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Everything posted by Sukima

  1. That's awesome. You should make more instead of bothering Nomad to make them for you. I only edit things with my comp cuz it really sux right now so I can't make banners.
  2. Sora's the funniest. He's everywhere and acts really immature. It's funny when you think about it. He gets on everyone's nerves and in my opinion that's funny.
  3. RPGChick and Japan_86 said my theories.
  4. That's what you think K.K.C.
  5. I think it looks fine just the way it is. It's awesome.
  6. Just when I thought someone was agreeing with me they go and say Crim. ::Sighs::
  7. I'll help on the last ones. They don't care much for love. They don't care about their girl/boyfriends. They don't pay attention to them. That's all that I can think of.:angel:
  8. Honestly I think Tsukasa would win. He is skilled and magic and he would think through things in battle. He has the smarts and strategy to beat Crim.
  9. Sukima


    Bah. Now I'm all confused. The programmers probably forgot to put her statue's reflection in or either that, it's only a mirage.
  10. I'd have to Spider-Man. He is awesome and the fact that he gets the hottest girl in school (i.e. Mary Jane or MJ.) Not only that he has the whole being able to sense danger (Yes Spider sense.) Plus he can shoot webs from his wrists.
  11. It's a great banner.
  12. Sukima


    Okay I'm getting just a little confused trying to think of that answer.
  13. I agree with them. You should tell her. She has every right to know. If he's telling your friend s that than she needs to know everything. If you don't want your friends getting dragged into just say you heard him saying all that stuff to other people.
  14. Wait you were born 12 days after me K.K.C. Now I know I'm not the youngest person on here. ~-~Giggles~-~
  15. I'm single except I'm kinda young. You know I'm not gonna be 13 until next month.
  16. Well I think Tsukasa is a guy and not a girl. He's nowhere near girly.
  17. I think it might be Aura. She seems to be the one Tsukasa visits alot. And she is always sleeping. Unless you count that one creepy part where she opens her eyes and looks at Tsukasa and her eye color is dark purple.
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