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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. Hehe, welcome to the boards, Iron_chef. But at the moment, I am listening to "Ai" By I dunno who.. -_- But it's the Excel Saga opening theme.. It is annoying at first, but it grows on ya. ~_^ And next on my trusty Winamp playlist (With a Sanosuke skin) is.. Let me be with you.. The Chobits theme song.. It gets stuck in my head way to easily... *tries to decide if he should change his Winamp skin to his Rei Ayanami one*
  2. Wow, for a first attempt, that's great! However, the text is sort of lost in small places.. I don't know how you could fix that, though.. But then.. If darkness will shadow all, why does it sort of look like there's some light emenating from the center?.. But I like it! [b]8.9/10[/b]
  3. Hehe.. Wee wee. Amazing comics, DragonWarrior-san! I giggle uncontrollably so much when I watch these my parents think I ate something out from under the sink.. -_- Plus, giggling, is really REALLY rare with me... Hehe.. I like the introduction of Wee Wee the most... But overall, [b]9.8/10[/b] (I would say 10/10 but that would sorta sound a little corny, wouldn't it..?)
  4. Heh.. At ganonstower.com or something like that they have a page about some guy who's written a script and done a storyboard for a Zelda animated movie.. But Nintendo didn't tell him to, so they probably won't let him do it.. But it looks good enough. Also, there was a live action movie that came out before LoZ on NES did, and I think Miyamoto once said it inspired him.. It was called "Legend", I believe.. *shrugs* Just thought I'd bring those up.. Well, anyhoo.. I think a live action movie wouldn't be that great.. It would have to be, like, 4 hours long to fit in an entire game's worth of storyline.. And then we'd have to see Link actually talk! *gasp* Besides, how many actors out there can look good in tights and wield a sword at the same time? *nods* I think an anime would be best. Maybe just 26 eps long like most original anime in Japan.. That would cover about one game's worth of stuff, I suppose.. ^_^
  5. Yeah.. I was wondering what that cord was too.. But then what about when we see all of Aura's body? There's nothing then.. OOH if she is in a womb there's symbolism!!! That would simply be like how Aura is sleeping, and changing (Or incubating) to how she will be when she is awakened, or born. :D Did anyone else think of that? :sweat: You probably all did.
  6. Hehe.. In my opinion, and apocalyptic/post-apocalyptic anime is quite freaky.. I'll list off a few and give explainations why.. [b]Blue Sub 6[/b]-- Just seeing the world covered in the water and all of the freaky monsters was quite disturbing. Especially considering I was, what, 9 when I saw it.. And in the end it wasn't exactly a happy ending either.. They sort of left it open, from what I remember, to give the viewer the space to imagine how it all ends.. >_< Either that or I entirely forgot parts of the series.. [b]FLCL and Excel Saga[/b]-- Uh... They're just nice and weird. I really enjoy these two anime, but they're not entirely.. How should I put this...? Sane. That's not a bad thing though. [b]The Big O 2-- Episode 1[/b]-- By the end of the episode I was just staring at my TV and just said "Wait.. What happened?" Seeing the almighty Roger Smith as a homeless guy was really weird.. But all the symbolism and stuff confoozled me.. [b]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/b]-- It's pretty much 10 years or so from now (I'm to tired to be exact) and the world is pretty much doomed... And all the characters going insane in the end was somewhat confusing.. And then End of Evangelion.. *shudders* That was just depressing... Well, those are the ones I've seen..
  7. ...Huh. Coulda sworn I posted in here.. Well anyways, I have a few really memorable moments in gaming... 1) The final fight in Golden Sun versus Saturos and Mendari. This one took me maybe 3 weeks to get through.. That one fight.. Then I left the game alone for a while, then decided to restart the entire game.. Which was a wise decision. Lots and lots of fun in that game. ^_^ Then I did the happy dance for about 4 hours after I beat the fusion dragon and called up my friend/rival and bragged for a while... Hehe... 2) The scene in Enter the Matrix when Niobe kissed that lady in the cheteau. Hehe.. That was priceless. "How about I shoot your kneecaps off instead?" My brother and I played through the game as Ghost first and saw that scene and we were saying that they'd change that scene somehow for Niobe.. But they didn't. :D That was hee-larious. 3) Watching my Sim city get destroyed by aliens. I had worked for about 6 months making a utopia in the Sim world, and the entire large lot of land be destroyed by UFOs.. I was foolish enough to use nuclear power. -_- So in the end, my entire town was a radioactive wasteland and I could just imagine the mutated freaks trekking around the town.. >_< That was aggrivating that I had forgotten to turn off the natural disasters..
  8. Hm.. Favorite food...? Lessee.. I like a lot of food, but I'll name off the top few. I really, REALLY enjoy any Asian food, specifically soft-core sushi (Not anything wild like pufferfish.. Not even squid, really) and Chow Mein or Low Mein. Not all at the same time, of course. That's not a really pleasant taste, in my opinion, mixing the Chow Mein with some sushi.. And seafood too.. Specifically salmon and shrimp. ^_^ My favorite meal overall is probably this dish my mom makes, called shrimp creole.. It's rice with bits of ham and tomato sauce over it, with lots of shrimp.. My dad and I normally have a little contest whenever we have any of it in the house to see who can finish it off.. I love beef and steak too.. And I'm not that big on fruit or vegetables.. *shrugs* I'm a carnivore, I suppose.. Of course, no meal is complete without my trusty hot sauce, Island Heat! It's only sold in this one restaurant that I've been to a few times, and the only one I've ever seen is in San Diego.. >_< So I have to ration my precious sauce recently so as not to run out.. So in short.. I love 80% of all food to ever exist.. Oh.. Now I'm hungry.
  9. Hehe... Yeah, sometimes the artists change parts and the characters look weird. I remember in one early episode Tsukasa looked sorta drunk and his hair was even longer... And there was that one episode, KKC can surely tell you, where Crim was drawn by the same "crack artist".. Hehe, yeah, I noticed Aura's naked-ness... But in a womb? I don't know about that part.. I think she's just inside a "tangible form" of the game's system... But that's just my thought.
  10. Wait.. So they were sucked into Middle Earth literally, as in J.R.R. Tolkien's creation..? :therock: Did they get permission to do so, or is Middle Earth open for anyone to use? But this anime DOES look pretty cool.. Is it in stores or is it just Japan as-of-date?
  11. Heh.. Uh, new eps of Kenshin have in fact been airing 9:30 PM Pacific time on Saturdays. Sorry, sir. I'm not sure if it's coming back to Toonami.. But the place to find out is Cartoonnetwork.com.. Their schedules and such. Welcome to the boards, Bardock03! ^_^
  12. Hehe.. I don't remember the guy's name, but we had a science sub one day last year.. He worked at the penetentary or something.. He came in the class in full uniform and he went around the class asking us our names.. My friend said "Uh..." When he was the first to be asked, and the drill sergeant-wannabe told him that my friend was "Smokin' the cafeteria milk" And he would always end his sentences with "BOYEEEE!" in a really annoying tone.. And I, having glasses with matted dark hair, was addressed as Harry Potter and had to stand at ease while trying to figure out our real teacher's instructions. I was the "technical support boyeee" for the entire period. "Why won't this work, Harry Potter, BOYEEE??!" "I'm not sure, sir!" "You're the technical support BOYEEEEEE!!!!" "Sorry sir." He also busted a ton of people for various things (which I won't write about due to content). >_< Luckily it was just for one period on one day. [sarcasm] Heheh... Harry Potter. I get it now! 'Cause of the glasses and the hair-- OF COURSE! [/sarcasm]
  13. Wow.. All these rooms are really nice.. [quote] [i]Wristcutter originally wrote:[/i] [b]A traditional Japanese room would be kinda cool (you forgot the floor should be tatami mats though... and the random black lines are doors), but what kinda chick wants to score with a guy who's room looks like that?[/b] [/quote] Heh. :sweat: You're right, I forgot about some of the more authentic aspects of the room.. -_- But what kind of girl wants to score in that kinda room..? Uh.. Heh, I'm only 12, ya know. Before I plan on doing that, I'll be out of my parents' house (hopefully. o_O) and I'll be in college.. At least. >_<
  14. [quote] [i]Double_D_Daigo originally wrote:[/i] [b]I noticed that his eyebrows looked like dried seaweed. But i still don't know, what was so erotic that those control tower girls saw? And did any one else hear notice that when Mamimi went to get on Hatuko VESPA her painties just came off. WOW![/b] [/quote] The eyebrows were indeed strange... But it was really funny how everyone acted so mesmerized and said "...The eyebrows..!". But what the control tower people saw.. Was Haruko was trying to pull a guitar out of the main character (I forgot his name)'s head, and the things they were saying were sorta suggestive (though nothing was happening) and from a rear view it really didn't look right.. X_X Note to mods: Uh.. Please don't ban me for saying that, if it was too descriptive.. >_< *sobs* I've missed all the de-pantying so far.. *sniff* :( But I missed most of the first episode.. What exactly is a Fooly Cooly..? o_O
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DemonzDragoon [/i] [B]If Helba never talks, was she even programed to talk in .Hack//sign? [/B][/QUOTE] Well.. Uh.. Helba's a real person, not a non-player character. So she really can't be [i]programmed[/i] to talk or not. Unless she somehow hacked into her character's abilities and took away the talking command. But that's sorta weird and I doubt Helba would do that.
  16. Hehe.. I have so much free time that I've actually planned out exactly what I want my room to look like.. Theme: A peaceful ancient-Japanese style room. The floor would be just wood with maybe a little carpeting in the corner in wavy patterns.. For meditation and stuff. :sweat: Then a curvy wooden desk containing my very own personal computer.. *sigh* I wish.. And enough room to write manga too. The walls would be just a light beige with black wooden vertical lines along it here and there, just like the side of a traditional Japanese house. And here's the grand, innovative thing my mom mentioned once: (I'm guessing she got it from some show on Home Gardening Network) A set of suspended, moveable lights with pieces of some material covering parts, so that you see sillhouetes of cranes or a statue or something outside of the walls, simulating the paper-thin material the Japanese used as walls which could let you see outside easily. Then the bed would be round, with black sheets and a dark brown headboard (if that is not black too).. X_X I spent WAY too much time thinking that up once.
  17. Heh... What WOULD I do..? o_O Well, friend-wise, I'd try to keep in close friendship with my good OB friends that have AIM (KKC, Syk, Charles, and Japan_86 to name a few). Talk with them about various things. ^_^' Oh and then I would also have the actual free time to have a fragment of a life.. >_< No offense, I mean that I spend all my free time posting on here, not that OB is a useless tool that takes up all my free time. By then I'll probably at least be engaged and not have AS much time for the internet or, I hate to admit it, anime. *sobs* Then I'll come back once in a while, and see how the "second wave" of otaku are handling the place. (Of course, KKC will probably still be there ranting on about Crim. :p) Then I can start a pointless thread deleted by the new mod/Syk and Mei's kid about "The good old days of OtakuBoards".. But that won't be for a decent while. ~_^ I'm staying here for at least another 10 years. (Or about that.. Who knows?)
  18. *sigh* I'll be watching little bits and pieces, and if I'm really bored, I'll compare the Shaman King anime to the manga, script-wise and see how stupid they made it there, along with the voices. >_< But as I've stated before, in previous Shaman King anime threads, I'll just be sticking to the manga.. And there's really not point in talking about how they're gonna ruin it... At least that's what I think.
  19. Nice thread.. I'd safely say that Syk and Mei really are my favorite OB couple.. I mean, I see a lot of great ones out there, but as stated before, Syk and Mei share a very special romantic bond.. Plus I speak with Syk frequently through means of AIM, and I can safely say that 95% of the time he is talking about Mei. And they aren't just kinda-sorta-inlike with each other.. ^_^ They are seriously all out. *sigh* If only I had been on OB when Syk and Mei were getting married. I bet that was great..
  20. Wow, 86! For your first one that is great! I like the quote.. But the purple background is a little basic.. ^_^ The picturs are well selected too. Great job! [b]8.7/10[/b]
  21. Heh, I've heard of the renewal project, yet I haven't really seen any true information on it.. Has Gainax really officially begun that? I think seeing an Evangelion renewal would be pretty nice.. ^_^ But then they might accidentally ruin it.. How ironic.. Gainax destroying their own work... But when you say renewal, do you mean like a remake or a new series?.. I think that the plot is great as it is, and they really don't need to make a new set of eppies... But that is just my opinion. But if I recall, there is a thread maybe a page back from here about the Eva renewal.. But I haven't seen it for a while..
  22. Ah yes.. .hack//TASOGARE UDENWA NO DENSETSU... .hack//DUSK, .hack//UDEDEN.. All the same thing. ^_^ It's called the epilogue to the .hack world.. But I don't want it to end..!! Too great a series... Well, I really haven't seen DUSK yet.. But the manga will be coming out September 9th and the anime has been liscensed by Bandai.. ^_^ I can't wait! But it has more of a childish approach.. I prefer LIMINALITY and SIGN more than DUSK because they're more dark and mature... But that's just my opinion. Heh, I'm really looking forward to it!
  23. Lisa's sub's name is Mr. Burgstrom. I'm pretty sure that they never really gave a first name.. New question: What is the name of the fifth season's first episode? (BONUS: Give the actual episode number and you get a cookie!)
  24. 0_0 CURSE YOU, 4KIDS!! *sobs* Just when I thought they [i]might[/i] do a good job... They had a chance to redeem themselves.. :bawl: However, I saw this coming.. I mean, Manta's a midget that sorta looks like a girl sometimes (At least in the manga).. I could see where they came at with the high-pitched nerdy thing on his part... And what the heck were they thinking, making a Chinese Aristocrat like Ren's sister (her name escapes me) sound like a British person?! That's insanity, I tell you! Insanity!! :flaming: Anna, however, should have sounded lower and a little more evil-ish.. *sigh* Amidamaru was the best of them, and still he stinks. And Yoh.. Augh, he sounds all.. Energetic. X_X Not Yoh at all.. Not right... I'll stick to the manga, thank you very much. Oh, on the bright side, the anime isn't very long.. It's like, what, 62 episodes? Much less than the manga.
  25. Wow... I didn't ever think that Fox would actually make Homer's site.. o_O I didn't look long because I was afraid my parents would get suspicious of all the X's on the page.. *hint hint, wink wink* But it looks just like it did on the show... But Homer's pic is visible.. Did he ever take the little sack off on the page or something?.. Hehe, great find.
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