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SJchan Mayran

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Everything posted by SJchan Mayran

  1. Hehe... The new epi was funny. :p I loved the expressions that the Kaiba brothers kept giving off. ^__^ Especially Mokuba... *giggles at the pictures of bug-eyed Mokuba* I was kinda mad that it was a recap epi, but it gave me and my sister a chance to talk through the whole thing. :pv We spent about three quarters of the episode arguing over who was flying the helecopter. (There was a driver!! My sis is convince3d Mokuba was flying it. :rolleyes: Hello!) LOL, sorry. Anyway... ~SJ
  2. Mine's a magic card, and I actually dreamed it up. ^^; Literally! I dreamed that Kazuki Takahashi-sama came into my book shop and just handed me this card. There's a bit of background behind it too. ^^;; See, I'm a fanfic authoress, and I write a lot of Ryou-angst. A LOT. So that's why, I guess, this card is what it is. Name: Battered Hikari Picture: It's a picture of Ryou Bakura chained to an alter thing. *sweatdrop* Effect: At the cost of 3000 of your own Life Points, you can destroy every Dark, Fiend, and Zombie card on your opponant's field AND in his/her deck. ^^;;;
  3. Mine has to be when [spoiler]Hotohori dies[/spoiler] in Fushigi Yuugi. His last words: "[spoiler]I have loved, and lost...[/spoiler]", refering to Miaka, make me burst into tears every time... *gets teary-eyed just thinking about it* WAAAAAHH!!! [spoiler]Nuriko[/spoiler]'s death got me the same way... ~SJ
  4. Heehee... I'm great... :devil I know what you meant. ^^ I've only read Shonen Jump when I find it in the store, but I like a lot!! After the way 4Kids messed up the Yu-Gi-Oh anime, I love seeing it in its original manga form. ^^v *grin* I like Jou's hair better in the manga too, for some reason... ~SJ
  5. Panik: *twitch* Why's there a card on your butt? Yami: ...I forgot pants this morning, I think it's a new type of censor. Panik: *blinku blinku* Riiiiight...
  6. Bah... No more Misty?? That's...Not right. *pouts* Misty's my fav character... It'd be nice if they featured her in some epis though. (Like showing her writing a letter to Ash, or vice versa, or something). ~SJ
  7. I've just noticed that a lot of various animes group the main characters together in fives. The hero, the hero's girl/best friend, the quiet one, the cute little kid/super genious, and the impossibly strong one. Anyone know why they do this? Lots of different anime come to mind, but especially Voltron: Defender of the Universe, Ronin Warriors/Yoden Samurai Troopers, and Gundam Wing. (Yeesh, in the cases of YST & Voltron, the characters even LOOK alike...) ~SJ
  8. *shivers* Dorothy/Quatre... That woman is so SCARRY!!! And besides, [spoiler]she stabbed him!![/spoiler] How can any fans say they belong together? *shudder* Another one I can't stand is Tristan/Serenity (Honda/Shizuka) from Yu-Gi-Oh. *crosses eyes in annoyance* I'm sorry, but I really can't stand Honda, and Shizuka-chan deserves someone way better... (I usually pair her with Ryou Bakura.) ~SJ
  9. Pegasus: Now young grasshopper, snatch the fly from my hand... Sam: ...But there isn't a fly in your hand. Pegasus: There isn't? Oh blast.
  10. Various fansites and fictions have her related to Midii, usually as an aunt, or an older sister or something. (My personnal theory is that she's Midii's aunt) But nothing official was ever released. Same with her first name, as Shinryuu-chan said. Her most-used fan-name tends to be Anne or Anna though. Somehow it just fits. ~SJ
  11. Hmmm... Well, considering that the only series I've seen is Wing (and one epi of 8th MS team) Wing would have to be my fav. :p But come on, how could any typical teenage girl (ie, me ^^v) resist Wing? The main characters are five guys who are all irrisitable, kawaii, kick-butt and awesome (not to mention hott) in their own way? :pv I'll take bishonen over "kawaii" little monsters any day. ~SJ
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