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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. Hm.. *nods* Yeah, it's probably Final Fantasy Unlimited.. But then there is also that other Final Fantasy cartoon, "Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals".. Oh, BTW, welcome to the boards, SonPikkon! I'm sure you'll have a great time here.
  2. OK.. I think I'll make a machine and a human, if that'll be OK. ________________ Name: James Parker Hacker name: Scope Age: 25 Appearance: [i]Matrix:[/i] Short brown hair and dark circular sunglasses, wears a mock-turtleneck black sweater with a trenchcoat over it. (He gets cold easily. :sweat: ) [i]Real life:[/i] Short brown hair and a gray shirt with beige pants. He has dark gray-blue eyes and the plug in the back of his neck. Alliance: With humans Bio: After spending his time working in a bookstore, Scope took up hunting and computer hacking as hobbies. He has great skill with a sniper rifle, and was Ghost's disciple for a while. Eventually Ghost pulled Scope out of The Matrix, and he now lives and works on The Logos. Ship: The Logos Weapons: Sniper Rifle, twin pistols. _______________ Machine ID: R-163892 Machine type: Runner Purpouse: Find humans and destroy them (What else?). Appearance: 8 tentacle-like legs, and 10 red glowing orbs serving as heat-seeking locator devices. Covered in a chrome-style metal, with some dents in it and the phrase "R-163892" painted on the site in white. Alliance: With the machines _______________ Well, that's it. ^_^ BTW, if you don't know, Ghost is one of the main characters of the video game, Enter The Matrix.
  3. o_O ...Yeah. I read spoilers. But most of the time on .hack sites they don't give too much away.. It's such an intellectual show, after all, so it's pretty hard to go into detail on most everything that happens. Hey! That's my trademarked patented happy dance!.. Don't use it-- HEY!!
  4. Well, I'm not sure if I should answer your question right now, mirai_torankusu, considering you technically didn't answer the entire question, but I'll go ahead with it. You can see Link in the hotel in Moleville, and you can see some trophies of some F-Zero cars and an Arwing in the hotel in the volcano place.. (gimme a break, people, I haven't played the game in 3 years) That's all I can remember. New question: How many Metroid games let you use the flamethrower weapon?
  5. Yeppers! I've seen every manga chapter released in the US as-of-date. Quite frankly, its great humor and plot make it my favorite manga. ^_^ Wow, ShinobiOfDeath, wheredja find that awesome poster? That totally rocks!
  6. [quote] [i]Wild Thang originally wrote:[/i] [b]im not really into manga too much *ducks to avoid everything being thrown at me*[/b] [/quote] *throws stuff anyway* :sweat: Well, being a mangaka and a webmaster (Pssh. Webmaster. I'm more of a Webdisciple.) are my main hobbies.. In the past, I've toyed around with about 3 or 4 story ideas, but my main story I've stuck with for about 4 years now.. Of course, I'm only at chapter 5 right now because I'm constantly revising my work.. :sweat: But when I am finally done with it, it will probably be at about 24 issues.. Gak. X_X That makes 1 1/2 graphic novels. How do professional mangaka do it?!
  7. Shonen Jump kicks butt!!! Each story (apart from Sandland) is just so great I end up reading each issue a hundred times over... Or around that.. Or not. -_- My favorite manga [i]has[/i] to be Naruto-- The action, the humor, the animation, it's all amazing. ^_^ There's a decent amount of human drama as well.. My only little nitpick about it is that sometimes you have to read the chapter a few times to entirely understand what is happening (They transform into inanimate objects sometimes and the plans are quite complicated at times so you have to study each frame carefully... ^_^ I'd definitely reccomend it to anyone who likes a good action story. Even though it's Shonen, there are quite a few girls that like Naruto in Japan as well.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]F Minor... It seems very significant. Could it be that it actually refers to the title of the series: LIMINALITY? I mean, maybe that's the threshold of sound a human can hear. Haha, I don't know what exactly F-minor is, since I'm not a music buff. Still, it might be since liminality refers to thresholds (thanks for the info, Black Phoenix!), so you never know. :) [/B][/QUOTE] Heh. Actually, F Minor is a basic chord that anyone (except deaf people of course) can hear... But that is a very good educated guess, AzureWolf. But I really can't think of any threshold that F Minor can be.. Ow, my head. I need to buy some Aspirin and pop one every time I read something in the .hack forum. X_X
  9. ^_^ If it is OK, I would really enjoy being a judge.. [joke]It's pretty obvious that I am second ONLY to wristcutter, but I wanna give some other users a chance, eh? ^_~[/joke] If I don't fit the bill well enough, I understand. I won't go on a murder/suicide rampage if I don't get in (Or WILL I...? Hm...).
  10. Yes.. Apparently, it's a very important sound throughout the mysteries surrounding The World.. I didn't notice the sound when Subaru was crying, but now that I look back I hear it... If I remember properly, in .hack//LIMINALITY 1 Mai Minase says that the sound is F Minor.. But I only saw it once, so I could be wrong. What is the signifigance of F Minor? I dunno..
  11. Ok, but also remember, .hack//SIGN is covered at [url]www.theotaku.com[/url] as well.. There's a lot of info there. OK. So most of the series takes place in an MMORPG known as The World, which is immensely popular about 10 years from now.. Well, in .hack//SIGN, a character named Tsukasa is unable to log out of the game, and is no longer in front of a terminal. He's pretty much been absorbed into the game. .hack//LIMINALITY-- A girl named Mai Minase's boyfriend gets trapped in a coma whil the two of them are playing The World. Throughout the story, the protagonist switches between Mai and two other characters.. It's really just giving more information to the mysteries of The World. It's only 4 eps long.. .hack//DUSK-- A couple twins win special player skins which look like the legendary Kite and BlackRose (Who are they, you ask? You will have to find out for yerself, my friend) and they are entrusted by a girl known as Aura the Bracelet of Twilight. ^_^ Again, Theotaku.com has lots more information on it.
  12. I really enjoy Yasasshi Yoake, .hack//SIGN's end song. All the words are great, but I'll just put down my favorite part. Searching for Eternity, you are a frivolous dreamer. Clinging to unreliable dreams, where are you going? Searching for the Key to Open Twilight, unable to reach the moon's shadow, I cry. Where am I going? Even though secrets are lost in our eyes, we will never break our embrace. Pale moon of January, hide the colors of the sunrise. The gentle dawn of a night that should not end. ^_^ It makes me think about someone very special to me..
  13. Wow!! Those are great, 86! They're very well written. I like the first one more, but if I watched Trigun I'd probably understand the second one more, thus elevating its level of favoriteness! You used very vivid words which made them really great! [b]9.3[/b]
  14. Heh.. I think I'll go into deep description of my CURRENT pets.. -Callie the cat. (Calico) She is really our first non-fish, non-hamster pet (that we've kept for more than a month), and she used to be really small and light and would hang over the top of one of our chairs and would spin in little circles on it.. It was quite cute. -Pappy the dog. (Pappilion) This dog is muy cute.. Back a couple hundred years ago (I doubt many people here know what a Pappilion is) the Spanish bred Spitz with Chiuaua, thus creating the Pappilion. They have HUGE ears and they're quite small... He used to cower in the corner and shake when Callie came over and terrorized him (For example, smacking him on the snout with her declawed paw).. But then he got bigger, and now he'll pin the cat down and stand on her until someone pulls them away from each other due to the incredibly annoying growly sound the cat makes... -_- My brother thinks Pappy is his birthday present, but it was just coincidence that the petstore had a Pappilion the week before his birthday. Nibbles the Hamster- I hate this useless fuzzy biting rodent.. (I say that just to annoy my brother) It's actually quite cute.. Though I prefer staying as far away from it as possible. -_- Das about it..
  15. Ew.. That's all so gross. *mental note: Don't eat food* Well, I remember when I was little, there was a box of Rice Krispies and I opened it up expecting tasty rice thingies and some weird popping sounds.. (Rice Krispies were more of an entertainment thing for me back then. -_-) And as I opened it up, 5 or 6 moths flew out straight into my face.. I didn't eat another bowl of cereal for 3 years. :sweat: It's true!
  16. I'm pretty sure nobody here actually [i]hates[/i] you, Taylor. I really enjoy talking to you and hearing your views on things. You're very nice. But what makes me irritated is when people dwell on the past. Sure, maybe you broke up, sure maybe you thought you loved her, but if you broke up then it was not meant to be. There are several billion other people in the world. At least one of them will find you and spend the rest of their life with you. For the original question, I have not had to go through the pain of a break-up.. I'm with a wonderful girl right now, and things are going so great.. I'm overjoyed, really..
  17. Anime.. Is not that big where I live. I'm in the suburbs, and we don't get The Anime Channel here. The only places you can really get your anime in stores are the basic places.. Best Buy, Game Stores and the like. -_- We have no speciality stores all about anime.. I took a survey, and only 10 in 200 students in my grade actually knew what manga was. o_O
  18. Heh. As with many parents (that I know) of the Caucasian descent, it breaks up as follows for me: Dad likes Speed Racer and looks at it to reminisce, but prefers old Godzilla movies. Mom is indifferent to anime, but only watches if there's nothing else better on TV. ...That's good 'cause they don't know how.. *ahem* anime can be at times. If they knew it had language (plus the nudity and gore) they would burn all of my DVDs.. -_-
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by K.K.C. [/i] [B]well... I headed off to Fanfiction.net the other day and read fic about Sora. on the summary it said "If you havnt seen the last few episodes yet, dont read" So, im not sure if this really happens... but from what I read [spoiler] Sora gets beaten (not killed) but beaten by Crim, it seems that they were fighting on a building and... well, Crim pushed him off ^_^' I dont know if this really happens or if it was just part of the fic, but Sora kept having a flashback of Crim saying "When 2 opponents, equally matched are fighting, which one will win? The one more into the fight!" so... uh... sorry to those Sora fans,[/spoiler] but like I said, it may not be true. Hey, OtakuSennen is my good buddy, he likes Sora, I like Crim. and we both think that our character will win, but were really good buddys. Dont let this rivalry tare us apart!! So, what do you say? *pushes Sora off cliff* oops.... [/B][/QUOTE] Fanfiction on Sora? Hm... I thought I've seen all of them on fanfiction.net... Um... I'm pretty sure it's not true.. I've read a ton of episode guides.. And on all the message boards I've been to, nobody has ever mentioned [spoiler]Sora getting pushed off a building.. There aren't all that many really tall buildings in The World that Sora couldn't fall off without landing easily.. (He jumps so very high but never gets hurt)[/spoiler].. That sounds more like one of those "What if?" fics.. Yep! I'm KKC's good friend who thinks Sora would kick Crim's hynie in a fight if they didn't call it a truce halfway through. ^_^ Yes, despite their rivalry we are good friends! *accidentally stabs Crim and pushes him into the river in Mac Anu* Oops...
  20. Hm.. If I could [i]pick[/i] which anime character I'd be, i'd probably say .. SHINJI OF EVANGELION!! He's so depressed it's funny, and he gets in some.. Interesting situations sometimes.. :sweat: I'd get a cool robot too! *makes a boom sound* But if we're saying what anime character do you look like IRL, I look more like Keitaro... Or Shinji (if he had glasses). Hehe.. Either way, I get some interesting *wink wink* pros with some strange cons.
  21. Heh. I am ashamed. I am so bored of my games that I have now that I started play it again, with a new town.. Now I can't stop. X_X I am Neo, in a town called DaMatrix... My brother is Ghost. -_- I am doomed to more kiddy-ness.
  22. Well, this may be a little different, considering I'm 12... [b]Question 1--[/b] Well, when I was [i]really[/i] young (as in 5 or so) I had tons of action figures, mostly from shows like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers. -_- *shame shame shame* Most of them were just ones with moving arms or kung-fu grip or whatever and would say some poorly recorded action phrase like "Turtle Power!" or "Go go Gigantazord!".. Now, since I am still young, I don't have as many "toys" such as action figures, but I have more video games. ..Mostly RPGs. But more recently, I read more manga and buy more anime than play video games.. [b]Question 2--[/b] Well, I thought about my toys when I was five as "Wow! A new Blue Ranger action figure!!" for about 2 days.. Then I'd get tired of it and move onto something else and want a new toy. -_- I had a very short attention span back in the good ol' days. But I think of my video games as really enjoyable ways to waste time (in a good way) and hear interesting stories.. I really enjoy playing the games if I haven't beaten it yet or it has good replay value.. [b]Question 3--[/b] Uh.. I think of my old toys as junk.. Most of the batteries are out, so the voices don't work anymore.. And I'm not the kind of person that will go through a box in the garage and say "Oh, some of my old toys!" and reminisce.. I think, "Oh, some of my old toys which may get me a buck or two in a garage sale!".. I think of my video games that I have today the same as how I said I thought of them in question two-- Enjoyable interactive stories. [b]Question 4--[/b] Hm.. This is an interesting topic.. I find it very unfair that specific toys are marketed towards boys and others are marketed specifically towards girls.. Now most of the time, boys won't want an Easy Bake Oven (unless you put a "Qu" in front of the Easy), yet some girls DO prefer the actiony stuff, not all the pink dolls.. Look at those Bratz things, for example. The commercials show the approximate 16-year-olds prettying themselves up to pick up guys.. And the sooner people get into a serious relationship, the sooner they.. Uh.. Ya know. And they even have a doll in Japan like a "pregnant" Barbie where you poke its belly and a baby comes out.. Of the stomach (Thank god X_X). This is the 21st century, not the fifties. People should break out of the typical steriotypes and buy what they want, and marketing should not try to make the products so.. Racy, if you will.
  23. Hm.. If ya mean OB username.. [b]OTAKUSENNEN[/b] - Made-up noun. plural: Otakusennens. Used in a sentence: Hello! My name is OtakuSennen! Etymology: Otaku-Japanese. noun. "Anime fan". Sennen- title. "Master." So Otakusennen means "Master of the anime nerds" [b]Real-life name[/b] - My first name means "Victorious" I think.. And my last name.. I dunno. All I know that it is originally British, somewhere back..
  24. o_O Wow, that's a really nice, well-written story... *lifts one eyebrow* You were always a shy girl, Logan? I like the irony of the story.. The angry drunk man ended up helping her.. Yet he was dead. I really like this story! [b]9.6/10[/b]
  25. I see where you're coming from, yet I disagree for the most part, Jubei. Sure, the plot is slow, and there's very little action, but I always tell my family that .hack//SIGN "breaks away from the steriotypical mindless fighting anime we see in America".. Though that's not entirely the case for Japan. Really, I think .hack//SIGN is the first "philosophical anime" to be released on basic cable television, instead of the general action kung-fu thingie... Heh. It is slow at first, but it picks up and all fits together later on.. The music being bad? o_O No way. Impossible. The music is one of the best parts of the show!!
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