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Everything posted by Terpischore

  1. [color=0ee9a3]::applauds LOUDLY:: Amen! Ahhh..I feel refreshed now. Cleansed...finally, everybody knows the TRUTH. This gave me a laugh, amidst all of the bad news that has been going on lately. Thank you. [/color]
  2. [color=0ee9a3]Ooh..that's just awful..he should go to like, a lifetime of prison for that..what is it with the world nowadays??? ::sigh::..I need to watch the news more often..[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]My wisdom teeth are coming in now and they don't hurt whatsoever. I'm in no rush to get them taken out. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=b60039]WELL..aren't you special. It just so happens that my wisdom teeth are about to grow into a main nerve that curves around all of the teeth..the w. teeth are coming in diagonally, and all of my other teeth are straight..the docs said that they should take them out now instead of when i'm sixteen or something..i'm only fourteen.[/color] [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink] I think a major part about why the ordeal wasn't a negative experience was because I went into it thinking positively. I think that if you worry about it beforr the surgery, and then moan about it afterward, that's when it turns into a nasty time. So really, it's not that bad at all.[/B][/QUOTE][/color] [color=b60039]Well...i'll try to stay positive....but I like hate IV's and everytime i'm going under I always moan and everybody in the room laughs..::sigh::..and then my mother makes fun of me afterward. I'm sure it sounds really nasty....but anyway, that's the part that I hate most, and then afterward, i'll ask (w/ all the cotton in my mouth) "is the operation over yet?" which sounds like, "ehthehopwerasionovayeh?" all in one big slur. ::SIGH::... Keep giving me ideas and comfort..please!![/color]
  4. [color=0eade7]Ooh..::cringe:: I...that's horrible. Oh god. I wouldn't know why they would do something that...extreme. And arsenic?! Jeez where did they get it?? That's just too extreme.[/color]
  5. [color=0ee9a3]Well, i'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled on Thursday..I was wondering if anybody could tell me what the procedure is and how long it takes to recover, stuff like that. I'm kinda scared - my sister told me that i'd look like a chipmunk for about a week - and I know that the doctors are going to do an IV, which I hate..but could anybody just tell me what it feels like or something...to make me feel better?? :)[/color]
  6. [color=0eade7]Wooa..did this thread just turn from Texan OBers to "Location, Location, Location...where are you from?"...or am I just crazy??[/color]
  7. [color=b60039]I found ff.net while in schoogle, on the review boards..sorry, I call the whole site schnoogle, but really it's called Fiction Alley...but in one of the forums there some people were talking about ff.net and so i decided to check it out..and I like ff.net because you don't have to submit your story and then wait a week before it comes out, like schnoogle. Your story in schoogle has to go through this whole beta reading thing and if there are more then like five mistakes it gets sent back...so i kinda like ff.net better..i haven't expeirienced any downtime yet...although, I havent been on ff.net in a while either..o_0[/color]
  8. [color=b60039]Ooohh..so sad. I'm so sorry that this happened! There really should be a law that you take the driving test and see if they actually deserve their license. If not...well, see if they can take it the next year. People this old really shouldn't be driving. And, even though I know there are some sensible 80 year old drivers out there..somewhere, they should be able to take the test again and pass it. Somebody needs to send in a letter to the legislature..[/color]
  9. [color=b60039]I have one as Rayne Enyar..but they're Harry Potter fics, only one chapter, which I'm probably not going to add onto. I also have a schnoogle address, under the pen name of DarkEcho. [/color]
  10. [color=0eade7]I was in some of the drama plays that we played just for our parents when I was in 2nd and 6th grade...in 2nd grade I was the princess in the Kingdom of Smelly Feet (it had aliens in it that had to run away because of the smell...we were imaginative little seven year olds..) And in 6th grade I was the witch which brought everybody named Tess into one big room and tried to turn them against each other so they could destroy each other...Ahh i love acting, I just wish i was better at it..drama's not a big thing in our school. Well, it may be in the school tha ti'm going to, though...:-D! I sure hope so. [/color]
  11. [color=ff69ff]::sigh:: This all started when the lady spilled hot coffee on herself because she wasn't warned in the first place. She got pretty rich too. Now everybody thinks that they can sue other people for their own stupid actions..probably just out of embarrasment. "Oh! I slipped on the floor! Now i'm going to go sue McDonalds because their floor isn't the right style!!" ugh..I hate people like that.[/color]
  12. [color=ff69ff]My pet peeve is when you try to compliment somebody and they're like "No...i'm so bad..." like i try to compliment somebody on their...dancing. And then they're like "Oh my gosh no! I'm so bad! How can you say that? YOU'RE so good!" "Are you kidding me? You're so good it's not even funny." But then they keep DENYING it...i just hate denial. Gets on my NERVES. [/color]
  13. [color=0eade7]Well...i'm sorta good at interpreting dreams. [b]Superstar Dreams:[/b] You either want to meet this superstar or want to have a relationship with him/her, or just get to know him. Haha sorry, there were too many dreams w/ superstars..i'll try to interpret the next ones.. [b]Marron:[/b] You may have just wanted to see your grandmother again, and you did. Possibly, if she had come back, everything would be different..i.e. your school and your grandmother's home. ::shrug:: [b]XeEmO:[/b] Perhaps you just wanted to beta test for Velegant and you were wanting Adam's approval...the petting. And about the stuff at the school..maybe you're hoping for changes in your school? And, as you guessed...the AIM thing probably meant that you needd to get out of the house more. :) [b]Bandit:[/b] Maybe you wanted to meet your crush at a gathering, and you probably wanted him to show some affection toward you...but maybe the dream is telling you that once you get to know him he's quite different on the inside (british accent). When you freaked out, it might have been because you didn't want him to change..and you wanted to get away from it all. The blood and bones...maybe you're afraid of a danger that's threatening your friends at the moment? about your step dad... whoa. I don't know what that's about...maybe...your afraid that your step dad has something to do with your friend's lives? Maybe he has something to do with it..or connected in some way...I really dont know about that. That's all i'm doing tonight..i may do some from the other page later..[/color]
  14. [color=0eade7]Ooh yeah...we can try..I can get somebody to take me to the West End (i'm only 14) and we can meet at one of those big restaurants or something. Haha! That would be cool...what I don't like in Texas is that we're so stereotyped. People think that we go around saying "HEY YA'LL!!" And wear cowboy hats all the time. But that's totally not like us!! But what I DO love about Texas is that if it's rainy...just wait about five minutes, it'll be sunny again. :)...Dallas is pretty cool, I like living in the city everybody knows ;)! [/color]
  15. [color=b60039]I discovered the internet when my sister was on..I got an e-mail address when I was around 8..and...bumbumbum!! Obession starts. I wrote e-mails, I went in chat rooms, got in trouble..the usual. I made webpages with complicated HTML, made virtual lives, hosted about i dont know, 4..haha one was named GlitterBug...lets see if I can remeber them...Chesterton..Violet Springs...GlitterBug...Moon Palace! I did a sailor moon one also. Ahh...good times. But that's mostly all. :)[/color]
  16. [color=b60039]OH yeah, after I saw The Truman Show, I began to fear that everybody was watching everything that I was doing and it was all one big TV show. But I got over it.[/color]
  17. [color=b60039]Well...You've got downtown, which has the West End, and that's always fun. Really, Dallas is all about downtown. I live in the city, far away from downtown, and i just do stuff with my friends, i'm not sure what clubs are there - i'm only 14. But if you're gonna visit Dallas, everything is downtown...we have a couple of museams, but that's about it. But they are very entertaining![/color]
  18. Terpischore


    [color=0eade7]Ooh...i'm sorry you're sick!! Get better![/color]
  19. [color=b60039]Ahhh...I like this page...I LOVED Rrrocko's Modern Life...(rocko's modern life!) haha I loved the theme song. I also loved the old school All that and Snick. Dang...those turned BAD. Now they suck. I also loved Ahh! Real Monsters - i liked Oblina. And Ickis...and I liked Angry Beavers..Dagget was teh BEST..I named my rifle after him..haha cuz it sounds like "Dang it".. I didn't really like Salute your shorts or Hey Dude, just beacuse they were older then I was at the time. I was around..I dunno, 4 or 5, and I liked the cartoons better then the real life. The only real life one that I liked was "What Would You Do" and Double Dare. I liked What Would You Do better then Double Dare. OH! The Hidden Temples of that..whatever...I cant remember the name! WHere they went inside the cave and they had to do obstacles...oh yeah and that other show...GUTS!! yes!! That's it!! I liked the hidden temples and guts and what would you do - htose were my favorite game shows. Ahh...this brings me back...[/color]
  20. [color=0eade7]I remember somebody saying in the Diseases forum that they had some internal bleeding and saw everything as if they were in a different deminsion - I think it was you, [b]Fall[/b]. But what if THIS was the different demension? And we just weren't seeing it for what it really was? And Juu, I sometimes think like you do with the colors - I think that maybe everybody looks different to somebody else. Like, I wouldn't look like myself to other people - and I would only look like myself in the mirror. Everybody else would see me differently. Man it's really hard to explain. But if my blue was different then everybody else's blue, wouldn't it be possible for my eyes to be different when everybody else looked at them?[/color]
  21. [color=b60039]I had this weird dream where I was some kinda agent or something, and I went inside this circular blue room, and there was this creature there that started yelling at me and telling me things like everybody hated me or something, and then he said "I'm sorry." and his head started to inflate, and these big bubbles came out of his head, not the small happy bubbles you play with when you're three, but disgusting yellow bubbles coming out of his head, filled with this like transparent goo...and his head just deformed. And so i turned around and there was this guy that I had seen on a subway before I entered the room, and he was pointing a ray gun at me. And so he said something like there was no way out or something, and while he was saying all of this stuff, I was thinking to myself, "It's OK...the shot won't hurt, but you have to get through with this to know why you'll get shot.." I guess I had the dream sometime before, because I knew what was going to happen. An electric blue lazer shot out of his gun, and shot me in the chest. And I felt it...it hurt so bad. It was this unbearable pressure right on one of my ribs and it felt like it was oging to crack - it only lasted a second though. Then i think the dream went to a street, and there was a car. And then the dream ended...[/color]
  22. [color=b60039]I'd like to believe in what Juu said, I would like to live forever. Not in the same life, though. I'd want to live again, but ntot really know it, you know? Just like that drinking gourd thing, you'd lose your memory of your pastl ife and just go on to another one.[/color]
  23. [color=b60039]YEAH!! Texans! I live in Dallas, near Gar- wait, no, we moved..near..uhh i'm not sure where. Well around 10 minutes away from where Garland begins..But i'm in da big D![/color]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arkadyz [/i] [B][color=skyblue][font=times new roman]Well Terpischore sorry but I was correct...Disney has just inked a deal for a sequel to Pirates and thankfully they have gotten all of the cast and crew from this one to sign up for the sequel...YAY :D Heres hoping that the next one is just as good as this last one :p [/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=b60039]:eek:NOOOO!!!!:eek: Agh...damn...Well yeah, I hope it's as good as this one, though I probably won't go see it, sequels just ruing things for me. There are few good sequels out there. I think that the woman looked like a cross between Natalie Portman and Winona Ryder when her hair was down. When it was up, though, she looked like herself.[/color]
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Every time we walk past a store that's playing funky music, or if there is a beat around... anywhere... even in the superparket, the street, the doctor's clinic... she will dance. [font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=0eade7]Wow! Your mom sounds cool! I wish my mother did that. She sounds like a blast - i'm sorry she moved away. But those are some pretty weird things..it's weird, how weird parents are...and they think that WE'RE messed up..[/color]
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