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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. Yeah.. Is there really a purpouse to the Japanese Macha being changed to Maha in English..?
  2. OtakuSennen


    Most definitely. But.. He said it isn't so bad, dying. ^_^ Does coming to life hurt..?
  3. I know this is just a knockoff of the aliens thread.. But there's all those other supernatural quandaries out there.. ^_^ So why not make a thread about ghosts? This one can't be disclosed as easily with science as aliens though. (But heck, the truth about aliens still is far from being solved..) I think the only way you can say you believe in ghosts is if you've had a hands-on experience with them or know someone who has.. (Or if you're a Shaman like Yoh Asukara, but I won't get into that) I think that ghosts exist.. I've always felt strange in old places... And I'm always seeing things out of the corner of my eye in those places.. Of course, that may be the schitzophrenia (spelling?) talking... So, I think: *whispers* I see dead people.
  4. Well, in all the millions, billions (Really, infinite if you think like that) of galaxies, meaning so many more planets.. There's got to be a planet with a climate close enough to Earth's.. I mean, they found those microsopic fossils on Mars, which had water, right? Those existed at one point. Then wouldn't it make sense if those little fossils also lived on another planet that didn't freeze up that they would have survived and evolved into an advanced race? So yeah, I believe in aliens.
  5. Plus, maybe [spoiler] his feelings for Subaru that he had at the time of the creation of the Crimson Knights may have been sorta twisted around.. Working with his girlfriend... (Should this have a spoiler tag?..) [/spoiler]
  6. And don't forget .hack//SIGN at 12:00 AM on Saturdays!! (Somebody probably already posted this but I'm too lazy to read over 10 pages of posts.. -_-)
  7. Yeah, Samurai Jack is American. Throughout the series you'll see hints at its Japanese culture base though... For example, in that ep with the haunted house thingie they talked about how the tea was from Edo, (Tokyo's original name) and Jack said he was familiar with Edo. It's fun to watch (sometimes.. Earlier in the series when there was no dialogue it bored me to tears). But no, I wouldn't consider it a guilty pleasure. It's not like I'm married to anime and have to stay loyal to it..
  8. G Gundam is OK.. But, as with all shows, it just got plain tired. Heh.. that would be cool if eventually, once CN had enough gundam translated, they could just have a gundam marathon weekend.. *a ray of hope stretches down from the heavens* ..'course, that would mean more way overshowed anime. X_X ..Nevermind.
  9. Depends on who I'm talking to... If it's one of my friends, I'm about as mature as a 10-year-old.. But with most people... Probably 16. (I'm 12 BTW) But to be scientific.. If you do the equation.. My true mental age is 26. ^_^
  10. Naruto and anything else in Shonen Jump.
  11. Wow.. I like a lot of them.. Lesse... 1) See-saw (Yasashii Yoake.. Yay!) 2) Naoki (Gotta love DDR!) 3) SMILE.dk (Hey Mr. Wonderful something something something some..) 4) Utada Hikaru (When you walk away you don't hear me say something.) 5) E.rotic (Kidding, I hate them) (Ewewewewewew Nick not so quick!?!? I AM NAMED NICK!!!) The REAL 5)Akeboshi (Naruto theme! *huggles*)
  12. Wow, the expression's really nice.. You draw ruffles in his clothes very well. ^_^ I'd say 9.5/10. Well if you're no good at coloring, just digitally color it. ^_^' You probably already thought of that, though.
  13. Wait.. Are these supposed to be like American style cartoons? If so they're very good. Maybe an 8.5/10.
  14. ..OK then.. But as somebody said in the Artists forum, "There are little kids running around here."
  15. Whoa.. Why isn't this entire thread deleted..? I mean, it's about.. Stuff... Plus, this is an anime forum.. This has jack squat to do with anime.. I'm not trying to play mod, it's just.. Not right for this site..
  16. Really, it just had the one main plot twist.. But it's important.
  17. I'd reccomend reading it, of course. But near none of it will make sense if you haven't read the other 4... There aren't even any character introduction sentences... Rowling didn't give a brief history on any of the characters.. [spoiler] You would never know that Prefect Ron is an average student if you hadn't read the other books.. [/spoiler]
  18. [So it stands for a couple of vegetables...] Did I do it right..? The spoiler tag?
  19. 0-0 IT SAYS THAT!? I thought it just had letters but they were all faded out so you couldn't see.. If you're refering to that flashback with little Tsukasa at the funeral... If you mean the flashback in the first portion of LIMINALITY, no... Tsukasa's mother probably didn't know that old guy (I know who the old guy is, but I'm not sayin' 'cause I forgot how to do spoiler tags)
  20. Yeah... Sora's little boingy effects and immature attitude make him sort of childish.. For a player killer.
  21. OtakuSennen


    Wow.. Liquidy. You have real talent on CGI, Red. [color=teal]EDIT:[/color] But to me, it looks more like blood splattered on a metal wall, like the kind of thing you'd see in a bloody FPS... [color=teal]Please do not double post. You have an Edit button at the bottom of your posts if you feel the need to add something. :) -Syk3[/color] Oh, sorry. I'm still a newbie and I only know how to do spoiler tags.. -_-'
  22. Wow.. No near-unclothed ones....
  23. o.o' On the queen of the maids... Did you originally have that little censore thingie there..? Very good on all of them.. But.. (Don't take this harshly) Why do you always draw near-unclothed people?..
  24. Yeah, just keep practicing. ^_^' The feet are well-done.. The shape.. My characters' feet always are just round stubs.. Sort of...
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