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Everything posted by OtakuSennen
Heh, I'm similar to Matto Tradagen on this one.. My best is Roy. Why? He's so darn cool looking plus his attacks deal a decent amount of damage without the character being slow and bulky, like Bowser or DK. I find myself getting the Cheap Shot penalty often because of the Up + B attack though.. -_- That is the most effective one I've seen, or so it seems.. Like the Dolphin Slash, it sends opponents flying. Coming in close second is Captain Falcon. His speed and attacks work very well for me in many situations. A lot of the time I use Left/right + B then Up + B to send my poor unsuspecting little brother (Bowser) flying. You'd think he'd have caught on by now.. My friend and I often go hours on end fighting each other, Roy vs. Link.. It's strange how it always altrenates on who wins.. No matter what it's me then him, me then him...
Ah, The Lord of the Rings.. Personally, they are my favorite movies of all time, Fellowship coming before Two Towers. I'd never seen an epic action/fantasy/adventure movie before LOTR: Fellowship, and I was totally blown away how the actors fit the roles so well and the music was really great. WETA did a sweet job as well. (They're part-taking in the Evangelion movie too. Raise da roof!) Two Towers just wasn't as exciting for me for some reason.. It [i]is[/i] the middle movie, somewhat cursing it, but I don't find it to be a "filler movie" as much as some trilogy movies.. It was still amazing, but there was that one scene with Gollum fighting with himself.. That got laughs out of the audience, which I found to be rather.. Childish. It would be difficult to give a scene like that out without it coming off as silly, but I believe they did it rather well. It's showing his struggle within himself, not some stupid quirk that is there to give the movie some humor... I am really lookin' forward to the third one though.. *gasp* I just remembered, I haven't read the third book..! *runs to his bookshelf*
Gaming Super Mario RPG:legend of the seven stars
OtakuSennen replied to Lord Prozen's topic in Noosphere
Ah, Super Mario RPG.. I have fond memories of this game. Actually, it's the first RPG I really played, and it's a good starter too. The play control is simple enough and the game doesn't have an all-that-complex story line... *sniff of sadness* Mario didn't have a wide variety of special moves though.. Just fireball, jump and something I'm forgetting.. Short? I didn't find this game too short... Of course, I was little and got stuck at the volcano for a month.. -_- I haven't played it in a while though.. Hm.. Maybe I should do that.. I heard about the Gameboy remake as well. Actually, I remember seeing screenshots somewhere. But it was a while ago, and I really don't remember where. However I [i]do[/i] remember they called it Super Mario Advance Four. Now that can't be true, considering that SMA4 is now Super Mario Bros. 3.. Hehe, but I think there's a good chance of it being one of the SMA games eventually. My favorite character was Bowser. :sweat: The chain chomp was so cool!! -
Anime Demons, witches, and spirits, Oh my...In anime that is!
OtakuSennen replied to Hinata's topic in Otaku Central
I agree with you, Sweetreyes. For a fantasy-ish story to work properly, you'll probably need some form of magic to do so. And, considering that regular humans normally don't use magic, who's better to do the job than an other-worldly being such as a witch or a spirit? I said something like this in the CN-being-sued thread, but I will repeat for those who have not seen it: Disney stories such as Cinderella and Snow White have witches in them, so why is it considered so bad to have an anime with a demon or something? The witches in those Disney fairy tales are normally the evil ones and get beaten in the end, and though that is not always the case in anime, most of the time the demons are evil (Not all in Witch Hunter Robin, though..) and the heros defeat them. And spirits are not in any way taboo among the Japanese. Their equivalent to our Halloween is meant just to honor lost loved ones. As long as you don't become a witch or try to make yourself a demon, what negative affect does this really have on you? -
Ah, Naruto.. As of date, it is my favorite manga.. It takes the oh-so-familiar-and-cliche genre of ninja stories and somehow makes it feel fresh.. Whether it be the fact that the ninja have microwaves and fridges or that the ninja use magical techniques instead of constant katana slices.. The animation is great, and it's even better when Kishimoto colorizes it.. It has the color quality of an American comic like Spiderman or Superman then.. It's really quite amazing. My only problem with it is that sometimes it's hard to follow what is happening.. But that's good because it makes me read the manga over and over and over again to study exactly how Zabuza died. Hehe... [spoiler]Although my sources say that he doesn't really die.. Yet.[/spoiler] The anime is supposed to be even cooler, but I can't say that it is true first hand.. I haven't downloaded any videos of it or anything.. Though I DO have the music.. Very good stuff. Oh, and according to the most recent issue of Anime Insider, Naruto has a 3-to-1 chance of being liscensed and dubbed by a company, most likely Viz, for 2 reasons: -Naruto is a Shueisha-based franchise and Viz is an affiliate of the same company. -Viz already has the manga, which is pretty popular.. (Also, One Piece has a 2-to-1 chance, according to them..)
Hehe.. It seems that BT could be considered sort of a "subtle flirt" in The World.. First off, she seems to have had a relationship in the past with Bear.. Occasionally the twosome hint at it, but it's never really stated.. Plus, in one episode, Bear was laying his head in BT's lap.. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but people who are just friends normally don't do that frequently, do they..? Also, regarding Crim, [sarcasm]poor BT was dumped by mean ol' Crim a while back.[/sarcasm] Hehe, I know who wouldn't want Crim, KKC. Straight guys. Like me. P.S. I do remember a thread somewhat like this not too long ago.. But I'm not quite sure.
Hehe, very nice poems. The Subaru, Tsukasa and Mimiru ones really speak to me, but Bear's and Crim's are sorta corny, like a "who am I?" riddle.. No offense intended. They're all really good. Oh, and about the rhyme scheme.. It's one of those non-rhyming poem sets.. They're pretty cool, in my opinion. Descriptive words and very emotional feelings.. [b]8.3/10[/b] Oh, of course I can't forget Sora. ^_^ He's the coolest one..
Anime What Anime has the best opening theme?
OtakuSennen replied to Lone Bebop's topic in Otaku Central
Opening Theme? Hm.. Hehe, well I enjoy Freckles of Rurouni Kenshin.. It is sorta annoying at first, but it catches on in your mind.. Then you find yourself singing it over and over and over again.. It is quite cute.. My favorite used to be Obsession by See-Saw, but it started to bore me. However, my favorite ending theme is Yasashii Yoake by See-Saw.. .hack//SIGN ending, very good. The lyrics really touch me, and the melody and singing are top-notch.. Hehe, it reminds me of a special someone.. Of course, this thread is about [u]Opening Themes[/u] only, so why am I saying this..? :sweat: -
Heh, now that I've seen the entire series... The series really does make all the sense in the world, once you've seen it all the way through. I mean, you know who is who and why they do what they do.. For the most part. Everything else you can sorta just piece together... Such as the eyebrow man's relationship with Haruko.. And some things are just there for humor, like Kanti's.. Removing Naota and the guitars used as weapons.. ^_^ It's not [i]that[/i] weird.. Excel Saga is sorta stranger...
*cough*Favorites thread*cough* Well I like Naota and Ninamori.. I dunno which one more. ^_^' Naota is the main character that gets all the ladies.. And Ninamori is durn attractive. When she has the long hair.. When she cuts it shorter it's not so great.. But she's really nice to Naota, and they seem to make the best match on FLCL, in my opinion.. I mean, they're the same age and they're cute together..
Anime Somebody's suing Cartoon Network (FLCL related)
OtakuSennen replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in Otaku Central
Oi.. Extremist parents... It's always the same. They take a small, in some cases almost unnoticeable aspect of something and blow it out of proportion.. Here are some examples: -Pokemon- Some parents said that some of the Pokemon looked like religious symbols.. That is weird. How many Pokemon look like some sort of Norse god that is beant on destruction..? From what I see, most Pokemon look like little animals.. And even if some LOOK like religious symbols, how many children make gold statues of them, bow before them and chant incantations..? -Harry Potter- Oh my goodness, they fix each others' glasses and make feathers float. How horrible. *rolls eyes* The main characters are good, seemingly Christian (They celebrate Christmas) children.. And Harry doesn't drink the blood of a lamb, put horns on his head and chant some weird satanic phrase.. And the hero is overcoming the weirdo evil wizard... And here's something a wise person I know once said: "If Harry Potter is banned for witchcraft, then let's throw out Snow White and Cinderella." Do they not have witches as well? Come on, people. -FLCL- Oi. It's Adult Swim. Late Night Television. If her kids... Are "young teens" as they said, they should be able to handle rubber bullets and a little fanservice... And kids by that age have probably had some sex ed classes, thus they've seen far worse stuff.. This woman is probably just trying to get attention.. And if she is such a good parent, she should know that a 13-year-old is probably not going to go and shoot everybody 'cause a kid in a blue hooded jacket shot a robot with some little bullets... While she's at it, why don't we ban Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls, and The Justice League? Cartoon Network will not cancel Adult Swim.. I heard that they actually changed their status so they could show a TV-MA-rated show if they wanted to. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Harry [/i] [B]Why can't you accept a show for what it is instead of constantly comparing it to an anime? Why would having people die in that show make it complete? [/B][/QUOTE] Twas a big sarcastic joke, my good fellow. Well, most of it. Yes, I know, sarcasm doesn't come off well in print, but I shall prevail yet.
Heh, here comes a rant where I try to be polite but I probably come off as a jerk... I'm really not that fond of the show.. ^_^' Um, I don't mean to be biased, but I don't reallyl think that the anime format is really that great with American cartoons... They often over-exaggerate the over-exaggerations.. (Look at Beast Boy. Seems every two seconds he's got really big eyes or a little throbbing vein in his head) And the show is kept on a very children-friendly level, whereas many anime are much more mature... Especially anime of the action genre.. And it seems on this nobody ever dies. Where's the carnage, huh??? I want my out-of-sync-mouthed-and-round-faced characters to die in a pool of blood..! Of course, I'm not a big fan of American action cartoons in general... They don't have the same flare that sparks my interest as much as anime does.. As for the old Teen Titans... Is it just me or are they more "Almost off to College Titans" than the "Pre-Teen Titans" That we know on Cartoon Network..? But I am glad that they cut off WonderGirl and AquaLad and that miniature Flash.. That would have made the show a bit more corny, in my opinion.. Even more stereotypical personalities on the show.. Eerg..
Heh, it's OK.. It's sorta average, but the quote and picture are a pretty funny part in the series.. At least [b]I[/b] think so. Well my main beef about it is I really don't like the text.. It doesn't blend well in the pictures, and it's just really out of character, in my opinion.. [b]7.5/10[/b] Just keep practicing.
Hm.. I do believe art-related threads [i]are indeed[/i] allowed in the art forum.. ^_^ It's a bit plain, but very clean. I prefer the first one more.. The blue fits Sonic more than the purple, in my opinion. [b]8.2/10[/b]
*sniff* I feel loved. I got votes. Well I think I like to talk with.. Charles most. ^_^ Though it's nice to speak with anyone on OB.. Charles is one person on OB that I can talk to on a regular basis and continue talking for a while.. A lot of times with people with me it's just "Hi!" "How are you?" "OK." Then they don't talk and one person logs off.. And this is NOT kissing up. In my case, it is the truth.
Hm.. Crim hinted at Sora and himself being level 99 with the top items in episode 25.. So, if you want to look at it with that information in mind, they're really close to 99.. And Tsukasa was using a ton of magic in there.. He's probably at a very high level as well.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 25, "Catastrophe"
OtakuSennen replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[b]10/10[/b] *waves fist angrily at Crim and KKC* Erg... I don't like you. The show just gets better and better.. *waves fists angrily at anyone who gave up on .hack//SIGN early on because it was "too slow"* Who's laughing now people? My favorite part about this ep was definitely the whole party aspect of it.. When everyone was fighting the blue guardian.. It really looked and felt like an MMORPG.. Well not looked as much.. Considering this is a two-dimensional television show. However, Mimiru's military terms such as "Affirmative!" was annoying after a while.. And Subaru's really touchy-feely all of a sudden.. That seems to be one of the few ways of keeping Tsukasa positive though.. Poor Maha.. Poor Sora.. *sniff* Dumb 'ol oldschool Crim was "more into the fight".. This cliffhanger at the end of the episode didn't get me as enthralled as the one when Tsukasa got beaten up by Morganna though.. I was depressed and crying for a day after that... -
Sora called Morganna "Old lady." New Question: What does Sora say when he first sees Tsukasa in a dungeon (In the scene where Tsukasa first goes to Aura's field)?
Answer: A little dead piece of grass. New Question: What color are Tsukasa's eyes?
Hehe.. I love Gainax. Eva AND FLCL... And Betterman (which I have never seen)... -_- What other projects has Gainax done, in the US or not..? They've never really done a manga story, have they..? Like how Pierrot (Or however they spell it) has done Naruto and Yuyu Hakusho, as well as some others.. I noticed that pattern of Gainax and their confusing-yet-oh-so-great anime.. ^_^ Hehe, I like that.. Eva rules all!! Bwahahahaha!! >_< Well not really.
Why did you choose your screen name?
OtakuSennen replied to EdtheHackerGirl's topic in General Discussion
Mweheh heh heh... My name.. I don't remember where I originally came up with it.. Oh yeah! When I wanted to get my own email address I wanted something that has to do with the word "Otaku" (This is also before I started coming to message boards) And I remembered reading some DragonBall manga and they addressed Master Roshi as "Roshi-Sennen".. Thus I thought "Sennen" means "master." So I decided that I wanted to become the master of all anime!!! *waves fist in the air and puts on Il Palazzo outfit* So thus I became OtakuSennen. Now I know that masters of whatever are referred to as "whatever-sama" in Japan.. I would change my name to Otaku-Sama if I had the chance, but I'm afraid some people may take it as politically incorrect. (Sorta sounds like Osama if you take out that bit in the middle) And since then I've gotten an email address, an AIM screenname, and a webmaster name all under the OtakuSennen umbrella.. :sweat: Weird sentence I made right there.. That's it, pretty much. -
Anime (US/CAN) General Thoughts and Ratings for .hack//SIGN 24 "Net Slum."
OtakuSennen replied to teptep's topic in Otaku Central
[b]9.8/10[/b] *sniff* I missed the first few minutes of it... >_< Well, I saw the majority of it, but still.. Heh. This episode is the big one that the last few episodes were sort of leading up to.. I toldja, I toldja! *does his patented happy dance* Well, it's really nice to see whom I call group A and group B working together.. Group A = Crim and Mimiru and Bear and such, Group B is BT and Sora's small team.. And Sora drove Morganna even more on the edge.. Heheheh.. Her voice was a lot more tense in this episode.. HELBA WAS SO COOL IN 3D ALONE, BUT THE 2D IS AMAZING-ER!!! -_- Sorry about that... Maha has come to be one of my favorite characters as of late.. Showing compassion to Tsukasa and stuff.. He (She?) needs to stand up to Morganna... If he could ever locate where she actually is.. Yeah.. Tsukasa is SUPPOSED to log out for Morganna's plan to work, right?... 'Cause Aura opened her eyes in that one episode a while back, and The World hasn't changed yet... Did that count? She had purple evil eyes... And her feet were turning blue.. Does that mean that she is slowly being warped into the Dark Aura?.. Heh, I can't wait until next Saturday.. -
Helba's base of operation is known as "Net Slum." What is the color of the second Guardian that Tsukasa's guardian defeats, killing itself in the process?
o_O That is one distrubing picture.. Please tell me that's unliscensed fan-crud.. I don't wanna see poor Sora and Elk like that.. >_< Me sad... So.. .hack//GIFT is that SIGN/games crossover, correct? ..I'm hoping that that is just one scene of it, with a funky animation style like they do in FLCL once in a while... *I am back for the moment*