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Everything posted by OtakuSennen
I'm just oh so original. My email's OtakuSennen, one of my AIM screennames is OtakuSennen, I call myself OtakuSennen on my own webpage.. So guess what my MyOtaku user name is? *Jeopardy song plays* That's right! OtakuSennen!!! -_- If I ever get a scanner I'll submit some work, but I dunno if that will happen anytime soon.. And I agree, it's sorta hard to find members.. The only people who I knew were on MyOtaku before I read this thread were Syk, Shippo, Japan_86 and myself... X_X I'm sure that there would be a lot more traffic on the pages if you could actually know who was on it..
It was just announced maybe an hour ago that Arnold Schwarzenegger (sp?) is running for governor of California.. For the "recall election" of Gray Davis.. Apparently, according to what the news people were saying, he was not going to run, but at the last moment he changed his mind. They are saying that he's pro-family and hypo pro-education as well.. How do you all feel about him running for governor?.. I, myself, think it's a good idea (not that my opinion counts, I'm not old enough to vote yet).. He has a family and you never hear anything bad about him on the news... Has anyone been a movie star and a politician at the same time? :therock: How will he balance that?
Heh.. I'm pretty sure they are just like armor or padding.. But his overall look makes him sort of cowish.. With his (what look like) large, bony hips and cow hoof shoes. ^_^' But overall, it's a wicked-awesome outfit.. In my opinion.
A midi is a synthesyzed (sp?) soundtrack song without any words in it.. I'm not sure, but I think [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] has some MIDIs of .hack, but I'm not sure. I just know they have some Inuyasha MIDIs... I don't wanna act like a mod, but this is sorta spam.. This will not lead to great conversations... It's only a matter of time before a mod will come in here and close this.
"Oh...." Sora twisted his hair around his index finger. "Just a fair fight with Crim.." Crim muttered something that nobody could really comprehend. "AND I want to be in on your little venture! That whole ordeal with Tsukasa was so fun!!!" He giggled, and everyone rolled their eyes. Crim sighed. "Fine, you get what you want. But first we have to get these young ones to log out." Sora looked at him mockingly. "'Young ones'? You're so oldschool." Crim readied his glaive, aggrivated. "No, I don't want to ruin the fight yet.. I'll be logging off now.. I'll contact her later, 'k?" He jumped away, shouting a goodbye. "Well," Nitsu sighed. Now we just wait for a while."
*pulls out his handy dandy Japanese-to English dictionary* Tsukasa- Just a name. Mimiru- I found nothing, really, apart from the fact that Mimi means Ear. Bear- ...It is a large furry mammal that I'm sure we're all familiar with if we've seen one named Winnie who for some reason is associated with feces. Sora- Sky or weather. Another meaning is an expression meaning, "Hey! Look!" Crim- Pretty much shortened for the English word "Crimson." I think we all knew that.. B.T.- As explained in the show, it's [spoiler] BLT without the L, so it's pretty much bacon and tomato, but no lettuce.[/spoiler] Subaru- Just a name, like Tsukasa. Also a name of a type of car. Ginkan- That's the Japanese name for Silver Knight, for those who don't know. Gin is silver and Kan means intuition or a volume in a series of periodicals. :D There ya go. That's about it for the main characters..
Hm.. If I were to write a fortune? Well, there's a few I'd write: "Let a frown be your umbrella." Smiles don't make good umbrellas. The rain is kept inside of them. "The ones you know and love are your shield and your sword" Meaning they are your people to fall back on and what keeps you going. "One day soon a meteorite that has been circling the galaxy for eons will crash into your town, killing you and all your loved ones." That one just sounds fun. :D
OK. Not all the characters look the same as someone from SIGN. That's just a small rumor among some .hack fans.. The preset player characters that we have seen (or know are not custom characters) goes as follows: Elk/Tsukasa Mimiru/Blackrose Orca/Bear (or close enough) And I suppose there's others, but I don't have a PS2. -_- But Mia and Piros either have customised player characters or have preset characters that nobody else that we see in The World has.
The girl was a Swordsperson (Heavyblade, I suppose) with brown hair in a messy ponytail and a green revealing top and a skirt.. The grunty was pinkish purple with a blue bandana. (Extra credit! :D) New Question: In episode 6, Captured, what was B.T.'s theory to why Mimiru was yelling at her and blaming her for Tsukasa's capture? (And no it's not because BT deserves to be yelled at, even though that may be true)
"OK then," Nitsu remarked. "Let's go try and log out then." The typical eerie warping sound occured as all of them traveled to the Carmina Gadelika root town. "Now," Crim looked at them all in turn. "Try logging out, and we'll see what happens when you do." Enix went up first, and was slightly lifted off the ground as you always do when you log out, but then nothing happened. Nitsu and Valiant tried next, ending with the same results. And last, Siroken attempted but to no prevail. "See?" He turned to Crim. "Nothing happens. We're trapped." Crim stroked his chin, uncharacteristically. "I see.. So, I'm guessing we're gonna have to call some of my friends, hm?" "Like who?" Nitsu was blushing even harder now. "More hunky blue-haired long arms?" Crim smiled. "No," he closed his eyes in thought. "I know a friend-- Well, not really a friend, but I know someone who knows Helba, the infamous hacker." "And who is that, Crim?" Valiant asked. Crim opened his eyes. "Sora the Twinblade knows Helba the hacker. I'm going to contact him."
Ugh.. Hamtaro and Beyblade. I am REALLY not fond of them.. The character design for Beyblade is sorta tweaked.. X_X Their cheeks are so large... But which came first: The tops or the anime? This show, as stated before, just takes the top-battle stuff too far.. Why would people actually hold a tournament that people go an see with nothing but children spinning plastic toys..? It doesn't make sense. And Hamtaro is just.. Eeeg.. :sweat: I can understand why people can buy into the cute hamsters and silly plushies and such... But I am definitely not into this kind of anime. Give Hamtaro a blood-red headband and an AK-47, give Boss a potty mouth and have some deep thought-provoking character developement and I'll feel better about it.. It's an OK show, but it's just not for me.
Heh.. I would frequently attempt whatever I saw on television.. Once I remember seeing Bugs Bunny put together a cigarette and smoke it, so I took a piece of paper, put some pepper in it, and got a time out for accidentally dropping the pepper shaker. -_- That's the one that sticks most vividly out in my mind... And my brother once saw Toy Story and almost jumped off of our staircase yelling "TO INFINITY AND BEYOND!!!".. X_X Luckily my mom was close enough to stop him... And there was a really old MacDonald's commercial where Ronald (Erg.. He irks me so) and some kids found some hula hoops and jumped into them, and popped out of another one. So my brother and I took a couple of our mom's cross-stitching hoops, set one on the ground, and my brother held one up as I jumped through it... Hurting myself and not warping like the scary clown and the brainwashed children. X_X We were young and impressionable. But I'm pretty sure we've all done something strange like that when we were little, whether we don't remember or don't want to admit it. Television is very convincing to younger children, too.
Siroken was walking up the spiraling pathway leading to one of the highest hills in Dun Loreiag. Really tall guys with glaives and blue hair were pretty common in The World, so he would need a height advantage to see all of them. Coming down was a blonde haired woman with a Wavemaster staff and a green dress. "Hello there," She said. "My name's B.T. Would you like to--" "I'm busy," Siroken knocked her off the bridge, effectively PKing her. (OOC: I just had to do that somewhere along the line) At the top of the hill, he stopped for breath. Now that he was trapped in The World, he would have to remember not to overdo it... He might pass out then. He then looked toward the Grunty Ranch, where he saw Nitsu walking out (her face completely red) with a long arm with blue hair. He grinned. That was Crim. He jumped off the mound and landed close enough to the ranch to call the two of them over. "Hi there!" Crim smiled as the two walked over. "I'm Crim, and I assume you know Nitsu?" Siroken nodded. "Yeah.. We have a problem, and we think you may be able to help us. But first we have to meet up with the others involved." Crim looked distressed. "Ohhh... If this is going where I think it's headed, I have a feeling we're in for a bumpy ride."
Wow, that stuff's as nice as your woodwork! It's all so smooth and well-balanced. And shiny too... *stares at the shiny things* You're really good with this stuff, 86! ^_^ ..But is that one in the back an iguana..? I can't tell what that one is.. [b]9.4/10[/b]
Hehe.. A form of art other than drawings.. ^_^ I haven't seen that yet in this forum, Japan_86. Great job! That WOULD make a good lawn chair.. Paint it white!! [b]9.6/10[/b]
^_^ I only got to see about 10 minutes of it (I was changing the channel when my dad came in the room, he's not fond of AS even if it's only rated PG or 14...) But from what I saw, it was.. Interesting. The animation was nice and crisp, and that robot fight was pleasant... And the manga scene gave me a smirk. But I agree with Black_Phoenix. This anime is very funny and enjoyable, but Excel Saga is stranger but still actually makes a semi-decent amount of sense... ^_^ I'd like to get the DVD of FLCL though, or read the manga.
Ah, yes, Outlaw Star.. That is one great anime.. ^_^ The plot was great and the action was muy bueno. If you're into space cowboy stuff like Bebop and Trigun, you'll like Outlaw Star. (Cartoon Network got rights to all of them at once a few years back) But be warned: There is one episode that was not aired on US television due to seeing.. A lot of things.... X_X And Melfina (a bio-mechanical android) doesn't have any clothing on sometimes.. Let's just say that that along with some more thematic elements makes this much more of a rated-R series if you're buying the DVDs. But I would definitely reccomend it. ^_^
Siroken lifted his head when he heard the name Crim. He turned to Nitsu. "You remember The Crimson Knights, right?" "Yeah, why?" "Well, a little while after they were first formed, one of the founders of the group quit... Do you remember his name?" "Crim the Red Lightning," Valiant responded. "Exactly," Siroken responded. "And a character like that is bound to know at least a couple more famous players..." There was a long, awkward silence Enix breaking it maybe a minute later. "You know.. Siroken, you don't seem to be very worried, considering we're trapped in The World." The twin blade responded. "Well," He grinned. "I always look at the glass half full. We won't have to worry about school or chores for a while, right? Plus, if this Tsukasa character eventually logged out, the same will happen to us." They all came up to the Chaos Gate and warped to Dun Loreiag.
[quote] [i]Crazy Ace originally wrote:[/i] [b]CN can be a horrible channel, I wouldnt be surprised if they butcher .hack//sign like they do to all their good programs[/b] [/quote] :therock: I don't think they would destroy .hack//SIGN with only three episodes left... I mean, even THEY know that that would cause massive riots... On message boards. *ahem* But they still know that there are fans for the show.. [quote] [i]Tical originally wrote:[/i] [b]Its being replaced by the KND marathon.[/b] [/quote] *steam blows out of his face* The Kids Next Door MARATHON?! Augh it's senseless enough as it is... And there's not enough episodes for a stinkin' marathon that lasts at least until midnight..! >_< Why Cartoon Network does what they does is sort of related to what one wise man once said: "Life is for us to live, not to solve." ...Now the name of that wise man escapes me, but I know he's real and very famous..
Siroken nodded. "Yeah, we were in Carmina Gadelika, sweeping the dungeon... We came up to a monster with a giant mace which ended up defeating us all..." "And now..." Nitsu looked at her hands. "We.. Can feel things, even though this is a game.." Ijimeru frowned. "Huh. That doesn't sound possible.. Being absorbed into the game..." Nitsu jolted upright her eyes wide. "Wait--" She looked at everyone in turn. "I remember reading about this on the message boards.. Apparently, a while ago, a boy named Tsukasa was trapped in this game.." "So..." Valiant seemed a little on edge. "Does that mean we should look for someone who has relations to this Tsukasa character, or the events that surrounded him?"
Siroken looked around at the pues and at the statue of the girl at the front of the building. "..I know where we are very well..." He dusted himself off. We're in Hidden Forbidden Holy Ground.. I spend a lot of my time here..." Something was different now, they all could tell. Valiant opened the large doors to the church. "I'm gonna log off now.." "Uh," Enix came up and rested his hand on Valiant's shoulder. "Maybe we should--" The two of them gasped as a gust of air flew in the church. Siroken and Nitsu were rather surprised too. "How--" Siroken muttered. "How can that be?" Nitsu continued the thought. "That's wind... But how can we feel wind if we're in a game..?"
The entire party moved in close to the monster, trying to find out if they had won yet. It got back up, unaffected by their attacks. Nobody else heard what Nitsu said next, due to the fact that the program doesn't let such language be heard on the system. The creature swung its mace in a circle, hitting everyone. Enix, who was rather new to the game and didn't have much strength considering he was a Wavemaster, didn't have a chance to block or revive himself. His body fell gray to the ground. Siroken muttered under his breath. "That's great. Our healing party member is not here now." He was completely worn out as well. This was gonna be over soon. Not how they had hoped for it to finish. He slowly stood up, and saw something he would never forget- The mace was ramming toward him, straight for his face. Everything went black, and the last things he heard then were Valiant and Nitsu shouting out in pain, and the musician in him noticed F minor playing in the distance.
But Bear IS sorta old.. In a sense. He's 46, just as KKC mentioned. I saw that episode as well... So, if you think of "old" as over forty, then yeah he is, but he's not literally old, as in 85...
Erg.. That's irritating. Well, I'll be out of town for a couple weeks, so it won't really affect me much.. But I really think Cartoon Network exploits those Cartoon Cartoons too much.. Do they show many new episodes? Not frequently, apart from Grim and Evil (I know they're 2 seperate shows now, but I'm tired and I just wanna abbreviate it).. But will the rants of some otaku on a board really do much? Not with the people working at Cartoon Network..
Well, here's my theory.. Bear met B.T. online (probably on some MMORPG, if not The World) a while ago an eventually they were both in the same high school. Then they went from online friends to online and offline boyfriend and girlfriend.. Then eventually they broke up (Yeah, I think B.T. might be a little more friendly to her current boyfriend) and just stayed online friends. Why high school, you ask? Well, we see that one flashback to real life when a person that looks like B.T. got a card inviting her to a high school reunion, and she threw it away. Maybe that is because she doesn't want to see Bear in real life again, if they really were both in high school together.. But they still have some feelings for each other, it seems.. There was that one scene in an episode whose number escapes me where Bear was resting his head in B.T.'s lap. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but don't people have [i]some[/i] feelings for each other before they go laying their head in someone's lap..? And, there's also the element of Bear's son. Apparently, he was divorced from we don't know who.. But it's a possibility that that divorcee [i]could[/i] possible be B.T.. But that's just a far-off thought and small possibility..