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Everything posted by OtakuSennen
o_O ..Whoa.. That's deep.. Very deep.. (I didn't think someone named FartMaster745 would be that philosophical) Hm.. Well. I can find no flaws with it.. Just think of us as toys.. Dolls or what have you.. Made of plastic.. (Yet for us it is atoms and molecules* Then what controls the dolls? Well, then there's a supernatural omnipotent force.. God.. Then there's the annoying little kid that takes the toys away.. That would be Satan. But then-- What controls them? Or are the little kids self-reliant? Ow.. My head hurts..
o_O Wow. That looks amazing.. The fight with that Riku-esque person and all of the Heartless was very Matrixy, sorta.. But then this leaves even more questions to ask, leaving no answers.. But the graphics have seemed to improve quite a bit.. This is yet another reason to get a Playstation for myself. -_-
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Japan_86 [/i] [B]I thought that the show was pretty funny...I hate to say it is canceled, but I am pretty sure it is on Nicktoons TV. I liked the episode where he was obsessed with killing germs. [/B][/QUOTE] ^_^ It was indeed hilarious. Sadly, it was cancelled, but plays through syndication on Nicktoons TV. My specific favorite episode was Hobo 13. "I am Frabulator!!! I am a creature of pure headache! Ohhhh, my head!!" ...Was that one ever aired on TV? I'm downloaded it. -_- I'm a criminal.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B]They are. Its going too be on FOX BOX and there going too tear it apart. It never even had a chance. Hopefully théy'll put it out on DVD uncut. [/B][/QUOTE] Hm.. Well, we'll see if FoxBox puts out the uncut DVDs.. They've never really had an anime that [i]needed[/i] much editing, right? Kirby.. That Foodon thing... I doubt Sonic needed much editing. But, personally, I doubt it. FoxBox isn't really trying to get a wide array of demographics to watch their lineup.. They're mostly aiming for younger kids... But we shall see.
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
OtakuSennen replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Yeah, Black_Phoenix, my brother and I noticed that as well. We spent maybe an hour talking about what it meant, and we came up with this theory: Tsukasa's actions are sort of bringing Aura out of hiding, so that more people know of her. (Bear, Mimiru and Subaru, for the most part) He brought Subaru to Aura's field, and that lead her, along with Bear and Mimiru, to learn more about "the girl".. But then it could also be Harold's hair.. But then what would that mean? -
Hm... Yeah, I agree with Desbreko.. It depends on the Link and the Zelda. -NES versions- Well, I'm guessin' they'd do pretty well... As mentioned before, they got sorta close (Yet still at an E-rating level.. lol) at the end of the second one.. -Super NES and Gameboy- ..Eh, I don't think it would happen... If you think about it and look at the dialogue, Malon is more of a choice for Link. (She's only in the Gameboy games, but I believe that the GB adn SNES Links are the same).. And then, in the end of LA, [spoiler]Malon flies off Koholint, a dream island, and into the real world.[/spoiler] So that would lead to more contact between Malon and Link. -Nintendo 64- ..Eh. I don't think so.. Again, Malon seems more of a better choice. Link and Zelda seem more like good friends in this one, and even one of the Hylian Statue things (You know, the one with the eye) says that Malon "Is waiting for her knight in shining armor to come and sweep her off her feet"... Now, Link doesn't have much armor, and he has quite a selection of bachelorettes in OOT, but there are lots of hints at Malon and Link having strong feelings for each other.. Talon commenting on Link marrying Malon someday, and the couple's meeting after Link grows up.. OR Ruto.. Ya never know. :wink: -Gamecube- So far, I'd say this Link and Zelda have the strongest relationship out of all of the different sets.. [spoiler]There's tons of hints pointing at a Link/Tetra(Zelda) relationship..[/spoiler] Link actually blushes, for cryin' out loud... Heh. At least that's how I see it. [color=indigo]Gah! Major spoiler there, in the second to last paragraph. *covers it up* - Desbreko[/color]
Uh.. No offense, Olga, but that's pretty durn cruel.. I doubt most people here will know that.. But I'll give it a shot. -Olga? -Dwarf? -Gimli? Or.. Was it just Link..?
When you say "Old Adult Swim".. I assume you mean when it was on Saturdays, right? Well, I really didn't see it much.. (In fact, I barely remembered it until I saw this thread.) I enjoyed the funny parts.. Too bad it's not on anymore.. Oh well.
Wehe! Your OB-related thing is a tad corny, and it reminds me of the description of the .hack//SIGN forum on the Otakuboards homepage.. But, em, a few problems.. -This is just a small critique, but in the American dub of the first episode, Tsukasa says "Where am I? What [u]was[/u] I doing?" Not "What am I doing?".. ^_^ But that's coming from a total perfectionist. -"whould" is misspelled.. It should be "would". -The pics are a teeny bit blurry. ^_^ It's a good concept, it just has a few issues that need to be sewn up. [b]7.3/10[/b]
Well... That's a good question, Kesaki_Inedia. (Be warned: I do not know the basics of the situation. I'm just reading between the lines and trying to fill in the blanks.) But I would probably go with this theory: Unless you tell people, others are gonna move in on yo man! ..Sorry. Ahem. You should be open with others about your feelings, if you aren't already. Then, to prevent others from taking your crush before you get to them, stay around them a lot (if you don't already) and talk. Show them your positive points. Then, if the plan works, they'll make the first real move. As for your sister.. Maybe she's just trying to fool around with you and make you jealous. But, I repeat, I don't know the situation and the circumstances. ^_^ Of course, who am I to talk? I've only been in one relationship my entire life, and I'm still in it. (I'm young.. It hasn't been going on for a really long time, ya know)
Ah, Famuri Gai watashi wa ai. (I love Family Guy) ^_^ It's such a great show in its humor, and so fast paced.. (Seeing all those little flashback things with historic people or Peter doing something stupid is just too much) Every episode is so fresh.. Even Stewie's monotonous homocidal remarks still make me smirk, if not throw me on the floor with my sides splitting. ^_^ My favorite episode is probably the one where Peter's dad lives with the family.. I don't know why, I'm just a sucker for comedy that mocks Catholicism (I'm Catholic. *shame*).. Hehe.. The Pope seems so hilarious in cartoons..
Heh.. The idea for the show is.. Interesting. (I've read up on it a bit) And.. It does sorta seem quite suggestive, judging by the preview video I saw at the Bandai booth at the Anime Convention.. (Um... There were.. Many things but no actual nudity) ^_^ I'm a big shonen junkie, so this really isn't a show for me, but I'm pretty sure people into romantic comedies would definitely like this one.. (Heck, I'm a bit fond of it.. X_X)
o_O Ooh... This is really nice. ^_^ I like vampire stories. But I would suggest making it longer, (As I always do) and tell about maybe how these two characters met..? ^_^ But very good. [b]8.6/10[/b]
OK, it's official. Kenshin is gonna be in graphic novel format, and Hikaru no Go is taking Sandland's place in Shonen Jump this November. To quote Viz.com: [quote]2003 PRESS RELEASES SHONEN JUMP New Releases Exciting new additions to action packed schedule with Samurais and Japan's popular game, Go. VIZ, LLC, is proud to announce the acquisition of two new titles in The SHONEN JUMP graphic novel line, Rurouni Kenshin and Hikaru no Go making their debut in the Graphic Novel format. Fans will be able to get a sneak peek into Rurouni Kenshin through SHONEN JUMP Magazine and Hikaru No Go will be serialized in SHONEN JUMP magazine beginning in January, its anniversary issue. Bringing the most action-packed, popular titles directly from Japan, these two new titles will garner much press and consumer excitement with the launch of the first graphic novel as early as November 2003. Look for another exciting announcement in August as we announce our acquisition of an eagerly awaited title. Rurouni Kenshin One of the biggest manga hits of the 1990s, Rurouni Kenshin is set in Japan during the late 1800s and brings this remarkable period of Japanese history to life. It is the Meiji Restoration, and the feudal system separating the classes has ended. By law, the samurai must give up their swords -- symbols of their traditional power -- but a few still resist the changing times. In Japan, the accumulated sales for all volumes combined for Rurouni Kenshin was 4.5 million copies. Currently airing on Cartoon Network, Creator Nobuhiro Watsuki's first series, Rurouni Kenshin ran for 28 volumes in Japan. Translated in 14 countries worldwide, this is the first time the manga will be translated into English, but the anime TV, movie and OAV series are available in English, sometimes under the title Samurai X. Fans will be able to see a sneak preview of the series in the November issue of the SHONEN JUMP Magazine (on sale October 7, 2003). RUROUNI KENSHIN, VOLUME 1 SHONEN JUMP graphic novel story & art by Nobuhiro Watsuki b&w, 208 pages $7.95 USA/$12.95 CAN ISBN: 1-59116-220-3 Hikaru No Go The latest hit game among Japanese students has nothing to do with cards or magical beatss. In fact, it's not even a new game, but one that used to be associated with old folks. How did it get to be so popular? Simple: It has really cool manga! Currently at 18 volumes, Hikaru No Go (The Go of Hikaru) has been hitting the top of Japan's manga sales charts for several years. The series is a team effort, written by Yumi Hotta and drawn by Takeshi Obata, with young go master Yukari Umezawa as technical advisor and Japan's National Go Association as their willing supporters. The rest is a unique gaming comic that has resurrected the popularity of this traditional Chinese strategy game (superficially similar to Othello). In Japan, the latest volume of Hikaru (vol. 23) sold 830,000, and altogether (from Vol. 1 to 23) has sold 21 million to date. It's also been translated in 7 different countries. This series will be making its debut as a serialization in the January issue of the SHONEN JUMP Magazine, to replace Sand Land that ends in the November issue. HIKARU NO GO, VOLUME 1 SHONEN JUMP graphic novel Story by Yumi Hotta, Art by Takeshi Obata b&w, 208 pages $7.95 USA/$12.95 CAN ISBN: 1-59116-222-X[/quote] So.. I toldja I was right. :sweat: I would prefer BOTH of them to be in Jump, myself.. But I know that Viz needs to spread out what they have, and it's hard to envision Hikaru no Go in graphic novel form alone.. ^_^ What are your thoughts?
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
OtakuSennen replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Well then-- If Morganna wants to destroy The World so "The three of us- You, I and this child, can live in peace and be bothered by no one"... How will that happen? Maha is part of the game, A.I. I suppose.. But then there's the other side of the coin.. Then we have that quote I put up in the previous paragraph.. So Morganna wants to destroy The World so that she can live in peace with her allies, but then that might destroy her allies, if not herself as well, in the process.. @_@ .hack makes my brain hurt.. -
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
OtakuSennen replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
Hm.. K.K.C..? Warped Aura = Morganna? OOOH, that's an interesting idea and plot twist.. Maybe Morganna (A bodiless voice) would use Aura's body as a puppet, or a suit, for herself so she can cause more destruction in The World. But [i]why[/i] does Morganna want The World destroyed..? -
Yeah, I pretty much agree with Black_Phoenix. I'm supposing that if good Aura awakens, The World will go into some sort of "Golden Age." However, if Warped Aura awakens, the game will either crash or become so difficult (Every monster is unbeatable, for example) and nobody would play it.. But then, the question is, why would Morganna (That female voice) [i]want[/i] the game to be destroyed? Is she like a virus or something? *sigh* I don't know if any of these questions will be answered anytime soon at all, in any series.. There's no new .hack stuff going off in Japan as of date..
Role Playing Games. A lot of the time they're like adventures, only the harder you work, the more rewarding the game will be. (Leveling up). Plus, a lot of the time, RPGs are longer than action.. And in a lot of RPGs, you form groups of characters you play as instead of just one hero. And replay value is pretty great, due to the fact that you can always level up. Racers and Shooters and such are OK, if they are done well, but Role Playing Games are always great addictive games that I, for one, can't stop playing. :sweat:
Anime (US/CAN) General thoughts and ratings for .hack//SIGN 22, "Phantom"
OtakuSennen replied to Shy's topic in Otaku Central
[b]9.2/10[/b] This episode was pretty good, far better than last week's. (Was my prediction correct? DID last week just help build up to a better episode?) Tsukasa's little braindead moaning was starting to drive me insane.. Good thing he's finally waking up. The boat scene.. Ack... KKC was [i]so[/i] right.. It must be the same animator who did that scene where Bear almost got killed by the guardian.. Tsukasa looked really freaky in that scene. A lot of major things happened in this episode.. Aura and Maha's names were actually said in the show without assumption of who they are, Harold was seen and he didn't say all that "I love you" junk.. Tsukasa is sort of coming out of his brain-dead-ed-ness state... And Balmung of the Azure Sky appeared!! ..How did he defeat the undefeatable monster, anyhoo? Oh, and Sora followed Maha.. [spoiler]Does this lead up to Sora's being data-drained later on?[/spoiler] And BT got dissed by Sora.. hehe! *hi-fives Sora* This episode was quite good, but I still believe they're just building up to a bigger and better episode. -
Writing Yu-Gi-Oh! Cast Gets Interviewed
OtakuSennen replied to Bandit Joeykuba's topic in Creative Works
Wow. All those are great, but I believe I enjoy the Bakura one most.. But I really think that you should do Marik (Malik?) next... That will be quite enjoyable. ^_^ [b]Overall rating 'cause I'm too lazy to review each individual one: 9.2[/b] -
Um.. Well.. Why do people hate BT..? As KKC and RPGchick said, she lies, cheats and tricks people to do whatever she wants.. Plus she talks big but doesn't have the power to back it up.. But be warned, scrmngfangrl, you are entitled to your opinion, but if you're posting in the .hack forum as a BT fan, you won't get much applause.. Some people won't take kindly to a BT fan. ^_^ Welcome to the biased-ness of the .hack//SIGN forum!!
Hm.. I'm not sure which I would prefer.. Ninjas- Nice outfits, nice weapons, really stealthy.. Samurai- Sorta silly outfits, one big-old cool weapon, and completely overt. Monks- ..Interesting robes, fists for weapons, sorta quiet.. I think I'd go with ninja 'cause they rock out loud!! In the way that they're all silent.. It would make a better movie, ninjas over samurai, IMO.. Of course, they were both important to Japanese culture 500 years ago.
Um.. For the most part, yeah, Futurama's cancelled. Or so says TVTome.com.. They're pretty reliable.. If I remember properly, it was because of lack of ratings that it was cancelled..
Heh. A good party cartoon.. Futurama.. Very very enjoyable, and fresh. I do believe that a lot of people on OB enjoy Futurama (There was a thread back asking about your top 3 favorite American Cartoons.. Futurama and Family Guy were frequent). ^_^ They don't have enough episodes, IMO.. And considering it's pretty much cancelled, I think that Groening should come out with a show about the past.. Like, say, The Rennisiance. (Did I spell that right?)
Ooh yes! Some great stuff is coming out soon.. But.. What about Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life? Does anyone have the release date for it?