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Starfe puts his hand up to silence her. "Shh! Let's see if we can learn anymore." He pressed up against the wall and listened. "By the way, how is project V coming along?" "Perfectly, sir. Test results are showing a 93% efficentcy level on all test subjects. the AF group is in there now, making positivly sure all test subject don't flee." A small sound came from Starfe's throat when AF was mentioned. They left down the hall, talking about Precision matters. "What's project V? and whats AF?" Chris asked, Scratching her head. "I don't know about V, but I have a feeling it isn't very good." "Yeah, you get that vibe too, do ya? And the other?" "...AF. Not much is known, but it's joked to be an Anti-Foxhound group. Every mission the goverment feels important enough to call in Foxhound about, they seem to be involved. It's no coincedence." Chris swallowed. "I never heard about that!" "It's not really well known about. But, what I do know is that there are five members, Syringe, Aqua, Mistress, Lockheart, and..." "And?" "The most mysterious of them all, Cyllian. The guessed leader of the group."
Ryu looked confused, as he searched the room for Hakira. What had made her act like that? He sniffed the drink she had. No wonder she was drunk! Ryu thought immediately against drinking his own. But, he didn't think her behaivior was all the drink's fault. Ryu had, of course, willed to give anything to hack the Luna's head clear off his shoulders. But then, he thought again, he would never have the chance of proving that he was equal to the luna's power, which he knew he would also give anything to prove. Then again, he realized with a chime of humor, he didn't have a whole lot to give for either of the wishes. But, anyways, Hakira's dissapearence saved him the trouble of worrying of distraction from work. He stood up and casually leaned in the corner, waiting for someone to give away their information. "Dude, have you seen Cherie?" One of them said, apparently drunk. Bingo. He pushed himself up off the wall and walked silently behind them. "Hey, that whore Cherie's late. She's supposed to come for a drink tonight." Another person said behind him. It seemed that Cherie was a popular girl here. Oh well, that just ment more pray to choose from. He grabbed a random one and pushed him against the wall. It was a tall, scroney, geek with long hair and glasses. "What can you tell me about a girl named Cherie?" "Ch-Cherie? Why do you want to know about her? Does she owe you something?" The man was asking too many questions and sweating bullets, like a frantic druggie being asked where his stash was. "I-if she owes you anything, please, let me pay you." That was the most unlikely thing he expected to hear. "Who exactly are you?" "Me?" He asked back, pushing up his glasses. "I'm Roland. Cherie's boyfriend."
Hey, Jubei. No, it's not started, and no, the rec's not dead. I'm going to start it the day after x-mas, friday the 26th. See you then. Oh, and its okay to have duplicates of the elements. I'm sure there were more than seven dragoons in the dragon campeign. Hey! And thanks to all who joined up.
Ryu finally found the club, Brooklyn Boozers. He walked in, being stopped by a Bouncer. "Can I see some ID?" What a laugh. He had killed every person in every WoF club in three miles, but he still needed ID to get in. What was he supposed to say? "This..." He held up his katana for a moment. "This is my ID." The bouncer refused to let him in. "I'm going to need some valid ID, or I can't let you in." His eyes were affixed on the sword. He was probably wishing he had kept his mouth shut. Ryu wasn't about to take anything from a bouncer. His hand reached up for the bouncer's throat. "...If I were you, I would hope we don't meet again." Ryu pushed him aside and continued to walk in. Ryu took his seat at the bar and tapped for the bartender. "What'll it be?" "...I'm lookin' to forget three weeks. You got anything that strong?" He took off his helmet and rubbed his face, tracing the new scars. She nodded, taking another glance at him. "Y'know, you're the second person tonight bold enough to ask for the strongest." Ryu guessed the first one was laying in a gutter somewhere. "She's right over there, too." Ryu looked, and almost fell off his barstool. Hakira?! He swallowed hard. If he talked to her, he would expose that he was alive. If he didn't talk... The bartender came by with her drink, and set it in front of her. At this point, she turned to look at Ryu. He must have been out of the light, because she didn't seem to recognise him. She just glared at him for staring. Her nose twitched rapidly, she must have picked up his scent. It was now or never, he would have to say something. He would speak, but he couldn't be distracted from work for too long, maybe just a half an hour. Ryu walked casually into the light, and sat by Hakira. He had a feeling it was a bad idea, but he had no idea of how Hakira had been acting. "You look like hell and back." Ryu said casually, grabbing his drink from the bartender. She turned to him, and stared for a moment. "Hey, Hakira."
Ryu waited impatiently as the man tried to contact Cherie. "No good. She's busy at the castle." Ryu punched him hard across the face. "The castle?! You said she wasn't allowed in there!" The man scrambled to his feet. "Naw, she ain't. She must be outside, prob'ly findin' somebody to deliver her newest scoop." Ryu didn't like it. "You tell Cherie to drop whatever it is and get the hell over here!" He shook his head. "N-no way! She was talking with somebody important. Unless you wanna tango wit' Drac's department..." Ryu couldn't do that. He owed Dracula a great deal for keeping his buisness a secret, ecspecially from reporters. Ryu remembered the feild day they had about the whole luna buisness. 'The World, Destined to End' was on the cover of every newspaper in america. He would have to wait, or... "Where does Cherie get her information?" "From the Brooklyn Boozers club on tenth street." He nodded. "Come on, we need to get going." He wanted to find out anything he could about this Cherie girl.
Seichiro watched amazed from the skybox. It was a facinating game, even for Seichiro, who was never into the sports played where he was from. Of course, there were no professional teams from Madagaskuro, just the screaming little kids who ran around in circles to delight the screaming mothers. Seichiro shivered at the thought, and was proud to have not played any sports at that age. He stood up from his seat and started out of the box. "Where ya headed, Seichiro?" Anya asked, fixed on the game. Good question. Seichiro didn't know where himself. "I dunno. I think I'll check out team stats near the gate." It was an excuse to walk around, but why he wanted to he didn't know. "Allright, place a bid on Garai's team while you're there." She said. Seichiro nodded and left the box. Where to now? He said he was going to the gate, so he decided it was as good a place as any to walk to. He saw the feild as he walked. It was an impressive game, but he couldn't help but wonder how it was invented.
I'm in hell. That must me it, I died, and didn't know it. That's the only explination. This place, it must be what the unholy forces determined as my perfect hell. But, for some reason, that couldn't be the case. I never died. Was this place really earth? It started about three years ago. January 1st, 2004. Everything was normal, in the start of the new year. Skies were blue, people were cheery, the impossibly tall skyscrapers towered above like giants. Even the occasional streetside bum was too busy partying to bother with their troubles. I was still working in NYPD, hell's kitchen. Of course, I was in a drunken swirl the size of a tennis ball. That's right, a tennis ball. You know you're tanked when a tennis ball starts looking like Godzilla. But, I digress. The weather couldn't have been better, for about one hour. Suddenly, the little clouds there were in the sky parted around one line in the sky, it looked kinda like a scar. The ends of the 'scar' couldn't be seen, they just streched on as far as the eye could see. Then there was a bright light coming down from the scar, but it didn't do anything when it touched the earth, or the people who were caught in it. The light stayed for about an hour, and then faded. Everybody guessed it was just another stunt in honor of the new year, so they just cheered. But then, there was a loud sound, like a high pitched whistle, followed by moans that sounded like they were coming from underground. The noises were followed by a rumbeling that shook the entire earth, and a large crack ran along the path the light had made. It must've ran across the entire world. Then fire started torching out of it, killing everyone and everything it it's firey path. If that weren't enough, little demons started pouring out of the crack, hacking their ugly blades at anyone they could. And where was I? With my loaded Baretta and years of combat experience? I was spitting into the fire to see how fast it burned up. Good old alcahol. The world was destroyed that day. The battle for humans lasted a good month, and even with all of our massive weaponry, we were still slaughtered. The crack, as I thought, ran through the entire world and into the noth and south poles, seperating the world into two halfs by a line of fire. The oceans all dried up, leaving only lakes as water sources. The remainder of the human race got as far as they could from the crack, and scratched out a living from destroyed cities and such. I was luckily pulled away from the crack and found my way the the main city, on the eastern most part of the planet. I guess there must be an identical one on the other side of the fire, probably on the western most part of the planet. Two massive castles shot out of the north and south poles, but nobody lived long enough to really see them. Why did this all happen? If anyone was responsible, who was? Nobody knows, and nobody dares to find out. It is the world, post-apocolypse style, also known as hell. ``````````````````````````` Name Age Gender Description Bio Weapon (swords are more common since they're simple to create, but there are still guns.)
"Cherie?" Ryu asked his captive. "Yeah. A girl named Cherie just announced she was a vampire. She said somtin' 'bout workin' for the big D." Dracula. Of course he would have vampyric servants, this all ment nothing, except her time of exposure. Why would a decent vampire be tempted by this revolution to expose themselves. "Is she a Wing of Chaos?" The man tried to jerk away, but Ryu held firm. "N-no way man! She can't stand that bunch!" "Where does she operate? In the castle?" That would have ment a number of things, if she was actually trusted enough to enter the castle. "Naw, she's kinda like a delivery girl. She hangs in the gutters and gets information. She said you got red eyes an' black hair." She was good, whoever she was. "When she comes out of the slum, she gives info through a cut-off to another servant." This was odd. If this Cherie was able to find out this sort of information, from even Ryu himself, why hadn't anybody acted on it? Surely Dracula would do something about the spread of the Wings of Chaos. "You're going to find Cherie, and you're going to establish a meeting. Got that?" He nodded frightienedly. Ryu trusted this man about as far as he could spit, but he didn't have much choice.
"I will thank him, but in my own way. I'll kill Zechs. That's how I'll show my gratitude." ~Heero Yuy I can't remember the specific scene that that quote was in, but it stuck in my head none the less. I really liked it. "MY LOVE, MY ANGER, AND ALL OF MY SORROW!!!" ~Domon Kashu That quote just seemed like the bottom depths of rage to me. "It takes stupid people to do cool stuff, that's why it's cool." ~Haruhara Haruko Heh, that was great when she said it, while introducing the next episode, right at the scene when that one girl pointed an uzi at the back of Naota's head.
Name: Tony Donatelli Gang: Gotorelli Position: Mafiosa (Kinda like a right hand man) Weapons: Barreta, AK-47u, Switchblade Vehicles: [url]http://www.ffgon.com/images/ff7/wallpaper/ff7_14s.jpg[/url] Description: [url]http://www.animeshrine.com/image.php?/trigun/trigunwolfwood01.jpg[/url] Any extra notes: He's a well known dare-devil
.hack//LIMINALITY is based on short movies. It takes place in basically the same period as the games. That's what I ment by short movies. And for the people who don't have the video game series, I guess they won't be able to explore the rest of the .hack Universe. That's a large handicap to the Playstation-impared, but that's the way they created it.
Kanu rubbed his shoulder. "It's okay. What was that, though?" Damai showed him her hand, with the ball of light in it. "I guess...I've got the same thing." He shook his head. "This is getting weird. None of this is possible, on any terms." Tabby looked up from her shoes. "Maybe on elemental terms. Fire, water, light..." Ki silently choked. "d-dark." Kanu suddenly remembered the boy who dissapeared with the dark figure. He knew better than to ask, by the look on Ki's face. "So, what is all this?" Damai asked, still staring at her palm. "I don't know." Tabby responded. "I just woke up, from a really weird dream." Kanu jerked his head up. "About some sort of quest we were supposed to go on." [i] Now i'm interested, but I still gotta go...[/i]
Yeah, that's right. You control light. Here's a link to the recruitment: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=34307&pagenumber=1[/url] Kanu nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." He scratched his damp head and brushed himself off. "But, if you didn't do it, who did?" Damai sighed. "I just said who! You did!" Kanu shook his head. "That's impossible. Here," Kanu showed her his hand. "Look. It's just a normal hand. if it were going to shoot water, it would look different, right?" "...i guess." She said, but she didn't seem to like her answer. "Actually..." Kanu and Damai both turned to the speaker, who happened to be one of the figures they saw. "...your hand wouldn't necissarily need to look different. look at mine." She held up her palm, a normal palm. Suddenly he was staring into flames, which made him jump. "See?" Said the girl. Kanu nodded. [i]What's really going on?[/i] Damai smiled, seeing that she was right. "So, what are your names?" [i]I can figure this all out later...[/i] "I'm Tabby, and this is Ki. Sorry for listening in, it's just..." [i]I have work to do, and I'm already late.[/i] "...I saw the water, and, well..." She looked down at her feet. "I wanted to see what happened." Damai smiled. It's okay. I'm Damai, and this is Kanu...Kanu?" He snapped out of his trance. "Sorry. I gotta get going. But, thanks, though."
Kanu broke free from Damai's grip and rubbed his forehead. It was hot, and he was thirsty. He wished he had something to drink... Suddenly, an ice cold blast of water came from his hand, knocking him back and onto his back. [i] What the hell was that?! [/i] He sat up to see Damai crouching down next to him. Then he figured it out. "Thanks Damai, but I wasn't that thirsty." Damai looked puzzled. "Huh?" "You poured water on me." "No I didn't." Kanu didn't belive her. "Don't act stupid. Who else could have?" Damai thought back for a second. It looked...kinda like you did." "...me?" She nodded. "Yeah. It looked almost like it came from your hand." Kanu examined his hand. It looked normal, as it normally did. "right...uh, Damai? I think you've been out in the sun for too long."
I don't think they should have another season of the show, because the moving from series to game to short movies(//LIMINALITY) gives it a better sense of origionality. But, I do think that they should give the game a wider number of gameconsoles it can be played on. I already have a PS2, so I can play it, but I don't think Xbox and Gamecube users will be able to continue the story. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Ryu lay atop another building, drenched in his and other's blood. Below was the sound of thundering music, but not the slightest sound of anybody in the room. Ryu's stained katana explained that. He was trying to remember things, but they kept getting mixed up. [i]"The more time you think you have, the less time you do. I suggest you use the time left to you wisely." He took off his helmet and flicked on a pair of familliar sunglasses. He brushed his hand through his black hair and started to leave. As he took off down the road, he suddenly felt the need to faster, and faster. He kept thinking that the Luna would already be there by now, and it made him furious. They were the same being, so why was he so much faster? They were at the same ability level, everything was exactly the same...[/i] Ryu woke up, apparently drifting off to sleep. It had been a dream, and he knew it. But why would he dream something like that? He had thought it his destiny to destroy his twin, the luna, but since it was done for him, he went to clean up. Voices from the sidewalk below snapped him out of his trance. "I heard that old Dracy-boy's not been showing up no more." One of them said. It was news on Dracula, so Ryu leaned over the edge of the building to listen. "A whole bunch a broads came an' said that they were Drac's bride. An' I belive em, too." "All of 'em? How many wives do you think he's got? He ain't no jigalow." Ryu jumped down behind them, wanting a better spot to listen from. "Well, you know what I mean. Cathy and Becca both said they was vamps, and proved it too. They're both part of the W.O.C." that was all Ryu could stand. He slit one of their throats and rammed the other one against the wall. "Holy Crap! The shadow man!" "Shut it. You're about to tell me everything you know."
Wow, De-ja-vu. In the origional, there was Hoshi, the Star of Lightning. She also had extrodinary powers gifted from another, but Little Serenity, I think she quit the OB before we had a chance to finish. She went both blind and speechless in the last battle we had... -------------------- Anywho, everyone's okay so far, but we need more winglies!
Name: Ryu Age: Unknown Gender: Male Description: Completely black shirt, pants, boots, and gloves, all designed for fighting. (face looks like Saburo from kikaider) Black helmet that hides his face and protects him from the sun. Bio: Ryu was once a gunnie pig for experaments, particularly enfusing a Luna's arm onto his body, twisting their genes and blood. Ryu was struck with amnesia shortly after, and wandered for a period, going on killing sprees that he had no control over. After a fight with Chinkan that ended in a draw, he was healed and took over a Radio tower which he used as a castle, the luna part of him now in full control. He made a broadcast to the nation, that told all of the next great war and the rise of vampires. To add to this, he destroyed a bergade of troops who came to arrest him with his own version of an EMP, shortly before he and the Luna split, Ryu running into the daylight and presumably dying. But in truth, he was saved by the corpiration that enfused him with the Luna, and stayed there for a while as he slowly healed. The Luna, and his new ally Hakira, created a new undead army from the corpses of the dead, and the Luna went out on his new plot. After secretly taking blood from Azuran, Miazmodon, and Hakira, he absorbed their energies into his own being, becoming amazingly powerful, and destroying the golden gate brige with only a ball of his own energy. When Chinkan came to challenge him, he had sealed Azuran under a control spell to fight her. He was unhypnotized, and grew to enourmus power from necessity. After sealing Azuran in the death dimension, and being tooken there himself along with Chinkan and Hakira, and defeated by Chinkan. At this point, Ryu manedged to release them from the Death Dimension with a portal. After revealing his identity, he set off to destroy all of the Luna's followers, which he found to be quite more numerous than expected, and may not be able to handle... Weapon: Sleek katana Personality: Silent, serious, critical, and haunted with guilt.
"Well..." Starfe scratched the back of his head. "I guess we find a node." "A what?" "A node. It's a computor that keeps data on Blueprints and guard wherabouts. We can probobly find another route from there, and if we find one in the main computor room, we can shut down survailence cameras on this floor." Chris looked confused. "Survailence cameras?" Starfe pointed behind him to one. "That one's disconnected, so don't worry. But there around every corner." "Allright, so let's get on it." Chris said, as they started off. The survailence camera followed their movements. "Should I send backup to the computor room?" Said a soldier. "Not yet." Said another voice, this one with a russian accent. "Let's play with them for a bit."
James sat and waited at the exchange shop for the owner to examine his newest find. "Hmmm..." The shopkeeper said absently, examening the artifact. "Where exactly did you find this?" James pondered for an answer. It wouldn't sound too good to say it came out of him. "I...er...just found it." "Well, I can't determine what it is, can you?" "It's a pretty diamond thingy. Someone can use it for jewlry." "That used to be true, but I need to classify exactly what it is to make sure it isn't dangerous." James banged his fists on the desk. "You've gotta be kidding me! How am I supposed to find out what it is?!" The shopkeeper absently "Hmmmed" again, staring off into space. He snapped his fingers. "Ah! I have a cousin near the palace who can tell you what it is!" James thought back to his escapade in the cave with the others. "Right. Anywhere else I can find out?" "Nope, sorry." "At all?" "Nope." "Is there any route besides the cave?" "Nope." "Is nope all you can say?" "Nope...er..no." James groaned and started walking out. A while later, he found himself back at the river. "It worked last time." He ran along side the river, and then dived in, shooting through like a torpedo.
I'd have to say I prefer Dubbing, because, mainly I've only seen one example of sub titles in anime yet. And that came in the Cowboy Bebop mivie, where in my version they didn't even bother to put in a dubbed version, so I was pretty annoyed(though, i did enjoy Ed's origional voice.) from that example I didn't really like Spike's politeness, but, I guess, as said before, it really depends on what you're used to. I'm used to american dubbing, so I prefer it. But, subbing would be a good experience if only just to hear the origional actor's voices.
OOC: Remember this? I know some of you will, it's an RPG not easy to forget. This RPG was, in my opinion, the Pennicle of my OB experience. Now, I wish to recreate it. I know, it had a good run already, dying at 213 posts, but I had to give it another try, because, of course, I never had the chance to finish it. PS Feel free to ask any questions! When the divine tree grew, it was said to bestow 107 species upon the earth. The 105 race was the powerful dragons. These towering winged horreres could strike fear upon anyone who beheld them. The 106 race was the human race. These peaceful beings lived a quiet existance in harmony with the world. The 107 race was the formidable winglies. These flying conquerors set out to build great floating cities and gain domination over all living things. In time, their agression enslaved the passive human race with little resistance. Divided by hatred, the battle for freedom would insue. The humans called upon the help of the mighty dragons. Drawing on their magical forces, the humans became dragoon warriors harnessing the savage power and soul of the dragoon spirit. The winglies called upon help of their own, conjuring the mighty Verges, the dragon slayers. Their powerful magic and the help of the Verges provide formidable foes for the Dragoons. The battle deadlocks, both sides suffering from crushing blows and massive casualties. There is no such thing as a civillian, for every creature able takes up arms, in the battle that decides the fate of the world. This time, is now. [img]http://www.avalancheonline.net/images/LoD/lodpic12.jpg[/img] Name: Age: Description: Bio: Element: (water, fire, earth, lightning, dark, light, wind) Side: (Wingly or Human/dragoon) Here's a pic. of a dragoon: [url]http://www.avalancheonline.net/images/LoD/lodpic20.jpg[/url] And here's a pic of a winglie: [url]http://www.avalancheonline.com/images/LoD/+lodpic35.jpg[/url] I thought it was pretty basic. Humans age like humans. here's one a little more detailed Name: (What people refer to you as. ex: John Smith) Age: (human aging. how many years have you been alive? ex. 17) Description: (What do you look like? what do you usually wear? ex. long black scraggely hair and dark blue eyes. Brown vest and red long sleeve shirt. Black pants and boots. Long sword sheathed on back) Bio: (what happened in your life? ex. after he ws born, his parents sent him across sea to a military academy in Zimbabwe. he was trained in many arts of combat, and always excelled at the top of his class. Because of his high marks, he graduated at an early age and went on to train by his self, ect.) Element: (water, fire, earth, lightning, dark, light, wind) (what element do you prefer, or most relate to? ex. water) Side: (what side of the war are you on? ex. human/dragoon) See? Here's mine: Name: Ryden Starfe Age: 23 Description: Short black spiked hair and brown eyes. Emrald green chestplate with jetting shoulders and large gauntlets with ancient runes engraved into them. Black pants, with three belt looking buckles on one leg. Large green dragoon wings on his back, and a large one sided sword with an emrald green hilt, sheathed on his black double belt. Emrald green steel boots with runes carved into them. Bio: He was born on the battlefeild, his mother delivering him on a small shelter below one of the winglies' massive floating cities. The dragoon army needed all the soldiers they could get, so Ryden was trained very early. At 15 he was a soldier and fought in the taking over of many of the winglie city takeovers. At 17, he was reported MIA, and belived to be dead. Ryden left the army for a time, traveling the world on his own exploits. After three years of wandering, a soldier found him resting in a cave, and reported him as alive. He was given brutal lashings for leaving, and was called back into service immediately. Element: Wind Side: Human/Dragoon Enjoy!
I just got this program where I can download songs off of the internet, and of course, my first stop was Final Fanasy music. Liberi Fatali and Waltz for the Moon, from Final Fantasy VIII went okay, as did Sephiroth's Final Battle, Cloud's Theme, and Aeris's Death from Final Fantasy VII. Those are the only two Final Fantasys I've played, I could tell if there was something wrong, but there wasn't. So, I decided to find more Final Fantasy music, and came up with...techno. Final Fantasy I Close My Eyes, and Final Fantasy X The Sound of an Atom Splitting were both completely techno! Does somebody have too much spare time on their hands, or are these for real? Usually, I would have dismissed the possibility of these being for real, but after playing Kingdom Hearts, which has a very techno-based theme song, I couldn't help but wonder. Also, to make conversation out of this, do you think FF's would be better or worse with Techno themes? I myself prefer the dramatic classics from VII and VIII
Allright, I haven't really fought in this battle, but my friend has, and couldn't get near beating him, so, how do you beat Sephiroth?