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Everything posted by Squall

  1. John sat in the alleyway, watching the fight. "Hello? Anyone there?" A man walked into the alley, cautiosly looking around for any attackers. John raised a hand and signalled him over. "What's going on?" Jake asked, as the two combatants went at it. "Fight broke out. Pissed drunk and no bullshit bartender." John looked at Jake. "Why all the weaponry?" "Demon hunter." He said. John laughed. "Right." "You don't belive me?" "Look. After the crack appeared, the whole hero thing became a chliche. There aren't any real ones anymore, just wanna-be's who think they can handle more." "I'm no fake." "Right. I'll keep that in mind."
  2. "A child, no doubt Azuran being the father. I could kill you and it now, and be rid of both threats once and for all, but that would hardly be any fun." The luna said, walking up to Chinkan while she recovered from being thrown against the wall. "I could also, however, dispose of you, and drain the child of it's blood, giving me another chance to finish my previous plans, but I don't do reruns. Perhaps..." Chinkan got up and struck the luna with a hard backhand, sending him stammering back. Chinkan tried for another attack, but with a loud [i]Shing![/i] She found herself staring into her own reflection produced by a DD Blade. She tried to dodge around it, but met with a hard fist that sent her tumbeling back, covering her in the victom's blood. "What is it that I can do with you? If I could somehow convince you that my purpose is rightous, none of this would have to happen." Chinkan got up to her hads and knees, gasping for breath. The burden of the child seemed to weigh more heavily on her at each passing second. The luna pushed her onto her back and held his foot on her throat. His DD Blade loomed very close to her face. "Hmmm...I think I've got it."
  3. Squall


    I'd have to put Tsukasa down as my favorite, because his situation is ver intruiging and I like seeing the situations he gets himself in and out of, and how he and his predicament develope. Also, I like his attitude. Neither cruel, nor polite, but very truthfull, despite what the truth is. "C'mon, do you hate being around me that much?!" "Yes. Yes I do."
  4. A new version of the world... For starting with the leveling system, I would make a bar or gauge under the HP bar, that tells you how close you are to level up, and your current level. That and more with exp. points. I would prefer it if at every level up, you were to decide which attribute(s) the experience points went to, like if you relied a lot on speed you could increase that attribute to suit your style. I'm not entirely sure if that was the correct level editing you were talking about, but oh well.
  5. Ryu shook his head violently. "N-no! Of course not!" "What are you hiding?" "Nothing!" He backed up against a doorway. Chinkan steadily moved closer. "What's in that room?" "Nothing! An empty room!" Ryu tried to block her off, but she forced her way in. Bits and pieces of Roland lay scattered, drenched in blood. "W-what did you do?!" There was a demonic laughter, one that was all too familliar, all too haunting. "I couldn't help it, he made it so easy!" Chinkan turned to Ryu, who now had a large pistol pointed at her. His eyes were starting to burn again. "But, you must have knew this was coming, didn't you?! You intentionally opened the door to my rebirth!" "No! How!" He held up his arm, the sleeve was torn off revealing black veins. Suddenly, Chinkan remembered. [i] One limb contains his true essence...only complete incinaration will do...[/i] "You did it on purpose! You wanted my rebirth! My revolution was noble, you wanted it!" "Never!" She charged, and the luna Ryu shot. Chinkan got her blade up in time, but the force knocked her back. "I wouldn't try and fight it, if I were you. Ryu's been helping me to become stronger than ever, by killing all my loyal followers!" "W-What?!" "The living have free will, they can resist giving their powers to me. The dead, on the other hand..." He paused for a moment. "Chinkan, you smell different. Quite different, in fact. What is it that you're hiding?" She ran her fingertips over her stomach, where the baby rested. "No...NO!!!" She got up and charged again.
  6. James grinned. "This's gonna rock." They charged at each other, and clashed high above the courtyard. Their attacks were unbelivebly rapid to James, who had never been able to move at the speed he was going now. After a bit of swordplay, their blades locked. "Y-you're pretty damn good." James said, pushing hard on the blade. "But not good enough!" He darted to the side, letting Coren stumble forward. James thought he was off balence and raised his sword high to strike Coren with the hilt, but Coren's foot shot back into his gut. The pain was almost enough to make James drop his blade, but he clung on tight. The kick sent him back into the wall, which cracked under his force. Coren stood up to full height, hovering in the air like nothing happened. "I think that's enough warm-up." "You're kidding." James mumbled under his breath. [i]I gotta watch out for his attacks. Maybe I can stay ahead of him in speed.[/i] James grinned. "Allright, but don't hold back." Coren grinned as well, before charging again. James ducked to the side, and caught Coren's blade as it came to score in the side of the face. James pushed hard and threw Coren's blade back, throwing him off guard. But Coren was prepared, and blocked James's kick to the collar bone, and kept hold of his foot. Coren wrapped an arm around James's trapped foot, and threw him across the yard into the far wall. But this time James was lucky, and landed on his feet, ready to spring off the wall. Coren charged, and James caught his head and rammed it into the wall.
  7. Where in the world did you get wherewolf from?! Another upgrade, or what? --------------------------- User Name: Rikan player class: Long arm Player type: Newbie Level: 14 Looks: [img]http://www.uff9.net/ff10/images/image009.jpg[/img] Weapon name: 7th Spear Weapon level: 2 Weapon skills: Spinning Darkness Tell me if anything's wrong.
  8. Name:Ronan Attens Age: 24 Race: human Class: Ranger Weapons: A wooden longbow with gold trimmings and silver runes, and a long curved dagger with a silver hilt and a white blade. Affiliation: Sun Personality: He has a long temper span, so it's difficult to get him very mad. He still gets angy none the less, and very easily annoyed, but just not into fits of rage. He's bright, but sometimes forgets to think when he's acting, which he becomes very annoyed about when he's warned about it. [i]"Oh yes, let me go and think about thinking, that sounds like fun."[/i] He very much enjoys archery, as he does traveling and music(he is quite partial to the flute). He does not keep the same attitude as the steriotypical man, for he makes decisions more based on honor and decency than wealth and power. Description: He has an athletic build and stands at about 6'4". He has short brown messy hair that is sort of make-shift spiked. He has brown eyes, and wears a blue long sleeve shirt that's buttoned up the middle and tucked in. A brown leather strap going diagonally across his chest carries his backpack and arrows. He has a black belt with a golden buckle saying: IA, the symbol of the imperial army. He has brown pants, and a buckled on holster for his knife on his left leg. His pants tuck into his brown boots that rise four inches below his knees. Bio: Ronan was a proud son of a noble blacksmith, who taught him not to act only for wealth and power. Ronan took up archery at a young age, just for sport. He became very good, the favorite at the annual tournaments and contests. After a while he became an archer for the Imperial Army, rivaled by few in his division. The king, who did think like an average human, became very suspicious of those around him, as most men do. He sent Ronan's unit into Moon territory to keep tabs on them, and to make sure they weren't plotting against him. The unit wasn't exactly welcome, but they were tollerated none the less.
  9. James looked at the armor he was covered in, and then to the rock he had obliterated. "Wow. Cool." He flew low, next to Kyp. "Can all of you do this type of stuff?" Kyp nodded. "Dragoons all have their magic, each relying on their element. You'll find more about it with time." James grinned. "Cool." He started floating aimlessly through the air. "So, what's brought you to the castle, James?" "Uh..." He thought about telling about the artifact he found, but decided against it. "I came... to... visit somebody." Kyp nodded. "So why didn't you come with us?" "You had that lunatic chasing you! I wasn't going to risk it!" Kyp nodded again. "Sounds reasonable." "Right. So, what's happened?"
  10. Ryden was horrified by the sight of the fallen skycity. "D-Dammit!!" Zeig kept his eyes on his dragon, as it shot through winglies one after another. "We were supposed to take the city. Why do you not like it crashed?" Ryden drew a breath, and tried to calm himself. "The slaves. They're....dead." Zeig did a double take. "Dead? What happened?" That was Ryden's snapping point. "Wake up, you moron!! They were inside the city! Now they're dead! All of them!! All of this fighting is pointless now!" Ryden started swinging his blade around, and Zeig put his up just in case. "Ryden, calm down!" "THIS IS ALL SO STUPID!!" He took off towards the ruined city, killing the winglies in his path. A large group tried to block him off, and surround him. They all tackled him and tried to hold him down, so many of them that Ryden was completely covered. Suddenly there was a slight wind, which errupted and knocked them all away. "Don't do that."
  11. OOC: Sorry, I didn't see the previous post. James sighed and put the dragoon spirit in his pocket. "Well, I guess that's it then." Kyp nodded and gave a half wave good-bye. "I guess I'll be coming along." Kethri did a double-take "You're what?!" "Why the change of heart?" "That's what dragoons are supposed to do, right?" "Actually, the last black monster tried to kill her." James shrugged and started to leave the room. "Meh, same difference. I gotta go find out how to work this thing, so I'll leave you two alone." After he left, Kethri turned to Kyp. "You're not actually going to let him come, are you?!"
  12. Well, in my opinion, The reason that audiences dislike G Gundam and SD Gundam, is because they were too big of a change on the origional theme. Gundam audiences who enjoyed Gundam Wing and Mobile Suit Gundam and the others, liked the show for their qualities of complicated charicters, tactical war themes, and serious tones. When those audiences were introduced to G and SD, they did not recognise them under the same tone as the other ones, and immediately disliked them. It's like seeing DBZ charicters discuss philosiphy on life, it just doesn't fit. My final opinion is that G and SD should have been shown under a different theme, instead of Gundam.
  13. James looked confused, walking out of the training room. "That guy must have rocks in his head, I'm no dragoon. Where'd he go, anyways?" He started walking through the castle, searching for Kyp. He came to a window, and saw Coren taking off. "HEEEY!!!" Coren turned back. "What?" "Where's that kyp guy? I gotta give this back to him." In his hand was the fire dragoon spirit. "What? You don't want it?" "I'm not a Dragoon, Kyp must've mistaken me with someone else. I'm barely a warrior." "Barely?" "Well, I'm a part-time merc, but that's beside the point. The point is-" Coren ushered him to silence. "Look, Kyp knows what he's doing. If he said you were the Fire dragoon, then that's what you are. I gotta go, but Kyp's with Kethri in her room. Follow that hall, you'll find it." Coren waved and took off again. James sighed and headed down th hall. "Great." He mumbled. "Here I am, wandering cluelessly around with absolutely no idea what's going on." He found what he thought was the right door and pushed it open.
  14. Squall

    The Gunfighter;

    A boy slept quietly in his hotel, oblivious to the near chaos. A thundering crack rang through the air, tossing him out of bead. He stood up alerted, and grabbed his handgun and gunblade off the nightstand before exiting to the balcony. The scene was catastrophic. Innocence scurried away from the skeletons, running for their lives. Many of them were hacked down in their places, leaving a trail of blood. The boy took out his handgun and proceeded to snipe the attacking skeletons. He fired, sending a bullet straight through one of their heads. The creature didn't seem to notice, and continued its rampage through the town. The boy sweared through clenched teeth, as he holstered his handgun and unsheathed his Gunblade. He vaulted off the balcony just as a hoard of skeletons entered his room, checking for any forms of life. The boy landed hard ontop of a group of skeletons, crushing their skulls under his feet like shattering glass. His sword shot up just in time to block a skeleton's attack, as he used his force to push the skeleton back.
  15. "AIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!" James yelled as he neared the palace. A large rock loomed in the river, and he crashed directly into it. After three minutes, his hand reached out of the water and he rolled onto land. "Note to self, don't do that again." he mumbled, rubbing his head and gasping for breath. He looked around where he had come out. It was just a half a mile from the palace, this would be a good place to start walking from. He stood up and started running towards the palace, stopping anyone he could to ask for directions. "Excuse me!" He yelled, running behind a carrige. It didn't slow down, so James lept up on top. His head hung over the front opening. "Excuse me, but can you-" "AAAAAAH!! Burgaler!" The passenger screamed. It was a very royally dressed lady, surrounded by guards. "You dare try to pillige us, vadal?" One of the guards asked him. "No, I-" "Get him!"
  16. (hey, try to put some more length into your posts, okay? I don't want to get in trouble by the mods.) John stood up from the counter, tossing the tin cup to the side. He thought of returning to his broken down car to sleep for the night, but he decided against it. There was no point in sleeping, no point in waking up. He walked slowly down the street, shaking off the bums and hookers as they came. A horribly disfigured lady walked proudly down the street wearing a large "can not die a virgin" sign. John thought silently of blowing her away to end her misery. He turned a corner and into an alleyway, that was probably occupied by wanna-be crime families. "HEY YOOOOO!" He turned to a drunken bum who called out. "Don't look at me!!!" He shaped his fingers like guns. "BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM!! hAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!" the man yurned and left, cackeling to himself. John sighed and left out of the other side of the alley, only to get shoved back in. A tall man in black clothes pushed him against the wall. "Okay, punk! Gimme ya money and gun!" John was in a bad mood as it was. He punched the guy across the face, and again in the gut. The mugger stumbled into another, and they both started fighting with eachother.
  17. Squall

    The Gunfighter;

    name: James Starfe age: 17 gender: male weapon: [url]http://members.fortunecity.com/butterflysedge/media/image8.jpg[/url] and a barretta handgun race: human bio: "The Lone Wolf" James never stayed in any place for more than a week. His mother left when he was a year old, and his father was a traveling warrior who led him around on all his exploits. When his father died in a brawl, James, who was only seven years old, started wandering around himself. He got a break in Vioeian, where a band of nomads picked him up and gave him his gunblade. They became the closest thing to a family he had, for an entire year. Then, when they accidentaly wandered into the Vex Plains, they scattered and were slaughtered in crossfire. James manedged to survive, but he wished he hadn't. He became a mercinary to fend for himself at 15 rank: cadet descripation: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/gallery.php?series=gundamwing&image=36[/url] (the guy with the gun) element:dark
  18. Speak of the devil! You're both in. I got it started up so go post!
  19. Twilight crawled across the sky with practiced provado and forboding aura. The farthest eastern city looked like something out of a bad dream, with crumbeling buildings and streets full of bums and crooks. It was worse to think that this was humanity's last hope. The pathetic town with busted cars and dirt roads was the closest thing to civilization humanity had. I sat at a counter, drinking an odd liquor from a piece of tin bent like a cup. Of course one of the first industries recreated by the humans was alcahol, good old alcahol. The lands were barren like a never ending wasteland a land with no light or hope at all.
  20. Squall

    Castle Fortuna

    Okay, time to wake this thing up. Kanu sighed and shook his head. It would be a long time before Damai let him go. "I remember the dream," began Damai, "We were in the white chapel, and it was very bright. I think I saw you!" Kanu looked down. His foot seemed to vibrate. "And then there was the poem...what was it again?" The sand seemed to shift under his foot. Kanu unclicked the strap from around his sword hilt. "Something about the elements, three lights, and a door, I think." Kanu stepped back when he realized it. "There's something coming up!" A large blue scaly cone shot up from the ground, as Kanu unsheathed his sword and stabbed it. Damai, Tabby, and Ki all jumped back. "W-what is that?!" yelled Tabby, falling back. There was an unsteady silence. "I dunno, but I think it's dead." Remarked Damai as Kanu tried to pull his sword loose. Kanu was about to say something back, when there was a large rumble. The ground around the cone all burst, as a huge snake like dragon came out. It shot up high and towered above the town. It's skin was shaded in different colors, much like a rainbow. Kanu and his sword clung desperately to the cone shaped scale on the back of it's head. Kanu pulled as hard as he could, and the sword finally came loose. As he started to fall, he got a good look at the creatures terrifying head. The head was pure black with red rubies and eyes in it. It's mouth was filled with dagger-like teeth, about as tall as Kanu. Then there was smoke, as the cone shaped scales rocketed from the creature's back and landed like darts all over the panicing city. Kanu turned away, realizing that he was falling from one hundered feet in the air! His arms flung madly around, until one of them was caught by someone. It was a man with fire-red hair and piercing eyes. A black cloak circled around him. He was standing on the creatures back, and lifted Kanu's arm over his head, brining his face level with Kanu's. "Wha-What the hell's going on?!" The man was silent. Kanu crained his neck to see the city. It was being massacared, horrible creatures emerging from the cones. Damai and the others were running along one of the breaking and cracking streets, towards the monster. "KANU!!!" He heard Damai scream. "You're not the one." The man who had caught him said silently, loosening his grip. "What're you-AAAAAHHH!!!" Kanu screamed as he resumed plummeting through the air. Kanu crashed hard into a straw-roofed building and thudded onto the floor. His eyes blurred, and he slowly passed out.
  21. Great signups everyone. I'm going to start this soon, when one or two more people come, so be on the lookout. I'll PM everyone once it starts.
  22. Ryden braced himself for a wave of winglies. "Hey." He turned to the sound of the voice. Zeig floated next to him. "Oh, hi." Ryden said with a nod. "You must be Ryden." Zeig said, drawing his sword. "Yeah, and you are..." "Zeig. I'm here to help protect this tower." Ryden grinned and drew his own sword. "Do you know our status here?" Zeig looked around. "Looks like we got everything we can afford to loose." "Terriffic." He didn't expect much better, but it wasn't too good to hear it anyways. The wave of winglies came in and tried to suuround them. "Let's go!" Ryden yelled, charging straight forward. He got to the first winglie and flew high over him before diving back in the middle of them.
  23. High above the ground screams echoed and explosions rumbled in a mighty battle.The courtyard of the second winglie slave city was ablaze with chaos. Blood painted the walls as corpses did on the far beneath ground, in this battle for freedom. A dragoon soared through the sky with his axe ready and cut down a winglie in two, when that same dragoon was stabbed by another winglie. A dragon passed through the sky, and launched a firy ball of light crashing into a guard tower along the courtyard wall. It slowly cracked and crumbled, before it too went down in a firy plummet. Winglies on top of the castle shot rocks engulfed in flames out of a catipult, sending them screaming down into whatever gets in their way. [color=darkred]The Dragon Campeign[/color] A dragoon in green armor ran swiftly along the courtwall, hacking through archers and catipulters with his sword. "Ryden!" One of the dragoons cried, soaring along side of him. "We've occupied towers 3, 5, 7, and 9! I want you to guard tower three!" Ryden nodded and flipped off the side of the bridge, his mighty wings expanding. He took flight and soared into a position in front of a tower, where he planned to make his stand.
  24. Great signups. Now, if there were only more of them... Name: John Darrel Age 27 Gender male Description [url]http://www.computerandvideogames.com/openpic.php?name=..%2Fscreenshots_library%2Fdir_19%2Fvortal_pic_9985.jpg[/url] (not the best picture, but if I can find a better one, I'll use it.) Bio John led a normal life as an NYPD officer in the DEA, almost swat material with his handgun. He had a beautiful wife and an expected child. Until he was invited to a party on new years, when everything changed. He survived, thanks to an ambulance that was loading up as many victums as possible to evacuate. The month that the war was waging in, he was in a hospital with two broken legs and a cracked rib. When the human population fleed to the farthest place they could, John went as well and made a living in the main eastern city. Weapon: Baretta handgun, sawed-off shotgun (that he kept in his patrol car)
  25. Squall


    Seichiro again found himself mesmurized by the game, and somehow forgot that he was still walking. He would have tripped over a trash can, if someone else hadn't beaten him too it. It was a little girl, pale white in an elaborate white dress. She reminded Seichiro of Anya tumbled over like she was. "oww..." She pouted, rubbing her cheek. "Uh, you okay?" Seichiro asked. "Who...me?" the little girl looked around for anyone else he could be talking to. Apparently, she wan't very bright. "Uh, yeah." She slowly nodded, also reminding Seichiro of how shy Zsuzsanna was the first time Garai talked to her in the bar. "I'm...fine." He nodded and started to walk on, when the girl tugged at his pant leg. "Excuse me, but would you mind telling me where we are?" Oh, now Seichiro got it. She was just there to play stupid jokes. "We're at a stadium, and don't ask anymore, I caught on." He said walking away. What a bother! He found his way to the gate and looked at the stats board. They were the most evenly matched teams Seichiro had ever seen! It would be quite a game to see who won.
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