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Everything posted by Squall

  1. "The World? Name: Taru Gender: male Affiliation: Player Class: Heavy Blade, wavemaster Special Ability: Fusion Weapon: A large blue broadsword with an extended hilt that bears a hook and floating ball, like one on the tip of a wavemaster's staff Description: Light blue hair, combed to one side. Green eyes. Dark purple Shirt with no sleeves. Arms painted in pure white. Black pants and blue boots. Level: 40 Role: Average player Real World Name: James Monroy Age: 13 Gender: Male Description: Short blounde spikey hair and brown eyes. Dark green jacket with sheep fur collar. Black shirt, blue jeans, and red shoes. Bio: He leads an average, slightly athletic life style. "The World" was a gift for his birthday, and he found himself instantly hooked.
  2. Ryu sat in the top floor of his tower, his wound still healing from Azuran's attack. "It's healing so slowly...perfect." Ryu grinned and pulled out the vile that contained Hakira's and Miazmodon's blood, and a crystal containing Azuran's energy. Uncorcked the vile and poured it into an open vein, that healed instantly and turned a violet red. He held the crystal to the vein, and the enrgy was released. It pulsed through his heart and throughout his body, as the wound seemed to close instantly. His eyes glew silver as he slowly stood up. "This is it... different cells form the best fighters... all I need now is Chinkan's...and maybe Carmize would do well also..." His muscles seemed to expand drastically, as his veins slowly turned black. "it's...incredible...This...power..." he cackled insanely, and held up one hand. It slowly gathered a dark inky aura to it in the shape of a ball. Once it stopped gathering, Ryu cocked his arm back, and threw it into the sky as hard as he could. It melted through the roof and flew into the sky. Ryu turned around to see Hakira in the doorway. "It...it's finally complete...I am now the strongest alive..." He grinned and threw his head back, cackling. The dark sphere soared through the sky, leaving an inky black trail behind it. It paused for a second, and then started decending over the golden gate bridge. it landed on one of the cars, and made a ripple in the ground. It slowly spread across the entire bridge, and made a dome over it. There was a small pause, and the dome exploded, the bridge shattering like glass.
  3. "Hey, Charlotte!" James called through the speaker. "What?" "Rig Matt's mech to fly by remote. He'd be pretty steamed if we left it." "Roger." [color=teal] James, you are in direct violation of Kakashki limitations, you are advised to-[/color] "Shut up and prepare for take off." [color=teal] ...initializing...take off in 5-4-3-2 [/color] James grinned and switched on the boosters. The five mechs took off into the sky, Cooler and Seigfried soaring ahead. They were neck and neck as red lasers from down below started firing at them. They spun and evaded the lasers with high speed and amazing agility. Turrets that seem to float in a line across the sky suddenly pointed at them and fired lazers of their own. The two mechs spread and open fired on the turrets. Cooler fired a lazer rifle that was grasped in it's workable arm as Seigfried slashed through them with a beam saber. [i] At Kakashki academy, nothing new or exciting ever happens, but that's not this story. Our story takes place somewhere else, where nothing mundane happens at all...[/i]
  4. [size=4] Hey! It's started up, so go post [/size] Anybody who still wants to join can, just PM me and I'll get you a recap of what's happening.
  5. A war wages in Japan. The Empire has stripped all rights from the citicens. Royal blood no longer determines one's place on the heiarchy, the emporer does at a snap of his fingers. The wealthy have been robbed of their fortunes to be kept in the emporer's treasury. The emporer states it is to help the nation as a one, but his actions can only lead to the destruction of their culture. A local newspaper printed that the Emporer was using the funds to spread his influence to China, by bribe or by force. All the reporters and staff of the newspaper were put to death immediately, but the newspaper had already been sent. Citcens were outraged all over that the empire would destroy the working class for nothing but land and power. Anybody who objected outloud was put to death. Riots broke out and groups were formed, but most of them were slaughtered. Rouge nations-nations that have cut themselves off from the empire's law-have been completely cut off from trade and over tooken by the empire in one swift blow. The citicens are crumbeling under the overpowering empire, and they cannot survive like this. All who oppose the empire have declared a state of war, but it is a loosing battle. The overwhelming empire is the majority of both Japan and influenced parts of China. The top group of warring citicens, the Lionhearted, are now desprate for warriors. They have taken random warriors off the streets in a desprate attempt to find warriors. It is time now for you to choose, what side, you are on... Name: Age: Apperence: Weapon: Bio: Side: (Citicen, Empearialist, nuetral) Occupation: (Mercinary, Ruroni(traveling swordsman) soldier, Lionhearted member, ect.)
  6. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Mangst looked a bit startled. "What was that?" "Kovu. She's telicenetic. Same with Mina, Haru, and me." "So you can all talk with your minds?" "Yeah. Kovu's really good at it, It's getting increasingly harder to block my thoughts." "I would have never guessed..." "Stop digressing. What do you mean Kaguro is the one to ask?" "Just as I said. I don't know why he would decive you into thinking that I killed myself, and then bring me back with full knowledge that I would tell you the truth-" "Unless, of course, he was counting on you telling us." "Unfortionately, that too is a possibility." "So you may still be dancing to his tune." "Again, that is a possibility." Kyru growled as Mangst hung his head low in sadness. Kyru unsheathed his sword. "You know, I can eliminate the risk right now." mangst didn't bat an eyelid. "Go ahead." Kyru raised his sword high. [i] I have to...[/i] He planted his feet and swung. [i] I-I can't do it[/i] The sword veered off and sliced through the ground, missing mangst's head entirely. There was a moment of silence before Kyru spat and walked slowly into the forest. "Be warned, if you cross me, I will kill you."
  7. Squall


    Wow, very cool. I rate the first one 7/10, I didn't like it a whole bunch. The second one I rate 9/10, I really liked it. the third one 10/10, I liked it a whole lot more. I guess you get better the more you do it.
  8. Name- Magnus Age- 17 Gender-male Appearance- Short black spikey hair and black eyes. Dark brown hard leather vest and black long sleeve shirt. Dark brown pants and black boots. Fingerless gloves and a silver neckleace with a symbol on the end that he never reveals. Personality-Quiet, secretive, prefers to be alone. Not polite, but not rude. Bio- Magnus grew up with Damaria for most of his life. He was almost the opposite of her, though. He preferred to spend time in a secret place he never revealed rather than play any games. He'd often be gone for weeks at a time, but never anywhere far. He left about three months after Damaria, but not to seek adventure. He just wanted to be completely independent. Weapons- Large broadsword
  9. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Mangst looked after them. "She'll be ok." Kyru said. "Heh, so she's grown up pretty strong now, hasn't she?" Mangst responded. [i]I guess so. More on the persistant side, though.[/i] "You understand why I don't trust you, right?" Kyru said, breaking off topic. "Yes. And you understand why I don't trust you?" Kyru raised an eyebrow. "What?" "You are the son of a madman who brought this world to it's knees." "That has nothing to do with me." "The same blood courses through your veins, demon blood." "Look, we're not talking about me. We're talking about you. How is it that you're back?" "..." "Won't tell me, huh?" "It's...complicated." Kyru glared at him. "Okay, why are you back?" "Many reasons, but I guess, to find Kovu." He fell silent. Kyru looked to the horizon. [i] Kovu... [/i] "You really love her, don't you?" Mangst asked suddenly. "What are you talking about?" "I can see it in your eyes." Kyru folded his arms and looked away. "...well?" Mangst asked. "Drop it. I still want an answer, how and why are you here?"
  10. Allright, cool. Name: Kanu Age: 17 Guardian: water Weapon: Sleek bluish/silver sword Apperence:Brownish Blounde med length hair and brown eyes. Dark blue vest with red hood, and a white t-shirt underneath. Black pants and boots. Dark blue cloak. Personality: Sometimes very quiet, and other times kind and relaxed Bio: He grew up next to the ocean for most of his life. His family was very poor, and couldn't afford to house him. He left his town to seek out whatever fortune came his way, but his path was harsh, and led him into the mercinary buisness, which he was never proud of. Magic: Water gun
  11. Mason looked at the girl, and then to the bartender he was currently prying information out of. "Be there in a second!" The bartender said as sweetly as possible. "Look, all I said was rumors travel in and out, not that I know any of them. Now please, let me get back to my customers." "I don't like it when people lie." Mason tightened his grip as the little girl called again. The bartender looked at her again, and then back to Mason. "I don't want to keep her waiting." Mason growled and flung him over the bar, into Nami's table. "Then take the express route!" Nami picked her coffee just before the bartender crashed. "How many sugars would you like?" The bartender said nicely as Mason walked out. [i]This is rediculous. Every freak in twenty miles is here looking for Vash, and somehow I get caught up in the middle.[/i]
  12. Great sign ups, everyone. I was kinda nevous that nobody would join. Except, uh, Orien_Xel? You posted as 2 charicters, which one is it? I'll post mine a little later
  13. The bus finally stopped in New July, as one of the fanatics jumped off. "Ha ha! Beware Vash, for the opposing tornado will crush-" Before he had a chance to finish, Mason stepped off and smashed his head into the bus. [i]I don't have time for this.[/i] He slowly walked down the street, and into the nearest bar. "Whad'll it be?" "Triple scotch and information." The bartender looked at him for a second before grabbing out a bottle. "I'm not good with rumors, expecially about Vash. So just take your drink and leave, devil boy." Mason balled the fist which bared the penicle. "If you want to tick me off, say that again." "Sorry, sir. But I don't want any trouble in this old bar, and Vash rumors always bring trouble." "Sounds like the voice of experience." Mason stood up and grabbed the bartender around the neck. "If you don't want trouble, I suggest you tell me everything you know." He said in a deep threatening voice.
  14. [i] Three lights, form the dakness overwhelming... Fire, Water, Wind, Dark, Light, I will be waiting there... Open the door of light, And step into eternal shadows...[/i] A ruroni passed through a calm town at night. The flickering candles lit the road as he calmly went about his buisness. It had been a long trip, and the weary ruroni needed to find an inn less he fall asleep in the street. A chuckle escaped his mouth at the thought of it. There was a sound like nails scraping across the cement that made the ruroni turn around. He could see nothing but darkness outside the circles lit by street lamps. "...I need to get some sleep." The ruroni turned back around to his path, when two icy white eyes caught his stare from the shadows. The ruroni backed away and unsheathed his sword, as the creature emerged. Slowly, more eyes came to peer from the shadows. The first of the figures emerged into the light of a street lamp. The creature was tall and lanky, with long snake like hair. It was completely black except for it's eyes. It had no mouth, but it's hands were tipped with long black knife-like nails. The ruroni realized that he had been surrounded by the creatures. They climbed up walls and into houses without making a sound. The ruroni realized that there was nowhere else to go, and let out a final scream before they closed in... Four other towns like this one have been sealed in black impassable domes. Everyone is baffled and in a state of panic, hoping that their town isn't next. Your Charicter: "Five towns in all, it doesn't sound good. I've been having some weird dreams, and I can't tell if they're real or not..." You step into a bright light as a soothing voice seems to caress you farther in. [i] "Don't be afraid. There is nothing in this relm to fear... there is much in store for you, as there is others... Name: Age: Guardian: (water, fire, wind, dark, light) Weapon: Apperence: Personality: Bio: Magic: (max 2 must agree with element) Be warned, for your path is trecherous and if you stray but a little, you will be lost...[/i] Rules: No combining elements No godmodding No guns Do not mistake darkness with evil, they are very different things Have fun
  15. Mason sat across a dimly lit room from a man in a wide ten gallon hat. "Here's the scoop. Of course rumors are flying in from all over, but there's a higher concentration of them over in New July." "I can't belive you suckered me into this. Following Vash is completely idiodc. The guy would be about a hundred some-odd years old." "My offer stands, five billion double dollars just to check it out." "...fine." Mason stood up and walk out the door. The sandy streets were all but empty. A traveling market pulled itself dirsctly onto the main street, completely hiding it. After a while of looking, Mason found the bus stop and climbed aboard the bus. "New July?" The driver nodded. "Yep, next stop. Grab a seat, if you can find one." Mason looked back. The bus was crowded with the normal mob of fanatics it always was when a Vash rumor came into play. "Why in blazes did I agree to this?"
  16. Squall


    Seichiro stood in shock for a second. "I-I hit him." Hak layed Anya on her back. The Zantar wheezed on final breath before going limp. Seichiro ran over and kneeled by Anya. She was still coughing, the alien's hand print ringing around her neck. "Hey, Seichiro." She said with a smile. He grinned back. "You okay?" "Yeah, I'll be okay. That bum of an alien knocked the wind outta me, but I guess I'm better off than him now." "Yeah..." Seichiro looked over at the alien's body. [color=teal]They say that when someone dies, they look like they're in a peacefully deep sleep, but it wasn't true. That alien just looked dead. I thought there was supposed to be some fear for people to kill others, but there wasn't. Just an aftershock that almost gave me a heart attack. but at least Anya was safe, and that was all that mattered.[/color] Hak smacked Seichiro on the back. "What do you know? the kid's got a use!" Siechiro turned back and grinned. "It was kinda hard to miss with that big a target."
  17. When you watch .hack, you notice those markings everyone has? Tsukasa's got those ones on his cheeks, Crim's got one on his chest, ect. ect. Normally, I would dismiss it as just artwork thrown in to make the charicters look better, but then when you see the opening sequence, when all the players go around and are cut in half, in the backround it shows all the markings being plastered on Tsukasa's face! What I'd like to know is: 1) What do the markings mean? Do they pose any significance? 2) Why were they all plastered on Tsukasa's face in the beginning? 3) How come Sora, BT, and Silver Knight are markless? 4) Just about anything else.
  18. Name: Mason Sage Age: 24 Height/Weight: 6'0" Weapon of Choice: A short gun with a very wide barrel. Expands into a short drill-looking gun with a thumb sized barrel. Attachable Bayonette Attitude: Quiet and serious to a fault. Loner with a short temper. Occupation: Hitman and spare time Bounty Hunter Appearence: [img]http://www.devermore.net/surbrook/finalfantasy/ff8/ffsquall.jpg[/img] Black leather jacket and a white shirt. Blue jeans and black boots. Biography: His Mother died during child birth. His father never showed it, but he never forgave Mason (who was at that time named James) for it. He was a preacher who specialized in exorcists. While trying to save the life of a newborn infant, the demon was said to posess him into destroying the church, and killing everyone there. Of course, anybody who could look past his strong religion knew that he had gone insane, and had been plotting the destruction for years. The day after he destroyed the church, he came home to kill Mason, who was still only 9 years old. Mason had to kill his father, he had no other choice. The authorities didn't blame him, but the religious groups thought that he was now posessed by the demon his dad was, and burned a penicle on the back of his hand. The only thing he do from there is fight. Whether it was Extreamists, or others like them, he had to kill them to survive. From then he became a natrually good killer, and became a hitman. Recently he has been following the rumors of the humanoid typhoon.
  19. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    [i] Note to self, learn to protect thoughts better. [/i] He thought silently to himself as Haru smiled. "She really missed him a lot, that's nice how they got their reunion." Mina smiled and nodded, but Kyru's expression was still stony. "If he was just a soleless puppet, how come he controls himself now?" He asked silently to Mina. "I don't know, but we can worry about that later." Kyru grumbled and rested his hand on the hilt of his sword, just in case. --------- OOC: Sorry, I couldn't think of anything.
  20. Squall


    Seichiro had tumbled across the room when he fell out of the tube. He then knew what a bullet felt like going through a gun. He sat there for a moment in shock, until Anya and Hak came and the alarm went off. He regained his sences and pulled out his gun. In seconds the room swarmed with Zantars, but Hak and Anya managed to hold them off. Seichiro snuck up on one and held his gun out. He triumphantly tried to pull the trigger, but it wouldn't pull. The Zantar turned to see him just as Anya got him from behind. "Seichiro! Catch!" She threw one of the Zantar's guns at him. "How do I shoot it?!" "Pull the trigger!" "This?" He pulled and a volley of bullets flew towards the oncoming crowd, managing to miss about every Zantar there. "Try aiming, kid!" "How?!" "Geez. Just stay out of the way!"
  21. Squall


    Seichiro nodded at Garai before running down the hall. After a while of searching he crashed into Hak, making him tumble backwards. Hak barely budged. "Oh, hey kid. What's up?" Seichiro gasped for breath. "T-the drill's detatching!" "What?! Let's get over there kid!" He took off down the hall, Seichiro sprinting behind. When Hak reached the drill, it was almost completely detatched. Garai was holding it 1with all his might. "Hak! We can't hold this thing much longer!" "If that thing comes out we get a fun time drifting in space!" "Don't you have emergency shutters?!" "Too late! If this comes out, we gotta go with it!" "What are you talking about?!" Seichiro just reached the drill, completely exausted. Hak picked him up by his head. "Hey! Let me-" Hak threw him into the open drill head. "There's a line that goes from here to their ship! We can attack them from the inside!"
  22. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru knew he wouldn't like Mangst right away. "So, you are the son of Kaguro." "And you're the father of Kovu. Or, at least, was the father of Kovu." "Am I no longer her father?" "Not since you killed yourself." "How did you-" "I saw it, first hand." "How is that possible?" "...Kijiro." The word seemed to force itself out of his throat. He ment to say "Hell if I know," but that came out instead. Mangst nodded. "I see, so this Kijiro gave you it." "You could say that." Mangst inched closer, but Kyru backed away. "Please, let me hold my daughter." "..."
  23. "Sorry, I didn't mean to catch you off guard like that." He grinned at her. "How did you sneek that dagger in here?" She looked blank for a second. "Uh...they didn't confinscate our weapons, I don't think." His grin dropped. "Rats. That bum of a docter confinscated my Zippo. He would've got my guitar too, but I bashed him over the head with it." Shya gave a glance towards the window again. "Hey, if you'd rather be alone right now, that's cool." She shook her head. "No, it's okay. I was just thinking about something." "Oh. So...how did you wind up here?"
  24. (Rated R, for Retarded. Scenes include blood gore violence swearing, drinking smoking drugs nudity sex ect. ect. ect.) [b]Rule No. 1: Your name, and everyone elses in here, is now permanently, John Smith. You will refer to yourself and everyone else, as John Smith.[/b] [i]A group of people circled around two thug-looking men. The two men measured each other up before coming at each other, the bald one grabbing the other's throat before decking him in the nose. It started to gush blood as the tatooed man ducked and kicked his opponent in the gut.[/i] [b]Rule No. 2: You do not talk about F.U. to anyone. if someone asks what the club is called, your response, is F-you.[/b] [i]The bald man held his gut as the other man jumped and clinged onto the celing pipes and tried to kick his opponent in the face. The bald man caught the tatooed man's foot and threw him to the cement floor.[/i] [b] Rule No. 3: You do not fight to kill, and you do not fight to survive. You fight, for the sake of fighting, with anything that you can.[/b] [i]The tatooed man layed there for just a second, before spitting blood in the bald man's eye and scrambeling back up. The bald man swung a fist and missed because the blood temporarily blinded him. The tatooed man grabbed another celing pipe, but instead of haning from it, he broke it off and swung it hard against the bald man's face.[/i] [b] Rule No. 4: Cops are trained to kill F.U. members on sight. Avoid them at any means necissary. But, if you talk to talk to a cop, you will find that they and I will have something in common.[/b] Are you up to the challenge? [i]The bald man held his face, and felt the pipe against his stomach.[/i] Do you have what it takes? [i]The tatooed man swung the pipe upwards and hit the other man in the chin, landing him on his back.[/i] If so, than come with me. Come to... [i] The tatooed man started swearing the bald man out before throwing the pipe down and throwing his hands up, declaring himself the victor. [/i] ...the new era, Fighters United. [i] The bald man slowly got back up and raised the disgarded pipe while his opponents back was turned. He prepared to bring it down on his head.[/i] Sincerely, John Smith [color=darkred] F.U. Member Name: Age: Fighting Technique: Description: Bio:[/color] [color=blue] Police Force Name: Age: Description: Bio: Calibur Pistol: Rank: (SWAT, officer, ect.)[/color]
  25. I've noticed lately that people are putting questions and topics on the ps2 games .hack//infection, mutation, and so on in the .hack//SIGN forum. I can not blame them for thinking that a .hack game should go in the .hack forum, so I would like propose the suggestion that the .hack//SIGN forum be changed into .hack Universe, so all topics regarding .hack//SIGN, the games, and .hack//LIMINALITY can be conversed in one place to avoid confusion.
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