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Everything posted by Terpischore

  1. [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1][FONT=Verdana]I don't agree with writing the whole story on the computer. I wrote my story by hand and then I was transferring it to my computer - and one day the harddrive just stopped working. We had to get a new harddrive and everything that was in it, I lost. So what if my [I]whole[/I] story had been on the computer? I would have been screwed and had to write it all over again. Back to the main point, J.R.R. Tolkien (brilliant man, I might add) took about 14 years to write Lord of the Rings. So, take your time. Nobody's rushing you - if you hurry, your writing won't be as good as it could have been if you would have taken your time. So don't stress. If something comes to you, write it down. And you usally get an idea in the strangest of places, also..the main thing is, don't rush it. You've got plenty of time.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Blue][FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1]Hmm...I think i've definately been on the computer too much. I had a dream in the hour that I slept after breakfast this morning, I was on some computer and there were some viking-like men trying to get me to download something, and I did, it was like, their song or something, but they had multiple songs...and so when I downloaded the wrong one they went CRAZY and they sent out this snake thing that like, destroyed the computer and then went after me....but then I woke up. Weird. [/SIZE] [/FONT] [/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=RPCrazy] Littlest Pet Shop Pets (anyone remember these? I loved them!), My Little Ponies, ?[/QUOTE] [COLOR=Blue][SIZE=1]Ah, Littlest Pet Shop and My Little Ponies! I remember some of the Littlest Pet Shop Pets...i named a cat Pepper, a little scottish dog named Scotty, the dog with the magnetic nose Ruff....My Little Ponies, I can't remember my names for those... Of course, Barbies...I had a name for every one of those, but doesn't everybody? Ironically, none of mine were named Barbie...my main barbie was named Karen...but Ken was Ken..I really couldn't think of any male names back then... I named all of my stuffed animals, one teddy bear that i've had since I was three's real name is Jessica, but she likes to be called Teddy (original, right?), Marshmallow, Rusty, Penny, and Boots (Penny & Boots came with names - those big beanie babies) all sleep in my bed, and I have an assortment of stuffed animals on my shelves...my beanie babies kept their names, it got so confusing if I named some dear another name, for example, because I would always forget which name I called her...yeah.. Madame Alexander dolls were a big thing for me too, but I stuck with the names that they came in, though...but back then I couldn't imagine the babies that didn't have hair were [I]girls[/I] so those babies were always men, dispite that they were named Victoria. In my spare time and when I start a new story, I always spend about a day just looking at baby names/baby name sites just to look for cool names and to see what my friends' names mean...it's a real time waster, though...[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  4. [FONT=Verdana][SIZE=1][COLOR=Blue]Just some advice, try and avoid the names that have many different spellings. It'll drive the kid mad - me, for example, my name is Hayley - but as you could see, Hataki Vash spelled it "Hailey". Then there's also "Haley", "Hallee", "Hailee", "Haylei" and I could go on, but I won't... [B]Girls:[/B] Elle (I think it sounds pretty...i did not get it off of Legally Blonde..) Ariel (w/ stress on the "el") Jade Annie Maggie [B]Boys:[/B] Chris Ben James Peter ...there really aren't that many interesting boys names? English ones, that is...well, there probably is, but none that I can think of right now..hm..[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [color=blue][size=1]Ah, [b]Circéus[/b], THANK YOU for correcting that. It irked me as well. As much as I hate french, I like showing it off to my friends. And I always correct them, if I get a chance, but usually i'm bad with what verbs mean -- we're on food now and it's just.....bah.....knowing all of the fruits and vegetables and meats and dairy products and vinegar and all that other crap is just annoying...[/color][/size]
  6. [color=blue][size=1]Well, the passe compose that we've been going over would be the irregular verbs (like mettre=mis, prendre=pris) and the Dr. Mrs. Vandertrampp verbs (the ones that you need to use etre as the helping verb like devenir, revenir, venir, mourir, monter, aller, arriver, naive, sortir, descendre, rentrer, rester, retrouver, entendre, tomber, partir, passer) and stuff like maigrir=maigri and manger=mangé and vendre=vendu. and then like, "I have had" is "J'ai eu" and "I am going" is "Je suis alleé" (the one that we've been working on the most...agh...) So...yeah...third year frenchie member...yay...[/color][/size]
  7. [color=blue][size=1]Ick. Valentine's Day. Full of stereotypes and cheap holidays-- like Halloween. Aren't they the same? Only difference is that Halloween, you ask for the candy. On V-Day, it's just a common known fact that you're supposed to give it to other people because it's "special"...ugh.. I remember back in grade school, I would be up on February 13 trying to remember who all was in my class so I could give them a valentine and then scrounging up old Power Rangers valentines so everybody would get at least one. I stayed up past my bedtime (probably like, 9) and I was always so tired and then so dissapointing when the person who gave me the valentine didn't even write a message, just saying "To: Hayley, From: Blah". It didn't really feel that special. Middle school wasn't that much better. I think maybe we had a dance....not sure if I went to that or not, but I know that I was single on both consecutive years. I just hated the day because you were supposed to act all loving and caring and nobody really gave a damn about me in 7th grade and that was fine with me. People would fill out val-o-grams and would I get one? Nope. In 8th grade it was a bit better--I got like, 2 from my friends...but that was it. Hell, one girl even made a big statement by going completely goth on V-day. She was known to be really smart and sarcastic, but she always wore rainbow colors and stuff like that, but then BOOM! Black makeup and eyeliner, black skirt, black shirt....we were all like, WHOA. And the malls go crazy with all of the pink and red shirts with hearts all over them and I just see it as a big merchandise scandal just like all the other holidays out there. This year, again, I don't have a "date", but since V-day lands on a saturday, it doesn't really matter. But, of course, the val-o-grams and the carnations will be passed out, and will I get any? Nope, probably not. Not from a guy, that's for sure. Point is, it's just a hoax. I really don't like it, but I wouldn't go running around the school screaming just to prove my point. [/color][/size]
  8. [color=blue][size=1]I only have one peircing in each ear at the moment, i'd like to have two or perhaps my cartilage peirced, but only by people that I really know and trust...I was thinking about getting my belly button peirced a while ago, and I think I may still do it, but I'm not that sure anymore. They look really good if done well, but i'm still not so sure. A lot of metal actually disgusts me. If somebody has them like, on their eyebrows + tounge + 7 on each ear + cheek or something weird like that...yeah, i'm grossed out. But a little bit is ok. But weird ones like the peircings that go through the middle of your ear?? ::shudder:: ...the guy that peirced my ears had that. I didn't really want to look at it. If somebody has just an eyebrow peircing, ::shrug:: that's cool. Tounge peircings aren't that flattering to me because of their speech impediment and their swollen tounge. Eh, that's just how I see it. [/color][/size]
  9. [color=blue][size=1]Wow, [b]Isen`tar[/b], i would so rather put it to sleep than abandon it in the wilderness to just die alone and forgotten...I mean, think about it, if you were dying, how would you feel if your parents just drove you out to the forest and left you there? Pets do have feelings, they know what it's like to be treated wrongly, and I think that's just plain wrong. Put the cat to sleep. It's in pain. That's the easiest way to do it.[/color][/size]
  10. [color=blue][size=1]I'm currently taking french, this is my third year, only one more year to go (yesss).....i've had only one good teacher--my first year-- but it's just gone downhill from there. We're on passe compose right now and she just will NOT stray from the topic!! aaghh....ma professeur de francais est tres penible. ::sigh:: I have a friend that is going to an all french school- she says that it's really different, but she learned french quicker that way. I could never really understand [i]why[/i] she did it in the first place...oh well....i prefer english, though...[/size][/color]
  11. [color=blue][size=1] Overall Member of the Year: James Male Otaku of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Female Otaku of the Year: Sara Staff Member of the Year: Charles Funniest Member of the Year: wrist-cutter, Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: wrist_cutter Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam Best Newbie: ----------- Best Oldie: ------------ Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: -------------- Most Improved Member of the Year:--------------- Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt Thread of the Year: --------------- Silliest Thread of the Year: ----------------- Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): -------------- Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): ---------- Best Location (Best Specific Location): ----------- Best Otaku Couple: Queen Asuka/Piromunkie, Best Looking Otaku: Babygirl Otaku Clique of the Year: OtakuBoards? League of Not-So-Extraordinary Gentlemen Best MyOtaku: -------------- Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: Japan_86 Entertainment Otaku: Dragon Warrior[/color][/size]
  12. [color=blue][size=1]My favorite T-shirt would be my Trogdor one. For any of you that have been on homestarrunner.com, you would know. It' has the picture of Trogdor and under it it says "The Burninator!" everybody always comments on it when I wear it...it's a nice feeling. It's also a really cool shirt.[/color][/size]
  13. [color=blue][size=1]Aahhh..Charles de Lint. Such a fabulous writer, and it's not at all just about magic like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings. It's like...very modern. I mean there's like abuse, and drug use, and it's all very...non-cliche. I love The Onion Girl, and I highly suggest that all of you check it out. It's a fascinating book--i've been utterly consumed by it. The books are fat in volume, but I'm finding that I don't want it to end. Everybody who likes magic or fantasy or just likes READING needs to at least look at this book or any of the others on his list. [/color][/size]
  14. [color=blue][size=1]I feel this way sometimes. I think to myself, Why me? Cliche, I know. I'm sure that everybody thinks this from time to time, i mean, not everybody is happy with their life. I've sometimes wanted my friends' lives, or a movie star's life, or just somebody else's besides mine. But I'm happy with it in the end.[/color][/size]
  15. [color=blue][size=1]I like online relationships, simply because they don't really know whats going on IRL. If you had a problem with one of your friends, you couldn't ask one of your other friends that was friends with the one you were mad at about what to do, if you wanted to keep it to yourself. Who do you come to for aid? Parents? Noo. (well, if your parents are nice and sweet--then go ahead) Your online friends would be my best bet. They're the unbiased answer that you're looking for. Now, for relationships, I don't know about that. I don't really care for meeting IRL, just because I'm always paranoid that the other person really isn't who he/she says he/she is and then it all goes downhill from there. But there's nothing wrong with having friends online. It's not impossible--friends are people that you come to with your problems without any fuss from them, and people that listen to you, and make you laugh, and [cliche]are that shoulder that you cry on[/cliche]. I say OK for online friends.[/color][/size]
  16. [color=blue][size=1]Ooooh...wow I never knew that! Wow I really like the meaning...my friend wants to know hers, her name is Lisa. Lee-sa.[/color][/size]
  17. [color=blue][size=1]My name is Hayley. Hay-lee. Pretty simple. I got my full name translated in New York, i'm not sure if it's in japanese or chinese, but we'll see, won't we? :)[/color][/size]
  18. [color=blue][size=1]Vicky, I got the same letter/e-mail. It's because you submitted a poem onto poetry.com and entered their contest, or somebody else did in your name, but you should have received a letter before stating that you had been accepted into the preliminaries. I'm not sure if it's a scam, my mother said it was (encouraging for an aspiring poet, to have your mother tell you that the one person that actually accepted your work wasn't real..) but don't panic. Don't go to the seminar. I'm not going - it costs $75 just to go. But they needn't know that you stole the poem, because it doesn't matter, so just don't reply back to the mail. They can't do anything if you haven't signed anything.[/color][/size]
  19. [size=1][color=blue]Ahh...good ol' Texas. Dallas, to be exact, so it's not some place small like El Paso or somewhere in the panhandle. Dallas is good to live in - just like Austin or Houston, it's pretty big but it doesn't really have things for people to go. The West End is okay, but it gets boring after a while and if there aren't any events going on then it's just plain blah. Oh well, I like living in the semi-quiet city of Dallas....even though I long for New York of Los Angeles....ah well, I like where I live.[/color][/size]
  20. [color=blue][size=1]For a while now, i've convinced myself that i was too young to be thinking about what I would do when i grew up and what college I would go to and such...but alas, i'm not 10 anymore, and i'm 15 and in 9th grade. My sister went to OU, and I've visited the campus, and i think it's a really nice school. But what really matters is what you want to do when you go to college...and i know a lot of you have said "writers" but I really do want to become an author. Or a journalist. Or something to that effect. I've been writing short stories and directed some short movies that me and my cousin have (badly) put together (but I wrote most of the plots and scripts) and I think that it would be really fun to do that.[/size][/color]
  21. [size=1][color=blue]Ick, my music teacher in sixth grade was horrible. She would wear suits (yes...suits) with like, dollar bills hanging off of them and so not only was she just weird to look at but she was the WORST teacher. I was in choir in 6th grade for a while but then I think i dropped out. In seventh grade it wasn't much better. Our choir teacher had us just sing some scales to see what voice part we were, and he stuck me as an alto. Um...right...not only could I sing the highest note in the class, but there were also some sopranos that couldn't even sing the soprano part - he basically based it on how our voices sound when we talk (mine isn't as high as like, the cheerleaders) and so then in 8th grade he moved me up to soprano but then that year was just bad because the guys had joined us because we were the top choir of the school and all of the girls were going gaga over all the guys singing and the guys wouldn't sing...anyway, i'm getting off topic here...so i'm stlil in the chorale in 9th grade with a much better woman teacher (even though she's an alto at heart, she can still teach the sopranos well) and i'm a first soprano. I'm really not sure about the funding of our choir program, just that we have a lot of fundraisers at our school to go on school trips to places where we would sing...but I really do love choir, and I love to sing, and it's one of my favorite periods.[/color][/size]
  22. [color=blue][size=1]Alex, I know your parents, i've spoken with them some-what, and also based by what you've told me about them, i see what you're going through. Maybe they don't realize the situation at hand. If Trey really is going to Japan then you'll be the only one left, and if Miranda is doing all of the grocery shopping and cooking, then your mother will either have to do all of the things that Miranda did or let you have the hardship and you can do it. Maybe once everything gets going next year, she'll see that she does need you to know how to drive and she'll let you get the hardship.[/color][/size]
  23. [color=b60039]When i did the mistake that I did, i was hanging on the hope that I could go back and change what I did, to rid everyone of their fear and doubt - most of all me. But what it did was teach me that if I hadn't of stopped myself, I might have kept on doing it and thought it was OK. It was GOOD to be caught. It taught me a lesson. If it hadn't, then I might have been in even more trouble now then I was then because it would have mounted on itself and the situation would have been so much larger. Regret is natural, but [cliche] you do learn from your mistakes.[/cliche][/color]
  24. [color=b60039]I know what it's like to lose a pet very dear to you, I had Lickie (I named him), a standard poodle (not those small ones but the BIG ones) since i was 4 and he died last year on June 30 beacuse of a twisted stomache. He had always had stomache problems before but he always got over them the next day - i remember my dad saying to me as I walked down the hall and Lickie was outside, "Lickie's not feeling well today. If he sees you he may cheer up." and we went over to paint our old house to make it look well, and Lickie was outside trying to eat but he couldn't ::tearing up:: and he kept coming inside the room to see what we were doing..i still have his muddy paw prints on the cover up for the floor, and so I went to the new house and my mom called and said that they were taking Lickie to the vet because dad said that his stomache was swelled and he couldn't walk, and I never thought that he would die..and when mom and dad came home, he wasn't with them, and they had put him to sleep. "He's gone, honey.." I never got to say goodbye..and i remember it was a rainy day that day...Lickie always hated storms... The next day we went to go get his toys out of the backyard and put them in a box, so we still keep them. It's not weird to keep anything that belonged to your old dog - my new dog wears his collar now and I gathered old pictures of lickie and put them all over my dresser. Don't ever think it's weird to remember.[/color]
  25. [color=b60039]I vote for OtakuSennen. I've talked to him online a lot and he's really nice and cool. GO NICK! :D[/color]
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