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Everything posted by OtakuSennen
Well.. Hm... What would I do? I'd probably go into a state of hypo-depression for a week... Then try and contact as many people as I could that were on OB and convince them to help me in my quest for a forum of equal value to OB (Will it happen? Nope). Then I'd be on the computer half of the time that I am now, and I'd spend my time probably reading books more and drawing more.. Oh, and I'd probably do more chores, resulting in some more allowance, resulting in more anime and manga! *sigh* That would be bittersweet.. New manga and anime.. At the cost of OtakuBoards... *sniff* What would I do without wristcutter, you ask? o_O I-- Don't know. I just don't know.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Youko Minamino [/i] [B]Thats only the manga that contains that blood. Not in the anime. [/B][/QUOTE] ..Wait.. So you're saying that in the original, uncut version of Shaman King anime that there is no blood? Hm.. That's interesting.. But then do ya think that in Japan they had otaku complaining on message boards about how the animators "ruined" Shaman King by not putting in the blood? Heh.. Just a thought.
Ooh very nice. It is not centered, but that's a good thing. It seems like it is centered, sort of, yet at the same time... *brain hurts* I'm confusing myself. Puffy Amiyumi is a music group, correct? X_X I don't know American music, and now I've discovered the horrible truth that I don't know Japanese music much either!! NO!! Hm.. In black and white, the little cats are hard to recognize.. (I didn't know they were cats until ya posted stating that, Syk) IMO, it looks like a panther attacking a baby human.. (I need a psychiatrist) As always, Syk, great work. [b]9.6/10[/b] But who am I to critique? I don't even have a photo editing program. -_-
Oh, um, it was Mrs. Glick... To my last question.. But The Simpsons aired as a short cartoon on The Tracy Ulman show in 1988-1989. In December it got its own show on Fox. New Question: What was the name of the Japanese cartoon The Simpsons saw in "Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo" that induced seizures?
Hm.. I believe that Miyamoto and his crew will continue coming up with new, innovative concepts for Zelda. I don't think that they're gonna stick with the cel-shading... That is, if they listened to the thousands of angered realistic-Zelda fans. But I think it would be cool if you would go through a new Zelda game in realistic fashion, then you unlock a cel-shaded version after you finish the game. But that would probably take a lot of space on a CD.. Maybe 2 seperate versions would be better, if they go along with my crazy, dumb idea.
Groundskeeper Willie's rival is Seamus. What is the name of the old woman who Bart does chores for?
Well. [spoiler]Tsukasa is a girl IRL..[/spoiler] (Do I even need a spoiler tag in this, the original post gives it away) It's possible that she doesn't want people knowing she's a girl, or it's possible that she just found it amusing.. ^_^ Maybe the answer will be revealed in the last episode.
Wow... I really haven't seen many screenshots until now.. ^_^ Very very cool.. The characters look so realistic... My brother is more into F-Zero than I am.. The game comes out a few days after his birthday, so I am probably gonna get him a reservation for his gift. :sweat: *coughcough*Of course, in the end, I'll probably play it more than him.*coughcough* But I am really looking forward to this. The graphics are so improved I'm scared now.
Heh. Yes, Naruto is extremely popular in Japan, and its premiere in American Shonen Jump has given it a small following in the U.S. as well.. Hm.. Considering the fact that Viz liscensed the Naruto manga, it's a good possibility that Viz will also get rights to the anime. (Naruto = Shueisha-based franchise, Viz is a subsidiary of Shueisha) But, if it is Viz, it is more of a possibility that Naruto will be translated only on DVD for a while, then if the dubs or good (Or if FoxBox gets so desperate they'll take any anime and edit it down to nothing) it will be put on television. But be warned, fellow Naruto fans, if it is on television it will be edited down. Now, if you are ok with the chopping up of the anime, that is fine, but if you really want to see what the Naruto anime looked like originally, you're better off with the DVDs.. (I'm long-winded)
Heh. Once in a while, I'll see someone I haven't seen in a long time (Well, for a kid like me, 5 years is a while) I'll have a flashback.. Sometimes it's happy, if I've had happy times with that person, but more often than not I'll remember something more depressing and hurtful.. It hasn't happened for a little while.. But when it does, everything is extremely vivid.
Anime .hack Volumes have interesting titles... (Easter Egg Discussion)
OtakuSennen replied to AzureWolf's topic in Otaku Central
Black_Phoenix.. Your library has an anime review board? *sigh* All ours has is a novel/movie comparison club.. :( However, we DO get Shonen Jump in the magazine section... What's with Ginkan's (Silver Knight's) red glowing eyes anyway? After the first few episodes, they don't glow again.. Is that just showing that he recognized Tsukasa and that he is a wanted player? -
Hm.. I believe that the events surrounding Tsukasa are just a premonition.. A sort of [u]sign[/u] telling about the even more amazing happenings (For the most part, Kite's story) that are yet to come surrounding The World. But, that's just my opinion. Someone is bound to throw it out the window.
[quote][i]Juuthena wrote:[/i]You should've told us you were going!!! Shy, Yoshi, and I met at the Anime Expo, after quite a while of looking for each other. Until then, I basically walked around taking pictures of people with really neat costumes, entered a few raffles, got a few free posters, and even posed for about three-five random people, when I wasn't even cosplaying as an actual anime character! ^ .^;; But once we met, we walked around the convention, got a few autographs, and talked for about an hour and a half. (Sudden Family Reunion popped up).[/quote] ^_^ Heh. Well, I think I did.. In a 3-week old Anaheim-AX-specific thread.. ^_^' I looked for y'all but to no prevail. :( ("Y'all? *gasp* I'm becoming a word-slurring hillbilly!!! GAH!! NO!!! *reads a book on quantum physics. Ah... That's better.) Heh. Shy, Yoshi AND Juuthena.. All in one place.. An OB powerhouse. I would've just gotten in the way.. (((END OF LITTLE RANT))) To vary the topic a bit.. How many OBers who went to an anime convention and actually cosplayed? If so, whodja cosplay as?
[quote][i]Cyber E. wrote:[/i]I haven't been reading my Shonen Jump lately so I don't know what exactly is going to be edited, but this show is aimed for an older teen audience (From what I've heard) and the 4Kids dub alone is going to be edited to an extreme. The show wouldn't even been safe on Toonami, it'd still have to make the TV-Y7 rating.[/quote] Well, for the most part, it'll be blood and violence they'll cut out.. (Well, the Ren/Yoh fight is really the only bloody Shaman King scene we've seen yet in Shonen Jump) But, considering it's all about ghosts and how The Shaman King can talk to god, they'll probably take out some of the religious references to be inoffensive. (I'm guessing..) Oh, and Ren swears a little bit, but really minor stuff they'd probably let slide on Toonami... Oh, and for the most part, all shonen manga is aimed more to the 12-16 demographic. Or around that...
Hm... I believe it's Boogie With The Simpsons. New question: What is the name of the Japanese gameshow that the Simpsons entered, and what did they try to win on the show? Bonus: What were the Canadian couple on after them extremely afraid of?
[quote]XD No one can forget that. Ofcourse, that is BT were talking about *CoughSheSuckscough* Ofcourse, Tsukasa isnt all powerful either. hm.... [/quote] To the coughcough: Hear hear! Well anyhoo... We later find out that [spoiler]Tsukasa spent all his time training for quite some time and is at level 99. (Most people know this, but for those who don't, Lv. 99 is as high as you can get in most RPGs, including The World.) So he's pretty darn close to all-powerful. ^_^' Sorry for correcting you, KKC.[/spoiler]
Um.. ^_^ How about we keep our clubs to ourselves and [i]not[/i] start a gang war, eh? However... *coughcough*GOCRIM!*coughcough*
Ooh ooh ooh and also, contributing to KKC's theory: [spoiler]The tablet Tsukasa got in the treasure chest has a ring around it and symbols that are similar to those on Kite's bracelet. So those two are probably in close proximity of each other, if this theory works. [/spoiler]
Heh. I really enjoy the manga... I, too, am worried about Shaman King editing... I mean, if it's on Fox Box they're probably not gonna pump out the uncut DVDs either.. :( However, it'll be fun to see how they cover stuff up.. Well, as long as we still have the manga, we shouldn't complain about the anime stinking.. Unless nobody here wants to read.
Anime .hack Volumes have interesting titles... (Easter Egg Discussion)
OtakuSennen replied to AzureWolf's topic in Otaku Central
HUZZAH!!! AZURE WOLF IS THE WINNER OF OUR EASTER EGG COMPETITION THAT I HAD IN MY MIND!! *hands over invisible prize* Bonnie job, sire. Well.. That IS very cool.. I didn't notice it... Well, if there's on on LIMINALITY vol. 2, is there one in the same place on volume 1..? I'm guessing you tried that, Azure Wolf... Heh. I'd look myself, but I only borrow the DVDs and can't get them for a while. -
^_^ Chibi also means "Baby", to an extent... However, in anime and manga, any character with really big eyes on their really big head, standing on their really big feet, all held together by a really tiny torso is considered Chibi. (Chibi Trunks from DBZ is more of the baby definition)
^_^ I like all of them. Zero is a guy... Yeah. :sweat: ^_^ I like the Dr. Wily one, but the black text is just a little hard to read on the corners.. ^_^ The other banner is nice, but I like the Wily one more. [b]Overall: 8.7/10[/b]
Hm... There's a Battletech Forum? I haven't seen that.. What is this postaholic's user name?
Hm.. Could've sworn I posted in here... ^_^ I went to the Anime Expo in Anaheim, and searched for Shy and Syk, but to no prevail. :( I didn't cosplay, but I might want to next year.. I'm not sure though.. I don't like dressing up at all, let alone as blue-haired magicians.. (No offense.. Blue-haired magicians rock!! Hehe.. Elk.) For me, I only found out when it was gonna be 2 days before it started, so I was really caught off-guard. If I had known, let's say, a month in advance, I would've brought along my otaku friends (Wait.. There's only 2.) But I'm pretty sure one of them would have cosplayed.. ^_^ I plan on going back every year until (And after) I meet people from OB there. *waves OB flag* I wanted to go to the San Diego Comic-Con, but that's too far away, and again, on very short notice for me.
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
OtakuSennen replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
I am going back to school September 3rd, I believe. I [i]like[/i] school! School is the only place where I see my friends on a regular basis. I die of boredome when I'm out of school. EDUCATION IS FUN, PEOPLE!! *sent by the school board* ^_^ Seriously, I like school... It is not hell. It is heaven. ..hehe... I'll finally get to see my semi-g/f again..