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Everything posted by Squall
Uhh... bat timing but, I may be gone for the next three days.
Uh... bad timing, but I'll be gone for the next three days.
Uh... bad timing, but I'll be gone for the next three days. Ryden gave a long sigh as he waited for Hoshi and Hiei to come back. 'Maybe I'm selfish, but I didn't want the last words I hear from her be, don't do it. I wonder how things would have turned out if I told her it was a kamekaze?' He yawned and looked up at the sky. 'When I meet Xaru again, I will probably be strong enough to finish that attack. Will she try to stop me? If she acted like this when I told her that...' He gave a small chuckle to himself. 'She's gonna flip when we get to Gnarwood.' PS this was all him thinking
Ok, here's a blonde joke: PS if any blondes are reading this, It's the OTHER shade of blonde. There are two blondes. One is riding a tractor through a cornfeild, and the other is in a boat. The blonde in a tractor sees the blonde in a boat and pulls over. "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU? IT'S BLONDES LIKE YOU THAT GIVE US A BAD NAME! WHY, IF I COULD SWIM, I'D COME OUT THERE AND KICK YOUR @#$%"
Does adding "Adult Languege" to the list mean we don't have to edit swears? Name: Ryden K. Siverfire Rank in Nation: jet pilot Age:25 How long you've had your rank: 3 yrs. Gender: Male Description: Dark Blue, mid length hair. Limp and messy, comes down to his eyes in front and the bottom of his neck in back. Always wears Black, oval sunglasses that semi resemble goggles and never reveals his eyes. Black, custom made itallian leather jacket with a greyish-white neckline. Blood red letters sewn on back reading "Suicide" White t-shirt and dark blue blue jeans. Dark green double-belt with holstered 9 shot silver revolver. Black italian boots. Bio: The first five years of his life were spent in an orphanage. Started weapon training with the U.S. marine core at the age of six. Trained extensivly with all forms of light single handed firearms (i.e. handguns.) Started Fighter pilot training at ten on an abandoned airport. Went to a top billing flight academy at the age of fourteen. Earned the nickname "Suicide" while there. graduated at the age of eighteen and then recruited by the U.S.A.F. Known as a cocky, daredevil, womanizer. Birthplace: Italy Freedom Warrior How long they have been with said side: three weeks
Ryden looked towards where Hoshi ran off to. "A... thunder attack?" He started to fly in that direction but stopped. 'She was pretty mad... she's probably just letting off steam. He sighed and sat on the ground, waiting to continue walking. 'Maybe I should have told her it ment something else.' He thought to himself.
"What?" Ijimeru looked at the door to see a girl stumble in and plead for help. He walked over to her. "What- what's wrong?" Siaga brushed passed him. "Don't just stand there gawking! She's wounded!" "Wounded?" "I'll explain later, just give me a hand!" Ijimeru didn't know what to do. Siaga supported the girl and helped her over to a chair. "What happened?" Ijimeru saw many cuts on her feet (You were barefoot, right?) and a red mark on her shoulder. ' I don't think I should have come here." Ijimeru thought silently.
Uh... just to say, I don't know I'm an android or that she's a cyborg. I apologize for not making that clear.
Ryden sighed and looked at the sky. "Semper in angaria, cordis pulsom tangite, mecum omnes plangite. It was an exerpt, of what I don't know. It means always in tourment, take the pulse of my heart, weep all of you with me." Hoshi thought for a moment. "Take the pulse of my..." Her eyes widened. "Ryden! Did you think that you were going to-" Hoshi was cut short by Ryden. "That really doesn't matter now, It's all in the-" "Answer me! Did you think you were going to die?!" Ryden's eyes dropped and closed. "It wasn't a thought, it was a plan. That move you saw, it was supposed to be a kamekaze. I wasn't strong enough to finish it."
"I, think this is, me." Ijimeru handed Siaga the old book that he had found. They had walked through the forest and were now in the room where Ijimeru woke up. Siaga flipped through the pages and read what little there was. "What do you mean this is you? This is a failed experiment, probably one that's been disposed of. Keep looking." She tossed the book aside and searched around a dusty coffee table. There's got to be something he- hey what's this?" She dusted off an old peice of paper. On were the words: Complete indipendence= (too damp to read.) (torn off)= destruction the rest was unreadable. "Junk" Siaga threw it over her shoulder. Ijimeru stood up and walked upstairs. "Where are you going?" Siaga started to follow him. Ijimeru walked down the hallway and into a room. A computor with a smashed monitor and piles of books all around it filled the small room. Ijimeru walked inside and picked up a book. He read a small portion of it and threw it over his shoulder. He picked up another one and did the same. Siaga walked in. "What is it?" Ijimeru tossed another book over his shoulder and picked up another one. "Tests, diaries, androids, anything that was here is recorded here now. Siaga smiled. "Hey! Do you think your in here somewhere? I bet you are!" Ijimeru remained silent.
Spike continued running across the street firing at Wolfwood and Gungrave. The two came up and started firing and Spike rolled behind the crumbled remains of a building. The clip dropped from his gun and he reloaded. He searched his pocket and found a pack of cigaretts. He took one out and held it around the corner. The firing of guns lit it and he put it back in his mouth. He signalled to Knives for coverfire, and then ran towards the pile of derbis that his enemies hid behind. He dove over the pile and fired down upon them. They fired back up, leaving wounds in Spike's shoulder and his foot. He landed with a roll and dove behind another corner.
He looked back to the music hall and continued walking. They went inside and found an old man at a desk. "What be your fancy?" He said in an odd accent. "Can you tell us about this flute?" Siaga asked, putting the flute on the desk. The old man examened it, and then put it back on the desk. "Never seen it before in me life." He said in an oddly cheerful voice. Ijimeru was about to walk out when Siaga grabbed his arm and turned him arouned. "What about him? Have you seen him before?" The man leaned over his desk and looked closely at Ijimeru. He leaned back and shook his head. Ijimeru grabbed his flute and started to walk out. Siaga thanked the man and followed him. "Darn, I was so sure." "Um..." Ijimeru looked up at Siaga. "I-I know a place we can look."
???: Enough standing around. Lets go! The unnamed man ran along side the lake, towards the place where the cloud came from. The others nodded and followed him, keeping the pace that the unnamed man had set. ???: If we keep running in this direction, whats the chance that the cloud will still be there? Nobody responded. The man picked up the pace. ???:figures.
Ryden's face was stern. "I met a man like you once, Hiei. He said emotion was like a sin, it uncovers a persons weaknesses and gives way to pain and torture." "Thats not what I'm trying to tell you! I am a man with emotions!" "And thats why I respect you. He became a weapon when he stopped tresuring his emotions, his humanity. I thought that you were the same. But being able to conceal emotion, but still treasure it, makes a foolproof warrior." Hiei looked confused. 'I think I just missed the whole point he was sad. Oh geeze, I should keep my mouth shut.' Ryden thought.
'Why would the kidnapper go farther into the base, instead of his own territory? Things just aren't adding up.' Vince thought as he followed the chunin. 'I doubt he's really an elite.' He picked up his pace and started to close in on the kidnapper. He wouldn't usually care about her safety, but she was the employer which left Vince with little options. He was getting closer, but still kept his distance. He kept his eyes on his feet and copied his steps to avoid any traps.
Ryden sighed when he heared the sound. "No, I'm not going. It's not my problem. I'm a soldier, not a general." There was a knock on his door and a private entered. "Sir! There has been disturbance in the cafeteria." Ryden turned around and kicked the door shut. "I'm not in charge! See general Silvermen!" He turned back to his desk and unwraped a long object. Inside was a sheathed sword, not as impressive as the sword of the wind, but Ryden took it anyway. He walked out of his room with a bag on his back. He saw Hiei and waved, but Hiei walked passed him. "Hiei! Whatever it is, I don't care! We're leaving!'' He continued walking without looking back. Ryden didn't want to worry about it, so he walked the other way.
"How do we look for memories?" Ijimeru asked. "Just look for traces that might tell us something." Ijimeru's eyes lit up. "We could look at the-" he fell silent. "Look at the what? What were you going to say?" Siaga asked. "N-Never mind." his gaze fell to the ground. "If we're going to find anything, your going to have to trust me. What were you going to say." Ijimeru shook his head "Nothing." He crouched and searched the ground. "Hey, whats that?" Siaga said, pointing at a brown sling on Ijimeru's belt. Ijimeru looked and pulled out a flute. "Whats this?" "It's a flute! Were you a musican?" Ijimeru didn't respond, he just continued to examen the flute. "Oh, sorry. I forgot. Hey, there's a music hall in town, why don't we check there?" Ijimeru stood up and continued to examen the flute. "Okay, I guess."
"I'm Saiga, I found you here asleep." The blue haired boy continued to stare. Continuing to try and get the boy to talk, Saiga continued. "What's your name?" silence. "Why are you here?" Still silence. "You can at least tell me your name!" She said at last. The boy mumbled something. "What?" finally the boy spoke. "I... don't know... anything. I think, my name is... Ijimeru." "You don't know anything? Did you get hit on the head or something?" Ijimeru looked to the ground. "I... don't know."
Vince got back to the hospital just as the others were walking out. Rei: Oh, Trents allright, Eris is in there now. Vince: makes sense. The goons from the mansion won't bug us for quite a while. I doubt that there are many still alive. He walked away, towards the street. Vince: I gotta go. Rei: Where're you going? Vince: Do you think I'll ever tell you, or is it just out of habbit? He lit a match and the van pulled over. He stepped inside and the van sped off.
[color=blue]Where, am I?[/color] The blue haired boy looked around. All he could see is black. Suddenly, a bright light illuminated itself in front of him. He reached out to it, and it materialized into a small stick. He touched the stick and it expanded Into a large quarter-staff. He grabbed onto the staff and he started to plumet into blinding light. something was yelling at him, chanting Ijimeru. He sat up with a shock and looked around. He was far off from the side of the path, laying on his back. He sighed relizing it was all a dream and layed back down. He clutced the grass and ran his fingers across something hard. He looked to find that it was a quarter staff, exactly like the one in his dream. His mind was still buzzing, but now he wasn't so tired. He looked at how far he lay from the path and relized that someone had been there.
Vince ran as fast as he could to get to the end of the maze. The traps were bookstyle constructed, each with a simple way to evade. He set down the corridor until he found a row of seven doorways. He saw the remains of a genin and relised that all but one were fatal. He picked up the remains of the genin and started throwing peices of his armor into different passedge ways. All but the first peice were destroyed, so he went to the one farthest on the left. He saw the elite carrying Michico and bolted after them.
Cool, that helps a lot (And it also starts to open up to .hack//infection.)
Can someone fill me in on what happened in the last .hack episode?
Heh, or can they? (sorry i'm late) Spike walked through the ghost town and heard the gunfire from a few blocks away. He put out his cigarette and unholstered his pistol. He started running in the direction, swearing about being too late.
Anime I think the world controls more than Tsukasa...
Squall replied to Squall's topic in Otaku Central
Hey, I watched .hack//liminality and saw what I think is the answers. The Computor that they play on has VR googles, what looks like a webcam on top of the screen, a speaker on each side of the screen, and what looks like a Playstation controller to control the charicter. I think actions, like crying or Crim taking his shirt off, are caused in response to actions that one playing the game does. ex. Crim offline is sweating or something like it is simulated by crim in the world taking his shirt off. see what I meen?