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SJchan Mayran

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Everything posted by SJchan Mayran

  1. [quote][spoiler]Later, in the Noa saga, Otagi (Duke) duels with cards and is very good. He basically uses the monsters that he used in Dungeon Dice Monsters, his strongest, favorite, and deck-leader being Orgoth the Relentless.[/spoiler][/quote] !!!!!!!!!! ^^ Yay. I'm happy now! >> That is, if they ever get around to dubbing those epis... *mutters about the insolence of 4Kids* Anyone know where I can find some good episode guides for the seasons after Battle City? *sigh*
  2. [spoiler]In Season 5, after Battle Tower, when the Doom Organization saga rolls around, Ryuzaki DOES have a much more powerful deck, still the same playing tactics however, not knowing what face-down m/t's are, and runnin' with his Dinos. He surprising brings out something against Jounouchi's reclaimed Red Eyes Black Dragon, teh Tyrant Dragon.[/spoiler] [/B][/QUOTE] *blank look* Ryuzaki comes back? Yay! *does a happy dance* :p Besides Mako he's my favorite "minor character". Joey's deck has always sort of amazed me, because you never know what he's going to pull out of it next. >> ;) Here's another little bit of irony. If you watch Duelist Kingdom through from start to finish, and include the Ritual cards that apparently no one needs, Yugi's deck alone has almost 70 cards in it. >< Isn't the maximum 60? Hehehe... I suppose you could argue that he switched his cards around for various duels, but do you see anyplace to do that? I don't think so. No card shops on Duelist Island... On a side note, does anyone agree with me that Otogi would make a good card duelist? He's so good at stratagy and planning, he could give even Kaiba a run for his money if he used cards. Look at how close he came to beating Yami at Dungeon Dice Monsters! ;) Sure, he was playing off of Yami's cluelessness, but that's a stratagy in itself.
  3. Kyaa!!! *eyes bug out* They're so cool!!!! I like the second one too. ^^; Did we ever figure out how to get it into my sig??
  4. Destiny shuddered, rubbing her hands up and down her arms. "Dangit! If those stories are coming true, I should be out there fighting, not laying here like some injured pussycat!" "A pussycat that saved Ken's life, and mine." Christian reminded her. Destiny looked away from him. "I know." she said quietly. "I just wish there was something more I could do." "We all do." Christian said. "We may be super-human, but we can't do everything. We have our limitations too." "We're such a small group... Christian, how are WE going to save the world?" "One demon at a time." Christian said quietly. "Haven't you ever heard the old saying 'The longest journey begins with a single step'?" Destiny looked at him quizzically. Slowly a smile spread across her face,a nd she leaned over to give Christian a kiss on the cheek. "That can be said about more then one journey, you know."
  5. "A bit." Destiny said, smiling. "My powers may not be in healing, but I'm doing okay." She looked thoughtful suddenly. "You know, it's a really good thing none of the others are here." "Why?" Christian asked, although he already had an idea of where she was going. "Because we are sitting here, in my bedroom, with me in very little and you in not much more." Christian's face turned red and Destiny laughed. "So, do you like what you see?" she waggled her eyebrows at him. Christian's blush deepened. "Er... I could ask you the same thing!" "Hm... Yes..." Destiny appeared to think for a moment, but she was grinning. "I think that I do. Especially when you had your shirt off." "DESTINY!!!" She smiled cutely as he sputtered. "Yes? Did I say something wrong?"
  6. "Bwah?" Destiny seemed to be saying that more and more lately as she rolled over, tumbling out of bed in the process. "ITAI!" "Destiny, you okay?" she heard Christian call from downstairs. Moaning she pulled herself back onto the bed as he came upstairs and cautiosly poked his head in the door, wary of thrown pillows or other such objects. "Destiny?" "I'll be okay in a minute," she whimpered, rubbing gingerly at her lower back. "What was that?" "Oh, gee, three guesses." Christian said sarcasticly. "Demon, demon, or demon?" Destiny smiled slightly, pulling the blanket tighter around her and suddenly very aware that she was wearing nothing but a tanktop and shorts. "So are you going to go kick its butt without me?" She pretended to pout. He mock-saluted. "I gotta, it's my destiny to fight demons!" Destiny groaned at the bad pun and waved him off. "Go kick its butt all over the city, then come back and give me every detail!" "'Kay!" he said cheerfully, running for the stairs. "AND PUT A SHIRT ON!" Destiny hollered after him, finally letting herself blush. She heard him laugh, and then flopped back onto her pillow. "Oh dear God..." she muttered. "How do I get myself into these things..."
  7. OOC: *blinku blinku* I thought we were at David's house... "Destiny?" Destiny groaned slightly and cracked an eye open. "But mama I don't want to go to school today..." Christian laughed quietly from where he was kneeling next to her. "Demon vanquished. But I'm taking you home, you need some real rest." Destiny tried to sit up. "But, but..." "You're not going to help anyone if you get completely exhausted and those burns on your back get infected. Now come on, we're going to your house." Destiny looked up at him through her eyelashes. "Carry me? Pleeeease?" She had the saticfaction of seeing Christian blush, and she giggled. "Don't worry, I promise not to pass out, you need directions to my apartment anyway. Are you sure Arika and Ken will be all right while you're gone?" Christian looked started. "Me? I'm not coming back here. I'm staying with you, of course." "Baka..." Destiny mumbled, but she was flattered dispite herself. "Of course you're not. You're needed here." "The moment I leave you alone you'll be up and attempting to hunt demons." Christian said, exhasperated. "I'm staying with you,a nd that's final."
  8. ((OOC: I assume I'm gonna be out of this one. ^~)) Destiny moaned slightly and opened her eyes to find herself staring up at Christian, who had her in his arms again and was trying to dodge a monster at the same time. "Bwah?" she asked, her eyes widening somewhat. Weakly, she tried to fight Christian's grip. "Let me go, you have to go fight! Just set me down, I'll be fine!" "Right." Christian said sarcasticly, sparing her a quick glance. "Christian! Arika and Ken are going to need you! Now put me down!" Christian seemed to think about that for a moment, then sighed and gently put her down in the corner. He'd just have to make sure no stray debris flew that way. As much as she wanted to stay awake and cheer on her team, Destiny yawned and was quickly unconcious/asleep again.
  9. Destiny couldn't believe him! The nerve of that guy... Well, he was cute, and a good kisser, and - She shook her head. What the heck was she thinking like this for? It must be the exhaustion kicking in. Behind them Ken snickered. "Christian and Destiny, sittin' in a tree..." "Knock it off Ken!" Christian hollered, which just made him laugh more. When they arrived back at David's house, Arika was pacing worridly. When she saw the three of them coming up the driveway, and Christian practically carrying Destiny, she ran outside to meet them "What happened?! You guys just disappeared!" "Demon hunting..." Destiny said faintly. "One less demon to deal with now. Are the others back?" Arika shook her head. "No, not yet. Destiny, you look horrible! Come inside and lay down." "Laying down... would be good." And so saying, Destiny tipped forward with a sigh. Arika cried out in surprise and caught her, while Ken and Christian just gaped. "Her back..." Destiny's back was burned from where the demon had touched her, and that on top of the exhausion of stopping time had taken it's toll. Swiftly Christian swept her into his arms and carried her toward the house, leaving Arika and Ken to follow with Destiny's staff, which she'd dropped when she fainted. For a moment Ken and Arika just looked at each other. "Do you think they're... you know?" asked Arika. Ken shrugged as they stared up the driveway. "I dunno. Maybe so Arika, maybe so..."
  10. OOC: 'Tis okay, long posts are good! ^~ IC: Destiny gulped and gripped her staff until her knuckles turned white. They'd been lucky that time. But what about next time? The demon looked ready to fire again, and Christian was panting with the exhersion of pulling that much power down to sheild them. "Any ideas?" she whispered out of the corner of her mouth. Both boys shook their heads. Destiny gulped and tried to think. Unfortunately, she wasn't given the time as the demon charged at them. She pushed Ken out of the way and dropped to her knees as Christian dodged the other way. The demon flew right over her, but she cried out in pain as a few of the flames trailing under him trailed across her back. Shivering slightly, she got back to her feet as the boys came to stand beside her again. Soon enough she forgot the pain as the demon roared in anger and raised its weapon to attack again. "This is stupid!" Christian yelled. "We can't keep defending, we have to go on the offensive!" Suddenly Destiny had an idea. She'd be practically helpless afterward, so if it didn't work she'd be a goner. But it was an idea. "Christian, come here!" Wondering what was up, he walked over to her, keeping his eyes on the demon the entire time. Before Destiny could talk herself out of it, she grabbed his hand, yanked him downward and kissed him full on the mouth, holding up her staff with her other hand. It flashed in the darkness, and time stopped. "Go get it," she said, pulling away from a stunned Christian and half-leaning on her staff. "I didn't mean it," she forced herself to say "But if I wasn't in intimate contact with you time would have only stopped for me, and I'm no good at offensive! Now go kill it, I can't hold us between time much longer!" OOC: XD I'm having too much fun with this, I think...
  11. Faye Faye! :D LOL, never mind... Really awesome terra!!! >_> ...You don't think you could make me one, do you? *looks hopeful*
  12. "Look, we shouldn't be arguing," Destiny said, running her hands through her hair. "We're the oldest ones here, we're [i]responsible[/i] for everyone else!" She'd begun to pace, and Christian sighed. "We can't take care of them all the time. They're old enough to handle themselves." Destiny spun around to stare at him. "You want sweet littel Ki, and Arika, out there fighting demons? Christian! David and TJ and Ken are one thing, but Ki and Arika?" "They have their powers and they know how to use them, just like you and I." Christian said. "I know..." Destiny sighed. "But I'm so worried... Both of them remind me of my sister." Suddenly she looked up at Christian with a keen look in her eyes. Slowly she grinned. "Well, for the moment Arika and Ken are safe, at least. And I think David and TJ can take care of Ki all right. What say you and I go kick some demon butt?" "What, alone?" Christian asked. "No, just you and me." Christian grinned too and headed for the door as Destiny called her staff to her. "You're on!"
  13. Destiny jumped away from Christian, blushing slightly, when Ken crashed into the kitchen, Arika right behind her. "What's the rush guys?" Arika stared at her for a moment, and then a sly grin crept across her face. Destiny just glared, but she could feel her face burning up. Sniffing slightly, she crossed her arms over her chest. "There's some sort of a demon on the loose guys." Ken said, panting slightly. "It killed a guy that was following me!" "Whoah!" Destiny said, startled. "A demon? I should've been able to feel it..." "[i]You[/i] were crying all over my shirt at the time." Christian said, grinning widely. Destiny blushed again and whacked him over the head. "Baka!"
  14. Nayan sighed. "That would be the leader." she said. "Oh, right! I knew that!" Vega said, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. She glanced around at everyone else. "So anyone else gonna introduce themselves? It's getting kinda late. And I DO have a curfew, ya' know."
  15. OOC: Yay!! *dances around happily* XD Don't mind me, I'm a romantic at heart... "Here's hoping no one saw us take down the beetle..." Ken muttered, sitting down on the floor. Christian and Arika were on the couch, and Arika was lazily flipping through the channels on the TV station. "Hey, who's up for some Gundam?" she asked, pointing to the rack of DVDs hanging by the TV. "Me!" Christian and Ken chorused at once. Destiny just sighed. She was on the other side of the room, sitting on the window sill and staring outside. It had begun to rain out, and everything seemed gray. She sniffled slightly, then swiped at her eyes. She couldn't be crying, not in front of everyone else. Casting a quick glance at the three by the TV, she leaned her staff against the wall and made a break for the kitchen. Unfortunately (or fortunately) Christian noticed her go. "Uh... I'll be right back guys, I'm gonna go check out the fridge." he said, getting up off the couch and following her into the other room. He found her leaning against the wall with tears trailing down her cheeks. He was surprised, to say the least. Destiny was usually the calm one. "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked. To his further surprise, she threw her arms around him and began to cry into his shirt. Christian stiffened a moment, then relaxed and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her close. "There there... What's wrong?" After a minute Destiny sniffled and pulled away, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. She blushed slightly and tried to pull away from Christian, but he kept his arms around her. "I won't let you go until you tell me what could make you, of all people, cry." Destiny took a deep, shuddering breath and let it out in a sigh. "It was a long time ago..." she said softly. "My sister, my older sister, had powers too. I remember that she and I were in the park, and there was some sort of criminal or something ran through. I think he'd just got done robbing a bank, or something. But anyway, she used her powers to stop him, but everyone saw. They began calling her a demon, a witch, and then..." she trailed off and sniffled again. "Then they killed her. Right there. Christian, people have seen us now! Not you, you're safe. But everyone else is in danger! Arika, Ki, David... I won't lose anyone else again! I [i]won't[/i]!" She shuddered again and leaned against Christian. Not knowing what to do, Christian just held her. OOC: :D Kawaii! Hehehehe...
  16. Gee, that's pretty hard... I remember watching Toonami when I was, like, seven, so I actually started watching several at once. The earliest ones I can remember were Robotech and Voltron. Sailor Moon too, but she came in a little later. ^~
  17. OOC: Nah, as Destiny said, no harm done. :D >> We both keep hinting at it terra, are we semi-planning to get Christian and Destiny together eventually or what? "Meep!" Destiny stumbled slightly in the trees, and Christian barely managed to catch her before she fell. "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned. Unlike her usual, calm self, she was shuddering slightly as Ken continued to try and hold off the beetle thing. "I had a vision..." she whispered, barely loud enough for Christian to hear. "Of the future. Things are going to get very, very bad..." Suddenly she stood up straight and pushed Christian away from her as the beetle lauched an attack. "Watch out!" All three avoided the blast, and Destiny sent a power blast into the beetle's snout. That seemed to slow it down, but did no obvious damage. "Dang it!" she shouted. "Stupid thinG! We've got to get to David's! If we don't, everything could come unhinged!" Neither Christian nor Ken wanted to think about what she ment.
  18. "*****!! Christian wait!" Destiny sprinted off after Christian and Ki slapped a hand to her forehead. Destiny easily caught up with Christian and the two sprinted side-by-side down the alley to where Ken was trapped. One of the hawk-things seemed to notice them, and swooped down at them. Planting her feet, Destiny swung her staff like a baseball bat and whacked it into the wall. Christian paused to stare at her, and she shrugged. "What else am I supposed to do?" Strangely enough, the one she'd batted into the wall was now slowly getting back to its feet. "Holy cow, they just won't die!!" Raising her staff in front of her, she chanted a few words and sent a bolt of energy at the creature, which hit it square in the chest. "Got it!"
  19. Amorrite eyed Hitotsu. This was very good indeed. Not that outsmarting those Senshi was any big feat... And they would be rather steamed when they found out that while they'd been chattering away, his servents had been getting more hearts. Now those people would die, and there was nothing the Senshi could do about it. Amorrite let his mouth curve upward into a smile. "You've done well Hitotsu. You are, as of right now, primary general. The others must listen to you on pain of severe punishment. Now put those hearts in the cases I've designed for them and get back to work getting more!" After Hitotsu had gone, Amorrite allowed himself to fully grin. This was the way it was supposed to go! Beryl had been a fool, sending her generals out one at a time. If Amorrite sent all his out at once, it increased his chances of winning by at least three! Of course, there would undoubtably be bicking, and at one point or another the generals would probably end up tearing into each other. But it was a small price to pay. After all, he already had a dozen hearts, who was to say he wouldn't have a hundred tomorrow? Throwing his head back, Amorrite laughed. It wasn't a nice laugh.
  20. Destiny snorted as she walked away. Idiots. Was all they could do argue? Glancing around, she made her way over to Christian, who was sitting back on the sand again, still rubbing his head while the others argued nearby. She sat down next to him, laying her staff across her knees. "Look, I don't know how to say this... But thanks. If you hadn't diverted that bolt of lightning I'd be one Kentucky-Fried-Telepath about now." Christian grinned at her. "It was nothing. I guess that staff of yours is sort of one big lightning rod, huh?" "Yeah... And another thing, sorry I couldn't stop that thing before it got to you." "No big. I'm fine now." "Right." Destiny muttered, standing up and brushing the sand off her pants. "Anyway, I'm out'a here. I need to get some meditating done tonight, in case Arika can't get anything good out of this baddie. I think I may be able to at least trace where it came from." "What are you, a monk?" Destiny rolled her eyes and hit Christian lightly on the back of the head, careful to avoid the goose egg that was forming where the thing had got him. "No baka. I killed the monk and stole his staff." Christian looked at her oddly, not sure if she was joking or not. Destiny rolled her eyes and smiled slightly. "Baka yarou..."
  21. "My name is Sailor Vega. As best I can remember, I was some sort of princess of an outer colony on the edge of the solar system." She scratched her head. "And if I have my astronomy lessons straight, Vega's a star in the constellation Lyra, the harp." She grinned and flashed the others a peace sign. "Astronomy's a hobby of mine. I also like to read fantasy books, and I'm an anime fan." Looking around the circle and casting a quick glance at Nayan, who was sitting next to Cooth and looking over his shoulder at the card, Vega reached up toward her chest. Taking a deep breath and hoping it wasn't a mistake to trust these girls with her identity, she tapped her broach twice. There was a flash of blue and silver light, and a moment later Miya Kenji stood there in her school uniform, holding the mirror that used to be her harp. Smiling, she held out a hand to the nearest Senshi, who happened to be Sailor Yami. "Hiya, I'm Miya."
  22. ((Yes, this is a horrible chique, but I couldn't help it. ;))) Kaiba: Yugi, I - I... Yugi: Yes Kaiba, what is it? Kaiba: I - I love you Yugi! Yugi: *freaks out* WHAAAAAT?!? *faints* Kaiba: ^^;
  23. Hehehe... Fanfic authors can be weird sometimes. Take me, for example. ^^v Three-year authoress and still ticking. There's a lot of fanfics out there, and to get someone to notice yours it has to be different. I don't know who started the Yugi-abuse genre, but now it's got a following all its own. (Personally, I write Ryou-angst. ^^v But that's just me.) And you have to admit, being so naive and innocent makes Yugi a perfect target. Again, take it from me, putting the most innocent one it angsty situations is not only fun (for sadists like me :p) but it draws readers/ *shrugs* Dunno how else to explain it.
  24. Destiny growled at the monster that was now crawling up on the beach. It looked like a cross between one of those sea-dinosaurs, the Pleasiasaur, or something like that, and some kind of alien. Whatever it was, it sure had a lot of teeth. She heard the others run up behind her, and someone, probably Arika, drop to her knees beside Christian. The others formed up, ready to attack it however they could. "This isn't the real evil," Destiny snarled, only half-aware that the others were there at all. She was completely focused on the monster, although she [i]was[/i] really worried about Christian. Numbskull. He just [i]had[/i] to get himself knocked out right at the beginning! And they really could have used his help, too. Now someone would have to stay back and protect him. And while Destiny wouldn't have minded doing so, she knew she'd be needed to help take down the monster. Better that someone weaker or less in control of their powers stay back with Christian. "This is just a minion." Whatever it was, it was coming closer. Destiny knew she'd have to draw it away from Christian, preferably back into the sea. Of course, it didn't help thing smuch that she couldn't swim. Making a face, Destiny pulled her staff out of the sand and charged the monster head on, yelling at the top of her lungs.
  25. Growling in annoyance at letting their enemy get away, Vega stomped over and picked up the card. Turning around, she looked back at the miscellanious gathering of Senshi and beasts in the park. Several people were already coming back, peeking around various trees and such. Sakura was beginning to wake up as well. Vega sweatdropped. "I say we make ourselves scarce. Anyone know of someplace private we can head to? My house is kinda filled up with annoying parents and siblings." Absently she held up her arm, and Nayan perched on her forearm.
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