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SJchan Mayran

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Everything posted by SJchan Mayran

  1. One that always made me cry is [b]Streets of Heaven[/b], by Sherrie Austin. It's from the POV of a mother, praying for her daughter, who's in the hospital. It always made me a bit weepy because I have a friend who's going into the hospital soon for surgery. Another is [b]Walk A Little Straighter Daddy[/b]. I'm not sure of the artist. It's about a father who drinks, and his son, who wishes his dad was more of a role-model for him. The chorus goes: "Walk a little straighter, daddy, You're swaying side to side. Your footsteps make me dizzy, And no matter how I try, I keep tripping and stumbling And if you'd look down here you'd see. Just walk a little straighter, daddy, You're leading me." Yet another is [b]Somebody's Baby[/b], by Pat Benatar. ,^^, It's just sad. The lyrics are amazing.
  2. Destiny could "hear" the others behind her, and knew that sooner or later they'd show up to help. She couldn't hear them in the physical sense, of course, they were too far back. But she knew they were coming. Once out of sight of the house, she'd climbed to a nearby roof, and was now moving a lot faster thanks to the roof-hopping technique she'd learned awhile back. She may be a peaceful empath/telepath with a monk's staff, but it did occationally become handy that she knew martial arts as well. Few people realised that roof-hopping, which most magical girls and some martial artisits could do, was just a form of chanelling you magic, or whatever, into the appropriate muscles. She arrived at the beach long before anyone else. It was deserted, since the storm was gathering intently. Soon enough it would be a bad blow, and the wind was already whipping Destiny's long hair around her. Standing silent, she planted the staff in the sand in front of her, so that it stood on its own. Folding her hands in front of her, she murmered a prayer and waited for the evil to come and get her. It knew she was there, and she knew it knew. It was only a metter of time.
  3. "[i][b]Lyra Sonic Scream!!!![/i][/b]" Raising the harp over her head, Sailor Vega spun around on one foot like a ballerina. When she was facing the monster again, she brought the harp back down and stroked it once. The strings, which were crystal but at the same time not, sent a wave of sound at Death. The youma stopped dead in his tracks and screamed, falling to the ground for a moment. Vega jumped up and down happily, clutching the harp to her chest. "I did it! I actually did something right for once!!" "Vega look out!" A new voice yelled, but Vega didn't have much time to notice the new warrior who'd appeared. Death was back on his feet, and about to slice his way through Vega. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!"
  4. Surprisingly, Destiny was the first to get up and follow Christian. She hadn't been fussing over Arika anyway, she'd been standing in the corner with her arms crossed, staring at her staff for no reason that the others could see. Walking past Christian, she gave the others a cold stare. "Something's coming. Right this minute, to the beach, like Christian said. Do you want to help fight for Earth, or are you going to let me go out there and get killed by myself?" She looked away, as if to hide her expression from everyone else. "Doesn't matter to me." Then she turned and walked away, the rings on her staff clinking long after she'd vanished into the shadows.
  5. Amorrite's head shot up as he felt something awaken. His lip twisted into a sneer. Kunzite had warned him about these sailor suited bimbos just before he'd died. If these were the same girls who'd killed Kunzite, Jadite and the others, then this could mean trouble. Amorrite settled down a little after a moment. No, these weren't the same girls. These heroines were newly awakened, not yet trained. These girls could be taken down easily. And take them down he would... In the darkness of the throneroom, Amorrite smiled.
  6. "Hold it!" Death turned as a sailor-suited girl with long white-gold hair appeared in the park entrance, slightly out of breath. Vega didn't know exactly what had come over her, but for some reason she felt the intence need to make a corny speech about love and justice. "These innocent young girls were just out for a stroll, enjoying the fresh air! How dare you take that from them! I, Sailor Vega, protecter of music and art, shall punish you!" In a nearby tree Nayan slapped her forehead with a wing. "Cut to the chase, Sailor Vega..." she muttered, mostly to herself. "Oh, right," Vega said, sweatdropping slightly. "EEK!" She jumped out of the way of Death, who had been coming toward her. "Woowza, he's fast!" "Wowza?" "I watch too many Inspecter Gadget reruns, all right!? Now tell me what to do! I can't dodge forever!"
  7. Miya and Nayan were about halfway to Miya's house when Miya felt something and froze. "Oh shoot." she said tightly, her hands clenched into tight fists by her sides as she strained to hold in the feeling of power that was suddenly coursing through her veins. "Nayan help me, what do I do?" "Just let the power out," the bird said, fluttering to a nearby parked car where she'd be out of the way of the inevitable transformation. "Let it take over. There's something evil nearby,a nd you are destined to fight it!" "If you say so." Miya took a deep breath and held the mirror she'd gotten earlier up over her head. "Vega Star Power, Make Up!" There was a show of green and purple lights, and a shower of sparks, and then Sailor Vega stood there in all her glory. The mirror in her hands had transformed into a harp that seemed to be made of glass. Miya's eyes widened as she stared down at herself. "HOLY COW!!!!"
  8. ((Oops, sorry. Yes, that's fine. If any of the rest of you want to play your own beast, go ahead, unless one of the beast RPers asks you to be her/his Senshi. ^~ For example, I have Nayan-chan. :p)) After school, Miya made her way down to the couryard, where Nayan was sitting in a tree near the gate. "Come on," she coaxed. "I'll take you home, and then you can tell me why I feel so weird all of the sudden."
  9. Miya stared at the mirror a moment. "Vega..." [i]"Princess Vega, the Moon is under attack!" "I can't do anything! We're all under attack!" "You have to help somehow!" "You're right, I've got to do something. Even if that something means sacrificing myself. The Inner Senshi have to survive to protect the Princess Serenity! [b]Vega Star Power, Make Up!![/b]"[/i] Miya gasped as the fragment of memories rushed back to her, and she clutched the mirror against her. "Meet me outside after school." she whispered to the bird. "I don't understand, but I know you can help." Nayan nodded and turned away. Miya tucked the mirror into her lap and turned back to her test before the teacher noticed anything. Not that she was now any better at algebra. In fact, if anything, she hated it more. She wanted to get out of school so she could go talk to the bird! Nayan. That was her name. Miya could remember that much, at least. Her algebra test was still covered in doodles, but now the doodles were all shining birds and sailor-suited princesses.
  10. Dangit Brood, you're so much more funny then me!!! Bakura: *pokes Ring* You notice in close-up shots hor the Ring covers my whole chest, but in far-away shots it seems to shrink? Yami: Hmph. That's nothing. I have expanding hair! The farther we go into Battle City the bigger it gets. Bakura: Awww... Now THAT is no fair. Yami: What, [i]you[/i] want expanding hair? Oh hey, play a card already! Bakura: *curses and mutters something about stalling for time*
  11. Destiny walked up to Akira's front door just as Ki and David arrived. They tried to say hi to her, but she pointedly ignored them, breezing through the door as soon as it was opened. "Did you have to bring the staff?" David asked as he walked in behind her. She just gave him a cold stare and hit him lightly over the head with it. "Ow!" "I'm still the oldest one here, and an empath, so to speak. As much as every one of you felt you got tossed upside-down, I got thrown off a cliff. Okay?"
  12. Miya stared at the bird that was sitting outside her window. "Dear gods... I've got to be dreaming.... I KNEW I stayed up too late last night!" Putting down her pencil and ignoring the doodle-covered algebra test for the moment, she slowly got up from her seat. Would the... whatever-it-was vanish if she moved too fast? To her surprise, it hopped through the window and landed on her desk! "Holy cow, it's tame!!"
  13. Destiny sucked in her breath, sitting straight up from where she'd been slouched on her couch watching TV. Her staff, which was propped up in the corner, was shining slightly, and the rings on the top here chiming quietly, almost to themselves. For a moment she was disoriented, wondering what she'd felt. Then it came over her again, the same sence of evil coming. She shuddered slightly, putting a hand to her forehead. Because her powers were those of Fate and she could see the future to a small extent anyway, it was just that much more potent to her. Standing up she stumbled into the kitched and dialed the first number that came to mind. Reaching out a hand, the staff obiediantly floated to its mistress. Now that she had ahold of it, Destiny felt calmer as she waited for Arika to pick up the phone.
  14. Miya Kenji, 16 years of age, sighed as she plopped down on the bus seat, hugging her backpack against her. Stupid school... Was it her fault that she hated algebra? Okay, fine, maybe it was... She sighed again and leaned forward until her forehead was resting on the seat in front of her. She'd spent half the night making sure her short story for literature class was absolutely perfect, and hadn't had any time to study for the test. She just [i]knew[/i] she was going to fail algebra this semester. Again. She was years ahead of her class in terms of art and reading and writing, but several grades behind in science and math. Yup, her life stunk. ((OOC: This starts out BEFORE any of the senshi have been awakened. So if a guardian beast would kindly show up and wake up Sailor Vega... XD Take your time dudes. Just letting you know that none of us know we're sailors yet.)) Amorrite drummed his fingers against the arm of his throne, deliberately yawning in his generals' faces. He didn't care if they knew he thought they were idiots. He had half a mind to go out and take over the world himself... He snapped his fingers, deftly silencing his generals mid-report. "You bore me. Cardian, Hitotsu, Sparda, do as you like. Just bring me more pure hearts and energy! Now get going!" After his generals had scurried away, he sighed and called a minor youma to bring him a glass of wine. He stared at it moodily for awhile, then drunk it down. How annoying... His generals hadn't failed yet, but still they brought only the smallest fraction of what Amorrite needed. If he was ever going to bring hsi love back from the dead and have her rule by his side, he needed more...
  15. Right. ^~ We'll start, but people can continue to sign up if they want. See ya'll in the RP section.
  16. Name: Destiny Age: 25 Gender: female Description: She has silver-white hair in a long ponytail and green eyes. She's been an orphan for as long as she can remember and tends to be serious and moody. Usually she wears black leather pants and a yellow t-shirt, and black boots. Bio: When Destiny was little her sister Miya once used her powers in front of a group of humans, and in terror they killed her. Destiny always felt like she could have or should have done something to save her and refuses to believe there was nothing she could do. Because of that, she tends to be on her own a lot because she doesn't want to "fail" anyone again. (In other words, she's scared someone else she cares about will die, so she just refuses to care about anyone). She remembers how to use her powers, but because of what the humans did to her sister, she doesn't use them and tries to act like a normal human. Element: Fate. (Yeah, I know, kinda cheesey when her name's Destiny, but gimme a break. ;^^) She has a long staff with a pentagram on the end that she can summon at will. She can use it for attacks, and can use it to very briefly stop time for everyone but her. She also uses it to read the future (find a person's "fate").
  17. ^^ I'm going to see it tonight with my boyfriend. Everyone says it rocks, so I'm really excited. :p I'm going for Orlando *glomp* but I'll make sure to keep an eye on Johnny Depp too.
  18. In Ru/Sa the Game Corner is in Manville cite, that pink and purple building. To her the Coin Case, go to the house next door, on the other side of the fence. The girl inside will say that she wishes she could go shopping in Slateport, so she could buy some Harbor Mail. Go to Salteport and buy some Harbor Mail, then go back and talk to her again. SHe'll trade you the Coin Case for Harbor Mail.
  19. Right. ^~ That's seven Senshi. One more to go, and then we need ta' start filling in the evil people spots. There's still spots open for Tuxedo Knights, of course. And Guardian Beasts. AND don't forget Sailor Pluto's still open. Just PM me if you want her.
  20. *pout* I can understand them wanting to shuffle the characters a bit, and that it really is Kasumi's turn, since Brock got kicked out back during the tour of the Orange Islands. But I think they're really going to get a lot of lip from Kasumi-fans, and especially Kasumi/Satoshi fans. I sure hope it's only for a season.
  21. Jou: Heeeey! That's the special-edition Hentai Black Magician Girl, isn't it? Come on Gramps, let us have a peek! Grampa: No! Mine! Yugi: *radiating innocence from every pore* Grampa, what's a hentai? Everyone: *face fault*
  22. For all those of you who have played Pokemon Sapphire and/or Ruby, I have a question. Are the new Game Corner games better then the old ones? Personally, I love the Roulette. I'm addicted to it. ^^ But I find the new slots more annoying. What's up with the Pikachu? (Come to think of it, on the Roulette, what's the third Pokemon? There's Wyanaut, Makuhita, and Azurill... Is the third one supposed to be Skitty? I can't tell...)
  23. Yeah, since we really have nothing of the original senshi. >> One question: Are you a Sailor Senshi or a Tuxedo Knight? We start when all the possitions (or at least most of them) are filled up. Come on people, we need Guardian Beasts!
  24. Hamtaro's cute in a weird, squishy sort of way. *grin* My fav's probably Bijou. LOL. Poor girl, got big bad Boss chasing after her all the time... I like Beyblade too. *glomps Kai and Rei* Bishonen! LOL
  25. The year is 2100 A.D., nearly a hundred years after the time of Sailor Moon and her Sailor Senshi. Crystal Tokyo still has not come to be, but Sailor Pluto is not worried. She has seen the future, and she knows that sooner or later the beloved paradice [i]will[/i] come to be. But for now, there is trouble. The Dark Kingdom has been resurrected and the Sailor Senshi have not had the time to be reincarnated yet. More heros are needed, and so Pluto reluctantly activated eight new Sailors. Theyw ere only to be back-ups, used in a time of emergency. But that time has come. And so, eight new pretty soldiers head out to conquer all evil... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Now on to the fun part, the sign-ups! ^~ The best part is, you guys get to make up your own, completely original Sailors! ^^ If you want to Play Sailor Pluto or one of the three guardian cats, the only original senshi who are still alive, please PM me and ask first. Now, on to the characters open for play: Sailor Senshi (8 total, 7 avaliable): I'll be playing both the leader of the senshi and the leader of the Dark Kingdom, just to make it all easier, and because I don't trust anyone else to do it. ^^;; Yeah, I'm insecure that way... So 7 senshi are open to play, plus Sailor Pluto. Tuxedo Knights (3 total): You know, the male warriors who swing down from rooftops and make "witty" speeches that would make Tatewaki Kuno proud. Guardian Beasts: (8 total, one for each Senshi) Self explanatory. Each of the Senshi need one, plus Luna, Artemus, and Diana. They don't need to be cats either, just anything small, fluffy and usually harmless. Major Generals: (5 total) The main generals under the ultimate bad guy (Amorrite, whom I'm playing ^~). Minor Generals and Youma (unlimited): Yup, you heard me, unlimited! However, expect to get killed off pretty fast. ^~ But here's the great part. If you DO get killed off, just create another youma and go at it again! **These are the only people who will get to play multiple characters besides me.* However, if not many people are signing up and you'd like to play more then one Senshi, General, ect., PM me. Now on to the form: Name: Age: Gender: Attack(s): Description: Secret Identity (if Senshi or T. Knight): S.I. Description: Species (if Guardian Beast): Personality: And that's all there is to it! Here's my two: Name: Sailor Vega (leader) Age: 16 Gender: female Attack(s): "Lyra Sonic Scream" and "Summer Star Flare" Description: Sailor Vega's colours are light blue and hunter green. Her skirt and sailor collar are green, and her bows, shoes, and the rolls on her gloves are blue. Her shoes are sandels laced up her leg (like Sailor Neptune's). She has white-blond hair about shoulder length, and little earrings shaped like harps. Secret Identity: Miya Kenji S.I. Description: Miya is tall for her age, and looks older then sixteen. She has white-blond hair that tends to stick up in spikes, and green eyes. She usually wears jeans and a t-shirt, or whatever she pulled out of her closet that morning. She's shy, and prefers to be by herself, reading a book. She's not overly smart, and loathes math and science of any kind. She dreams of being a writer someday. Species: Human Personality: See S.I. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Amorrite (leader of the Dark Kingdom Reborn) Age: Unknown, he looks about 20-22 Gender: male Attack(s): He carries a magic sword, but doesn't have any "magic attacks" like the Senshi do. Description: He has long green hair and blue eyes. He's tan, but not overly so. He wears a grey uniform and cape similar to what Kunzite wore during the first Dark Kingdom invasion, but much more ornate. Secret Identity: None S.I. Description: None Species: Corrupted immortal spirit Personality: Evil. Um, duh? He's more of a warrior then a leader, and wishes he could just do away with all the overly-stupid minions and hack the Senshi to bits himself. It's unclear why he wants to take over the world (I'll bring it out later. ^~) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And that's about it! ^^ Once we have everyone (or close to everyone) signed up, I'll go ahead and start it.
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