html?page=336[/url] [url]http://www.gamespot.com/ps2/action/zoneoftheenders/screens.html?page=203[/url] [i][u][color=blue]Bio[/i][/u][/color] Satienah is a high class JECHTcom, customized ofr better preformance and quicker reaction time. Though it is not the best there is, it is higher quality than the mass produced JECHTcom's on both sides that make up the bulk of their forces. It was specially made for a high-ranking ASR pilot to wage almost completely air-born battles. [i][u][color=blue]Weaponry[/i][/u][/color] Heat-saberes that come from arms, one rapid-fire buster cannon on left arm, spray beam launcher mounted on right arm. [i][u][color=blue]AI name[/i][/u][/color] Aeris [u][i][b][color=darkblue]Rules[/u][/i][/b][/color] No godmodding Posts should be quality over quantity, following OB standards No test subject chars This RPG will start on ARS I will not tolerate OOC based posts, arguments within the thread, bad language or sex
  25. JET sighed with relief. "Too close." He followed the ship through his screen as they passed it. "Captain, shouldn't we destroy the ship completely?" Lance shook his head. "No. There's no evidence that we were here. This may be documented as an engine faliure, or something of the sort." "They have mouths, sir. What makes you think that they won't just tell everyone what happened?" "Because the docters will conclude that the story came from incorrect screen readings, or that the pilots were impact-shocked." "...fine." It sounded like denial to JET. The ship jerked as it started at full speed. "Sir, about these weapons we're supposed to destroy. What, what are they like? How well are they guarded?" "I'm not sure, to say the least. Details are in short supply." JET sighed, his robotic lungs adding an odd whistle to it. "How long until we get there?"
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