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Everything posted by CoHaD

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]yeah. I wish he was more of a fighter like his dad, or vegeta. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. If he was He'd probably be the strongest. If Chi-Chi hadn't tried to make him a scholar.....
  2. Only 4 more days and 3 more nights! YES!:)
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by outlawstar_14 [/i] [B]at my school, if any one knew i liked animes id get teased for life. its bad enough that some people who i've been in school with for a while still dont know my name, i only have one friend who likes animes as much as me( he got me into it) and we cant say anything, even my older cousin bugs me about it:( oh well at least im not a trend following snob clone drone:) [/B][/QUOTE] Ugh! I hate those types of people! They always think they're so cool :cool: because they do what everybody else does. I like being different. Its like this sometimes at school YOU watch DragonballZ? That show is lame!-Someone whose name I won't mention. I mean they don't even watch the show! So why do they talk like they do?:flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad: :flaming: :mad:
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AmericanWriter [/i] [B]Rules and History: [COLOR=darkblue]Rules::[/COLOR] 1) No Foul Language 2) Origanial Digimon and Digidestined Only~ 3) Digivices must be: D-Bolts 4) Crests can be anything [COLOR=seagreen]History::[/COLOR] The Digidestined are called to the digital world by an odd digimon. These new digidestined's digimon cannot armor digivolve, or even digivolve to champion to all. The digimon that called them is Evamon. Evamon's level is Nega. And She can stop digimon from Armor Digivolving, and Digivolving. The Digidestined have to find temples of the Elemental Krystals. [COLOR=darkred]SIGN UP FORM::[/COLOR] Name:Chelly Digimon:Neeromon Crest: Determination Digivice Color:Royal Blue Element:Fire Krystal Evolution:Sheegomon Warp Evolution: (Ultimate or Mega)Ultra-Sheegomon [COLOR=indigo]Elements::[/COLOR] Light Fire Water Lightning Thunder Wind Earth Rock Plants Fuana Flora [COLOR=firebrick]RPG Begins:[/COLOR] Jay with the Element Light. [/B][/QUOTE]
  5. I just saw it today too. I think Bulma looks better as a carrot:D :D :laugh: :laugh:
  6. People don't really care,where I go to school.It's like,"you don't play basketball, You don't play baseball, you don't hang with us." That's basically the attitude of half the people at my school. The other half just forms seperate groups. Heck I wear my DBZ shirts once a week. But still even at my school some people seem to think DB/Z/GT is a show for little kids. Well I suppose you can't please everyone....
  7. Hmmm.... I suppose the next time that episode comes on I should check it out. If I'm not asleep :sleep: :sleep: :sleep:
  8. DBZ. Most definetly. Though maybe I better read the other choices first....
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