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Everything posted by Squall

  1. "How do you know there's something wrong with the program?" Enix turned to Ijimeru. "What do you mean?" "What if this wasn't a flaw? I'm no hacker, but I'm guessing it takes a lot to digitize a human. Maybe this was supposed to happen." "Why would someone wan't to trap me and the others, though?" "I don't know. Why would someone make this place? Why would they transport you and the others here at the same exact time me and Kitty were here?" Nobody responded. Ijimeru sighed looked back at the statue. "I don't know what's going on anymore." He walked to the entrence of the church. He turned arouned and grinned. "Ah well, no use getting worked up over it. Where do you think we should go? I know an area with a great gott statue."
  2. Would a question about .hack//infection the game go in the otaku gamer or in the .hack section?
  3. Squall


    Hmm... I guess you can have two, but it will be hard to distinguish the DarkFlame from the fire dark combo. I guess we can make it work somehow :-)
  4. Squall

    Silent Gun

    Ijimeru shook his head and continued running "bad time for all this!" He ran for a few miles and into the city hall. He crashed through the doors and ran in. He ran into another room where the Presidential Canidate was making his speech. He ran down the path towards the canidate. "Excuse me sir, please find a seat immediately." Ijimeru took out his gun and pointed it at the man. He stepped aside and Ijimeru ran up on stage. "GET DOWN!" the canidate tensed, looking at Ijimeru. Suddenly a splatter of blood spilled through the man's head. Ijimeru stopped dead and stared. Guards started coming in from all over and trained their guns on Ijimeru. "Assassin! Put down your weapons immediately." Ijimeru threw a small ball into the crowd and leaped back. The ball gave a blinding flash, stunning everyone in the room
  5. I saw mp3's on K.K.C.'s site. Would that be okay? PS Yeah theotaku really needs to get some .kack mdi's goin.
  6. Heck no! This thread can't go! Heck no! This thread cant go! (starts a picket line) I know this seems kind of dull now, but if you bear with me a little longer, I got some stuff planned that I know you'll like :-)
  7. y'know, I noticed that too, but somehow it seems to fit in. It's like somehow it helps the overall outfit.
  8. Ijimeru walked to the statue and rubbed the floor. He couldn't imagine why the statue wouldn't have a reflection. He remembered what he had saw, the sinester side of the little girl. 'Girl from the shadows, Eternal mourning for her land, "Surely I will return." Could that have been her?' He thought to himself. On the outside, He hit a button and treied to toggle his music volume. The melody played the same, growing neither louder or quieter. Ijimeru walked to the side to try and get around the fence that seperated him and the statue. "So, you just snooped around under my nose?" He heard a voice say. In the steps leading up to the statue, he saw a silver haired wavemaster stand in front of two other players. "I'm afraid that's exactly what we did." Said the blue painted blademaster. "We're worried about you, Tsukasa." Said the Naive heavyblade. Ijimeru shook his head and rubbed his eyes, but they were still there "Tsukasa?!" he whispered under his breath. Tsukasa looked to the ground. "I'm a guy, thanks." "Hey! Who are you?! I need your help!" Ijimeru ran towards them, but as mysteriously as they appeared they vanished. Ijimeru tripped and landedon his hands and knees. He stared at the ground for a minute, wide eyed. Shape and Kori walked in and saw him on the ground. "What happeded? Shape asked as Ijimeru turned to them. He paused for a moment, seeing them walk in. "N-nothing." Unseen by anyone there, a tear trickled down the statue's face.
  9. I put this at the start of all my signups, and I have yet to regret it. If you know nothing about MGS, than feel free to ask questions. (I must be nuts to start another one of these up... oh well! :-)) -Army Complex 1 year ago- "Raiden, as your well aware one and a half years ago Metal Gear Ray was hijacked from the marines." "Yeah, I don't forget so easily. That wasn't even the whole story, either. It turned out that it was one of many to help protect Metal Gear Arsenal." A figure in a dark suit lowered onto the complex slowly by rope. He immediately ran to a side and ducked behind a crate. "Right, well the army has recovered the remains of Arsenal, Probably in hopes to rebuild it." "What? That's insane! When will they ever learn!" "No kidding. Your mission is to acknowledge the creation of a new metal gear and decipher how close it is to completion. Snake has infiltrated down below in the submaine hanger as planned." Raiden walked to a dorrway and slowly pushed it open. He looked for any guards and crept inside. He continued walking until he spotted an enemy guard on survailence. He quickly snuck up behind the guard and hit him hard with the back of his gun. The guard fell unconcient and Raiden continued on his way. "Take this left and keep going." Otacan instructed. Raiden followed his instructions and veered to the left. A familliar old man with a revolver around his belt watched with hidden delight. He picked up an odd looking microphone and spoke into it. "So far so good, Raiden." The microphone modified his voice to sound like Otacan's "Take these stairs to you right." Raiden went up the stairs and opened the door. He stood on a balcony, high in the air. He slowly creeped in to hear something charging in a hallway behind him. He turned to dee a large electrical gun pointed right at him. "So sorry dear boy." The man's true voice came in over the Codec. "OCELOT!" Raiden yelled. The Rifle fired and hit Raiden over the balcony edge. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" Make someone up or use the presets below. Good Guys Snake, Otacan Bad Guys Revolver Ocelot, Liquid Snake, Solidus Unknown Cyborg Ninja (Very important) Here's what you need for creating a charicter Name Age Weapons-7 max Description Bio-optional Orginization (Bravo Team, Ocelot's group, Dead Cell, Foxhound, Mercinary, Unknown, Underground (like Snake) Whitehouse, Secritary of Defense, anything else you can think of.)
  10. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    The Freedom Flyer had sucsessfully evaded Val Shinobia's flyers in the city and were now loosing altitude over a busy street. "Damn! Were out of gas. We gotta land. He had no choice but to land in the middle of a busy intersection. All the cars screetched to a stop, including a very familliar red car. "Hey! Get that **** out of the road!" The driver of the red car hollered. Ijimeru and Mineru jumped out and started to run off. Ijimeru was going to run off but was annoyed by the man's remarks. "Play dat funky music white boy! Turn that @#*& off before it goes to your head!" Ijimeru sped off down the street and down another one. His watch beeped at him, telling him it was 10:15. "Damn, talk about bad timing." He whispered to himself.
  11. "Hello?!" Ijimeru shouted through Dun Loreiag. He sighed and walked through the grunty farm. "Great, I go out of my way to help somebody out, and I get ditched." He walked along the bridge and back to the chaos gate. As he prepared to go to Mac Anu, a blonde wavemaster trnasported in and knocked him over. "If I get knocked over one more time I'm going to kill someone!" "Don't tell it to me, I just got killed." The wavemaster replied. Ijimeru stopped dead. "How could you be killed in a root town?" He relized who must have done it and walked to the wavemaster. "Which way did the pker go?" "If I knew that, the girl would be dead. Are you a friend of theirs?" Ijimeru scratched his head. "Actually, I never even got their names." The wavemaster continued on her way and Ijimeru went back to the chaos gate. "I didn't like something about that church, I gotta go back."
  12. You can have combos if you want them Name: Norogatsi Age: 23 Weapon: Long sleek Silver sword with faint symbols on the blade Description: Semi length brown messy hair. Natural reddish-black eyes that match his fathers. Occasionally wears a black leather jacket and a white t-shirt. Dark blue jeans and black boots. Silver double belt and black gloves. Symbol on back (looks like a japaneese letter) Dragon Name: Hellsing Age: 132 gender Male Desc: Pure black with dark purple lines Element Dark Spells Dragon beam Darkness ball Eruption
  13. Uhh... one thing, you can't be a dragoon and have a dragon. it's one or the other.
  14. Squall


    Cool. I didn't think this would attract many people Name: Norogatsi Age: 17 Weapon: Long sleek Silver sword with faint symbols on the blade Element: Dark Flame (but never reveals it) Description: Semi length brown messy hair. Natural reddish-black eyes that match his fathers. Occasionally wears a black leather jacket and a white t-shirt. Dark blue jeans and black boots. Silver double belt and black gloves. Symbol on back (looks like a japaneese letter) Spells: Fireballall and sword of darkness (creates a sword made entirely of dark energy. Able to cast fireballs out of the tip.) Bio: His father had left at an early age, leaving him and his mother alone. At the age of six, his mother died of an uncurable illness. He trained in his village at an old dojo that used to be owned by his grandfather. At fifteen years old, when Oberan vanished, the cursed symbol etched itself into the skin on his back. His dojo was burned down and he was forced to flee from his village.
  15. Squall


    In days long passed, the kingdom of Oberan was in high command. Everything thrived until one faithful day. A man in a dark cloak came to the kingdom. He proclaimed that he alone was the weilder of the dark flame, a powerful magic with an untapped power. Nobody belived him and they threw him into the dungeon for lying to the Emporer. In the month he stayed there, the kingdom had fallen apart. Everyone became unbearably ill. In the end of the month the skies darkened and whirled around the kingdom. Terrible monsters dropped from the sky and slay the royal family. The skys cleared, the monsters dissapeared, and the kingdom, was gone. Name Age Weapon Element (fire, water, dark, light, thunder, earth, wind, ect.) Description Spells Bio (optional) Have fun with it :-)
  16. Here's a pic of a dragoon for anyone who is confused. [url]http://www.avalancheonline.net/images/LoD/lodpic20.jpg[/url] Also, I forgot too add something to the signups. Could dragon riders add Spells:(max 4) to their dragons, dragoons and winglies add that to their char. sorry about this.
  17. I always say this and I never regret it: If you don't know a thing about dragoons or anything like that, FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS 11,000 years ago, The Dragon Campein decided the fate of man kind. A magical flying species known as the winglies sought to enslave the human race. Humans saught the help of the mighty dragons. The dragons gave the humans the dragoon spirits, which allowed the humans to become mighty dragoons. These dragoons were supirior to the normal human in evey way. The only problem, was the dragoon spirits could only be obtained after the dragon was dead. The need for dragoons rised and the humans began to kill the dragons for their spirits. Following events were written in a recovered journal. March 15 The war against the winglies has been dead locked for months. Dragons are slowly turning against the humans because of their overwhelming need for dragoons. My men are now killing dragons on sight for their power. We have lost sight of the reason we have dragoons at all. March 26 This is ludicrus. The dragons have rebelled against my encampment for revenge on their slayed bretheren. I can't blame them, after what we have done to them. We have word that Emporer Diaz himself has initialized a new troop that work along side the dragons. They have no need to harness the power of dragoons, for the dragons themselves are their weapons. They are the dragon riders. For dragon riders: Name: Gender: Age: Description: Weapon: Name of Dragon: Gender: Age: Description: Element: (fire water dark light lightning earth wind ect.) -------------- Dragoons: Name Age Gender Desc Element Weapon --------------- Winglies (bad guys) Name Age Gender Desc Weapon Element
  18. Ijimeru sighed. "Someone who was involved with him was in Dun Loriag, I think. I heard him talking about how happy he was that the Tsukasa incedent was over with. But..." His voice trailed off and he looked to the ground. "But what?" Kitty asked. "But if the Tsukasa incedent was real, then that means the indestructable monster might be real too." Nitsu looked at Siroken "Do you think thats what we fought? We did hit it pretty good." "Who was the player?" Asked Enix. "He called himself the red rover or something. He had really tall hair that was a darker blue than mine." Valliant nodded and everyone started out the door. As Ijimeru walked out, he turned back to the statue. The floor started to ripple like water does when a drop hits it. In the ripples, Ijimeru could see the reflection of the statue, but in a more sinester, cold form. Kitty looked back to see him. "Hey! Hurry up or we're going to leave you behind!" Ijimeru swallowed hard and continued on.
  19. All of Ryden's wounds healed magically, but he did not seem to change in condition. His head rose, but dropped back down again. "Ryden! Wake up!" Zo yelled at him as she shook him. His eyes opened, but they were a dark green sickly color. Xaru was almost done with the beast. Zo repetedly shook him. "Ryden!" He responded by going almost completely limp. Zo didn't know what was wrong with him. She stood up to see Xaru very nealy done with the beast. She swallowed hard and stopped trying to wake Ryden. She stood up with her axe out in front of her. "What now? She asked herself quietly.
  20. Hey! Me and Kitty were still in the church :-P Ijimeru lept from the shadows with his sword drawn. "Yeeaaaah- huh?" He looked to see six other players in the room. Kitty walked from the other side. "I told you they weren't monsters!" Ijimeru looked around dumbfounded. "How did you all get here? I didn't here a single person transport." Nitsu came out of a fighting stance. "Well, I myself have no idea." the other three in her party shrugged or shook their heads."We just transported from the root town." Shape and Kori walked further in. Ijimeru groaned and covered his face with his hand. "This entire freeggin thing has me on edge!"
  21. Squall

    /Black Star\

    Heh, I thought this thread had died :-) Vince rode in silence until the van slowed to a stop outside of an old wherehouse. He had only stepped out of the van when he had remembered his watch. He took it off and flung it up in the air. With a quick shot of his pistol the watch cracked open and broke. He stood wide eyed over the remains of his watch. "Jeeze, I need to be more carefull." He said to himself. He nervously looked over his back and went inside. The other watches went completely blank before anyone could notice the arrow.
  22. Where did everybody go? 'My employer is head strong and abusive of her power. I have a bad feeling about this.' Vince thought as he was lead down the hall by Moko. 'Of course, it was not my place in any regards to make her knowledgable of her actions.' He gave a small hidden sigh as the assistant turned a corner. ?To use the shame of of my country to please her will. I disregarded my country years ago.? Moko turned a corner and into a dead end. Jiko walked forward. ?Are you lost?? Moko scowled. ?No! I just? wanted to check on something.? Groans ran through the group as Vince walked down a different hall in hopes to find someone who knew where they were, or at least was?nt so head strong about it that they had to lie.
  23. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    "Stupid Buzzboys!" As Ryden expected, the Val Shanobia hadn't been completely alerted. A small squad of jets were deployed. "Why don't you fire at them?" The girl, who had recealed her name as Mineru, asked. "With what? It's not like this things loaded down!" The jet swerved in and out of the enemy jets and lowered close to the ground. The other jets followed him down and prepared to launch missles. Ryden eased up and did a flip to avoid the radio tower. Behind him the sound of explosions rang through the air. "Well, you can't be too much of a dunce if they did it!" Ryden flew up over the clouds towards the city. "Mr. Ryden! Your going the wrong way!" "Am I? Those buzzboys won't dare fly this way. That VS would kill them for disturbing him, that spoiled freak." "I get the feeling you don't like him, do you?" "I had doubts, but you are just plain stupid! Why do you think I palstered Freedom Flyer on the side of this thing?"
  24. I didn't understand a word of that. To answer the standing question, it is the bacon tomatto one, I think. What Happened to Aura?
  25. "I'm Ijimeru. Lets get going before this place gets anymore crowded!" Kitty nodded and walked to the chaos gate. "Beta, Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground." They dissapeared and reapeared on a long pathway to a monestary like building. "Hey." Ijimeru looked at Kitty. "Do you hear that?" A haunting melody came from the church. "Yeah, it's erie, but kind of soothing. What about it?" Ijimeru looked a little nervous. "My music volume is way down. I shouldn't be able to hear it." Kitty looked confused. "Oh well, just a glitch. Lets keep going." They walked down the stone path as the music grew louder. They walked up the steps and to the doorway, which was slightly cracked open. They pushed it farther open and went inside. Brown benches lined each side of a wide path. The floor was decorated and looked to be made of glass. Candles were suspended in air above it all. The path led to a stone statue of a girl, bound by chains. Ijimeru looked to the ground to see a small piece of paper. "Shunning the field broken by wave, The shadowed girl whispers 'Surely, I will return.' Alas, Unbeknownst, Awaiting her at journey's end: Eternal mourning for her land." Kitty swallowed hard. "Okay, this place is giving me the creeps." Ijimeru nodded in agreement and pointed to the floor. A reflection of an empty pedestool caught his attention. "The girl, has no, reflection."
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