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This was honestly your first RPG? I cannot see a thing out of place. Nice job. Name: Nafiti Age: looks 24 (easiest way done) Description: [url]http://www.capcom.com/devilmaycry/images/screench_02.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.capcom.com/devilmaycry/images/screench_03.jpg[/url] [url]http://www.capcom.com/devilmaycry/images/screench_01.jpg[/url] Gender: male Element/Direction/Race: fire/south/demon Special Ability: Metamorphis into fire-demon state, which is basically fater than his normal state. Biography: Even as a child he knew what he was ment for, killing. As the prince of demons it was his duty to lead his direction to victory, but he wasn't very duty bound. They killed his father, destroyed his mother, and decapitated his brother. Why should he care where they went? As far as he was concerned, everyone could just go to hell. No matter his feelings, war still ment fighting for survival, and he became very talented with his large sword. West, North, and East were against him, and he wasn't aided by the south, so he killed them all. In fact, the way he saw it, the more he killed the less chance the scumbag who killed his father would get away from him... EDIT: Weapon: An immense blade that reaches from his knees to his head when sheathed on his back. The hilt is a swirl of black and red, curled like a dragon with its mouth wide open like it's devouring the sword. A dark red aura seems to flow around his sword at all times. _________________ What about weapons?
Rikan yawned sleepily as the king talked. He told of the current situation, the enemies, threats, political nonsense, and anything that came to mind. Rikan had taken the librety of finding all this out from his messenger. He walked out the door and down the castle hall, as a servant came walking the opposite way. "Excuse me," the servent asked, her eyes as big as plates. "You're not...Are you one of the chosen ones?" "What if I am?" He asked untrustingly. She gave squeal of delight. "Thank you. Thank you so much for coming. You've been in our prayers, we prayed you would come." "Sure don't mention it." "Thank you mr..." Rikan sighed. "So now I'm the nameless prayer? Rikan Sashimah, and don't forget it. Soon, everybody in these parts will know my name." "You mean to be famous?" She asked puzzled. "I mean to be infamus." He grinned and kept going. That was what his father would have wanted, for him to be the greatest soldier there ever was. Rikan stopped at a balcony, and layed back against the wall. He started to hum May it be (the LOTR theme song) as eh watched the clouds go by.
I found the shotgun. In mission 2 under the study table in the 2nd floor library. I didn't really like the last boss, I was kinda hoping he'd be my size, like a perfect match against me. Of course, the entire game would have probably been greater had I not made the mistake of switching to easy mode. Easy mode made the game entirely too easy. I manedged it without using a single holy water, a devil star, or learning any true combos. And now I'm on normal. Geeze there's variation through the difficulties! I'm now stuck on the spider boss, and there's no stradegy that could help me. I'm currently jumping on his back and slashing the heck out of him in DT mode, but it's just the little attacks you need to dodge that gets me. Oh, and I've learned that the fireballs can be used as a weapon against it, if you have exact timing and persision with your sword strike. As you can guess, I learned by fluje, and plan never to try it again.
Ronan flew through the air and plummeted through a rooftop of a small house, the occupants screaming and running out. Ronan raised a bruised head to look at the open door. He could see the outlines of the occupants rushing for help, before he slowly dissolved into darkness... "What should we do with him?" The voice echoed in his head. "I don't know. Do you suppose this uniform belongs to that other bloke?" "Could be. It was odd seeing him out of uniform, ecspecially today at the council." The council. What a fine day for this mess! The council's purpose was the meeting of the two representitives, one from Talisov, and one from this wretched moon place. The meeting would be to decide whether or not the international treaty held between them, and may turn to war if the wrong actions were taken. Ronan had to get there! But, he wasn't in the state to do anything at that moment. His arm felt broken, and the guards were upon him. "We should kill 'em, quick and easy. That other bloke won't mind it much, I imagine." Who was that other bloke? Could it have been a terrorist taking his place? Then he remembered, the man that had rammed into him! Of course he was up to something, nobody dared go near an Imperial Officer when his path was so important! He must have robbed the buckle, but what chaos would he dare bring? Ronan opened his eyes slowly, seeing two guards standing over him. "He's awake, methinks." Ronan launched himself up with the necessity at hand, and used his knife to impale one of the guards in his head. The other guard suffered a kick to the collar bone, knocking them back and sending them head over heals over a chair. Ronan looked back to the other guard. He was dead. It hit him like a fist what he had just done, and he was breifly very glad to not be thought of as Talislovinian...
Hey, I didn't see this on the first page, so I guess this is okay. PS I haven't played Devil May Cry 2, so please don't post any spoilers. ------------------- I just got Devil May Cry a few days ago, and beat it. I think it's a great game, even though the plot didn't strike me as too deep or anything like that, but fighting those monsters was great. I just wanted to know what people thought of the game, how they could have made it better, what didn't you like about it. What do you think of the last boss? Then, just to give me a hand Where do you find the shotgun? I heard you could be Sparda after beating it on hard. Is that true?
Great signups, all of you. But, just to make it clear, The Realm question was not which realm you reside in, but what realm you support. ---------------- [color=darkred][u]Name[/color][/u] Logan Sinner [color=darkred][u]Age[/color][/u] 48 (looks 24) [color=darkred][u]Gender[/color][/u] male [color=darkred][u]Description[/color][/u] [url]http://www.capcom.com/devilmaycry/images/screench_07.jpg[/url] [color=darkred][u]Bio[/color][/u] With a demon father and a human mother, Logan found that he was either not enough or too much of either species. His parents loved him, but they both died when the first demons started coming out of the Chaotic Realm. Logan was left alone, and relied on his demon side to survive. His odd sleeping habbit of passing out once a week for one hour became both a blessing and a curse, for he didn?t tire easily, but in his sleep he didn?t wake up. At twelve years old, he found an old fashioned blacksmith who did custom swords for tourists. The blacksmith was also a demon, and was drawn to swords by the nature of his ancestors who relied on them an uncanny amount. He raided the store, killed the blacksmith, and left with a new broadsword, which his demon nature caused him to train with to perfection, even though he would be much better suited with a gun. At about 24 he found an abandoned police car, and inside a sawed off shotgun, which he took with him. Then, it started. He never dreamed in his odd sleep, until he started dreaming about a war, one between the Earth and the Chaotic Realm, which had grown back to its full strength. It was a slaughter, that much was clear. [color=darkred][u]Personality[/color][/u] Logan?s lack of moral value is evident at first encounter. Charicterized as cynical and pessimistic, Logan appears cold and unfriendly when dealing with strangers. In these encounters, his greedy nature seems to shine through as well. [color=darkred][u]Species[/color][/u] demon-human crossbreed [color=darkred][u]Realm[/color][/u] earth [color=darkred][u]Weapons[/color][/u] Broadsword, sawed-off shotgun
[b][u][i][color=darkred]Story[/b][/u][/i][/color] Long ago, a battle raged between the relm of humanity, and the relm of deamons, the chaotic relm. The battle's victor would become the residents of earth, while the loser would be banished to their relm. Both populations dwindled, as the war came to it's 100,000 year mark. It is said, that at the turn of the year, the human relm gained an immensly powerful weapon that forced the Chaotic relm into submission. The weapon in all it's destructive splender dissapeared, and humanity was free to make the earth their own. In 999,999 years, the human population is still at half the size it once was, and the story of the war of the relms has faded from history to myth. Among humans are a number of children of the warriors who escaped banishment to the Chaotic Relm, known to us as vampyres and demons, who remain blissfully ignorant to their past, and half aware of the advanced abilities and feeding habbits. However, none of them are aware of the true depths nor nature to their powers that they take for ganite. The Chaotic Relm, which has regained it's full power, has found a door to earth. The door was locked by a powerful magic at the end of the war, but after so many years it has become old and withered. A small amount of demons have escaped t he Chaotic Relm, and go on renegade killing sprees at whim. Their main objective, to destroy the barrier completely and destroy the human race. [b][u][i][color=darkred]Signups[/b][/u][/i][/color] Name(A vampire/demon ages at half the rate a human does.) Age Gender Description(pictures are good) Bio Personality(bigger than "quiet, doesn't talk much, hates everyone") Species(vampire, demon, human, crossbreed) Relm (earth, chaotic (there are some vampires and demons on earth, as I mentioned before)) Weapons (max3) [b][u][i][color=darkred]Rules[/b][/u][/i][/color] No super people (i.e. His speed was unparalleled by any who opposed him) No spamming; all posts must must reach OB standards as well as mine, that goes for posts completely directed towards OOC comments, or one lined questions. If you have a question, PM me. Romance is okay, but don't 'illustrate' sex scenes. Remember, everyone else has to read it, and wait for it to end.
Ijimeru sighed as he entered the chaos gate. [i]Where would I find Mimiru?[/i] He transported to Carmina Gadelika, where a newbie twinblade confronted him. "Excuse me, but can you help me?" Ijimeru nodded before she could finish. "This is called a chaos gate. Newbies should travel to Mac Anu for starters." "I know that. I'm looking for some help with a monster, who killed my friend." Ijimeru nodded. "Ah, I see. I guess I can lend a hand." She smiled. "Really? Thank you so much." She rushed towards the chaos gate, but Ijimeru caught her before she could warp. "Wow, slow down! How's your inventory?" She paused for a moment. "I've got some revives, a few health potions, and a fairy's orb." Ijimeru nodded. "Okay. Hang on a sec while I shop." They walked through Carmina towards the shop. "So, how long have you been waiting?" "About an hour." "A whole hour? And not a single person came to help you?!" "No. I guess it's just being a newbie here." "Yeah, most people who can survive here think they're better than the other players, and tend to pick on them. That's why the Crimson Knights regrouped, of course, not as Crimsion Knigts. That name belonged to..." After talking they found the store, resupplied, saved, and left towards the Chaos Gate. "So, where were you?"
OOC: When in rome... Rikan sat high in a tree branch, lazily examening one of his arrows. He looked down and spotted a man riding a horse through Mirkwood. He tossed his arrow, and it landed at the horses feet. "What buisness do you have in these parts?" The rider dismounted, nervously eyeing the arrow as well as searching for who had spoken to him. "I am here to deliver a message to one Rikan Sashimah." Rikan raised another arrow, and again started to examine it. "Now's your chance. Talk up while I'm interested." The messenger looked around again for Rikan, his eyes failing to raise into the treetops where Rikan sat. "The kingdom of Stygia requests your bow in battle! You are one of seven who are called in this time." Rikan sat up quickly, almost falling off the branch. "Stygia wants [i]my[/i] bow?!" "That is correct! Tales of you wander through Mirkwood unceasibly." Rikan jumped down from branch to branch, until he crouched on a low hanging one. The messenger spotted him at last. "If you know tales of me, you must know my policy." The man nodded and unhooked a bag from his horse. He threw it to Rikan's feet, and it spilled open with gold. "No pay, no gain." Rikan picked up the sack. "There's enough gold in here to buy a pound of mithril!" The messenger nodded. "Aye. Is it enough?" Rikan nodded, and picked his thrown arrow from the ground. "I suppose." The messenger shook his hand, delighted of his decision. Rikan slung the gold over his back. "It's a slight detour, but there's a man not far from here that'll lend a horse and supplies. Tell me of the situation Stygia in the meantime." They arrived at the castle and dismounted their horses. Rikan walked inside, and yawned sleepily from the long borring ride. The messenger left to the other room, as Rikan spied around at the other faces.
He stared, and then looked back to Ari. "I'm not good with decisions right now." Jake shoved him a cup. "Try this then." He pushed a cup into his face. "...that looks like piss." Jake shook his head. "No, it's a special mix. You'll feel better." He took a swig, and spat it right back out. "I never said it tasted good." John held himself from throwing up. "I think I'll take my chances drunk." He said, rapping the table for another drink. "I gotta drink, so i can forget..." "Forget what?" "The horrendus bar tab I've racked up." Ari let out a drunken snorting laugh, but Jake wasn't amused. "Are you in or out?" "Why not. there's not much here for me."
Ronan waited atop the door way ledge as the confused guards searched below for him. Then there was a chill crawling up his back. It impaled him, and he looked to his stomach to see a gastly figure's head coming out of it! "Here's the little crook!" Ronan took off, the figure pushing his head out. Ronan ran along the ledge, but to his dismay, it stopped just up ahead. So he kicked, and started running on the wall! This lasted about nine steps, before gravity started coming into affect, and he pushed off the wall to avoid falling from it. He landed in the branch of a tree, and started climbing to the top. Anything was better than going with those cursed moon guards! Once at the top he readied his bow, and hesitated. If he killed a guard here, it may be known as an act of war. His heasitation proved fatal, as the guards lassoed the top of the tree and started pulling. The tree was bending! It would only be a matter of time until he was low enough for the guards to grab him, or for the tree to break and send him plummeting. The tree was a sturdy one, and he found himself only ten yards away from the tallest one! He grabbed out his knife and cut the lasso, not realizing what the concequences would be. The lasso snapped, and the tree flung back to it's straight posture, flinging Ronan off like a slingshot!
Name: James Leonheart Age: 13 Gender: male Grade: 8th Nationality: American Ability: able to control the gravity force on his feet in very low quantities Appearance: [img]http://games.activision.com/games/orphen/images/illust_08.gif[/img] Personality: James leonheart's lack of moral value is evident at first encounter. Charicterized as cynical and pessimistic, James loves to pick on people he knows, and appears very rude to those he doesn't. Because of his realistic nature, he hates people who show off ideals and dreams. He has a reputation as a daredevil, somewhat of an acrobat thanks to his special ability, and he's a tough-guy to boot. Bio: James' life was fairly normal. He enjoyed video games, and had a likeness of heights. Until middle school, when he found out his ability to control gravity in his feet. Not a lot changed, since his power was so short supplied. The best explination I can give of his power, is to show you an instance he used it: [i] James swung on the bar gracefully, eying his target. He was to swing off and land farther than another classmate. He let go of the bar and began to fall after a short rise. He stuck his foot out in front of him and pulled with his mind, and jerked forward a foot through the air. As he started to land, he put his feet back down and pushed off with his mind, sending him just a little higher in the air before landing.[/i] It wasn't much, but he enjoyed it very thouroughly. He found that, with a good running start, that if he ran paralell to the wall, he could actually run on the wall for a good three yards! It also gave his kicks an extra boost whenever he got in a fight, which he found to be quite often.
The luna emerged from the death dimension, a sadistic smile plastered across his face. He held out his open hand, and soon a figure shot out of it, Ryu. "I will always surpass you, Ryu. You have done nothing but aid me, when all your attemps were to slay me. Ryu just sat where he landed, horrorstruck. "I can control you, at any given time. Who do you think gave you the idea to destroy the wings of chaos? All you did, was slaughter the pretenders." No response. The luna continued on, almost drifting down the sidewalk, a hooded cloak covered him so he wouldn't be recognized by the public. A radio hound it's way to his hand, and he held it up to his mouth. "Cherie, it has started. Ruin dracula anyway you can, and deliver my message to the faithful Wings." The radio melted away.
Ronan felt a slight tug at his belt as the man bumped into him, but it very slight, probably just his quiver pushing against it. Almost simutaneously, he felt the shove of someone bumping into him. "Oof, sorry there mate, ah did'nay see yeh." "no problem." He paused. "Hey! Wait you!" Jerith froze. "Do you know any good places for coffee?" "Nay around 'ere. Coffee's green as swamps." He continued walking at a slightly quicker pace. Ronan sighed and walked towards the town hall. He got there and found the man in charge. "I'm here from the Imperial Army, my commander should be here." The man looked him over, inspecting him. "Where's your badge?" "Where's my badge? Are you blind?" He looked down at his buckleless belt. "Where is my badge?!" The man smiled a sinister grin. "Sorry, but no civillian personell allowed. That includes shapeshifters." "Civillian? Shapeshifter?" He knew how bad it looked. But, the commander would verify that he was genuine. "I am neither, and I demand to see the commander at once!" "I advise you not to raise your voice, sir. I may have to summon the guards." "Prove me guilty then! I am an Imperial soldier!" "Guards! Throw this man in jail for impersonnating an officer!" Moon Soldiers came marching. Ronan growled. "Could a shapeshifter do this?" He ran out the door and vaulted onto the ledge above the door, out of sight.
[i]What I guess was a fem-fatal was turning out to be something different, like a candy-sweet coating over what I guessed as a douse of rat-poison. She was right though, I wasn't the type to go walking around the city admiring the sites. I stayed to my car, the only home I had since the brick house and trimmed garden on a sweet summer's day, but that was another life, one left behind a good while back. "Sounds interesting." She said suddenly, like she was reading my thoughts. I didn't realize how much I said out loud, but her expression said I had left out the rat-poison. There was no pont in anymore secrets, everyone's story was the same, an endless cliche. I told her about being drunk on New Years, about the people who had dragged me a distance before getting hacked down, and staring at me with accusing eyes. And then about waking up an eigth of a world apart from where I thought I was, and then wandering into town. "Sounds rough." "No." I said, downing another drink that tasted like engine grease. "That'sss the beauty of the drunk er...drink. No pain includud." I was starting to slur, but by her gaze, she was probably worse off. The more I drank the more I trusted her. The more I drank, the nicer Lou became. Ari hiccuped and inhaled another drink. "Ain't that the truth." "So what about you?" I asked, brushing off the instinctive danger warning that seemed to saturate the lady. "Everybody's got their own personal hell, where'd you find yours?[/i]
Name: Rikan Sashimah Age: 86 (looks 23) Race: Elven Gender: male Location Mirkwood (that's the elven city surrounded by the river, right?) Order: Ranger Weapons max 3: Longbow, Staff (about the size of an arm. advantages:(I'm not exactly sure what you ment by this, I may edit later.) Crafting (as elves tend to be, he's very skilled at a forge) accurate archery, standart first aid Abilities: Speed, grace, sight Disadvantages(Just thought I'd throw it in) Close quarter fighting, brute strength Bio: A citizen of Rohan, with a vetran father and late mother. His father tried to take as good of care of his son as he could, teaching him archery and smith's work. His father was a bit senile, though, as he wanted his son to follow in his steps. Being a vetran, that was a difficult task. Rikan learned comabat techniques and survival skills from his father, and then was sent to the Rohinian army Military academy, whcih further improved his talents. Though his skills became great, Rikan did not like the idea of just becoming a nameless soldier for the rest of his life, though he would do anything to make his father proud. Instead of completely joining the army, he left and hoped to accomplish something without his father's help. Appearance: Black hair that goes to the middle of his neck in back, and across his eyes in front. He has brown eyes, and wears a long jean coat, a black shirt and brown pants. His boots are dark red, as are his gloves and arrow holster.
Ronan sighed deeply, sitting on the branch of a black leafless tree, carving new arrows with stoneheads and broken sticks he found. They were nothing compared to his imperial oak and steel tipped arrows that made up most of his arsenal, but they were made in Talisov, far from he, who had been sent to investigate the moon area. "Ronan!" Yelled up a booming hoarse voice. "Letter from reality! Wants you to come back to it!" Ronan snapped out of his daze, slightly angry at the soldier that had interrupted his vision of home. "Tell 'em to take a message!" Ronan replied in his slightly english accented voice. "I'm busy!" "Get your bum down here! Commander wants you to meet with officials at town hall!" "Are you sure there even is a town hall!?" There was a silence. "No!" Ronan swore, and swung down beside the fellow soldier. "I would've gone, but the commander said the ranger needed practice." Ronan walked past him. "And how long did it take you to 'convince' the old gub that you weren't in need of some yourself?" The soldier laughed hoarsely again, as Ronan truged out of the encampment. "I must have not read the fine print in the job description." He mumbled to himself, walking through the Moon town. "I should have guessed it though. Getting yourself lost in hostile areas looking for things that you have no idea about." He turned the corner and tapped somebody on the back. "Excuse me." He said in the politess voice he could muster. "Can you direct me to the town hall?" [i]If there is one.[/i]
John looked after Jake as he left, and then sighed, rapping his knuckles for another desk, signaling the bartender. He took a good look around; it wasn't the place it usually was. [i]Jake's leaving got me thinking. Meeting somebody who knew me by the dead drunk side of my face wasn't something I was crazy about. Less, if he did help drag me out of that hellhole, I wasn't too crazy to meet someone who I owed a favor to. The bar was drenched in gloom with only a senile bartender and a dagger-heeled gal for company. The bartender came to me after pouring for the lady, who seemed eager to leave to happy land. I couldn?t blame her. ?What?ll it be, mac?? The bartender glared at me through serpent?s eyes, and over a gut big enough for two. ?What?dya got?? ?Light blue, mid white, and a hard red.? It wasn?t the best labeling for drinks, but it was probably the best in town. ?Red white and blue? You?re not getting patriotic on me, are ya?? ?It?s all the coloring we got that won?t kill somebody.? That probably ment coloring from engine grease and sour milk. ?But hey, I can make yours yellow.? He let out a hoarse laugh, unaware that nobody was laughing with him. ?Just gimme the usual.? ?Usual? Do I know you?? I pulled out my barretta and let him stare down the chamber. ?Y-yep. I think I remember you.?[/i]
Name: Ryden Haku Age: 15 Home: Colonies Affiliation: Preventers ( I thought you said they were gone...) Description: [url]http://absoluteanime.com/kikaider/saburo.jpg[/url] Black leather jacket with a white shirt under neath. Black jeans, and black shoes. Bio: Ryden was an old fashion nomad, for as long as he could remember. His parents were like hovering ghosts, always there but never seen. It seemed that the Haku name was once something memorable, as he found out time and time again, usually after being caught stowing away. He colonie-hopped at every chance he got, becoming quite good at stowing away in different ships that were headed his direction. However, he still needed income, so became a merc at 14, having learned quite well how to protect himself from years of travel.(not to mention pilot from hijacking ships) Buisness was horrible, nobody wanted a 14 year-old gun, but he still got the blood thirsty filthy horrible reputation all mercs had, though he wasn't exactly sure how he got it. Finally, luck came his way as he got a job from the Preventers, who must've mistook him with someone else, because they hired him for a multi-tasked full-time job, but it didn't matter, Ryden was glad to get out of the merc buisness, even though his reputation stuck like glue. Here are the requirements for your fighter jets. The stats must add up to 9: Speed:4 Power:2 Control:3
Ryden turned, thinking at first that he had imagined the voice. Zo stood there, her eyes glistening like the leaves of autumn, as they always had. "Zo! I thought you were dead when they found me! Lord it's good to see you." Zo nodded happily. Aoshi was still cautious, however. "You know this winglie?" "She's not a winglie, or, yes she is but not a bad winglie, but a-" He couldn't seem to speak properly. "I'm Zo, a winglie on the dragoon's side." Zo explained. Aoshi nodded. "Well met." Zo nodded as well, and turned back to Ryden. "If only we could have seen each other again on unsoiled grounds." She said, speaking of the blood that had been spilt. "Indeed. A red sun rises tomorrow. Zo, the city. The slaves, they're..." Ryden trailed off, but Zo knew what he was going to say. "I know it was intentional to crash it, but who's intention I do not know. Aoshi was very badly injured, by a traitorous dragoon."
I like the post. ------------------- Ryu walked towards the limp Azuran. "Hello, Azuran." His eyes weakly opened. "Did you think you would fight me in this place? And then rescue Chinkan, like a knight slaying the dragon and rescuing the princess. You are an amazing fool. But why did the Death Dimension gates open to the likes of you?" He walked around Azuran, who tried standing up. The pain was unmeasurable, as he collapsed onto the ground. "You're in the death dimension now, Azuran. Your strength was world bound, you have none of it here." Ryu picked up Azuran by his throat, and started electricuting him with black aura. Azuran struggled desprately to get away, but each of his arms weighed a ton, and his legs were limp. But, there was something he could do. Scream. Ryu tossed him aside, and he skidded along the black cold ground. His muscles started spazing, and his breath began to quiver. Ryu picked him up again, this time by his arm. "I could tell you all the reasons of my revolution, provide all the logic possible, but yet you still would fail to see the beauty of it. There is no use I could have for you." Ryu flung him around by his arm and smashed him into the floor. One break in his arm. Ryu picked him up again, and started flinging him one way before jerking around and flinging him the other, hyperextending his elbow. Another scream, and he was tossed to the floor. "Y-You bastard. I'll kill you." "Maybe. Or I could kill you now. It truly makes no difference, I could kill you if ever you became a nuicence. But, that will be another time." Azuran started sinking through the floor. All around him was dark. Death. until it seemed lighter, and he found himself in the air above the resturaunt. He plumeted, thankful to be out of the Death Dimension, and passed out before crashing through the roof.
John thought about what Jake had said. It was true, he never did see his friends burned alive, or maybe he was too drunk to notice what he was watching. [i]The story was straight from a nightmare, like an old Freddy flick that's played over and over again until all you could do is scream. Good old alchahol wasn't rebuilt for drunk's pleasure, it was necessity. All anybody could do, to keep from being destroyed, was dround themselves in alchahol. The bar was anything but welcoming, but it was the only place I was expected in a long while. My last shots had put me in a crazy mood, so I headed to the bar, playing it Bogart. Jake was true to his word, his mug was slumped over the bar watching the bartender pour his hour of happiness. He turned when I walked in, neither excitement or suprise to see me.[/i] "You change your mind?" "Sorry pal. You never said what my choice was in the first place."
This seems oddly familliar, like de'ja'vu ______________ Ryden looked back at the general, his face filled with quiet rage. His eye seemed to burn with fury, and in that moment, Talen realized that he should have killed this dragoon while he had the chance. What the concequences of his late realization would be, he did not know. Ryden had that same feeling. He wish'd he could turn back time, and show this traitor the depths of his technique. "If I were you, I'd pray we don't meet again." Ryden was slightly glad that Talen was leaving, he still needed to find he who sunk the city. Talen took off to seek his true buisness of returning to the city. Ryden slowly walked over to the wounded dragoon. He was still concious, but very weak. "Can you stand?" "I can try." The dragoon sat up, wincing horribly from the terrible gash. "Good. You did okay back there." "R-Right." "Your technique wasn't ment for three. You were handicapped by my presence, as I was by yours." "Strange logic. Allies aid in battle, not crush it." "Sorry, just rambelings. I prefer one on one, so I suspect others to do the same." Ryden outstreched a hand, and pulled Aoshi up. "We should head to the thrid tower, or, what's left of it. There was a Dragoon medical there before the crash."
Ryden sat at the edge of a pile of rubble. Before him was a once burried room, full of crushed slaves. "I was right...they're all...dead." He remembered something from far away. [i]"Not all Winglies are bad, Ryden." "Don't try to defend them, of all things." "Well, I'm not bad, but I'm a winglie."[/i] "If she saw this, I wonder, how would she try to defend them again?" Ryden said to himself. He could hear a winglie sneaking up behind him. "Who did this?" Ryden asked the winglie, starteling him a bit. "Uh, er, I don't know." He said nervously. "You know, don't you? You don't want to tell me, because your glad he did it." "of course I'm glad! The less a'you humans, the better. Ryden stood up and turned to him, his eyes ablaze. "You dare say that?!" He started walking towards the winglie. The winglie started stepping back, and tripped over rubble. Ryden picked him up by the collar of his armor. "You think this is just a war statistic?! I'll kill you now!" The winglie was terriffied, until he gazed up to see somebody flying above toawards the inner city. "HEY!!! HELP!!!" He started waving his arms, and the person high above stopped. "You fool!" Ryden tossed him among the slave's bodies. "That is a dragoon! Are you that ready to die?!" The dragoon landed behind Ryden. "Gather the troops and start moving out, there's nothing here for us now." The Dragoon didn't respond for a moment. "You're the commanding officer?" "No, but he's dead. So is the second, third, and fourth. I may as well be it." There was no response, except for a blade sliding out of it's sheath. Then a whistle of the blade soaring through the air. Ryden barely git his own sword up in time to block the blow. The dragoon grinned. "You are mistaken, if you think I am on your side." Ryden growled. "Traitor!!" "Bingo." Talen turned and tried to slash at him from the other side, but Ryden cartwheeled over his blade. "I'll have your head on a pike!!" Talen grinned again. "Another one of you? I just got done with another pair." "What are you talking about?" Ryden asked, barely missing with a stabbing shot.
Uh, she's in the death dimension. You can't just pick her up between dimensions. _____________ Chinkan's hand touches Azuran's cheek, before it dissapears. "Ch-Chinkan!" Her image slowly fades. "Always the throat, eh, Azuran?" The luna floated behind Azuran, his wounds still bleeding. "Honestly, first it's the throat and chest, now it's the throat and, well, just about everything else." Azuran sent a hand to the Luna's face, but it went through like air. "What have you done with Chinkan?!" "She's in my world, or, dimension, to be more acurate." "The Death Dimension!" Azuran reached out and made a fist. "I'll rip it open like i did the last time!" Ryu laughed. "You're a fool! The only thing you did last time was cling to life! I thought you were dead, and so did the blade, so it sealed you in. But, the blade can only conceal the dead to the death dimension, with only a simple stabbing." "I-wait, that means...you killed Chinkan!!" "Almost. Different technique. The DD blade is quite versitle, you see. Your woman still lives, but soon she will wish she did not." "If you lay a hand on her, I swear I'll tear you to-" "Oops! Gotta run, she's awake, you see." "Ryu! Wait!" Before he could stop him, the luna dissapeared." ~~~ Chinkan's eyes opened slowly. All around her was a swirl of darkness, and she was caught in the middle of it. It felt like dying. "Can you hear me, Chinkan?" She tried to respond, but couldn't find the words. "Do you know the origins of Vampires? Nobody does. I belive, that it was the humans, who created them." She tried to speak again, but just moaned. "Humans allways want to become stronger than they were, so came the vampires. A simple lab experament, it all truly fits. Supernatural strength, speed, awareness, even the thirst for blood is logical. But, humans became afraid of their strength, and tried to exterminate them. But, the vampires wouldn't be defeated, despite their lack of numbers. Under impossible odds, they survived. Do you know why?" Another moan. "Because, it's evolution. It's natures way. Selecting the stronger to survive, it's quite logical." Chinkan could see Ryu's outline now. "I'm just helping it along."