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Everything posted by Terpischore

  1. [color=0eade7]::sigh:: Wow..if all this were a dream...I sometimes fear of that. My life is, good now so I don't want to wake up...well, what i really fear is if I wake up and i'm like, five years old again..because i'd have to live everything over, and if i didn't do it just right, then my future would be different, and i may have died by the time i was 10, or something. Or either I knew everything that was going to happen up till 2003 and put in an insane assylum or something. That's what I really fear of..but i think it would be kinda cool to wake up from The Matrix. :) [/color]
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arkadyz [/i] [B][color=red][font=times new roman] I really hope they do make a sequel...[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=0eade7]:nope: :nono: :nope: NOOOOOOO sequels ruin EVERYTHING....I think they should leave it just the way it is...[/color]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by mirai_torankusu [/i] [B]I also liked the little inside jokes that related to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland and Disneyworld. I thought that was a nice touch. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=0eade7][b]Could you share a couple of examples with us please?[/b] I think i went on that ride..but i can't remember much....it was like 7 years ago. But i do recommend EVERYBODY go see this.[/color]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sage [/i] [B]In summary, old people are mostly nice, [i]unless[/i] you piss them off by teen-angst stuff. [/B][/QUOTE] [color=0eade7]They get all pissed off from teen angst because they never had to deal with that kinda stuff when THEY were kids..i'm sure that they're just pissed off because times, they are a changin. I'm sure it was all good in like the twenties, i mean, of COURSE it was...and all you really had to worry about was war or if your dad was going off to battle or something, so i guess they think it's just pointless to be crying over some guy/girl that dumped you or that your mother's having another baby or something...they'd probably think it was a blessing or something. Oh well, grandparents can be mean sometimes...but they're nice when they're nice.[/color]
  5. [color=0eade7]Muscle weights more then fat, you know...so you can look good but still weigh a lot. Personally, I really don't count the pounds..i'm like, 5'4 and 115 pounds, but i don't look that bad, since i'm a ballet dancer. So i suggest that you don't count the pounds...i know it may sound bad, but...if you LOOK good and weigh like 150, no biggie. If you don't look good at 150, you may want to lose some weight in order to look good...isn't it all just about looking good after all? [/color]
  6. [color=0eade7]Well, this is what i sometimes do: Like, while your watching your favorite show, do some sit ups. Just lay on your back and go up all the way until your shoulder blades leave the floor, then go back down. You can still like, watch the TV while you do this. But if you do it for the whole show - bam! You've lost a buncha calories. If you do that for like 2 weeks then you'll lose weight. If what you were doing before helped you a bunch, just do that again, and watch how many sweets you eat. You can burn calories, but if right afterward you go to the pantry and get cookies or something, then it's like you never did your workout. Just remember - you always need to eat a little bit less then you burn off. Just so you loose a little bit at a time - you wouldn't want to get an eating disorder. Hope that helped. [/color]
  7. [color=0eade7]Ok...getting back on topic... I have 3 sets of grandparents. I have my dad's mother and father, which I don't see very often, I have my mom's mother and father, and then I have my mom's step mother and step father. My mom's parents got divorced when she was about 10, and both remarried. So, I have Grandaddy and Momo, Grandmother and Buddy, And Grandmother Nancy and Grandaddy Bob. I love my grandparents - the only bad thing about it is that my dad's parents live in Lubbock, like, 6 hours away, so we never see them. But that's OK, my dad isn't really much of a family guy...but we did have one incident with my mom's mother, and we were going to have family portraits taken... Grandmother wanted us to wear...matching t-shirts. Matching polo shirts, to be exact. And we all hated the idea. And so one day she called and my sister picked up the phone and she asked her about it and kept trying to persuade grandmother - and then she went "OK, bye bye, whitney," and HUNG UP. My grandmother hung up on my sister. Hahah i thought that was hilarious because you know grandparents are always nice kind people but hahahaha not this time! She hung up on her granddaughter...maybe your grandparents aren't all nice and sweet and "would you like another chocolate", but my grandparents boarder that...and so when she hung up it was just like WOA! But anyway.. I love all of my grandparents, and i hope they live long! [/color]
  8. [color=0eade7]Yes, the skeletons were my favorite..i actually got kinda freaked when they first showed them. I liked how whenever they were fighting w/ the skeletons, they like went in and out of moonlight and kept changing from skeleton to human to skeleton..it was great. [spoiler]And then when Geoffrey Rush was like "You'd better start believing in ghost stories, you're in one!" and it's really slow and his face slowly changes...[/spoiler]ahhh that is one fine peice of CGI.[/color]
  9. [color=0eade7]Well, [b]KittyLynn[/b], it's not like right as you type it in it goes straight to the Hentai pictures..there are like three colums, and if you move your mouse over them, one of them says Hentai..then the little red blob guy blushes..i found that funny.[/color]
  10. [color=b60039]Haha, exactly, Zeh...i went to it when you mentioned it, i went onto the OB boards...black and red...::shudder:: i like the WHITENESS of these OB boards...I wonder if they're a copy cat?[/color]
  11. Nice poem! I like the rhyming, hah..
  12. [color=b60039]I absolutely love being alone. You can just be by yourself, with your thoughts, and you don't have to worry about what somebody else thinks of you. You can do anything you want - drawing, watching tv, thinking..it's a great feeling.[/color]
  13. [color=b60039]Haha, wow, those are some pretty weird things that your parents do! Anybody else? [/color]
  14. [color=0eade7]Hahah, yes, that was funny, Alex... I saw the movie last night also and I thought it was EXCELLENT! Man Jonny Depp was SO FUNNY! He made me anticipate what he was going to say every time he was in a scene. The plot was thin - it didn't have many twists or turns, but it was very good. I'm definately going to go see this again! :) [/color]
  15. [color=0eade7]o_0..euh..what was with the name in italics?? Anyway, haha that one was funny.. Pfft..sexual oriented BABY jokes??!?[/color]
  16. [color=0eade7]Hm..if i could change one thing...it would be...making better descisions. I've made some bad ones in the past. So - making better descisions would be best.[/color]
  17. [color=0eade7]oh my GOD that was the WORST joke ever, to see the reaction on it's face!!!! Ahhh!!!!!!! Made my stomache turn....sexual oriented jokes would be funny, i dunno if you'll get banned or not...put it in a spoiler space and say "only highlight if you have a disgusting mind" haha...[/color]
  18. [color=0eade7]I'm in the colorguard in the marching band - in case you don't know what that is, it's the flags. ;)..but I haven't yet experienced a show yet, i've only just begun the training.[/color]
  19. [color=0eade7]I'd be.."The Indecisive One" because I can't really make up descisions.[/color]
  20. Woa dang, this thread has gotten arguments started...o_0...
  21. [color=0eade7]I have a number of things wrong with me...my fingers are so crooked, i'm probaby going to get arthoritis (sp??) when i'm like 20, it's because I played piano for like 8 years and now i'm on the copmuter a lot...it's like half of my fingers on one hand bend to the center, then the other 2 or three bend into the center on the other side, and my knuckles are huge and it just looks so bad... But that's not a serious disorder - i think that I may be developing schizophrenia. Maybe catatonic schizophrenia..but sometimes I can hear murmers in my head, like a TV turned down really low. I'll check it out in a few years...it may be just...me...being weird. But you know, you never know.. I also had this..i don't know what you call it...but whatever Rosie O'Donnel had on her finger, starts w/ an S...I had in my ear in 6th grade. It was just like all these little bumps inside my ear, I got some medicine for it, but if we hadn't of caught it early then it might have been really serious. Alright - i think i'm done here.[/color]
  22. Nobody said me either...:bawl: Wow, [b]Kaola Su[/b], your little lesbian/bi crushes would be mine if I were gay! Which i'm not. But Juu, KittyLyn, and Raiha have the greatest personalities and they're nice and they have attitude and they're just great people. :D I got no guy crushes, tho...no guys really talk to me! Haha..
  23. There were two muffins in the oven and one muffin says to the other "Wow! I've never met a talking muffin before!" and the other muffin says "Ahh!! A talking muffin!" Sorry, had to post that one..i think that's how it goes..
  24. [color=green] Hahah those were funny! It's weird - Alex and Shinobi, I"ve heard like different versions of each of yours! Shinobi, i heard yours as a blonde joke - and guess who said that they were in a sack of potatoes. Blonde, of course. And Alex, mine was like.... You're driving a bus and 3 people get on, to make 49 people. At the next stop, 4 people get on but 9 people get off. At the next stop, 7 people get on, and half the number of the people that are on now plus 18 get off. At the next stop, the number of the people on the bus now divided by 7 gets on, and then the number of how many legs are in the bus divided by 10 gets off. At the next stop, 17 people get on but 12 people get off. What color are the bus driver's eyes? TIS YOUR EYES!! Erm...i'll probably post a REAL joke sooner or later.[/color]
  25. [color=0eade7]Alex, a.k.a [color=green][b]GreenEyedDragon[/b][/color] introduced me to this site. She came up to me in colorguard and said "Hayley, Hayley! You must see this really awesome site that I found.." Well, sorta like that. It might have been online...ANYWAY... i'm not quite sure how SHE found it..but oh well...i've been hooked since June! Hhaa..[/color]
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