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Everything posted by Squall

  1. The blue haired player walked to the Chaos Gate, to be knocked back by a warping player in a big hurry. "Leave! The world is not safe! Save yourself and never return!" The player got up and pounded on his head. "Aw geeze! I forgot the key words!" He held his sword to the chaos gate to try anyway. "Uh... Detesteble Golden Messenger." He dissapeared, and reapeared a moment later. "Nope. Chosen Forbidden Try Panzy." He dissapeared again and reapeared. "This will take a while." The man who knocked him over turned to him and grinned. "try the hidden forbidden holy ground." He suggested. The player scratched his head. "Why not? Doesn't ring a bell, but I'll go."
  2. Hiei waited for the black aura of smoke to clear. Instead of blowing away, it started to whirl around. The smoke then completely dissapeared. Ryden hung limply from Xaru's grasp, twitching and quivering. "Fool, he left himself open." Xaru tossed him aside. "Using him as a sheild wasn't hard after that." Ryden figeted on the ground, his mind was no longer there. Hiei went into a fighting pose and waited. "You've made it abundently clear Hiei, and now you have my full attention." He picked up his glave and held it over his shoulder. "It's your turn now."
  3. "Nobody *hic* knows the trouble I've seen." A drunken bum walked along the sidewalk of a large city. He stumbled and ran into people as he went. "Nobody knows trouble like meeeee! *hic*" He stumbled into an alley and dropped a bottle. "Aw danged it!" He dropped to his hands and knees and started to lick the whisky off the ground. He could see his reflection in the puddle and he stupidly waved at himself. Suddenly another reflection appeared in the puddle. The man looked up to see nobody there, and looked down to see no reflection. He finished his drink and started to walk away. Just then a pale girl in a white dress flew over him. Right behind it was another girl, similar to the one before, except this one had purple hair and slightly darker skin. Her dress was torn and her face was scarred. She stopped upon noticing the man and turned to him. She smiled at he man, her eyes hidden by her hair. She lifted her head to reveal her eyes. The man stumbled back, tripping over his own bottle as he tried to get away. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" ___Mac Anu-The World___ Everything was calm. Boats passed under the bridge and players were busy buying new weapons. One player in particular lay in a boat, relaxing. "It may be just a game, but things are so... pleasnt." The boat passed under the bridge with many people looking over it. The blue haired player smiled at the fact that none of them could spit down upon him, something they might have done in reality. He decided against falling asleep on the boat and jumped off onto the sidewalk. He walked along the side and laughed at the newbie players who were trying to trade things at the markets. He ran his hand over his blade and walked to the Chaos Gate. "I should get some exercise."
  4. Ok It looks like Arika is back so I will start this thing momentarily. :-)
  5. "Wait for it, You'll only get one shot." Ryden signalled to Hiei as he charged Xaru. Hiei was going to say something in return, but decided to concentrate on building up his energy. Ryden sheathed his sword and concentrated on dodging Xaru's attacks. When the right time presented itself, he grabbed one of Xaru's wrist and swung around behid him. Xaru tried to grab him, but resulted in trapping his other wrist. Ryden crouched on his back, coiling like a spring. Xaru tugged and flailed around. "Get off!" "HIEI! NOW!!!"
  6. Squall

    Silent Gun

    Ijimeru had rented an apartment near the middle of town. He was listening to the police broadcast system incase of anymore murders, when suddenly the phone rang. "Ijimeru! I have found out why all the PC's are being killed!" Ijimeru listened, growing more shocked by the minute. He dropped the phone and headed out. He slipped on his jacket and walked along the sidewalk. "These guys have no idea what they're doing!" He started walking faster until he was at a run. "I need more time!"
  7. Squall

    Cybonia: 2099

    Time to have some fun (well, a cleaner type of fun. (wink)) Ryden suddenly woke up. He had dozed off listening to the jets landing and taking off. He looked around and found that his jet was done, with a nice new coat of paint over it. He grinned and was about to climb in when a rookie pilot tried to land. The jet came in to hard and was forced to pull up. Whoever was piloting the jet was a complete dunce, as the jet soared right into the radio tower and started to catch fire. "no no no no!" Ryden yelled as he ran for the tower. He got to the top just in time to see the idiot pilot eject the seat, right into the roof. Ryden got to the seat and tried to unbuckle the pilot, but was knocked back by the parachute's deployment. He finaly got the pilot out of the seat and rushed downstairs. "What were you thinking? Did you just not like the idea of a hidden air field?!" He got out of the tower and looked up top. Plumes of smoke were bellowing out and pilots were scurrying to their crafts. The pilot said something, but the helmet muffled it. Ryden knocked the helmet off to reveal a girl with messy brown hair. She smiled sheepishly at Ryden. "I guess I still need practice." Ryden wanted to say something back, but instead grabbed her arm and continued running to his jet. They took off and flew high above the clouds. "You stupid rookie! All of my files, records, I'm ruined!" "Well, at least nobody was hurt!" "Not right now, but they will be! Hopefully that fire wasn't big enough to get the full attention of the big VS, but the pimple police will be on our back 24/7!!!"
  8. Squall. FF 8 was the first FF I played And I instantly loved it. I like how he's quiet and not an has his wits about him.
  9. (Sorry about that, LS. Also, where is everybody else?) Yanagi fell to her knees, her tranformation niether decreasing or increasing. Her head hit the ground as she clutched her stomach. Ijimeru stood there trembling. The soilder's started to move in. () Why? How did I this? Is this my fault?() He was suddenly overcome with rage as the soilders continued moving. The others started readying themselves to fight. Ijimeru let out a long scream. His staff that had long since discharged lit up again. The dead body started giving violent twitches, as if the electricity had given it new life. The corpse burst into flames and fire spat in every direction. The soilders started yelling and shooting into the fire. It wasn't long until many of the guns started to hit empty and the soilders to flee. Ijimeru ran after them and jumped onto the one who fired at Yanagi. "AAAAAh! Don't kill me! Please! I don't want to die!" Ijimeru was too furious to listen. "Too Late for That!" He cocked his fist back and prepared to fire. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" ___2 hours later._______ It was dark. Everyone was deep in the forest. Yanagi's transformation had calmed and she was almost in human form. Her wounds were wrapped and she was still unconcient.They had built a fire and most of them were seated around it. The force that had disabled some of the soilders had yet to reveal itself. Ijimeru sat farther away than the others, resting his head in his knees. Siaga walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "She'll be okay, I know it." Ijimeru didn't respond for a while. "I killed them. four of them are dead." He held up his hand. blood had soaked deep into his glove. "My hands ar stained, and I don't even know who they belong to." A flashback shows Ijimeru's fist landing deep into the guards face. Blood splashed onto Ijimeru. The fire started to spread along the forest, but somehow stayed away from the house. Sirens could be heard and the group retreated far into the forest.
  10. Squall

    Silent Gun

    It was dark. A young woman walked down the road at a brisk pace, peering over her shoulder many times. When she looked back in front of her, she saw Ijimeru standing a few feet away. "You are Milly Thompson, correct." The girl nervusly nodded. "I-I will be looked for!" She said nervously. "Wow, wrong idea." He walked up to her and smudged some dirt onto her face. He took her hairband and tore her jacket. "I won't hurt you. Go back to your boss and tell them that a man raped you and tried to beat you." He handed her a slip of paper. "You barely manedged to get his licence plate when he drove off." The girl nodded her head and took off down the street. twenty minutes later, Ijimeru waited outside a large mansion. "WHAT?! THAT BUM IS DEAD!!" He smiled and drove off in his car. 'She sung like a canary.'
  11. Oh. Anyways You answered my question so the ball is in your court.
  12. Hmm? Orca of the Azure sea, and his friend is Kite. If it isn't Kite, who is it?
  13. Orca. No, partners friend is Kite! What is Tsukasa currently doing?
  14. I don't like it being shown on sunday, but at least there are new episodes. If cn is in charge of it we're in trouble. (There tv series never end!!)
  15. wow, cool affect. I'd suggedt using that as a bacround for your next art. It looks to emplty alone
  16. Squall

    Cybonia 2099

    Um... This has started in the Advent. already. I just wanted to clear up any confusion.
  17. Holy Sweet Mother Of Jesus! My jaw hit rock bottom when I saw this. She looks better here than she did in the game. (In my opinion, she looked like a princess toadstool remake in the game.) Nice work 10/10
  18. The Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground And A few questions back, what attack did aura use on Tsukasa, it was morgana who used it and I belive the move is a form of Data Drain (big maybe) How was it discovered that Tsukasa was a girl?
  19. very cool. If your going to use it in your sig, I'd suggest sizing it down, and yeah the i does look odd.
  20. Oh, actually I didn't really want them all that much anyway. Sorry for the mix up.
  21. Name: Ryden Age: 19 Race: Wood Elf Class: Theif Appearence: Dark blue mid length hair. Silver eyes and pointed ears. Wears a long sleve hooded shirt, a hard lether Vest, gloves boots and pants. All completely black. Connections: None Bio: One of few theives in the race of Wood elves. Banished from his village for his practice of theivory and mild disrespect for the land. He has trained in silence since that day. Known to be stubborn, arrogant, and mildly cocky. Equipment: Gnarwooden A long dagger that hangs from his belt. He has named it after his village because it seems to him that they were created for one soul perpose: Stabbing people in the back. Shurikens A very large amount of throwing stars he hides around his belt, In a black strap under his armor, and in his sleves. Leather armor A hard leather vest he made himself before beinb banished from his village. Hope thats Okay ^_^
  22. Ryden had felt the intensity of the curse of thor's, he heard the screaming of Hoshi. But he didn't care. All that was on his mind was going faster and destroying Xaru. The fight had reached amazing speeds. Every now and then the remains of a windslash were seen tearing through the town. Sweat trickled down Ryden's forehead as his own speed stopped increasing. 'This can't be my limit! I need more speed!' Ryden could barely dodge Xaru's blade. The wind following the blade was almost enough by itself to knock Ryden off balence. Ryden suddenly backed away, gasping for breath. "What's wrong? Are you done already?" "Not even close." Ryden's voice was shaken. 'It worked before, I have no choice.' His hand dropped to his side and tensed in rythem to his heart beat. 'Sorry...'
  23. "This was very reckless of you. What if we had killed him during the maze? Would that be just a job hazurd? If this wasn't a real kidanpping, the killer would be sentenced to murder. Decisions like that are the reason of hell in the world." Vince sheathed his sword and leaned up against the wall. "That's a little harsh, don't you think?" The contracted chunin asked him. Vince didn't respond, he closed his eyes and waited for something to happen.
  24. Squall

    Silent Gun

    OOC On the subject of translation, Ijimeru is japaneese for tourment. "Armand Reld, a rapist outside the city. His profile's as deep as his wallet. I'm guessing that's who your headless buddy is." Ijimeru was back on the bridge, this time a pile of five or six cigarette butts sat beside him. The old man filled his pipe and continued talking. "It would have to be, nobody's been able to contact him in days." "Great, waht did you find on big haired broads?" "I got a list of em. Jesebel, Crayzy 8's, Storm, Midi, the list is endless. I have to admit, when I got your request, I almost laughed myslef into a coma. But it looks like afro's are extremely popular." "Okay, I need you to search for very big mercs. it would take shaq on steroids to do this." Ijimeru looked at the picture of the squeezed man. "I'm sick of chasing these freaks. I'm going to make them come to me." He put out his last cigarette and started to leave. "Ijimeru! You can't! Your not serious!" He grinned and flicked on his sunglasses. "Time to go get noticed by the wrong people."
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