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Everything posted by OtakuSennen

  1. Yeah.. The Jump people rarely give a straight answer, and when they do, it's pretty much hypocritical... :( That disappoints me. But forget watching a decent Shaman King anime, 4Kids entertainment, ruiners of Yu-Gi-Oh!, are translating it.. Byebye, decent dubbed , manga- based anime..... :( How are they gonna have the fight with Ren, all that blood? Just say that Yoh had coffee in his pocket when Ren harmlessly whacked him with his Vorpal Dance technique? I bet Yoh'll sound like a retard...
  2. His problem is, he's forgotten he's a girl. For some reason, when Tsukasa started playing, she wanted to be a guy for some reason.. Then he became unable to log out, and lost a lot of his memory from the real world... He knows barely anything about his past. Early in the series, he knows practically nothing about himself and the only way he can learn is if he touches Aura...
  3. Hm.. Tsukasa's mom was into those old drama movies, right? I doubt she'd part-take in an action-packed game like The World... I could be wrong though... Hmm... Tsukasa's parents divorced... A good idea... Hm.. That mourning guy in Liminality.. Over that Emma person.. Remember how the original message about The Key of the Twilight was in German?.. Wait.. So wouldn't that mean that the broken man, the creator of The World is German.. Thus.. Wait.. "THE WORLD" IS GERMAN!? whoa. My head hurts.. When I said Tsukasa's mom died when Tsukasa was young, I didn't mean, like, 4 years old.. I meant more like 8. He (or she) looked about 8 in that one flashback at his (or her) mother's wake, when (s)he was on the floor crying... Emma's Epitath of the Twilight.. Hey, is that why there's all these relations to the twilight, such as "The land of the Twilight, under the moon" and "The Key of the Twilight", "The Eye of the Twilight", and "The Legend of Twilight's Bracelet?".. I MUST FIND ANSWERS TO ALL THE QUESTIONS!! I must watch all the anime, read the manga and play all the games!!!!
  4. Well, maybe when he's not on his gin, he's very caring for his precious little girl... (At least I think it's a girl) I mean, even if he was adopted, wouldn't a caretaker of a kid pull the plug anyway...? I mean, if it's the only choice...
  5. OK. Way I see it, Tsukasa's a girl.. In a lot of the pics, we see a kid, and (even though it's very tough to see normally) the kid's either wearing short shorts or a skirt.. I go with skirt. This is a wild guess, but I think he may be a picked up orphan as well. You see her at that big apartment/boarding house-like building, then that smiley family comes up, as if they're seeing if he's good child material... He got adopted by a family, who I don't think had any other children. His mom died when he was young, and his father took it rather hard and eased himself in the form of alcoholism.. A few years later, Tsukasa came into "The World" and spent most of his time in the game, because of his rather unpleasant home life. He fought a lot, gaining experience.. (He's a good fighter, even though you barely get to see, Mimiru once said he's "very experienced") Then he entered that dungeon, found that chest, got that tablet thing.. Met Maha, heard that voice.. Entered Aura's world. I think that voice is not really his mother (I mean, that would be creepy if a dead person was talking to you in a video game..) but maybe that "broken man"'s loved one.. Well, not really her, just a memory, some AI, like the broken man. Aura may be their daughter, if they ever had one, or what the old guy imagined what his daughter would look like... (She reminds me like the girl in "The Ring".. Everyone will suffer. :D ) Now.. Tsukasa likes to believe that the voice is his mother because he's looking for some comfort in his loneliness.. This is just one crummy theory... I haven't seen the entire series yet... I'm a newbie so I don't know if there's one solidified theory in this forum.. I just wanted to share that. ^_^
  6. I just love it oh so much! Does anybody here read it?.. I especially enjoy Naruto... Uh.. Does anybody here know what the next manga they're gonna put in is? I know a lot of people are saying Rurouni Kenshin, but Viz just announced they're publishing Kenshin in graphic novel form, not monthly magazine form... OOH IS IT HUNTER X HUNTER OR PRETTY FACE!? Please tell me it's Hunter X Hunter or Pretty Face!!!.. Thanks a bunch! ^_^
  7. [SIZE=1]Well, I'm new at the forums here, but I've been coming to theotaku.com for a while. I just wanted to get myself known... So HELLO EVERYONE! ^_^[/SIZE]
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