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About YugiBoy

  • Birthday 03/18/1986

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  1. Ok guys and gals i have my first ever torny this sunday at a local shop and heres my deck there are some restrictions e.g. one jar of greed etc well please tell me wot u think!! All 5 pieces of Exodia (in side deck) BEWD (Promo) (side deck) Harpie Borthers x3 Giant Soldier of stone x2 Prevent Rat x3 Witch of the black forest x2 Man Eater bug x2 Princess Of tsurugi Cure Mermaid Sangan The rock spirit The forgiving maiden Wall of illusions Mystic tomato Big Eye Traps Waboku (side deck) Waboku Trap Hole (side deck) Back Up Solider (side deck) Chain Destruction (side deck) Jar of greed Gift of the mystical elf Robbin' Goblin Emchanted Javelin Just deserts The bottomless trap hole Magics Graceful Charity (side deck) Graceful charity Sword of reveling light (side deck) Change Of Heart (side deck) Raigeki (side deck) Upstart Goblin Card destruction Dark Hole Remove Trap Monster Reborn Time to kick some butt lol tell me wot u think PLEASE!! hehe
  2. Magic: Ultima (hehe) description: discard one monster on your side of the field regardless of possition to special summon 3 monster cards from you deck to the field in atk possitions (no tribute required.
  3. Man this forum gives out good suggestions on Exodia decks i just wipped the floor in a duel with my friend who had Buster Blader, relinquished twin headed dragon and tons of good cards and i beat him 4 wins to 1 loss ahaha and my deck wasnt even finished heres my deck wot i used:- Exodia Deck:- All 5 pieces of Exodia (in side deck) BEWD (Promo) (side deck) Wingweaver Harpie Borthers x3 Giant Soldier of stone x2 Prevent Rat Witch of the black forest x2 Man Eater bug x2 Princess Of tsurugi Cure Mermaid Lady Panther The rock spirit The forgiving maiden Hane - Hane Traps Waboku (side deck) Waboku Trap Hole (side deck) Back Up Solider (side deck) Chain Destruction (side deck) Bottomless trap hole Gift of the mystical elf Robbin' Goblin Emchanted Javelin Magics Graceful Charity (side deck) Gravedigger Ghoul (side deck) Change Of Heart (side deck) Raigeki (side deck) Heavy Storm (side deck) Upstart Goblin Fissure Dark Hole Remove Trap Monster Reborn Its a 42 card deck and i added my promo bewd for back up and he came in good use so did wingweaver...yahoo...lol thanks for the tips guys ;)
  4. Wot does Wing of ra i think its called actually do its atk and def are both ????
  5. Tyrant Dragon definatly!! and in future releases it would be Ultimate BEWD in english hehe every ones dream ;)
  6. thanks i have many harpie bros shall i remove any cards or just add them? and one question in a side deck do u shuff 15 cards from your total card deck or just make it like a normall deck, so would i be able to place all exodia in the side deck and any cards i like?
  7. My decks the exodia deck at top of the page hehe
  8. Yea very good deck ;) maybe you should put in Barrel Dragon? Um im entering a local torny and there is no restrictions on Exodia oh yea :toothy: hehe so any cards you think i should replace with something better in my deck?
  9. Ok im thinking about adding Big eye (lets me arrange top 5 cards of my deck in any order) and i just got chain destruction mwahaha lol and a new trap from LOD called Dark spirit of the silent...worth throwing in? and would a bewd be good for bck up or is it not worth the tributes? Thanks for your help, everyone!! ;) YugiBoy
  10. OK my deck is still underconstruction so if you could help out that would be awesome the x = (ones i need) Defensive Exodia Deck: Monsters 01. Left Arm of the Forbidden One 02. Right Arm of the Forbidden One 03. Left Leg of the Forbidden One 04. Right Leg of the Forbidden One 05. Exodia the Forbidden One 06. Witch of the Black Forest 07. Witch of the Black Forest 08. Sangan x 09. Sangan x 10. Man-Eating Bug 11. Man-Eating Bug 12. Masked Sorcerer x 13. Masked Sorcerer 14. Mask of Darkness 15. Magician of Faith x 16. Magician of Faith x 17. Prevent Rat 18. Prevent Rat x 19. Prevent Rat x 20. Giant Soldier of Stone 21. Giant Soldier of Stone 22. Princess of Tsurugi 23. Wall of Illusions Magic 24. Reborn the Monster 25. Change of Heart x 26. Card Destruction x 27. Pot of Greed x 28. Black Hole x 29. Raigeki x 30. Swords of Revealing Light x 31. Swords of Revealing Light x 32. Heavy Storm or Tribute to the Doomed x 33. Shield and Sword x 34. Shield and Sword x 35. Paralyzing Potion x Traps 36. Waboku x 37. Waboku 38. Pit Trap x 39. Pit Trap x 40. Mirror Force x 41. Magic Jammer x 42. Magic Jammer x 43. Thieves Seven Tools x I need many of those cards but i will probally buy them singly do you think i should replcae some magic, traps or monsters to make it better?
  11. Seems a good swop seeing i have 6 of them lol very good trade!! do you think its worth throwing in one in my exodia deck for back up?
  12. What is your views on this card i think it is great, but its a shame there is no effect with an atk of 2750 and def of 2400 and a 7 star (2 tribute) its not that bad is it? I have played against these before and they are quite tuff to destroy if the cards in your hand are fairly rubbish even REBD cant take it down :bawl:
  13. Oh thanks im not to sure if i will trust ebay...lol u cant blaime me Vicky do you have BEWD lob or Buster Blader or sword of reveling light?
  14. First of all i just want to say the site rocks for pointers and tip on yugioh and its the first forum i have been to which isnt bit*hy about decks etc if there rubbish or not...im currently making a Exodia deck and i must say the defensive deck which was shown looks amazing i will definatly follow that deck list!!! Im Tim know as FFV from FFVaults (a ff site) and i will be sticking around here...does anyone know were i can purchase cards from the uk at a cheap price (singles)
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