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"Right. Let me put it this way: I won't kill you, but if you try that holiness crap on me again I'll shove a bible down your throat." Ryan started to protest, but Logan wouldn't hear it. "God may condem thy soul if not willing-" "Just shut up for a second!" Blake appeared and told him about the Pyrls, as Iscariot came. "Well speak of the devil..." Logan looked oddly at him, oblivious to the creatures. "What the hell are-" A fireball came rushing past his head, and he turned with a jolt to find one of the Pyrls. Iscariot ran towards a building and jumped along the side to the top of the roof. Logan raised his shotgun and started firing off shells. They went barely noticed by the Pyrls, as they tried to bombard Blake as he started to take off. Logan started running for the one, when a circle of electricity danced around him. He turned to see the other Pyrl staring at him. Logan raised his sword, and parried the bolts of lightning that were thrown at him, the blade miraculously not breaking. When the Pyrl ceased firing bolts, it started dive bombing Logan, clawing at him whenever it was near. Logan took off and jumped onto a roof on the other side of the street that Blake was on, and tried to deflect the Pyrl's attacks from there. Blake suddenly took off, Logan raising his shotgun thinking that it was another Pyrl. He lowered the piece when he realized who it was, and survayed the chaos around him.
Ronan growled and gripped Jerith's throat, pinning him to the ground by it. "You're going to tell me everything that happened." Jerith explained about the guards that broght him to city hall for the hearing, the Imperial Soldier that came, and finally the declaration of war. Ronan listened, growing more impatient at each moment. "So ah folloed the gal, and den found you in the alley." He finished, now sitting atop an old crate. "This is unheard of! First a theif, and then a true terrorist." "Wha' dya mean terrorist? wasn't he in your outfit?" "Our message was for we and the Moon clan to reconnect trade, not declare war." "Why not go set da blokes straight den?" Jerith inquired. "Because, I killed a guard. That is an act of war itself. Or actually," he looked at Jerith. "Everyone probably thinks it was you who did it by now." Jerith let out a small moan. "Jus' great." "Anyways, we need supplies, and we should probably get these field dressed." He pointed at one of the cuts on his shoulder. "Aye. But, where'd the 'we' come from?" "You're coming with me to somehow stop this war. You caused it, after all."
Rikan paused his rain of arrows, seeing Tanis dissapear and reappear right before his very eyes. Was that the true meaning of courage? He and Denthril, they would both have given their lives if only to save the others, while he had only watched them, like a helpless child paralysed in fear, like a small child. Would he have done the same if his time came, or have the men he spent his childhood with tainted him beyond such pure courage? "Rikan! Keep firing!" He came out of his trance and looked back to see Danuke had returned. He gave a half hearted grin. "So you decided to drop by again! Will you be staying long this time?" "Knock it off and keep those orcs at bay!" He nodded and started firing off arrows again at the advancing orcs. They were like a wave, drawing slightly closer by every passing second. They couldn't keep this hold long, Rikan would run out of arrows and resurt to his elven sword. There was a pause in the lines, as an orc blinded by one of Rikan's arrows started flailing madly about, hacking about the other orcs who beat him down and tried to grab a quick feast. Rikan took advantage of the pause to side-step along the ground, collecting Orc arrows that had missed their targets. "Do we have a plan here, or are we just hoping for some breeze of luck to pass our way?" He asked back to Gelron, continuing his barrage.
Logan watched him leave, and then turned to Ariyel. "What the hell's the Chaotic Realm?" She looked at him blankly. "You seriously don't know? You're a demon, you should be an expert on it!" Logan gave a cokcy grin. "Half demon, babe. And I don't give a shit if I'm supposed to know about it." "Okay, look. The Chaotic Realm is the place where demons exist..." She told him the story, Ryan adding in with what he knew from church. "...and then the war ended with some kind of mystical weapon, on the exact time of the war's one hundred thousand year mark." "Sounds like one hell of a war." "You have to keep in mind that the human race was double, maybe even triple what it is now. It would have been longer, had not the weapon appeared." "Hold on. What weapon are we talking about?" There was a pause, from both of them. "Nobody really knows." Ariyel answered. "I heard, it was a wave of the lord's holy water that washed over the earth and destroyed the demons." "And that theory is ruled out. Demons wouldn't still be hanging around if they all drowned." "True..." Ryan was eying the shotgun in Logan's hand nervously. "What's with you?" "We...have not made truce yet. I do not know whether I should count you as an ally yet." Logan laughed. "Yeah, sure. But if you start with that repention stuff I'll shove that cross down your throat." Ryan paused for a moment, and never got the chance to answer. "Ariyel, if the demon's were all sealed up in their little realm, why are there so damn many of them here?" She sighed. "The seal was broken, somehow. Not completely, just a crack, but a big enough crack for them to get out. It gets worse over time, and if it breaks completely, humans will be overrun." Logan shrugged. "Humans kicked their ass once, they can do it again." "Logan, you don't understand. Humans are still recovering from the war, they're at about a third of their origional size." "So?" "The Chaotic Realm...they're, they recovered completely. If the seal is broken, humans will be slaughtered."
James grinned and got out of the pool. He didn't know exactly why he tried out, probably just to be doing something. Whatever, now he was stuck with it. The chlorine hit his nose like a hammer, and he hoped silently that being there was a good thing. James watched Mr. Smith grumble and moan as he put his and Ceris's name on the acceptence list. He almost laughed at the teacher's expression, when he turned and glared at him. James quickly looked away, the last thing he wanted to do was get sworn out by another teacher. He slowly walked towards the door to leave when Mr. Smith's voice stopped him. "Not yet, Leonheart. Wait until the end of tryouts." "Why? I already went." "Just wait until the team is made." James sighed. He didn't want to be stuck here longer than he needed to, he had things to do. He turned and spotted Ceris on the other side of the pool, and decided to go over. "You did pretty good out there." She nodded. "Thanks. You too." He grinned, seeing that she stopped giving him the cold shoulder. "Course, the teacher here don't like you much either. Not exactly a teacher's pet, are ya?"
Name: James Starfire Age: 23 Sex: male Bio: reddish brown hair, 6'4", reddish brown eyes. Weapons: Dual handguns (.50's) Reason for hunting Shadows: Given Reason: Thrills and chills True Reason: Revenge for his dead parents Past/Background: James' mother was killed by the Shadows when he was still a child, as she tried to save her son from death at the hands of the Shadows. James lived, only thanks to her sacrifice. His father was filled with rage over his wife's death, but did nothing to fight the shadows, knowing how he could never take them on himself. It didn't take long for the Shadows to drive his father to uncontrollable fury, as he stormed out of the house one faithful night with only a bar, determined to take on as many Shadows as he could. James could only watch helpless from the window, his father's dying image and raging screams filling his dreams. James joined the Shadow Warriors to get revenge on them, but never speaks about it. Through him, he joined the Shadow Warriors for thrills and chills. Picture: [img]http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy2/Toshi041.jpg[/img]
Logan slowly walked forward, his shotgun waving in his hand. "I'm looking for a demon, you seen any around lately?" He asked in a joking tone. Ariyel grinned. "Yeah, just missed 'em." She retorted. Logan held up his shotgun. "You sure? Coulda sworn I was looking right at her." He looked around. "And where's your partner?" He obviously couldn't see the figures clearly through the fog. "That was the demon, and I'm not your enemy so put down the gun before you poke somebodies eye out." Logan grinned. "How do I know you're not lying?" Ariyel sighed. "If I were an enemy, wouldn't I have my weapon out?" "Good point." Logan said, lowering his gun. "So you took out the demon, eh?" He measured her up. "Must've been pretty small." "Watch it, pal. I can hold my own." She said seriously. "Whatever. Who are you anyways?"
Nice job. I'm impressed. Sign-ups Name: Kayo (only gives out "Dark Wanderer" as a name) Age: looks 23 Sex: male Race: human/demon (a fire demon, who praise the powers of Irift and are gifted with powers over fire.) Location: Currently in Erian (traveler) Side: bad Weapons: Gauntlets of Irift (the wearer gains power to attack with fire) Blade of inferno (A long thin dagger etched with sympols of fire) Powers: Burn (able to create a flame from his finger. not very useful in fights, but it provides light and a match) Personality: Cold, rude, cynical and pessimistic. His lack of moral value is evident on first encounter Bio: His father was a demon, who rapped his mother and left. His mother, who became pregnant, made a life in Menendel for her and her child. Kayo remained blissfully unaware of his father's doings, and treated his demon abilities as a gift, instead of a curse. His mother, who did not want to alert him of his origin, remained idle as Kayo became increasingly better at martial arts, which he practiced at every chance he got. His father had left his weaponry at the rape, due to human arrival, which Kayo's mother gave to him as a gift. When Kayo left, he decided to become a mercinary, since it was something he liked to that brought in money. One of his later jobs came from a messenger of the Underworld, with buisness undiscussed... Appearance: [url=http://www.game-loader.de/psycko-manga/grafix/gallery/guy8/dyhalto.jpg]Minus the katanas, and add red gauntlets[/url]
Hope I'm not too late. -------------------- Cyborg sign-up: Code-Number: JET-6115 Date created: Jan. 7, 2130 Weapons: [url]http://ps2media.ign.com/media/previews/image/mgs/usp_1in.jpg[/url] USP .45 calibur [url]http://ps2media.ign.com/media/previews/image/mgs/famas_in.jpg[/url] FAMAS .223 cartridge Description: [url]http://theotaku.com/gundam/characters/Heero.jpg[/url] White t-shirt under a blue jean jacket, black pants and brown shoes. Bio: JET-6115 can't remember anything about himself before they added his cyborg parts, except that there was no other way but to add them. He doesn't even know what that means. He knows that he was created for war, and that's all. As far back as he could remember, he was alaways under training for combat, all to better preform his purpose. He tries to exceed at any training he does, and because of his long hours and restless habits, his human side is slowly diminishing.
Waves splashed up upon the rocky cliff, breaking and falling back into the ocean. The cliff towered above the water, a straight edge facing the ocean, and a downwards slope leading towards the mainland. On the very top of the cliff stood a dark black castle, still as the night yet filled with lingering life. The light at the windows shined a pale yellow, before fading into darkness. The black towers rose into the air, like arrows pointed into the sky, a stone gargoyle topping each one. Inside the highest tower, a windowless room with no visable means of entering or leaving, stood a large black door, locked with a glowing white chain and a blood red lock. Suddenly the doors pushed against the lock, an open crack flooded with evil auras. A white sphere shot out of it and landed on the floor, exploding. Nothing. The room was empty again as the doors slowly closed. But suddenly, dark auras swirled around the place of impact, forming into a human shape. A demon emerged from the auras, forked tongue and sharp nails. It gave a hiss, free of it's relm, and dissapeared through the wall... --------------------------------------------- Twilight crept across the city, giving way to the night life. Raves pumped with flickering lights and a rifle beat. A small quiet bulding stood off the main street, it's broken sign reading one messege: "Nightengale" The room inside was quiet, save the music playing on an old boom box. The walls were strung with knick-knacks and posters that sprawled along the ground. On the far side was a bar table, the bartender cleaning a glass with an old rag. The door swung open, and in walked a man in a dark red trench coat, sword on back and gun in hand. He waved at the bartender and started into the back room. "Hey Logan. You got a call for a hit on Ricks Ave. You takin' it?" Logan shook his head. "Not tonight." Logan pushed open the door, but the bartender stopped him. "Logan, this one's serious. It's a you-know-what." Logan sighed and let the dorr close, heading back out. "Great, just what I needed." [i]Freaks crawl in every shadow in this city. They kill and rampage, for no real purpose. They're demons, I kill them when I can. The irony of it, is that I'm a demon myself. Where do they come from? Why are they here? Who knows? I don't. I just kill them as they come...[/i]
The clashing of blades was deafaning, as Ronan and the strange man went at it. "You're with the terrorist, aren't you?!" "Me? Of course not." He was obviously having no trouble keeping up with Ronan's fast paced attacks. Ronan twirled his knives and tried numerous thrusts, which were all evaded. Ronan would have preferred to use his bow, but the close quarters created by the alley made it virtually impossible. Ronan went into a flury of roundahouse kicks, followed by lashing knives. The man's sword blocked them all. The man made an offensive thrust, as Ronan twisted just barely out of the way. The man swung his sword downwards, and it was caught by Ronan's crossed blades. "What is it that you want?" Ronan asked, struggling to keep the blade between his. "I want, to kill you." The man replied, swinging his sword to the side.
"Heads up. Pimple police." James said quietly. Ceris gave no hint of a laugh. James had nothing better to do, so he decided to show off. He walked towards the guard, a smirk sitting on his face. "How'd they rope you into this, tubby? Threaten the Pillsbury Diughboy?" "Can it. C'mon, let's get going." They walked silenty down the hall. "That didn't seem too lady like back there." James said as they walked farther down the hall. "Bad day." Ceris replied tonelessly. "How so?" Ceris remained quiet. She seemed determined not to talk to him. "Cold shoulder, eh? Ah well, see ya later then." James made a sharp turn, and walked into another hall. He turned back, waving for Ceris to follow.
James sighed deeply, waking up to the sound of the 6th period bell. "Man...this bites. Nothin' to do." He scooted to the edge and slid off the ledge, landing easily on his feet. He walked into the school and through the hallways, almost getting trampled by a late-exiting class. He walked through the halls and poked his head into the gym, seeing if the cost was clear. "Mr. Leonheart?" The gym teacher spotted him. "What are you doing here?" James gave an innocent grin. "Just, er, trying to find my way to the next class. Which way is it to the A wing?" "It's the third left down that hall. You want me to show you?" "Uh, no thanks, I got it covered." He walked out and gave a sigh of relief, placing a toothpick in his mouth. "Well, scratch that plan. Ah well, I got nothin' better to do." He walked to the computor lab and tried to sneak in. "You're late, Mr. Leonheart." "I know, but I couldn't find the place." The teacher didn't buy it, but obviously didn't have much choice but to comply, less she spend an hour arguing with him. "Take a seat, if you can find one." James nodded and sat at a computor in the back of the room.
I think Prince of Persia was beautifully done, allthough the puzzles can get on my nerves some. The ability to turn back time is pretty cool, since you'll need it alot in all the high flying flips and turns in the game. The battle system is amazing, in my opinion. The acrobatics done to destroy each enemy is very cool. The graphics aren't completely amazing, but they fit the game perfectly. In the end, Prince of Persia definately lives up to the advertisement given, and you should definately either buy or rent it.
Okay, everything looks great. We could use some more humans, but beggars can't be choosers. I'll start this thing tonight, And I'll pm everyone who joined when it goes up. By the way, keep in mind that technology is about the same level as we're at now.
Ronan immediately remembered the slight tug, the ram, all of it, it was like a wave hitting him in the face. "It was you!!" Ronan shouted, unsheathing his daggers. He hacked at Jerith unceasingly in a malestrom of rage, unable to get a clean hit while he dodged around franticly. "Terrorist bastard! I'll have your head on a pike!" This was the angriest Ronan had felt in a long while, he wasn't usually easy to make angry. Jerith tripped as he dodged backwards, falling to the floor just in time to avoid being run through. Ronan's daggers instead pierced the concrete alley wall, sticking like glue. "Hold on 'ere, mate! You got it wrong!" "Silence!" Ronan boomed as he yanked the daggers from the wall. Jerith made an offensive, and forced the daggers from his hands while they were unstabely imbedded. Ronan staggered back, and picked up a wide-bladed sword one of the guards had dropped. Jerith looked around and found one for himself...
Ronan pushed the girl gently off his knees, and stepped forward. "Who are you, and what buisness have you with this girl?" The made no immediate response. "Sir, please give us the girl and we will leave peacefully." Ronan threw his arm to the side in anger. "That is not an option! I asked your buisness!" The leader of them glared with pure hatred. "If your head stood just a bit closer, I would hack it to the ground for interfearing in our buisness." Ronan drew his bow and aimed an arrow between his eyes. "You would die before your stroke fell." The man paied little head, and they drew their swords. In the close quarters they were in, Ronan was at a high diadvantage, not to mention being slowed down by the girl. He grabbed the girl's hand and made a run for it, kicking down the door and bolting around the corner. He ran down the alley, and into the main market street. He ran into another alley, sure that they had lost them. "That should do it. What exactly is it-" Then suddenly a knife wizzed by his head and imbedded itself into the wall. The men came running down the alley, intent on killing their pray. Ronan picked the knife form the wall, and unsheathed another from his belt. They drew swords. Ronan charged and ducked under the first of them, who swung his sword just as he ducked. Ronan caught the second in line by suprise and stabbed him in the gut. Ronan threw the man upwards with such force, that the only thing holding the man up was the knife embedded in his gut. The man was flung off the knife, as he crashed into his comrades. Ronan spun with the knives outstreched, clearing a small circle around himself as the men backed off to avoid being cut up. There was a pause, as Ronan stopped spinning, and the men stood circled him, keeping three feet distance.
[i]The dagger heeled tagged along, I doubted she'd like her situation when she was sober. The alchahol left me in a crazy mood. I was a ninja, my kung-fu was strong. I wasn't kidding anybody. The sun peaked red over the horizon, like a sunken eye. The sky was blue, you couldn't tell anything was wrong until you looked down and found the craphole called earth. Jake stood in front of a cave, battle ready and demon hungry. I wish I could say the same for Ari.[/i] "You showed up." Jake said with a grin. "Yeah, and I brought a drunk. If she can't fight, she's pretty fun to watch dancing in a drunken haze." Ari went crosseyed as a bug landed on her nose. "Allright! Let's lock and load!" "Slow down there. It's a month's hike to the crack, you'll use those bullets on a lizard faster than a demon."
A chill was suddenly upon Hakira, like an icy mist, until a blanket was draped around her shoulders. "Hakira, my dear. You'll catch your death out here." Hakira spun at the familliar voice. The Luna grinned. Hakira was speechless for a moment. "Come now, you haven't forgotten me, have you? We musn't dwadle in this place for too long, human eyes are upon us. Come." -------------------------- Ryu sat in the alley, still regaining himself after seeing the luna. Part of him was happy, for now he could prove that he was still the luna's equal. The rest of him was enveloped in fear, in the loss. He had been helping the luna regenerate, helping him live again through his own flesh. Was it, in fact, his flesh? How was he sure that he wasn't just there to serve the Luna, blissfully unaware? It didn't matter, no matter what he did, the luna would use him to his advantage. It wasn't Ryu making decisions anymore, not his strength, nothing... ------------------------ Azuran picked Chinkan up to put her inside, when he sensed it. Not the luna, but many smaller powers. Very many smaller powers. Suddenly he was surrounded, engulfed in strange men, whistling and chanting like indians. They fired rounds into the air, circling Azuran like wounded pray. He set Chinkan down and put up his guard, waiting for one to move in. They all did simutaneosly, crowding around the two. Azuran fought them off as their blows came rapidly from every side. It was an easy battle for Azuran, but the crowd slowly seperated he and Chinkan, pushing them farther apart like a giant mosh pit. Then, they dissapeared, taking Chinkan with them. Azuran searched frantically for Chinkan, or a trace of where she or they may have gone, but found none. He screamed into the sky, his power surging around him. Cherie smiked and watched from the shadows, before dissapearing herself, leaving no trace...
Ronan, quieted her for a moment. The elders were outraged, and one of his troop members came. They started quarreling, yelling. Suddenly the troop member drew his sword, and Ronan pryed his eyes from the window. The terrorist must have succeeded, and Ronan had failed. "Please, help sir." The girl repeated. Ronan turned. He may have liked to tell her to beat it, and jump into the quarrel to maybe save both nations, but deep down, he knew there was nothing he could do. "Yes ma'am. What is it you need? Who has been chasing you?" The girl swallowed hard, wiping some of the mud off her face. "T-they were chasing me, they're coming right now. They said I have it, but I don't, honest I don't." Ronan signalled her to calm down. "Wow wow wow. Who is it that's chasing you? And what is it that they think you have?" "The girl swallowed again and began her story...
3099 X.D. After every thousanth human being, a child with blue blood is born. The blue blood is fabled to be the mark of unlimeted potential. These gifted children grew with amazing reflexes and awsome attributes. The goverment immediately saw them as the ultimate weapon, and therefore enforced the law that every one of these children would be trained at the Kakashki academy to learn to pilot the MPSB's, twenty foot tall robots that have the ability to fly and travel in space. Nobody questioned it being outlawed, because these childeren were not classified as human, and therefore were given no rights. The gifted children, which were classified as project Faylen, never questioned their superiors, because barely any of them knew there was a life other than the one they lived. Everything was calm, until the Faylen project leaked into parts of China. The chineese were furios at Japan for hoarding such an army, and threatened to attack. It seems now that Japan may go to war, and allow the Faylen to shine... Name: Age: nothing below 14 Apperence: Bio: Mech Name: Apperance: Please provide a picture, if you can. here are some sights for good pics: [url]http://www.robotech.com/[/url] therobotechpage.com [url]http://www.nauticom.net/www/cheffox/Robotech/[/url] Weaponry: The rest are up to you! Here's mine: Name: James (could you guess?) Age: 15 Apperence: Dark blue hair, combed like trowa's in gundam wing, but shorter. Green eyes. Brown leather wool lined jacket and blue jeans. He has black sneekers and fingerless gloves. Around his neck is a chain with an old bullet on the end, that he can't remember where it came from. Bio: James never knew any life outside the Academy, he guessed it was the only life there was. War to him meant nothing but challenge, since he never learned that people died in wars. He became quite good in a MPSB. He thought about leaving the academy, but never put it into action. He guessed life on the outside was the same as life on the inside. At nights, he has dreams about a place he can't remember, definately outside the Academy. He always wore a bullet around his neck, but he never knew it's orgin. Mech Name: Cooler Apperence: [img]http://www.therobotechpage.com/splashpage/supervt2.jpg[/img] Weaponry: Multiple fire beam rifle, spray missles, beam sword
Sorry Farto, but a womanizer is the first impression you made. --------- Rikan examined the sword, seeing his own reflection in the polished blade. It was quite nice, light as a feather as proclaimed. He twirled it about himself with grace expected of an elf, and then sheathed it in the back of his belt. It would be quite handy in close quarters. Rikan's thought faded, as he saw Gelrond walking a little behind him, examining his new staff. He thought about what he had said. [i] I know fame and fortune are men's desires, but those are the only desires I can have, if I am to make proud my father. I am a noble elf, that I know. But, what does it mean to be an elf? I know physically I am, but what about mentally?[/i] He pondered to himself, drawing his eyes to the road ahead. His thoughts seemed to wander in every direction, as they sometimes did. He wondered why, in all the creatures on middle earth, why were they chosen? Were these truly the best this world had? It was an odd thought, seeing as he was picked. He didn't think he was in the top seven warriors in the world. He was good, but not impossibly good.
What period are we in? --------- James entered history class, late as usual. "Mr. Leonheart? You're late." He grinned. "yeah, and I forgot my books, apparently." The teacher frowned in response. "Please hurry to get them, and hurry back." He nodded and walked down the hall, paying no attention to his locker as he walked past. [i]Yeah, I'll come back. Sucker![/i] He walked out the front door, and looked at the ledge overhanging the door. It'd be a perfect place to catch some sleep, if he could get up there. He grinned wildly and backed up, looking around. Nobody. He sprinted off towards the wall, and pulled with his mind towards the wall. His foot planted, and held as he ran up the wall. James broke off as he grasped the ledge and rolled on. His stomach was doing flips, he'd have to get used to that. But it worked, nonetheless. He layed back against the wall, and tried to get some sleep.
Ronan shruddered, pulling the damp dagger from the guards head. As an Imperial Soldier, that would have been an act of war. Why didn't he use his head! Troglinar was quite testy with Talisov, after Talisov cut off trade when they were behind in debt. They paid, but in a very menial manner that truly did not aid Trolginar. Now the king imposed soldiers on their territory! Talk about playing your hand wrong! Now there would surely be a war, seeing how a terrorist had taken his place. Bother! His one message may have stopped all that, but now he'd never speak! He could go to camp, get his written documents, and prove wrong the terrorist, but now that he'd killed someone...the thought gave him chills. Maybe he could assassinate the terrorist from a window ledge, and then flee to the mountains. That didn't sound too good either. He could make a distraction outside, and then kill the terrorist in the confusion. It may work, if he were able to swipe the theif's head off with one quick arrow, take his buckle, and deliver his message and stop the war. His execution for slaying an officer would be inevidable. No, that wouldn't work either, he would become the terrorist. It took a while, but he finally decided. He would make a distraction, send an arrow through the terrorist, then flee for the mountains. Surely another guard could convey his message afterwards...
James opened the front doors and walked in, yawning as he went. He was stopped suddenly by a short teacher who's face looked an uncomfterble lot like a toad. "Mister Leonheart!" She said in an ugly tone. "I presume you have your schedule already?" "Must have slipped my mind." He grinned all knowingly. "I took the librety of getting it, just in case." She gave a smile to match his. "Oh boy." He said sarcasticly, snatching the schedule. The teacher walked away on her stubby little legs "Let's see...languege? I already speak english, so there's no point in going is there? PE, History, math, blah blah blah. Not a single one I like." He complained to himself. The first bell rang, and he turned heel to walk out, but a stubby figure loomed in the doorway. "Going somewhere?" "You stalking me?" He sighed and found the English room. The teacher was scribbling frantically on the board. James stood in front of the board and looked it over. "Wow. Real interesting." "Please be seated for roll call." The teacher said annoyed. "Yeah yeah, I'm goin'." He sat and kicked his feet up, waiting for a chance to beat it.