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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. And those horse things that drive the carriages at Hogwarts.. Those are plain creepy... Rowling described them well... I like how the characters have changed so much since the first book... But how do you do the white lettering..?
  2. Ooh how about altering the topic a bit: Which server would you stay at most of the time? I like Dun Loreiag.. I think I'd do most of my socializing around there... ^_^ Yeah, Dun Loreiag.
  3. *does his happy dance* More episodes, oh yeah, more episodes.. But those other two episodes.. They're just recap episodes, right? But-- I don't have a Playstation 2!.. I'll have to get a PS3 when it comes out THEN get the .hack games box set.. :( That stinks.
  4. Wow, that's nice... The background is a little bland though... I'd say 8/10. Great job, Lan. ^_^
  5. Um.. Isn't that called "Wake me up inside?" Well that's probably wrong.. My friends call me "musically challenged.." Well name this one!!! [quote] Pizza party at your house I went just to check it out Nineteen extra larges What a shame noone came Just us eating all alone You said "Take the pizza home. No sense letting all this go to waste." So then I faced Pizza all day And every day This cheese 'round the clock Is gettin' me blocked And I sure don't care For irregularity Tell me Whydja have to go and make me so constipated? 'Cause right now I'd do anything to just get my bowels evacuated In the bathroom I sit and I wait and I strain And I sweat and I clench and I feel the pain, oh Should I take laxatives or have my colon irrigated? No, no, no [/quote] Heh.. I doubt almost anyone knows this one. Mods, I'm sorry if that's inappropriate. ^_^'
  6. [quote] eh.... Nuke..... *shudders* If Crim and Nuke ever met.... Crim would probably be really pissed off. Haha, I'd like to see them Duke it out. [/quote] LOL.. Duke it out... That's funny... But.. We've gotten way off topic here..
  7. Also, my dad says that his idol is one of these three: Dexter's dad from Dexter's Laboratory, Johnny Bravo, or Homer Simpson. X_X That's scary. Plus he always bugs me about my girlfriend..
  8. [quote] Yeah, Nuke is just creepy, and quite annoying. Personally I like the outfit that Marlo has. Very cool demonic look. [/quote] Heh. Yeah.. But I enjoy Kite's outfit the most.. Nice and original. [quote] As for BT's and Sora's hairstyles, yes they do look alike. Which is good because they deserve each other. [/quote] *gasp* B.T... And Sora!? NO! SORA IS TOO YOUNG! It is a love that is not meant to be.. Plus I'm in the "I hate B.T. club" so I have to make sure she's as miserable as possible. lol
  9. If it is discussing something I have an opinion on, and my thoughts haven't already been said by someone else, I respond.
  10. *sigh* I only have 2 grandmothers... My dad's father died before I was born.. My dad was only 11.. And the other died 3 years ago... One grandmother lives near the beach.. And the other lives in Pittsburg.. She's visiting right now.. My grandmothers are very nice and I am lucky to have them with me.
  11. ...OK then. (weakly) ha ha ha...? But.. I don't know.. And I'm not a mod.. But I'm pretty sure this could be considered a spam thread.
  12. Hm... Deathscythe and Wing gundam 1/100 scale... And 1/144... Heavyarms custom Sandrock Sandrock custom Epyon Wing Gundam Char's gundam (I forgot the name..) I have some others... The tank-like one and the shoulder cannon ones from Mobile Suit Gundam.. I haven't looked at mine in a while.
  13. Well a while back I was searching for a good site for .hack//SIGN episode guides.. Then I found theotaku.com. Then I decided, after visiting all the other pages, to join OB. That's how it happened, and the rest is history.
  14. Yu-Gi-Oh! is not evil. Sure, it has darkness and evil and sorcery... But let's remember, the hero (Yugi) is always overcoming the evil.. ('course, he is using dark cards....) And besides, it's just a game. As long as children don't go around trying to summon zombies of doom and worshiping Ra, it should be fine.
  15. Darkness Ruler [quote] Yes...sadly...but we all know how it's gonna end...Yami's gonna end up saving Anzu (Darn! I hate Anzu!) and Shadi's gonna be all like "You truly are a powerful individual" and maybe there will be a flashback to when Yugi was thinking about Anzu playing basketball! I got in trouble for reading that in school... -_-;; [/quote] Hehe I pity you. Here is the secret to bringing manga to school: Only bring the stuff with no visual bad things... And hide in the corner and read it without being suspicious.. Manga's all over my school so it's common there...
  16. Look- The first several volumes of the manga are all just various games.. Then in chapter 45 or so we start Duelist Kingdom. The manga continues through the cards, and it's still going today in Japan.
  17. ...Used cream? Wha--? ...Was this made to get a cheap laugh...?
  18. Whoa nice. ..Is Amidamaru's face supposed to be so thin?.. You could have made the lettering more outgoing.. I'd give it 8/10.
  19. Heh.. I know I love Naruto.. But I must say.. "Rocks" the first opening is poorly done.. It sounds all 80's... And it doesn't really make sense... "OOH I WANNA ROCKS!" Sounds like "OOH I WANNA WOKS!" *commits hara kiri for dissing his fav manga*
  20. Hm.. Slayers is a manga, I believe.. Well the best manga.. That's a hard one.. Depending on what you want. If you like romancey ones, look for Love Hina... Or Chobits... Shonen Jump (A monthly manga magazine) is good for action cartoons... Humor.. Excel Saga is good.. And Chobits... There's a wide variety. You should just do some research and find a manga that suits you. ^_^' P.S. In Japanese, there is no plural, so you should just say "manga" instead of "manga's" when referring to multiple manga stories...
  21. lol That's true... Player 1: Oh no!! A monster!! Player 2: Quick, use your heavy axe!! Player 1: ok! *swings around arms as if he had a sword* Little did they know they were in a fine China store. Player 2: *dodges by rolling, then into a wall of plates* Store owner: No no no!!
  22. The Majin, you've shown two things in this thread that give you a 10/10 in my opinion: PEEPEE THE HAMSTER!!! is number 1 and That amazing drawing!!! Keep up the great work.
  23. AGH! MY EYES!! THEY BURN WITH CONFUSION!!! Oh wait.. So that tablet Tsukasa got in episode one.. Is that related to this...? Oh wait... So yeah.. That tablet he has has all the number keys that let him visit Aura, and have the guardian.. Like word passwords to get to places?...
  24. K.K.C. wrote: [quote] You act as you want to. About the looks though....... hm..... maybe you do take a little quiz if you cant think of a design. [/quote] Heh. Yeah, that's what I intended to say. I'm not good with words. -_-
  25. AzureWolf originally wrote: [quote] She's only seen him a few times, and, talked to him once, and that was such an awkward conversation. [/quote] Heh. Well, technically, they've spoken 2 or 3 times in person that we've seen on the show.. The one time when Tsukasa was captured... And on that hill... But, if you really listen, it hints at them talking quite a few times. One time, Tsukasa sits on the hill and says, "Well.. Seems she is not coming today..." As in it's become a habit of meeting at that spot..
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