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Everything posted by Terpischore
[color=b60039]Man, I sleep walk/talk ALL the time..sometimes it's pretty bad. [b]Scenario 1:[/b] I found myself asleep on my couch that was in front of my TV around 3 AM. I remember creeping past my sisters room and then my mom & dad's room, checking the clock, and jumping in the bed..i'm not sure if it was a dream or not. [b]Scenario 2:[/b] I was sleeping and (I was told all of this later) my mom was sleeping next to me because we were at our new house which had very few beds - so she was sleeping in my trundle bed in my room. So i suddenly sit up and tap her on the shoulder, not just a gentle tap, but like, urgent urgent urgent...and i didn't stop poking her till she woke up. Then i whispered, in this scared voice, "The Smurfs are whispering rhymes in my ear!" I kid you not. And then i repeated a rhyme. A RHYME!! I nearly fell down laughing when my mom told me the next morning.. [b]Scenario 3:[/b] I was sleeping (yet again) and this time, I was half asleep/awake. I got up and started walking down the hall, thinking about what I needed to tell my mom..it was something important, I remember. So i sit down on the edge of my parent's bed and start saying "I..um..I..uh.." and I couldn't get it out, and mom said "Hayley, I think you're asleep." and i was like "NO i'm not!" and was really angry about it..but I think i went back to sleep on the way back upstairs.. [b]Scenario 4:[/b] I was sleeping (naw, really?!?) and my sister came down to her room (its right beside mine) and started brushing her teeth...and I stated to say stuff. So she listened, and one of the things that I said was "No, chopper, don't go!" o_0...yeeah... SO..in conclusion...i do that stuff SO many times...there are SO many other instances...[/color]
[color=b60039]When I was still in my crib, I used to wiggle my butt to make it rock, to make me go to sleep. When I don't know it, I sometimes do it when I give my mom or dad a hug..it's embarrasing, actually.. And then when my mom made pancakes, i called them panty cakes. o_0.. And also, when I was watching the Nutcracker for the first time...in the Gingerbread dance we have these four or five year olds playing the gingerbreads and they have this really simple dance, but then when it's time for everybody to go offstage, one of the girls doesn't go off and then Mother Ginger ends up chasing her off the stage..it's quite humerous. Anyways, so I was like, three..and i saw the girl say no (she shook her head and put her fingers in her ears and stuck her tounge out..she was "the brat") and so during the pause between the gingerbread dance and the Waltz of the Flowers, i SCREAMED, "She said no!!!" and everybody in the theatre had a good laugh... I was very weird as a child..[/color]
[color=b60039]Hm..haven't really thought about the subject...so here goes, off the top of my head... [b]Boys:[/b] James, William, Michael..all those oldie names that everybody likes. [b]Girls:[/b]Ariel, Laurell, Hayley (what can I say, I like my name), Alexandra, Rayne, Elle, Ella...kinda weird names. Well, fits me, i'm weird. :)[/color]
[color=b60039]Well, Terpischore is the muse of dance...along with (here i'll just write out the list of the other muses..) [b]Thalia[/b] - Muse of Comedy [b]Eutere[/b] - Muse of Music and Lyric Poetry [b]Polyhymnia[/b] - Muse of Sacred Hymns [b]Urania[/b] - Muse of Astronomy [b]Erato and Clio[/b] - Muses of Love Poetry and History [b]Melpomene[/b] - Muse of Tragedy [b]Calliope[/b] - Muse of Epic Poetry My real name means either (scottish) heroine (NO not the drug..the female hero..) or..::shudder:: (English) a field of hay..GOD i hate the english..my last name is some kind of pouring device...in the olden days, you know...I really don't know, it's german...german names are weird...my mother almost considered naming me Heidi..gah..[/color]
[color=b60039]My friends had an obsession with Orlando Bloom, like buying all of his posters and all of the merchandise and kissing the life-like poster they had of him and going to see Lord of the Rings a million times and squealing whenever they saw him...they were so into him that they got me out of being..into him. o_0...Eventually, they got so obsessed with him that they got tired of screaming every time they watched LOTR and they stuck the poster back in their closet to prevent their kissing impulses. They had liked it so much that it had driven them to DISlike it...weird, that logic.[/color]
[color=b60039]I agree with Mist, Juu, and Baron. People...they aren't born any certain personality, good or bad. The world shapes them like that. They're just born people. You COULD bring up the subject of past lives and whether or not that affects the life that you're in now....but let's not get into that. People are born people. Period. [/color]
[color=b60039]I vote for Charles. Nobody else's gave me such a laugh as his did.[/color]
[color=b60039]I sometimes believe in these things and sometimes I don't. Like that John Edwards, and James Vahn Praugh. Sometimes they're so fake...i agree with whoever said that they were leading them on with their questions to make them tell them something, like if they had a dog or something that they loved...I can't quite explain it. It's like Miss Cleo, "Do you have a brother?" Well...most of this population DOES have brothers or something and they're asking REALLY basic questions that could apply to anyone (yess i got the right words..) I haven't seen anybody that has made me believe that they really CAN see into the future or talk to the dead, but I believe that it's possible...and Crimson Spider, i think we only use about 10% of our brains and the people that can REALLY talk to the dead or see into the future see like, 15% or something. It's really quite amazing. Anyway, I haven't seen anybody prove it yet.[/color]
[color=b60039]Well, this happened today, and it was kinda embarrasing..I came back into the room for colorguard (i had just been sent on a mission) and they had started the music for our angry dance (don't ask) and so we got to a certain point in the dance...and before i was sent on my mission, that was where we had stopped..but i didn't know that and i thought that we were going on. And we were in a triangle, and I was at the very edge, and so the next part was all of us running in the direction where I was in the triangle (bottom left hand corner)...so i began to run, and since I'm like the point of the triangle in that direction, I couldn't see anybody...So i ran..and nobody followed me, and they had all stopped and everybody had a CLEAR view of me running forward, probably not at my best either..and so i looked back and everybody was just like FROZEN looking at me and I was like "Uhh...whoops!!" and i kinda did this little jig to get back into place...agh...::covers face with hands::[/color]
[color=b60039]That was....beautiful. It truly was. I'm feeling only a fraction of your pain and sadness..if not that, less. I hope that you have more chances for a child and I'm glad that he gave you joy for the little time that he was here. The poem fully expressed your feelings and emotions during that time..it was wonderful.[/color]
[color=b60039]GONZO!! RIZZO!! A christmas carol..brilliant...ahhhhh I love the muppets. Best kids show ever. Isn't the dog's name Rowlf? [/color]
[color=b60039]Well you could say, like..if there was something that we had to write before we joined Otaku, like WHY we wanted to, in the rules, you could put in like a special phrase and say "Make sure you put this phrase in your "Why you want to be in Otaku"..." and then the people who don't have the phrase obviously didn't read the rules. [/color]
[color=b60039]Hahah...that gave me a laugh, Dragon....cows jumping over rainbows with various types of koalas??? Hahahahahaha...and gnomes running around with streamers...thank you..watch me crack up while they're inserting it and then it'll be in the wrong place...pftthaahah.. well, everybody, if you don't have any more advice, i'll update you after the surgery, tell you how it went...how it FELT...how bad i looked and for how long! yipee!! [/color]
I beat up two 15 year olds, I'm king of the world
Terpischore replied to Harry's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]What? Call the cops on something like this? That's pointless. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=b60039]If it was so pointless then you wouldn't have had to hit the kids in the face. I agree, what they did was wrong, but you really shouldn't have hit them. Calling the police would have been the logical thing to do - what they did was vandalism. And vandalism needs to be punished - it's a serious offense. Harry, think about it..what if you were that kid (and i'm not saying that you would do anthing like that..just hear me out) and you just trashed some random house, not knowing what was in it, and then some adult came out and hit you in the face. That's just..wrong. I can't say it any other way. But you really should have called the police.[/color] -
Favorite Amusement Park Ride! BWEE!
Terpischore replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in General Discussion
[color=b60039]Ooh, I like Mr. Freeze and Six Flags over Texas. Well..last time i went WAS about six years ago..haven't gotten to ride Titan yet..but when I do, that'll probably be my favorite ride![/color] -
[color=b60039]I use liquid as well. She seems..happy! And industrial seemed harder to manuver. I may try it out someday, for like...a day. Agh i'm repeating myself again..[/color]
[color=b60039]Pfft..I didn't even know that there was a rumor that they made you smarter. ::shrug:: ....I'm just glad that I'm getting this over with, but i'm still scared. The IV is all that freaks me out. ::shudder:: ...the nurses will be going "Oh, what a beautiful headband you have.." while they stick that needle up my arm...gah...[/color]
[color=b60039]Stupidest thing...well..you should never run on hard wood floors in your socks when you're three. You'll end up breaking your chin open...based on personal experience, of course.. I was taking a nap, and I wanted some milk. I came into the kitchen and my mother was on the phone with i think my dad..and so i was like tugging at her dress and she was batting me away and so then I got mad and ran away..I turned the corner and i didn't go ANYWHERE..except down..RIGHT on my chin..blood everywhere..we had to go to the doctors office and have stitches..and man...ahhahahah I made the doctor's day HELL. I squirmed so much they had to put me in a papoose thing..but i still shook my head from side to side..the guy was drenched in sweat by the time he was finished.[/color]
[color=b60039]You go to Birdville HS?? I've been there. OU played there and I went to see it. That's cool, I'll have to look at that website sometime...[/color]
[color=b60039]Well, this happened today, at colorguard practice..me and Alex [/color]([color=green][b]GreenEyedDragon[/b][/color])[color=b60039] were walking down the hall trying to find a bathroom during our like, ten minute break..and so we go to the stage..locked. The upstairs! Locked. TO P-HALL!! ....LOCKED. (P-hall was funny because we couldn't find it like the week before) and so i was like "I really have to pee!!" and then she was like "Well, go pee in the water fountai-" And I don't know what happened, I laughed so hard, spit came flying outta my mouth and I just collapsed, laughing hysterically. It was the funniest thing. Then Alex like collapsed against a table to keep HERself from falling..it was funny...but not the funniest thing that's ever happened to me..i'll have to think on that..[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]Hey, my 3,000th post. I'm officially a loser, officially. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=b60039]...Just wanted to point out...that was redundant... Anyway...i've never pulled an all-nighter, not even at sleepovers...latest i've gone to bed at a sleepover is 4:30..then waking up around 8. At home? 2:30. But then i usually get up around eleven or so.. About your problem, Ogki, You just need to keep moving. Be awake..play video games, do whatever. Just don't sit down for very long and do nothing..you'll fall straight asleep. [/color]
[color=b60039]Hmm..philisophical, Alex..I believe that your dreams are your subconsious trying to tell you something, not something that your mind just thinks about. If you were to say, dream out..dragons, that may mean that you have a fear or danger that's lurking just around the corner...anyway, back on topic, if everything was a dream...where would everybody be?? How would we be..us?? We wouldn't be anybody...we would just be matter floating in space..if there WAS a space..[/color]
[color=0ee9a3]...dry socket? ::scared::...I have to get them pulled out because if I don't, then they'll pinch the nerve that runs along my mouth..which will be painful. ::sigh:: i'm still not happy about getting them pulled..but at least that means that I have an excuse to be in bed all day and miss guard for 2 days...yeeaahh..[/color]
[color=b60039]OMG. Are you serious, Tobiass???? The Blue Devils ROCK!! They've like won grand champion at DCI like 10 times in a row. They came to my high school and they were AWESOME....::ENVY::....[/color]