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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. [color=navy]I first saw clips of this anime at the Anime-Con in Anaheim in July, and I found it to be so cool I embarassed myself at the karaoke thing at the Bandai booth just to get the shirt.. *can't stop wearing the shirt* Ooh, and there was a big article in Anime Insider about the spoilers.. I, myself, want to buy the DVDs, yet sadly I am now flat broke and must complete the .hack//SIGN collection first. But that's beside the point. What I want to know is how you feel about the series, if you've heard of it or not. Oh, and also, how do you feel about the heavy gothic, dark theme of the show? Witches, flames, lotsa night-scene fights.. I think that it's pretty wicked awesome (Heh, wicked.. Couldn't pass that one up) and is worth the 25 bucks per DVD.. EDIT: Pardon this post. This was actually the first post of a WHR thread that I made quite a while back. [/color]
  2. *just bought the manga today* Hehe, pretty good.. It's really authentic to a real MMORPG but at the same time has the real .hack feel to it.. And humorous as well! Lots of suggestive scenes.. The main character likes staring at girls too much.. ...O_O Hehe, but I'm glad that it's sorta kiddy animation-wise.. It's a pretty light story (Thus far.. I've only read volume 1) There's only 3 volumes, right?
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Genkai [/i] [B]You'd be surprised... They do change lines about 80% of the time, oftentimes you'll see the other translations adn think of it a much better than the other stuf.f.. Name changing, I mean mostly in naruto... I mean, Doppleganger? I doubt Naruto could even say that ("Doppula-what?") Ninja Centerfold? Would it hurt them to say no Jutsu once in a while? I hope Rock Lee straightens them out... Oh, and the book is acutally coming in November, though it will premier in SJU in January (weird huh?) [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, I was HOPING Yugi didn't say "Oop, looks like he likes fast food too!".. But have you read the original Japanese manga, so you know how it really was, or do you just find the fan-translations or whatever they would be considered more cool?.. ^_^' Doppleganger, is a stretch, I realize that.. In Japan, it was called "Shadow Clone", or "Bushin no Jutsu" And Naruto's "special attack" (Any Naruto fan knows what I mean, I just don't wanna type it..) Is the Sekushi no Jutsu, Art of the Shexy. Heh, uh.. o_o ..Yeah. But for those who know darn near nothing about the Japanese language, I guess that it would be more convenient for them to put in some pseudo-cool English names.. Wait.. So the Hikaru no Go graphic novel is starting in November, but'll be in Jump in the new year? o_O Whoa.. That's an original one I don't recall. Well, there may be a reason I can think of that might be sorta logical to that. Maybe they just want to start a new year with a new manga.. To celebrate their 1-year anniversary. *should probably work in marketing for some big company as an adult. :p*
  4. Heh.. I found the first Pikmin to interest me for a while, but it got sort of repetitive after the first time through it for me with my short attention-span, so I don't find myself ever wanted to play Pikmin one, nor do I have much of a desire to buy Pikmin 2, despite the fact that it has the new character and new Pikmin types.. If I hear the game is long, or that it's very difficult, I'll look into buying, but I will probably rent it first.. ^_^' I don't have anybody to play multiplayer with either, so there wouldn't be much of a point for me to get it just for multiplayer either...
  5. Heh, I've never actually [i]seen[/i] it or read it, but I will be happy to become a fan of it over time, especially when it comes out in SJ... The plot sounds really cool, taking a game like go and making it so exciting.. Plus there are no needs for creature design in it (like there are in Yu-Gi-Oh!) so that might take away some of the corniness of the battles.. Or duels.. Or whatever they call games of Go in Hikaru no Go's translated version.. [quote] [i]Genkai originally wrote:[/i] [b] It's coming to Shonen Jump USA in January, so look out for it.... Especially look out for the bad translations, names being changed, and kids who think they are the biggest fans ever for reading 2 chapters ^_^ [/b] [/quote] Hm.. I thought it was coming in November.. -_- Well, they would have probably said that by now in SJ... *tilts head* Bad translations? Does Viz really do that with Jump? (I mean, I see some pretty stupid lines in Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I thought that was intended) But all of the characters' names are always kept the same in the magazine though.. Apart from DBZ once in a while.. Right? Otherwise Manta would be Morty and Anzu would be Tea.. I, however, know I am the biggest Hikaru no Go fan ever, despite the fact that I have only seen two pages of manga. ~_^ (That was a sarcastic joke)
  6. o_O No backpacks, no violence? That's sort of an.. [i]Interesting[/i] concept.. Of course, some people with backpacks DO hide drugs and weapons in them.. But then that is quite a major inconvenience to everyone else.. Well, lugging around all those books and such COULD, in theory, hurt backs of weaker people with bigger textbooks (Well that's a stretch).. Plus that would slow people down some, carrying all that around in their arms.. They'd drop stuff, and try not to go so fast so as not to drop their things. Thus that would lead to more tardies between periods.. Right? Besides, if a student seems suspicious or shady or something, maybe the workers at the school could do random backpack searches or whatever, like they do in airports nowadays. *looks at his backpack with a handle and wheels* See? That one doesn't hurt backs.. It just rips my arm out of its socket when someone steps on the back of it.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]I didn't think you were serious, lol. Never again will I doubt... In any case, I do think it's kind of humorous, but at the same very strange. o_O *wonders why I would be eating babies* [/B][/QUOTE] *pats Syk on the back* Haven't you learned by now? Even though DragonWarrior never ACTS serious, you should always believe him.. o_o That's a scary thought. Well, isn't it obvious why you eat babies, Senior Syk? You have to sacrifice young human blood to the Mei gods.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by magic_raditz [/i] [B][B]Rating: 9/10[/B] Oh boy alberto! That episode was really good. However I did think that the look alikes of Tsukasa, Mimiru and Subaru were NOT very good imitations. It would have been SO much better if they seemed really like they are and then that would have been a cool thinking sort of thing. Its sad that .hack//SIGN is over, does anyone know when and if the extra episodes that you keep talking about going to be aired? [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, odds are the episodes won't be airing on television. At least not anytime soon. Y'see, from what I've heard, those two episodes were not aired on television in Japan either, but came on a DVD with the .hack video game box set.. The name escapes me at the moment. -_- Oh, and Black_Phoenix, remember how Bear said that there is one copy of Herald in every server because he's part of the programming, right? Well doesn't that mean, logically speaking, that there would be more than one Aura as well? I mean, maybe that could give reason as to why Aura looks so different in the games in comparison to SIGN..
  9. I was a witness to the chatroom in which Syk talked to DW and such.. 'Twas my fault, really.. I said I was gonna make a banner with pictures of all my OB friends in it, then DW decided to take Syk's pic and make him eat babies... Dunno where that came in though. But, uh, I think it would have been better if you had a larger framerate, DragonWarrior.. And maybe make the baby sprite a little larger?.. X_X I don't know what to say to it on the grounds that I may get on bad terms with my other good buddy Syk. [b]7.5/10[/b] o_O I didn't think you were gonna be serious about making that.
  10. *looks at his Evangelion box set* Uh.. Yeah, I believe in Angels. And Evas.. :p But in all seriousness, though, I believe in religion, specifically Christianity, though I never actually go to church.. But when I think of an angel, I don't think of little children with wings, necessarily.. I think of a person who has done one of two things: 1) One who has been a good enough of a person to be let into heaven or 2) One who helps others, no matter what the cost. ^_^' Of course, those both could be considered the same thing.. But the second one doesn't necessarily mean one who is dead. A person who has fought for the good of all people, or helped the weak or innocent... They could be considered angels in my book..
  11. Hm.. I looked at Tsunami's link.. To the Decipher site where they show the sample decks.. The cards really DO look awesome. However, I believe that a lot of the monster cards would have looked cooler if they had the animators make two-dimensional versions.. That would have given the game a more consistent and.. Better look. Deck A looks heavily Wavemaster-related, character-wise.. And Deck B looks more like a Long Arm thing. (Ooh a Crim card. Better tell KKC..) Heh, I may not have the money for this for a while, but it'll be one of my top priorities.. :sweat:
  12. *gets his angry face mask out of the closet* M-M-Morty...!??! Augh!! That is just plain wrong..! I mean, unless they change Tokyo to "Ghostington" or something weird like that (That seems to be a habit of 4Kids sometimes... Domino City in Yu-Gi-Oh!.. I'm pretty sure that it was originally Tokyo in the manga) it would only make sense for all the main characters characters to keep their Japanese (or Chinese) names. Oi.. And they made Ren (or should I say Len?) and his sister (I forgot her name) have British accents.. Now isn't that sort of strange, considering that she has a very oriental dress on?..
  13. Aw.. How cute! This is a pretty nice, well-written fic.. The only real typos I can make in it is that in some places it would have been better to put a period or question mark instead of a comma.. Heck, even a semi-colon would do in that one spot... ^_^ I like reading Inuyasha and Kagome fictions.. They're always sort of humorous yet romantic.. [b]9.4/10[/b] Great job, 86!
  14. Heh, actually I came across this site on reccomendation from my good friend KKC.. It really is quite funny. ^_^ I've only been there once, but I hit what was supposed to be the "good stuff".. And it certainly was good. Specifically, the Decemberween specials and the Strongbad anime ones.. They had my brother and I rolling on the floor of the computer room giggling hysterically. "A Final Impact DVD? You got me this piece of cr@p last year!" And "Oh, and I would have blue hair! *diagram gets blue hair* Nobody would know why, but my hair would be blue and spikey!" Those have GOT to be the funniest lines on the site.. StrongBad is the funniest, between his character design (He doesn't look so strong), his voice, and his frequent saying of the word "cr@p" get me giggling every time.. Wow, only 4 guys? That's pretty impressive.
  15. *sigh* Yet again, Desbreko, you have found the weak spots in my thinking process and showed that my use of words was not of an acceptable level. [quote] [i]Desbreko originally wrote:[/i] [b]You must not know very much about TWW. Miyamoto and others have said time and time again that they created TWW for people of all ages. It was not made with younger kids in mind. So many people assume that because of the cartoony graphics, and it's just not true. I mean, really, the original Zelda had cartoony graphics compared to other NES games of its time, yet it wasn't considered a kids' game. Heck, it was dang hard. Probably very, very few little kids would be able to beat the first quest, let alone the second. [/b] [/quote] Yeah, you got me there by pointing out how I didn't completely think through my statement.. Back in the confines of my mind I had the fact that Miyamoto intended WW for all ages, yet all of the other spammy message boards I'm on are constantly saying it's kiddy.. @_@ It brainwashed me.. But with the cheezy graphics of LoZ on NES, how could something look realistic in comparison to something cartoony on such a low graphic level..? Given the fact that Zelda has always been graphically at the top of the line, but still.. [quote] [i]Desbreko originally wrote:[/i] [b]And when you say that it was a lot of the mature gamers that complained about the cel shaded style, you've got it backwards. It was the immature people that complained. The actual mature people appreciated the style for its complexity and how it went back to the games' graphical roots by being cartoony. Not to mention that, if it came down to it, they'd be able to look past the graphics at how the game actually played even if they didn't like the style. I mean, really, if you base your whole opinion of a game off of its graphics, that's not exactly a mature opinion.[/b] [/quote] True, that is not entirely mature.. But when I said mature I meant it to mean "People of an older chronological age", not "People of an older mental age".. Here you got me by the multiple meanings of the word mature.. [quote] [i]Desbreko originally wrote:[/i] [b]But anyway, about SCII, I don't think it's going to change Link's image. He's already had both the cartoony and realistic look before, so another game in which he's realistic isn't going to change anything. We'll probably see people saying that that's how he should have looked in TWW, but we've already gotten tons of that because of that old Spaceworld trailer. So yeah, this is nothing new, just more of the same.[/b] [/quote] *clap clap clap* Well said, sire. If he had been realistic in WW, that would have made things really sort of.. Off. The plot is sort of light-hearted for a realistic, well-shaded (Not cel-shaded.. Just heavily dark) more serious Link to fight in.. (I would not have added that last part, but I wasn't on OB when the infamous WW video was first shown so I'm stating my thoughts now. ^_^' ...Or have I already stated those thoughts..?)
  16. [b]9.3/10[/b] This episode WAS sort of a small let-down.. Just 'cause I love the series so much, I didn't want the series to end. There wasn't as much action as I expected in this episode, but the evil Tsukasa, Mimiru and Subaru were really awesome. Aura IS sorta cute.. However, her big, broad smile scared me.. I thought she was gonna kill them all. 0.0' Poor Sora.. He got data drained... Ooh, and IRL Tsukasa and Subaru were really good character designs.. (Subaru looked JUST like Ninamori of FLCL) But.. So are Subaru and Tsukasa just gonna be good friends now? I hope so... Oh, and about the last scene on that beach when Morganna said the "I've been waiting for you.." bit.. Here's what I think. [spoiler] .hack//LIMINALITY takes place about 4 or 5 years after SIGN, right? And there's that guy trapped in the game in LIMINALITY... Maybe that scene shows 5 years later, and that LIMINALITY person is the "new Tsukasa".. [/spoiler]
  17. Well, technically, DBD, a lot of that is what I've thought.. In fact, apart from the Kanti thing, that's almost a direct thought from my brain. However, [spoiler]You know, he doesn't lose ALL his options. He seems to have pretty strong feelings for Ninamori as well.. She didn't go anywhere. 'Course, it's not AS strong as he had for Haruko or Mamimi, but there is lotsa room to grow emotionally. [/spoiler]
  18. Ah.. As I read this thread, Yasashii Yoake started playing on my Winamp.. That's an interesting coincidence. Well, there is a girl that I have very strong feelings for.. We both have a passion for Japan and want to visit there one day... Probably not for a while (We're only 12 and 13, after all). But here goes: I think that a trip with just the two of us-- Her and I, I mean-- To Nagano would be very nice.. ^_^ Just laying around the lodge and talking.. That would really be great...
  19. This must sound really pathetic.. I don't think, ever since I first saw Pokemon those oh so many years ago, that I've gone more than 4 days without anime... :sweat: I'm so pathetic. And that was only because we were at my grandma's house and she doesn't have a DVD player.. Then we were too busy to catch much television, so I got back home and played my .hack//SIGN DVDs over and over and over to catch up on lost memorization time. Heh, but that's when I first got obsessed with anime. If you want to be technical, first time I saw anime was one Speed Racer episode late at night on CN a long time ago, and then I saw no anime until 3 months later.. So I guess that would be my REAL record of my longest time without anime..
  20. Dude. Nice job. ^_^ I had no idea that you were that good at drawing.. Or CGing.. Or whatever the heck you did to make that awesome piece of work. However, I find the faces to be a little.. Off sometimes. In a couple frames they sort of lack expression, but it's barely noticeable. Heh.. The plot seems a little confusing... ^_^' I, myself, entered a one-shot romance/comedy due to the fact that my action stories span WAY too far to even explain the prologue in 20 pages. (I would post my own creation if I had a scanner.) [b]9.5/10[/b]
  21. Hehe, welcome to OB, a magical land where everybody has fun and newbie threads are not really allowed. Though I [i]DO[/i] applaud your good post quality. Oftentimes newbies have really cruddy post quality, whether they are just really short or like the following: "ya I So totally LUV DAT SHOW111111111!!" Heh, nice to meetcha. *Waits for a mod*
  22. *feels left out because he's never even heard of Boondock Saints* Heh, but I do know a good banner when I see one, Senior Syk. And this is one of those. The ripping effect you did around the border is very nice, but I would lose the border around it if I were you, if possible.. Of course, if one of the Verison 7 OB skins has gray backgrounds, that'll make the picture a little weird then.. The quote is pretty cool too, and the Latin is a nice touch. [b]9.6/10[/b] As always, Syk, great job. ^_^
  23. Heh, yeah, Shaman King is coming to FoxBox... However, [sarcasm] The Oh-so-wonderful-dubbing-company known as 4Kids [/sarcasm] definitely ruined the voices. Somewhere on [url]www.foxbox.tv[/url] they posted a small preview (I forgot the specific URL) and all of the voices were SO ruined.. Only reason I'm gonna watch it is to compare it to the manga and heckle it with things such as "THAT'S NOT WHAT HE SAID!!! HE DIDN'T SAY 'Darn that jerk'! HE SAID "D@mn that b******'!!!!" Heh. ^_^' Plus they're probably not gonna put out DVDs with the uncut subtitles in them.. So we are doomed to dubs.. >_<
  24. Yeah, I don't think his image will change much, not at all for the worse. Think of it-- There are younger age groups and there are older age groups. A lot of the more mature players complained about WindWaker's cel-shaded "kiddy" graphics, especially after the video demo at SpaceWorld the year before WW was announced. Now look at Soul Calibur 2: We see the realistic, more violent Link that anyone who's played OoT knows. Thus we get the best of two dimensions on one console, in the same franchise: The WW for kiddies, Soul Calibur 2 for older groups. Now, I'm not saying that the two groups can't cross over, but that's just what demographics the developers had in mind while creating the game. Well technically, Matto Tradagen, this thread is not as much about SC2 in general, as much as Link's role in the game.. So this thread could, in my eyes, belong in either Nintendo or Zelda.. *shrugs* But moving it or not is the choice of a mod.
  25. Haha, as I stated earlier, we got it for my brother's birthday and I'm playing more than him. *likes to keep his promises* This game has some flaws, but overall it really is awesome. Pros: -The graphics (duh). There are dents in the car, and you can see three-dimensional characters when they're in the cockpit.. -Really well-detailed on the scenery as well. [i]So[/i] much improvement in the detail category in comparison to the past F-Zero games.. Those were nothing but the track and a repeating wallpaper on the ground. Now we have ships flying overhead, creatures running alongside, and a lot of sounds which distract you and run you into a wall. -The framerate (duh). Despite everything that is going on around you, everything still runs so smoothly. I find myself using the boost ability even moreso than usual just because it looks so stinkin' awesome. Cons: -How the characters move outside of their cars. Ugh, after watching 2 minutes of Samurai Goroh hobble around and bounce in Story Mode made me want to put wheels on Falcon's racer and run over him repeatedly. Same with that Skull person.. He acts all freaky... Also, Mr. Zero or whatever-the-heck that guy who interviews you at the end of a Grand Prix race just stands there and breaths heavily, it looks like. Breaths and breaths and breaths... -The voices of the characters. They're all sort of uninspired and sound like the voices straight out of an old, dubbed Godzilla flick.. They're all so cliche or monotonous or obnoxious I've turned the volume down several times... Hehe, that's about all I have to say... Oh, also, here's a question to keep this thead going some more: Which racers do you have, which is your favorite, and why? I, myself, have only unlocked the Skull man.. And he is my favorite, just because I tend to over-boost and end up getting first place in a photo finish due to that last Y button tap..
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