Ok sorry my nick keeps logging off unexpectedly.
Crim had just gotten back from the meeting in the clearing and was throwing off his jacket when a faint scream for help caught his attention. He ran outside and ran in the direction of the scream. After running for about three blocks, he came across a group of guards who were trying to force a white-haired wavemaster into a white van. Crim ran to the side of the street and hid in a grove of bushes. He wanted to help him, but he couldn't risk being caught. For some reason, the wavemaster seemed very familiar. as the van sped off, the answer struck him as he sat, wide eyed in the bushes. "It's him, it's really him."
At the train station, nothing new had happened so mostly everyone was either sleeping or thinking. Mimiru had long since decided on a nap, but wasn't having any luck falling asleep. Just then the doors to the station flew open and a cage with a tarp was wheeled in. It was set next to the others and the tarp was liftid off. Inside was the wavemaster from earlir, sitting, hugging his knees to his chest. His face was brused and beaten and his robes were ripped. Subaru looked over to see the new companion. Mimiru woke up and looked over. She started to try and make friends with the prisioner but then relized who it was.
At home, Crim called Sakura to explain what had happened.
Mimiru's eyes widened as she relized who it was.
Crim: Sakura, I have a new theory on why we won't change into our own forms. I think it has more to do with who we are than how strong the barrier is. I think this because HE hasn't changed back yet either, and I dont think it's coincidence.
Mimiru was almost speechless but it stumbled out anyway
Sakura: Who...? Who's he...?