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Everything posted by Terpischore

  1. Terpischore


    [color=00CCFF]Yes, I'm afraid of the process...it seems rather scary to me, i mean you just...die. You black out and never come out of it again, you never get to see any of your loved ones again, you don't get a second chance..well, maybe you do, but we don't know that, do we? So that's why i'm afraid..[/color]
  2. [color=00CCFF] I did what you did, Alex...I got w/ my barbies and played around with them, acting out all the things that happened with my life...also, when i was alone, I went outside to my pool and sank down to the bottom, pretending i was a mermaid. Unfortunately, all my little places have melted away...i'm really not alone anymore, my room doesn't have doors..::sigh::.. and my sister is right next to my room and so...::shrugs:: i get alone time when i sleep or read. When i'm mad or something, i just go into my room and bury my face in my pillow or go complain to one of my friends that will listen online or something. So hopefully i've stayed in my room long enough so i won't like explode with buried emotions...eep...[/color]
  3. I'm scared of propellars and sharks...i hate how you're getting into a boat and you don't know where taht dang propellar is..i once hit my leg on it when it wasn't turned on and i FREAKED OUT i started shaking because what if it had been on? My leg would have been cut off....i'm also afraid of sharks because you don't know where it is...it could sneak up behind you, er, under you and eat you just like that...and something coming after you and you have no place to hide...::shudder::...falling into a black, bottomless pit...not knowing where you're going... ::5 minutes later:: I'm afraid of the unknown. That's what it is..i'm afraid of death, i'm afraid of propellars and sharks because i don't know where they are, i'm scared of anything that i don't know where or what is going to happen next...gee...
  4. Man, I'm sorry...but Sailor Moon was my first anime also. I wonder why all of us saw Sailor Moon first? I remember the day that I got hooked..I had heard of Sailor Moon and thought it was the stupidest thing ever, just beacause i saw their outfits...and then my sister was like "Let's check this out just for kicks" and so we did...and i was HOOKED. I LOVED Sailor Moon...I thought the art was beautiful and it was the only anime that had the main characters focused around girls...I think that anime girls have more detail then guys, and i LOVE detail and i just thought it was the best thing ever. I never got around to DragonBallZ or Trigun or anything like that, but now I'm into Inyuasha...some anime shows have good animation and some of them don't, i like the Sailor Moon/Inyuasha animation. That's what got me hooked.
  5. I wasn't actually involved in this car accident, but it was VERY close to us...if we had just left my ballet stuido a few seconds later, we would have been involved. SO - I didn't see the first part of it, beacuse i was laying on my back in the back seat staring out the window looking at clouds..seeing what they formed. Until I heard screeching and my sister going "OH MY GOD" and looking really scared. So i sat up and looked behind me and I see the bottom of a car sliding the opposite direction, the one like right behind us. It turned out that some car was on the other side of the street wanting to turn into our street, but another car that was on a stree that connected to the street going the opposite way had the same idea..so they crashed into each other and one made the other go on it's side and slide...it was scary.
  6. Hmm...I think i'd donate my ability to give advice. I think I'm very good at that. And my eyes. Haha, sorry, but people ALWAYS tell me "Wow..you have really pretty eyes!" They're blue and really large..mmm this kid's gonna have some kick butt eyes... So what about this kid's sex? Male? Female?
  7. Agh..this is exactly what I didn't want when making this post, people arguing about religion...this is the hardest topic of all! You can't persuade somebody to go to a different religion because it's in their SOUL what they want to do, and here we are just...saying how God is good and how God isn't good and how there are numerous Gods and then how there aren't and GAH just stop all the arguing! Whoever said the comment about there only being one god and goddess in Wicca, perhaps there are, but in my practicing you must cast a circle to cast a spell, and in doing so you invite the gods of air, earth, water, and fire into your circle. That's what i meant when i said 4 gods. Ya'll, you can post after my post, but only if its to comment on anything or try to help me in any sort of way. I've decided that i'm athiest until further notice. I have no religion. Alex and Mallory and all my other friends are cool with that, it's how it was before i tried finding a religion. Thank you for all of your posts, you've helped me a lot. Just please stop arguing about religion..i say it again, it's the hardest topic to argue.
  8. The worst time that I ever zone out is in my colorguard sessions and our instructor is telling us to release and press and release and press the pole and spin the pole inside your hand and have a flat plane and SMALL HANDS and how you aren't OPENING while your pressing and pinching and OPENING and SMALL HANDS and agh can you see how it gets boring?! So i zone out and then he calls on me and I have no idea..so i just kinda stand there..w/ my legs killing me...because he have to stand and spin a darn pole for hours..
  9. Wow...James...thank you so much..you've helped me a LOT... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062] So before you do anything, understand [i]what[/i] your exact problem is and work out [i]why[/i] you even want to choose a religion at all. Is it just because you want to belong, or is it because you really have a heartfelt desire for a philosophical guidance in your life? These are things you must consider before you take the plunge, so to speak.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, I truly think that i'm just doing it because I want to belong...I haven't even had a heartfelt desire for a philosophical guidance in Wicca....I think i'm just doing it because I want to fit in..thank you for helping me realize that.. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062]EDIT: Regarding your story about how you became interested in Wicca...it sounds to me like you were doing it as a "fun" thing between friends. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that's exactly what i was doing. A "fun" thing...just trying to fit in and have a religion. Wow. You nailed it. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062]So, it seems to me that maybe you're just wanting to choose a religion for similar reasons to choosing Wicca...not necessarily because it speaks to you on a deeper level, but because it's a desire to belong to a religion or something. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] YES! Exactly! [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#335062]Maybe you shouldn't actively seek out any religious enlightenment. Maybe you should wait until it comes to you -- until you really notice something that grabs you like nothing has before. If you force it, maybe it won't be right. *shrug*[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I've decided that I shouldn't. I'll wait until it comes to me...thank you so, so much..
  10. Alright - I know what you're all thinking. "Oh good god not another RELIGION debate...i've had enough of these already..." but..you are wrong! I'm not trying to start a debate on what religion is better and what not. So - HERE I GO! My family doesn't go to church. My mom didn't always like what the preacher was saying, and my dad really didn't want to get up on Sunday mornings and go listen to things that he already knew...since he went when he was younger...same w/ my mom. So - I was wanting to believe in something, just so I could be religious. You should know this - I'm a real strong reader, and i absolutely LOVE everything to do with magic and fantasy. I love Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Matrix..all those magic/fantasy movies. SO - i began reading this book called "Circle of Three". It's a series about 3 girls who become witches and study a religion called Wicca. I thought it was interesting, and got my other friend to read it also, and she loved the books too. She thought up the idea for us to make a coven and practice Wicca also. So, we did it. We started w/ a few spells and rituals and it was all very cool to me, so me and my friend met up every month and just did little good luck rituals for the upcoming month. Well, i was totally destined to do wicca, because in my horoscope it said taht "uranus is moving into your sign so you're new hobby for march will be witchcraft." I read this excerpt to my mother. She rolled her eyes and said "Witchcraft? Hayley, I hope you never get involved in anything like that..you'll turn weird and goth." and so i didn't know what to tell her and i just nodded my head. So there's my problem w/ family and my "religion". Notice how i put quotiations around religion. Wicca isn't my religion yet - because i'm still soul searching...a couple of weeks ago i dubbed myself agnostic, meaning i only believed in higher beings, not particularly God. So - i'm just practicing Wicca, it's not my religion yet. Now for my friends problems with it. I have a friend named Mallory who i told and she's is full fledged Christian, and it says in the Bible that witchcraft is bad bad bad satanistic doings...but i told her anyway. At first i thought she was OK with it...but then she told my friend, Alex, because she "didn't want it to be a secret anymore." and so asked alex why she did that...and Alex started to say "It's hard to believe that there are 4 different Gods when you've believed taht there is only 1 God for your whole life!" And i'm not saying that God is bad...but I do'nt think that i believe in him. I have trouble believing in things like that...i mean, i don't get how one guy could be watching over us all the time...where IS he? but like, i saw bruce almighty the other day and i thought..."I really want to believe in God.." but I just COULDN'T. So - here's my question. I have a problem with my "religion", Wicca, with my family and friends...I sometimes want to believe in God but i just can't, and I don't want to be athiest..but maybe that's the only way. I'm not dedicated to Wicca either...What should i do? P.S. Geez...sorry for the long post..
  11. Terpischore


    I'm a bit afraid of death..because a lot of times I don't think about the future. Ever. I just think about the present and whats going on today or maybe tomorrow or yesterday..i usually dwell in the past - so thinking about dying scares me. I know it shouldn't, but i don't have reassurance...at random times in the month i think "We're all NOT going to be here one day...we're all going to die...we're never going to see one another ever again..." i believe that it will be like before we were born...nothingness. You don't remember before you were born, do you? So...i'm actually dreding the blackness of death..I hope for reincarnation but i just don't think it's going to happen.
  12. Why not?? I don't see why it would be harmful to just ask. And...i don't think he'd react in a harmful way..i mean, the guy waited an HOUR and THIRTY minutes just to walk home with you..
  13. Hahah yeah, that was really funny, Alex! A lot of times when i'm leaning on my elbow the back of my arm twitches...it's REALLY weird...and a lot of times my eyebrow twitches in class...so i have to slowly put my hand over my eyebrow..people kept asking me if my eye hurt..haha
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