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Ryu went numb when he saw Miazmodon on the roof, he couldn't think of a way out without exposing his identity. Luckily, Chinkan tackled him off the roof in the nick of time. Ryu sighed with relief. What an akward reunion that may have been! He would of had heck trying to get away from that bunch. He laughed to himself, thinking of the sheer irony that would have placed him in. He was hesitant about leaving, though. The thought of speaking with them again was a tempting one, and might lead to Hakira somewhere down the line, but, again he declined. That would only slow him down. The number of Wings of Chaos continue to rise, he thought to him self, masking his energy as that of a drunk. No matter how big a dent he put in their numbers, the Luna still had a headstart, and Ryu had to catch up. It was, again, his purpose.
Great signups! If only there was more of them. --------- Name: Kano Sarama Age 17 Gender male Description: [img]http://www.avalancheonline.com/images/LoD/lodpic26.jpg[/img] minus the choker. Bio: He doesn't remember his parents at all, even in his dreams. In his childhood, he was sent to a military academy, where he developed his acrobatic fighting style, and ranked top of his class for several years. It was odd, though, because all of his instructors treated him as if he were some sort of alien, never looking at him directly, or even talking directly to him. His classmates treated him the same, never going near him, or fretting to spar with him, like he held some type of contageos disease. But, he learned not to mind it, and lived a life almost completely in solitude, which, as you could guess, made him very bad at conversations and politeness. He finally left the academy at 15, and, having no knowledge of life outside of the academy, became a nomad almost immediately. He learned of Milrad, and the condition of the first sun (the second sun is too far away for satellite journey) and tried to stop Mirad from sending anymore Satellites in his own fashion. He broke into the City Hall the president of Milrad was meeting in, and, being caught, was exiled to a prision in the far desert. The prision was brutal, a kill or be killed game thriving every day. Kano, of course, survived, but was forced to kill hundreds to do so. Finally, he snapped, and killed every person at the prision... Personality Doesn't talk much, but tries to be kind when he does. He goes silent and stares into space from time to time. Weapon(s): Two long katanas, with sleek silver blades and black handles. Worn on his double belt. Spells: Shadow Image (Makes a duplicate image of himself.) Cannon (Ball of energy shoots out of hand) levitation
Ryu crouched in the shadows in a Rave. The techno music poundid loudly, thundering through the walls and echoing down the streets. Because of his trademarked attacking from the shadows, he earned the nickname 'Devil of Shadows.' Of course, Ryu didn't care much, for he hadn't spoken synce his outburst near the wedding, and didn't need a title for any reason. The rave was jam packed with 'Wings of Chaos,' the Luna's never-ending legacy that Ryu has been trying to hunt down and execute. He knew that most of the members here were loaded and ready for action, and didn't want to take the risk of attacking them all head on. He flipped between rafters, until he came upon a young lady with purple hair, who was punching the air and swinging her hips to the rythemic beat. She was probably just a high school student, who had joined the Wings of Chaos just because it sounded cool. But, in spite of her innocence, she had to be killed, it was Ryu's mission, his...purpose, as he thought it to let himself rest easy at nights. He jumped down behind the girl, his katana making a small whistle and the Penticle chained around his neck making a small clinging sound. It was, of course, nothing that could usually be heard by average ears, let alone over the racket that filled the rave. He crouched behind her, and came up, slitting her throat. He jumped up in the rafters again, a mist of blood spewing from the girl's throat, making another girl scream bloody murder. The rave members all raised their guns to the rafters and started firing. Ryu ran above, a trail of bullets following in his wake. He flipped off the rafters, and sliced through three ravers as he landed. He immediately jumped and crouched momentarily on the wall, before sprining off over a rafter and landing on top of a raver's head, snapping his neck. One of the ravers fired wildly towards Ryu's direction, cutting into his side and leg. Ryu crouched and picked up the dead raver's machine gun, letting loose a spray of bullets. Those who didn't flee were cut down in the same fashion, in a whirlwind of blood, screams, and chaos. Ryu crouched ontop of the building a moment later, only his sillouhette visable against the bright moon. He realized how much blood had been spilt onto his hands, ecspecially the human blood. It scared him to think of how many humans were so ready to see the Apocolypse of their own species, even though the Luna was sure to kill them as well. He tried to move, but found himself clutching his side once again. The bullet that hit him was only a graze, but it had reopened a severe gash that had been cut in earlier. Since he adopted the luna's slow healing process, it would be days before it reclosed. He looked up at the stars, wondering if this was th fate he would be forever doomed to, or if he should call on Azuran and the others aid in battle, as he did every night since the death of the luna, which he realized with peculiarity was only so long ago, and not the years upon years he had thought it to be. And after those days and pondering nights, he came up with the answer he always did, and that was to walk his path alone, the one he had helped form in his days of fusion with the Luna...
Seichiro frowned. "None of that explains why everyone looks so similar." Garai was the one to answer this time. "Nobody knows why. Sure, there are some true alien-looking creatures, but they're very rare. It is said, on my planet, that there was once only one species, on only one planet. These people started by migrating to their moons, where their DNA was slightly mutated. From there, they started moving to other planets, each time their DNA mutating in a different way. After thousands of years, they finally classified each of the new mutated creatures into different species, and here we are." "Sounds like a tall-tale to me." Seichiro responded. "It's just a legend, nobody knows the truth."
Wow, at first I thought this was gonna be a lost cause. I don't think anybody's gonna be Hato, but I need himin this RPG, so I guess that leaves me. Name Hato Age 14 Description Blackish brown short hair. Faded black open jean jacket, a black shirt, and blue jeans. Japaneese symbol necklace, whcih has recently been replaced by a penticle, and black shoes. Bio He started playing the world a while ago, and was instantkly hooked. It became the only thing he wanted to do, and barely ever ventured away from his computor screen. Until one night, he logged out and fell into blackness. When he woke up, he was in the hospital, and had been out for three days. He was charged with the attempted murder of his sister, who wouldn't say a word about what happened, besides, "You would never do that." Occupation student In Game Name Tasano Description Black short hair, and a black open vest. White painted chest. Silver belt and black pants. Black boots and fingerless gloves. Weapon A large silver sword with a black handle. Class Heavyblade
Everyone remained quiet. Starfe wasn't sure if it was the fear of being spotted in broad daylight that drove them to silence, or if it was Valentine. Starfe sighed. "I came in from the roof. There's a rappel rope in the office down the hall. Angel, I want you to go with him." Angel looked suprised. "Why me?" "Because, you've been in Force XXI and haven't seen a whole bunch of action. Valentine's experienced, he can watch after you." "Hey, y'know the same goes for you." "Yeah, but I'm the only one who's really been breefed in-depth on the layout. Your route's pretty simple to follow." ------- This thing's gonna get started up again sooner or later....
Setting: Future. Space ships and hover cars are not yet in existance, but new cars that excell to 250 miles an hour on average. The world is somewhat like it is today, except slightly more tropical and technological. (kinda like a Final Fantasy setting) There are 2 suns and a moon that stays directly up, no matter what time it is or where you are. It's been years since the world's electricity finally dissolved. About eighty years ago, the nations of the world launched a giant satelite with enourmus solar pannels, in an attempt to find another suitable power source. It worked, but Solar energy produced 25% less power than electricity did. Many devices that had once thrived on electricity have been sold for scrap metal. Electricity itself has been sapped of the Earth and has not been seen. Just recently, a Coorpiration known as Milrad, has launched a solar satellite that covered almost a fith of the sun. There was a big celebration, and more sattelites than ever have been launched by Milrad. There is a sence of panic, though, for the sun that was said to be an unextinguishable source of energy, has gotten dimmer. More meteorites have been crashing on earth than ever before, and ecological disasters are more and more frequent. Milrad has denied any possibility of the sun's influence on these things. (I know it sounds boring, but bare with me, this one's gonna be good) Name Age Gender Description Bio Personality Weapon(s) Spells (max 3)
Seichiro looked around, confused. "Something wrong?" Anya asked. "It's weird. They're all aliens, but they all look fairly human, and they all speak the same language as the people on our planet." "What did you expect?" Seichiro shrugged. "You know. Aliens. Small green people, or big dinosuar looking things." Hak chuckled. "You've been watching too much TV, kid. All of these planets are ruled by the Solar Council, who make sure all of the planets stay somehow connected, like through language. All the planets have their own native language, but the Solar Council makes sure that everyone learns the "mother language," what we're speaking now." "So, they govern the universe?" "Not exactly. They connect it. Every planet creates it's own culture, in whatever fashion it chooses, as long as they abide by the Solar Council's treaties." "What are their treaties?" "Everyone knows the mother language, no worldwide Anarchisim, it varies between worlds." "Has anyone ever not accepted the Council treaties?" "Hundreds have, ecspecially near their headquarters. They're called rouge planets, until the Solar Council wipes them out." Seichiro swallowed hard. "Wipes them out? For not abiding by one goverment?" "UH, something like that. No more questions, you're giving me a headache." Hak said. "...fine." Seichiro agreed. He didn't like the sound of Hak's change in tone, but he had a feeling he didn't want an answer.
Seichiro looked startled. "Did a planet just... appear?" "Yes, it did. Why?" Garai said in response. "It's not...nevermind. So, abaout how many followers does Neo have?" Garai was quiet. "Well?" "Do you really want to know?" Seichiro thought for a second. "Probably not." Anya stifled a laugh. "We're gonna get really good at these loosing battles." "If we ever make it that long." Seichiro said quietly. "Listen, kid. I've been traveling around a bit, and there's no point in worrying about things like that. You can die at any moment, no matter where you are, or what you're doing. So there's no point in worrying." Hak said. Seichiro slowly nodded, not sure if thought of dying while tying his shoe was supposed to comfort him. "Call me when we land." Seichiro said. "Where are you heading?" "I wanna figure out this gun before we have to k- fight again." He pulled out the gun he had earlier. Garai looked back at it. "Y'know, I think i've seen one of those before. Let me see it." Garai examined the gun. Hak looked over at it. "There's no reloading chamber." "I know." Seichiro said flatly, taking his gun back. "Anya told me." He gave a small wave and walked out the door. ----- Not much but I don't want this thread to die.
I don't think they can do a lot more with .hack//sign, it would be like kicking a dead hoarse. It had It's beginning and end, and anymore would just make it sour. SO, you probably are thinking of dusk, which I hope makes it to tv in the near future. More .hack games, that may be a possability, although I haven't bought more than infection yet. "the world" game would definately be the greatest installment in the .hack//universe, but it will pale in comparison to the world pictured in the shows.
I think WotV 2 should start in a different thread so more people could come in, but near the same time period so everyone could stay with the chars they spent this long perfecting. PS I know I wrapped everything up, but I didn't want to keep my mouth shut. PPS: *laughs at Miazmodon.* The deciphel of darkness, the Devil's advocate, black swirling cloak and a porceline mask, now a perverted freak...who measures dicks...for...condoms...There are some twists I'd rather not know about. ------------- Ryu waited in the shadows as a group of thugs burst into a the small room he was in. All of them had a tatoo of Wings of Chaos on their arm. Ryu let out a battle scream before leaping out of the shadows, killing most of them. The rest ran out the door. Ryu tried to follow them, but his side prevented him. "I've been doing this for too damn long." He looks at a folded tabloid on the table, reading "Numerous sightings of Dracula!" He stifled a laugh when he saw that somebody caught a bad pic of him, Azuran, Chinkan, Carmize, and... he threw the paper aside. He wasn't in as much control as he'd of liked, but he was still there through meetings with Hakira. He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to see her again. He knew about the wedding that day, even slaughtered a few that planned to kamakzee it. It was only seven blocks away, he could have walked in, but then his identity would be discovered, and he wouldn't be able to hunt the luna's followers in silence. He slowly walked outside, the sun hitting his protective mask. He held the vile that contained her blood in his hand. Suddenly he started yelling, throwing the vile at the chapel. "TAKE THIS! MY LOVE, MY ANGER, AND ALL OF MY SORROW!!!" There was silence, pedestrians looking quickly away when he saw them. The sheath of his katana was flung off his belt in his fury, and now he stood with an unsheathed sword. Ryu slowly turned around and walked away, back to work.
Name: James Jackel Age: 23 Gender: male Side: Evil decendant Appearance: Silver hair with black sides. Short and spiked. Silver eyes and pale skin. Black open vest and white t-shirt. Blue pants and black boots. Bio: Social outcast. He used to steal for a living, and became pretty good at it. But he needed to protect himself from the shoppe owners who caught him, so he started watching rumbles and copied their moves. After about three years of mimicing, he finally jumped into a rumble and fought. Sure, he was beaten, but the feeling still tingled in his fists, a feeling he never wanted to give up. So, he started picking a fight with anyone and everyone, until nobody wanted to tangle with him. He's hard, tough, arrogant, and a womanizer. Weapons: Brass knuckles Magic Powers/Attacks: Earthquake-he punches the ground and the ground starts to rumble and split.
Starfe grinned. "You pretty much hit the nail on the head. Take out the threat. But, some side stuff the pentagon wants done is to find their origin, rescue the president and staff, and one more thing. It was intercepted that they have a secret weapon. We need to find out what it is." Chris nodded. "And how are we supposed to do any of this?" "Improvising." Valentine just snorted. "This is great. Winging it with partners that have no idea what they're doing." "Watch it, pal." Starfe said. "Anyways, rescuing the president comes first. He has the clearence to deactivate those missles." "Where is he?" "We're on the top floor now, and so is he. He's been held hostage in a safe room in that direction." He pointed down the hall. "There's a secret staircase that leads to it. The only problem, is the terrorists have destroyed the main hallway leading to that staircase. We gotta find another route."
Kanu neared the end of the beach, when he saw Damai staggering dizzely. She half waved, and clutched a tree for support. "Oh, hey Damai." "Hey Kanu!" She regained her balence and ran over. "What're you up to?" Kanu asked. "Ah, my cousins are visiting, and you know how they can be." She responded Kanu nodded, a slightly sad look on his face. "Hey, I gotta go." "What's the rush?" "I've got a job." "That's what you always say! Where do you work?" "...Wherever I can." Kanu continued to walk on, but Damai caught his arm. "Aw, catch a day off for once. It's been eons since we last chatted." "Heh, it's not that simple." "Rats..." Suddenly, they spotted a few other people on the beach, a dark figure and a boy dissapearing at the sight of flames. "What do you think they're doing?" "Who knows? It's none of our buisness."
Vince sighed with relife when Ivrene left. "Geeze, I almost lost it there. That would have been heck if he found out." He was about to walk away, but he stopped for a second. [i]"We can make these watches to track the group." "Track?" "Y'know, in case one of us get's into trouble. You knever know, it may come in handy." "Allright, put them in here, we can distribute them out later. But first we should check if the alarm works." "Here, take this one and set it off when nobody's expecting it."[/i] He grinned in spite of himself. "It looks like those things came in handy." He looked back at his watch, and decided to gather it up. "Heh, I must be going soft. It's not like I'll be able to use it again." He put them securley in his pocket and signaled the van. "'Vere to Mister Vince?" "hmm...drop me off by Corpse head quarters. I want to check if there were any extra bounties on any of the gunmen we killed."
Okay, looks like Ryu's dead, so I'm gone. Annie, sorry I made you the Damsel, but I was only trying not to argue with people and make sense of all the things Ryu had to do. It's kinda late this time, but don't manipulate my char. next time. I'm not complaining, or being a sore looser, it's more my fault for not tying my loose ends, but I keep getting in trouble for it. Anywho, I'll tie up everything I had loose. PS Congrats to Inuyasha Fandom for making the first RPG I saw survive from start to last. *applaudes* --------------- Ryu floated in the darkness, his hand reaching to the sky. "I...I couldn't connect with them...they abandoned me...was it a fault of my own?" What was left of his body seemed to deteriarate, and dissapear. "So...close..." Azuran and Chinkan embraced, and then looked around. "So, how do we get out of here?" "Hey, what's that?" Azuran pointed at a small green bead that floated in mid air. They grabbed it, and suddenly appeared in a crater where the tower once stood. The figure in black stood there waiting. "Is he..." Chinkan nodded. "Yeah, I killed him." There was a hint of a smile behind his mask. "So, you can do things right." Azuran nodded, and looked around. "Hey! What about-" "Hakira? She's still in there, but I left the portal open. Hopefully, all the souls that were banished to that relm will find there way out. All that's left to do, is take out all of Ryu's renegade followers." "That reminds me. he said he was going to connect with them, but he never did, how come?" He pointed at Azuran. "Your energy severed his connection." He pulled off his helmet revealing his face. He stroked his black hair, and flicked on a pair of familliar sunglasses. "The more time you think you have, the less time you really do. I suggest you use the time you have together wisely." Chinkan smiled when she realized who it was. "See ya."
Allright, but I'm going to get a different scenary in the meantime Ryu looks slightly surised. "Your true strength shows through! Congratulations!" He gives a menicing grin as Azuran's power skyrockets. "Your time, is OVER!!" His power continues to rise, and Ryu knows he's no match. "No, impossibe! I am the new god! I CAN NOT BE BEATEN!!" He yells and produces a DD blade, stabbing Azuran in the heart. Chinkan screams, but Azuran jus6t looks at the blade. He grins. "HAVE FUN IN THE DEATH DIMENSION!!" Azuran falls to the ground and dissapears. Chinkan screams his name and cries. Ryu slowly turns around. "Now that that's taken care of." he walks close to the paralysed Chinkan and prepars to kill her. But suddenly, the room rumbles, and collapses. There is nothing but swirling darkness. A silver faint aura flows around Chinkan and Hakira, and a dark purple one around Ryu. "The death dimension!" he gasps. Azuran slowly walks into view, a stunning red aura around him. "Now your time has come, Ryu." "NEVER! I AM CONNECTED TO EVERY VAMPIRE ON THIS PLANET! I WILL DESTROY YOU WUITH THEIR STRENGTH!!"
I have no idea what's going on, but I'll go where this takes me. -------------------------------- Mason grinned. "What do you know? The old bum's still alive." He patted nami on the head. "You know, you're dad's worth a good sixty billion, if it hasn't been raised." "Y-you're not going to take him, are you?" Just at that time, Minami came running down the street. "Hey!! We had a deal! How'd you get out again?!" Mason sighed. "Get the moron to the bar and buy one egg, tomato juice, salt, and pepper." Nami looked confused. "What for?" "Hangovers. i wouldn't want your old pops to be drunk like this when I face him." "You're not taking him tonight?" "This is my chance to test myself. If I win, I'll take him in, so make sure he's in good condition." Nami just nodded as Minami came rushing towards them. Mason held out his rifle to block their path. "And where would you be going in such a rush?" "That guy's got info, and I'm gonna get it! Now move!" Mason just stood there. "You really think that drunk's associated with The Legendary gunman Vash the Stampede? You got giped, lady. That's a broke old bum who wanted a drink." "What? No way!" "Whether it's true or not, is not for you to decipher. If you want to leave alive, I suggest you turn around." He said in a deep threatening voice, cocking his massive rifle.
Vince got out of the whearehouse just as Ivrene got there. Vince's arm was wrapped in a large black sheet. "Oh, hey Vince." "You mind telling me why the hell you're here?" "One of the watches went out. What are you doing?" Vince trembled with anger. "Did I not make it clear [b]never[/b] to follow me?" "Er..." Ivrene looked a bit startled "Yeah, you did. But I wasn't following you on purpose, I just need to fix the broken watch so the system works." "The watch was destroyed, just reroute the connection a different way." "I could, but then we couldn't track you." They fell silent. "Uh, what are you doing anyways?" "Er-nothing." "what's that?" Vince's expression turned furios when Ivrene tried to grab his wrapped up arm. "I don't think that's your concern, and for your own sake I suggest you leave the premisiss, [b]now[/b]"
Ryu looked suprised. "Well well! You're a little stronger than anticipated! I guessed for one of you to die, but it looks as though I've guessed wrong." Chinkan grinned. "Guess so." Ryu gave an evil grin and petted Hakira's head. "So tell me, Ryu. Why have you kept her around?" Ryu grinned. "For vampyric connection, of course. Seeing as Ryu is no longer apart of me, I can no longer channel my follower's powers. She helped me do that, with a small portion of her blood." "You already have her blood, so now why?" Ryu shrugged. "I don't know, I just like having her around." Chinkan walked closer. "Whatever. I didn't come hear to chat." Ryu gently nuged Hakira off his lap and stood up. he was now about eight feet tall. "Very well, but I should warn you, you can't possibly imagine what you're up against this time." She grinned and took a fighting pose. "I think I can man- AARGH!" Something crashed into her face and she was sent tumbeling back. She looked to see it was Ryu's elbow. "I warned you." He said silently, a malicious look developing on his face. "And I still have an ace up my sleeve.
Mason growled silently as Vash stumbled stupidly across the street. Nami tried to go over to him, but Mason stopped her. "Hold on, we're not through yet." Nami turned around reluctantly. "Like I said, I'm not Vash!" "Yeah, I got that. It's not too easy following directions from a doodle. But you must be a fanatic if not Vash, so you're gonna tell me what you know." "Uhh...only the rumors that are always going around." Mason's gun had shrunk to it's origional size. Mason held it close to Nami's face. "You're an odd case. You portray the Stampede, but you deny any information on him. Something you'd like to tell me?" "Uhhh..."
Mason walked down the street until he reached an alley and leaned on the wall in the shadows. "Now that I've wasted a day wadding through a giant stinking puddle of crud, I can go back and tell that guy to shove his rumors right where they belong." He cursed to himself for a bit in the same fashion, until he remembered something in the bar. [i] I threw that bartender over the bar, right at that one person... that one person in a long red coat and sunglasses...No way! [/i] He reached into his pocket and pulled out an old crumpeling wanted poster of vash, while he was crying and eating doughnuts. [i] What do you know?! I didn't think the poster was actual size! Who knew Vash was so short! [/i] Mason took off down the street and back to the bar. He looked around and left again. He ran past an inn, and looked in the door. Nami was just leaving to her room. [i] Speak of the devil. Whether or not it really is Vash or some fanatic, I'll still get some information. [/i] He pulled out his wide barrelled bun and hit a button. It's true barrell s pushed out like a drill, until the gun stood four feet long. He slowly walked into the hotel, his gun slung over his shoulder.
HEY!! Where are you people?!! GuardianStorm? Orien_Xel? DuoMax? C'mon, I'd at least like to give this thing a chance! ------------------------------------- Kanu yawned sleepily and spotted somebody else on the beach. He paused for a moment, before shaking his head and walking farther off shore. [i] It was just a crazy dream...[/i] The thought kept bugging him as he walked to the town. [i] Maybe that dream did mean something. I couldn't have sleepwalked twelve miles. [/i] The town was only about a hundred yards off shore, but to Kanu it seemed like miles. The two suns blaring didn't help any either.
Anime Does anyone wish .hack//SIGN had more action?
Squall replied to zdude255's topic in Otaku Central
I think more action would cheapen it a bit, like a show that contradicts itself. .hack//SIGN relys on a very fragile plot, that can be made odd or sickening at one wrong sentence, so fighting would take time that you may otherwise find valuable information. Otherwise, going in the duengeon alone would look kinda weird and outta place. -
[color=teal]~Dreamtime~[/color] [i] Be warned, for if you stray but a little, you will be lost... [/i] The bright light dimmed a little, and something could be seen in the distance. It seemed to rush forward at an amazing speed. It was a building of some sort. The figure it's rushing to covers their head and closes their eyes tight- bracing for impact. Kanu opened his eyes. He was in a white chapel with a crowd of strangers. There were five of them all together. They were all looking around bewildered. "Wow, I could have sworn I was asleep." He heard one of them say. They couldn't see each other clearly because of a bright light that seemed to come from atop a pedistool. Kanu could make out blurry sillohuettes, but that was it. Suddenly, there was a voice from the light, the same soothing voice they heard earlier. [i] You are the guardians of this world... Three lights, form the dakness overwhelming... Fire, Water, Wind, Dark, Light, I will be waiting there... Open the door of light, And step into eternal shadows... [/i] "What?" Said another one of them. The light brightened, and seperated intp three, whcih took off through the windows. The five seemed to float in different directions, the chapel collapsing and dissaearing. The world flashed below them and they plumeted to it. [color=teal]~Dreamtime~[/color] Kanu woke up with a start and looked around. [i] It was all just a dream...[/i] He realized that he was on the beach, next to the lake. [i] How did I get here?[/i]