SJchan Mayran
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Everything posted by SJchan Mayran
Mammoth Graveyard: Awww geez. I knew I should have taken that right turn at Albacurque... (or however you spell it) Now I'm lost! Again!
Tristan: Hey! Where do you think you're going little mister? Bakura: *sighs* If you must know... the bathroom. Yuugi: *off screen* Tristan, you've really got to get past these over-protective urges of yours... Bakura: *twitches*
Mia looked at the two girls with fearful eyes. "I-I don' even have a bwother. Where do I go when we get out? Will you jus' leave me alone Dai-mommy?" DaiShamar looked shocked. "Of course not! We'll find some place for you to stay." Mia sniffled and looked down. "I wanna stay wif' you..." ((OOC: I'm leaving tomorrow for a week-long trip to my grandparents... V_V;; Feel free to play Mia while I'm gone. ^~))
((*smacks forehead* No, no reason dayday. I just have really bad perseption skills and even worse spelling ones...)) "I'm not a li'l kid!" Mia said, apparently having heard Rad's comment. Everyone looked at her for a moment as she crossed her arms and pouted, and then started laughing. Rad patted her on the head. "No, of course not Mia. I'm sorry." Mia stuck her tongue out at him, causing everyone to laugh again despite the tensity of the situation.
"Are we gonna go after him?" Mia asked questioningly. "Gonna help Rad-daddy?" Nadie chuckled. "Why do you call everyone your mommy and daddy?" Mia shrugged in the way that only six-year-olds can. "Cuz I never had a real mommy or daddy before." Nadie and DaiShamer exchanged startled looks, but let the comment pass.
"Nadie-mama!" Mia hugged the older girl around the neck as they ran. "Is Dai-mommy okay?"
The guard hustled her through several alleys and around several sharp turns, before finally coming to a stop in front of what was obviously a barraks for the guards. She whimpered, and he slapped her across the cheek. "Quiet down runt, or I'll just hurt you more." He grinned again, and Mia tried hard not to cry.
"Nadie-mama! Dai-mommy!" Mia's words could hardly be heard over the noice of Nadie's cries and the guards' yelling. The taller of the two guards had the little girl over his shoulder, and now he clamped a hand over her mouth to keep her from crying out again. Saticfied that his fellow guard would be able to handle a wounded girl and a weakling, he grinned at Mia. It was, all in all, [i]not[/i] a nice grin. "Come on little girl, you're coming with me."
Yeah, I know. That does sorta bug me. You'd think that when they started travelling, at least the other Gym Leaders, and probably the Elite Four too, would recognise them. Unless the gyms are autocratic, and get passed down through the family, but I highly doubt that. And another thing: Brock doesn't seem to worry about all his little siblings too much. I mean, I know he left them in the hands of their dad, but he didn't exactly seem the capable sort, if you know what I mean...
One of the guards looked up and grinned as Mia's head and shoulders appeared over the side of the roof again. The other guard still had his gun trained on DaiShamer. "Why don't you come down little girl? If you come down, we won't hurt your Dai-mommy." The other guard snickered. Mia eyed them, ignoring Nadie as she tried to pull her back. "Promise?" "No Mia, don't!" DaiShamer yelled at her, trying to look commanding. "Shut up you." The guard said, cocking his gun and thumbing off the safety. Mia hiccuped and swallowed some more tears, and grabbed the rope from where it was coiled up at her feet. Before Nadie could catch her she jumped down, and turned to face the guards, gulping back fear. "Now let Dai-mommy go!" The guard with the gun snickered. "You wish." He started to pull the trigger as the other guard grabbed Mia and threw her over his shoulder, causing the little girl to scream. ((OOC: Hehe... I'm evil, I know. ^^v))
Mia bit her tongue until she could taste blood in her mouth, and hiccuped slightly from the effort of holding in her tears. Finally she couldn't stand it and pushed herself away from Nadie-mama, who was trying to hold on to her. "Don't hurt her!" she yelled at the guards. "Oh [i]please[/i] don't hurt Dai-mommy!" "Mia, get back from there!" Nadie yelled, trying to grab the back of Mia's overalls. The guards looked up at the little girl, and one of them grinned. "Well lookie, it's a baby girl! Why don't you come down here and play little girl?" "I'm not a babay and I'm not little either!" Mia said, tears still running down her cheeks. "Please don't hurt Dai-mommy!"
*when Jounochi and Yuugi first meet, way back when* Jou: Jeez, your hair's freakier then Honda's! And that's saying a lot... Yuugi: Why you... *dives at him* Jou: ;>.> *puts his hand on Yuugi's forehead while Yuugi flails his short little arms in an attempt to hit him*
Mia was scared. She'd seen people get hurt before, of course, but Dai-mommy was nice! She grabbed Nadie-mommy and burried her face in the stomach, trying to block out the sounds of DaiShamer screaming and cursing.
((Note: Mia's six and she has a slight lisp from lost teeth. ^~ Get used to it. Sorry I haven't posted! Internet's been down!)) Mia watched the two older girls as they cried over the little boy. Why were they crying? They hadn't known him, not like she had. Friends were hard to come by in the camp, and he had been one of her only ones. Watching the two girls cry released something in Mia herself, and she ran out of the shadows, throwing her arms around the older of the two girls. "He'th not dead! He can't be!" She burried her face in the surprised girl's shoulder and cried.
Hehehe... TarMeg, you rock! ^^v I wouldn't necisarily Say Sailor MOON is the best though... I've always liked Sailor V/Venus. She's so cool! She's the prettiest out of all of them, and she's mature too. She's been fighting as Sailor V since she was TEN! If you read the Sailor V manga, Artimus (her guardian cat) gave her a choice, and she decided to protect the world, even if it meant giving up her childhood. ^~ Sure, she may klutz and ditz out at times, but so does Sailor Moon. ~SJ
Non-talking Meowth it is! *saluts*
Hehehe... This sounds like lots o' fun! ^^v Name: Meiran (Team Rocket) Age: 19 Description: She's short. *sweatdrop* A lot of people mistake her for being a lot younger then she really is. She has black hair that she keeps in a ponytail and green eyes. She wears the usual white Team Rocket Uniform, with a pair of short shorts instead of Jessie's skirt. She enjoys doing dirt-work, but doesn't like to hurt Pokemon. People, she's okay with hurting. ^~ Pokemon: Smeargle, Clefairy, and Meowth (either Team Rocket's talking one, or not. What do you think Logan?) ~SJ
O_o;; You're ALL teens! Am I going to be the ONLY little kid around?? (It's okay, I'll just weak enough havoc for five. ^^v) ~SJ
Name: SJ Mayran Age: 13 Personality: She's bouncey, and almost constantly hyper. She tends to tick a lot of people off, but she doesn't care. *sweatdrop* She's a big anime fan, and will jabber on about it for hours on end. Pet peeve: people who ignore her, silence, and people who constantly flip TV channels or radio stations, even if there's something really good on. (My dad does this, and drives me NUTS!) Pink. She HATES pink. Hobbies: Finding new ways to annoy people and then not getting caught/punished/hurt afterward. Appearance: She looks something like a female Ryou Bakura (Yu-gi-oh). She has white hair in a braid and green eyes. Even though she's 13, she's really small for her age, and looks almost chibi. She tends to wear a lot of black. Luxery Item: Her cat, lance, who is at least as annoying as her, and her Duel Monsters deck
What? Are you kidding? I ADORE Ryou! ^^;; I just torture him bunches in my fics.... Ehehe... *scratches the back of her head and sweatdrops Usagi-style* ~SJ
....Not too late, am I? :D You guys need some munchkins around... Name: Mia Fancon Age: 6 Gender: female Appearance: Short, white-blond hair and chibi-big grey eyes, she wears a white t-shirt and a pair of black overalls. Bio: She was orphaned when she was five and the government sent her to the camp. She's quiet, and hardly ever speaks. She also seems really mature for her age, violence and blood doesn't bother her. She has a tendency to cling to older girls though, calling them "mom". She misses her mother a lot, but not much more is known about her past. Hometown: Unknown
...I live in a military town, adn a lot of my friends end up moving after a year or two... I really regret not keeping in touch with a lot of them, two in particular who were my best friends all through elementary school. :( I'm in high school now, and I really wish I could still talk to them, or write, or whatever, ~SJ
.....I probably can't give good advice, since I'm [i]only[/i] 14... X* But honestly, it may hurt, but it sounds like it's better for you two to be apart. I've had this happen to me in reverse, guys tell me they like me, and I don't like them back. After awhile it get really annoying. Chances are, you're strangling the poor guy. Back off a little, and give him a bit of time to breathe. Ever heard the phrase: "If you love something, let it go, if it loves you, it'll return"? It's true. BTW, it's true you can fall in love so young. A teacher of mine and his wife were elementary sweethearts. :p And don't sweat it Meg, I know what you mean. I'm in love too. ~SJ
Car Crashes/Interesting Driving Experience
SJchan Mayran replied to Syk3's topic in General Discussion
Gaaaah... *makes a face* I'm only 14. I won't learn how to drive for another year. Guess what? I've been in... *counts on fingers* Eight accidents that I can remember, and another one that I can't. -_-; Four times with my dad, three with my mom, once with my grandparents, and once with my best friend's grandmother. Baaah... I think I'm jynxed... ~SJ -
You have an empty space in your party, and you LET Nincada evolve into Ninjack. Then Shincada will appear in the empty spot. You get BOTH. Hope that helps. ^~ ~SJ