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About CalmLikeABomb

  • Birthday 05/14/1986

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    I will not control myself!
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  1. Well, I've been away for a while. It involves Quakers and Subway. Anyway, I'd like to start a new debate; is King Hippo of Mike Tyson's Super Punch Out {[url]http://www.people.or.jp/~rio/game/punch/Hippo.gif[/url]} based on the real life boxer Jasper "Buttearbean?" {[url]www.butterbean.com[/url]} I'm pretty sure he is. You decide!
  2. Well, I have a story; I was at my late grandmother's house in Flordia and watched her put some kind of frozen meal in the microwave. She was getting pretty old, and not really aware of everything that was going on, and a cockroach managed to skitter in while she wasn't looking. Six minutes later, the cockroach came out with the meal, pretty much unhurt. Incredible.
  3. You fight Piston Honda two times man. That's what he meant. And he is a little bugger to fight the second time, although I've TKO'oed him in the first round without taking a hit (pure luck.)
  4. Yeah Great Tiger was kind of cool. And Mario? He seems kind of out of place. Don Flamencoe does enjoy his hair however, as he comments on it sometimes.
  5. Grave of the Fire Flies. Jesus christ, I saw it when I was 13 and cried so hard it left makrs in my pillow. Not something to see if you're depressed.
  6. Actually, I heard from Ebert that most kids didn't enjoy it. They were just confused by it. It's quite understandable. Now, if Sponge Bob met Rocko, that'd be a movie...
  7. What does everyone think about pre-marital sex? Just curious. :devil:
  8. Haha Dan, beating King Hippo isn't that tough if you have the know-how. Wait until he opens his big fat mouth to do a super punch on you, and hit him square in the jaw. It might take a few tries, but if you do it, it'll give you a chance to punch his belly. You can get like 7 or 8 body shots in before he blocks you. Repeat that four times and he'll be down for the count. He's the only guy you're guareneteed a KO on. As for the second Piston Honda, if you punch him in the gut right before he unleashes his piston punches, it'll be an automatic KO. It's tricky, but can be done. I always have a problem with Mike Tyson. Even if you survive his first onslaught of automatic knockdown upper cuts, best of damn luck getting a TKO.
  9. I suggestion arson. Arson gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside. (And outside!). Or just realize that most people only have friends for material gain or to gain status among thier peers.
  10. Mike Tyson's Punch Out was eaisly one of the best games ever made. It had interesting characters (although most were racial sterotypes) an actual plot, something not scene commonly in 1987, and decent graphics. Most of all, it was fun and it took real skill to topple Mike Tyson. Did anyone enjoy it like I did and what was your favorite character? My favorite would have to be Super Macho Man becuase even at the age of 17 it's hilarious to see him jiggle his 8-bit pixilated breasts.
  11. First Kiss: My first real girlfriend, Angela How Old Were You?: Let's see.. 7th grade... 13? How was it: Odd yet somewhat exciting Circumstances: New Year's eve, we were watching Jurassica Park. How romantic.
  12. Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead: the breath of the morning i keep forgetting the smell of the warm summer air i live in a town where you can't smell a thing you watch your feet for cracks in the pavement up above aliens hover making home movies for the folks back home of all these weird creatures who lock up their spirits drill holes in themselves and live for their secrets they're all uptight uptight uptight uptight uptight uptight i wish that they'd swoop down in the country lane late at night when i'm driving take me onboard their beautiful ship show me the weird world as i'd love to see it i'd tell all my friends but they'd never believe me they'd think that i'd finally lost it completely i'd show them the stars and the meaning of life they'd shut me away but i'll be all right... all right I'm just uptight uptight uptight uptight uptight uptight uptight No, I haven't been abducted by aliens. But it is about alienation, and I feel sort of at a distance from everyone else, always.
  13. CalmLikeABomb


    They're an older band (mid to late 90's), but does anyone like Rage Against the Machine? I personally like how they combined rap and punk and metal with leftist thought. In my opinion, if you consider yourself even remotley cool, you should listen to them.
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