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  • Biography
    I like anime but not as much as some people.....
  • Occupation
    CEO of microsoft :P J/K

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  1. Hello what is a good (moderatly affordable) computer program for creating anime art? Thx Grr banner not woking...
  2. XxJoltxX


    To put it simpley Death: Good. its natural. Causing Death: Bad. its unnatural. it causes more death (ie;War,revenge,ect.)
  3. How Do you become a moderator do you just post alot or what?
  4. Hello Welcome to the question and answer session here's how it works: The first person asks a simple question (ie-Playstation or gamecube) then the next person answers the question and asks another (ie-Playstation. green or blue?) then it keeps going like that. Got it? ok PC or Mac?
  5. XxJoltxX

    T.V. Show

    What do YOU think is the Best NON-ANIME T.V. Show? (I hope this was'nt asked recently)
  6. Mine would be: Vocals: Chester bennington (linkin Park) guitars: Jimmy Page Bass: the bassest from KoRn (isnt his name like Filthy or somthing) Drums: Tre Cool (greenday) DJ: Paul Okenfold :) :) :)
  7. What Style Music do yo like and why? RAP ROCK TECHNO OTHER
  8. I saw Sub it cuz sometimes the dubed version is just cheesey For instance: in one DBZ Episoed (did i spell that right?, oh well)in japanese Yamcha says "it's so nice to be at peace" and the english version goes like this: Yamcha- (singing)Cat loves food ye yeah yeah yeah. Bulma- You goof, you're such a nut were did you come up with that?. Yamcha- Its from an old cat food commercial. Puar hates it when I do that. Oolong- I ate cat food once. OOH it tasted like tuna fish. SEE WHAT I MEAN??
  9. Does any of you guys know when they are airing DBGT in america?:devil: :flaming: (these smilies are cool):box: :demon:
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