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Everything posted by Emme888

  1. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1]ok i have 2 songs the first is by ani difranco : so what who's gonna give a **** who's gonna take the call when you find out that the road ahead is painted on a wall and you're turned up to top volume and you're just sitting there in pause with your feral little secret scratching at you with its claws and you're trying hard to figure out just exactly how you feel before you end up parked and sobbing forehead on the steering wheel who are you now and who were you then that you thought somehow you could just pretend that you could figure it all out the mathematics of regret [B]so it takes two beers to remember now and five to forget that i loved you so yeah, i loved you, so what[/B] how many times undone can one person be as they're careening through the facade of their favorite fantasy you just close your eyes slowly like you're waiting for a kiss and hope some lowly little power will pull you out of this but none comes at first and little comes at all and when inspiration finally hits you it barely even breaks your fall who were you then and who are you now that you can't pretend that you can figure it all out subtract out the impact and the fall is all you get so it takes two beers to remember now and three more to forget that i loved you so yeah, i loved you, so what [B]i loved you so what[/B] and the other one would have to be tracy chapman : fast car You got a fast car I want a ticket to anywhere Maybe we make a deal Maybe together we can get somewhere Anyplace is better Starting from zero got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something But me myself I got nothing to prove You got a fast car And I got a plan to get us out of here I been working at the convenience store Managed to save just a little bit of money We won't have to drive too far Just 'cross the border and into the city You and I can both get jobs And finally see what it means to be living You see my old man's got a problem He live with the bottle that's the way it is He says his body's too old for working I say his body's too young to look like his My mama went off and left him She wanted more from life than he could give I said somebody's got to take care of him So I quit school and that's what I did You got a fast car But is it fast enough so we can fly away We gotta make a decision We leave tonight or live and die this way [B]I remember we were driving driving in your car The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped 'round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged And I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone [/B] You got a fast car And we go cruising to entertain ourselves You still ain't got a job And I work in a market as a checkout girl I know things will get better You'll find work and I'll get promoted We'll move out of the shelter Buy a big house and live in the suburbs You got a fast car And I got a job that pays all our bills You stay out drinking late at the bar See more of your friends than you do of your kids I'd always hoped for better Thought maybe together you and me would find it I got no plans I ain't going nowhere So take your fast car and keep on driving [B]You got a fast car But is it fast enough so you can fly away You gotta make a decision You leave tonight or live and die this way [/B] [/SIZE] [/FONT]
  2. pretty much, im going to get 18 in less than a month and i already have an appointment with an artist to get inked. lol, im quite excited! to start off with im going to my case number (i was adopted) behind my right ear on the bone .... 0_0 which is going to hurt soooo much since its on bone!.. .and than im going to get a small dagger over my heart and have it look like its puncturing the skin. and than because i think its hilarous and everyone needs a stupid tatoo... on the bottom of my foot i want to get MADE IN KOREA. i dunno why, it just think its hilarous funny and no one will really no its there. all of these tats are going to be fairly small but once i save up some more $$$ im going to get another few on my back that i designed myself. One's like a really small shadow outline a telescope on a hill than ill have black little star going up my back/spine and than also i want a upside down umbrella on my hip with a few rain drop going into it. i really like all my tatoo ideas and all of them have meaning to me... even the stupid foot one. It shows my pride in my hertiage and korean is who i am. Plus i've been plotting and designing most of them and have liked all the concepts for 2/3 years now. so i know i wont regret them. yep they'll go get along with my gauges and industrial and soon to be snake bites. hahah my parents are so thrilled.
  3. [COLOR=Black][CENTER][SIZE=1][FONT=Impact]i would really like to know is someone can make me a cowboy bebop banner and avi with spike and faye on it? For the banner i would like it to somewhere have the names Emily and Josh on it. and the quote "And I'll never let you be alone when you die". Im not really picky about it, i just want it too look quite lovely. and for the avi just have something with faye and spike on it and have the names emily and josh on it somewhere too? or the intials EKD and JRS, that'd be greatly appreicated! thanks so much guys![/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER][/COLOR]
  4. Name: Aioni Lee Age: 18 Appearance: Female, 5'6" slim build, blue eyes, pale skin, jet black hair, typically wears a simple pleated red pleated skirt and always has on a black hoodie, wears some sort of military boot, and she tops it all off with lots of black eyeliner. Personality: Somewhat of a loner, but more of an outcast at school. She's quiet and prefers to read over physical activity. She's artisitic and mysterious, she likes to take walks late at night all by herself. Others think she's strange, but when people begin to talk to her she's really quite nice. She attracted to people who are the exact opposite of herself. School: Taka Bio: Aioni Lee just recently transfered to Taka from another school. She's a senior and has very little patience for waiting to graduate. Within the first couple of months of attending Taka she was picked on, until one day at lunch she "snapped" and ended up throwing one of the strongest fighters across the room, and leaving them with a shattered spine. From that day on, no one really has picked on Aioni... she made a few friends now. But mostly out of fear/admiration, no one really quites knows. But she is now enjoying high school a bit more, and now is finding anyway to prolong her stay at Taka.
  5. [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]im adopted myself... and personally I do believe you made the right decision. Being an adoptee is a different kind of lifestyle, but it's one that i am so grateful for. My oringal birthmother in south korea had concieved me out of wedlock... ***now i don't know, if this is true. But according to what i've been told by the adoption agency is that it is very taboo to have a child out of wedlock and you basically get shunned from your family/community. And basically it's just a very hard life from then on*** i understand what my birthmother did was for the betterment of me and herself as well. Not only would she have lived a life of hardship but than in turn so would I. I believe what she did was an act of courage and strength. She still decieded to give birth to me, and to give me up for adoption even though it may be damaging to her and her family later. anyways, it gives me a sense of humility to know that someone cared for me so much to go through a pregancy when they could of easily aborted me. It maybe hard to let go at first, but understand... i don't know bout other adopted childern. But i don't have any ill feeling towards my birthmother... only a since of an untold love for a woman that I dont really and won't really ever know. And graditude for giving me a shot at a better life. it makes me live my life to the fullest knowning that a woman may have given up everything for me. So in a since i feel like im not living just for myself but for her as well. i don't know if my story will help ease your mind about giving your child up for adoption, but in my mind you did the right thing.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Garamond]being suicidal myself ... for reasons that are my own. i believe suicide is not selfish at all. It's by the choice of the person that wants to take their own life. Though many people think it's rushed into, it's not really. I've attempted many times, by slitting my wrists and by trying to OD on pills. I've attempted 3/4 times I would have to say. And each time I try, i have thought about all the consequences and before i did it. Knew that if i succeeded there was no way to come back from that, I had to get my stomach pumped and I didn't cut deep enough. therefore I am alive today. there are days that I wish i had died, and others days I wonder if i would have missed out on things or if things would have been for the better. Its a shame that people feel like they have to do the things they do. But death is not something most people think about lightly. It's thought about in great detail even, so if the person wants to die. Than it's their choice and for whatever it is, they believe enough so to actuallly go through with it. Than the people left behind should understand that people are going to do what they want, and all you can do is try to be there for them. But in the end, people will do what they want... if they want it enough. i suppose i just dont want it enough yet, though i would be content with leaving.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [FONT=Garamond][SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo]personally... i think that cybering is really quite funny. In fact its down right hilarious.. of course for those out there who do cyber and take it seriously. I'm sorry to offend you, but if you think about it... the idea of someone getting off to another person by merely typing a naughty conversation over AIM or MSN is really quite funny. I just think that its funny, cause some guy might think that he's talking to a really hot 20 year old female when actually its a 45 year old pervert of a man sitting in his parents basement. cybering to me is considering cheating though, i know that it's funny. But its cheating none the less. and besides if a guy can't be creative enough to masterbate to an image in his mind or rent porn... than he's pathetic. Even if a chick can't do the same.. that's pathetic. Cybering is stupid... yeah it allows creativity and [B]other body fluids[/B] to flow and to get some excitement.. but dude rent some porn or surf the net. Be creative... but i guess if you're going to cyber, have fun with not knowing that you might be getting off to a wierdo in some basement. Oh yeah... and clean off the mouse and key board too when you're done. gross.. yet funny... yet sad all in one. that's my take on cybering. and it is cheating. if you can't be romantic enough to get your woman/man in the mood than its your own fault.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. im more of a[COLOR=DarkRed] [B]dr pepper[/B] [/COLOR] kinda gal myself... i just like the flavor. Its light yet sweet... but if i would have to say.. between pepsi and coke. I would go coke. Pepsi is just too thick and full of sugar. its like a syrup... gross!
  9. [FONT=Garamond][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1]I had an imaginary friend... in fact i had two! one was named Greeney and the other one was named Blush. They were brother and sister and they played with me, i was a very odd child. I didn't like barbies.. but instead i would sit on my bedroom floor and take all this different colored marbles and make unique and different designs on my bedroom floor. And of course greeney and blush would help me design the marbles and organize them. this may this very odd to a normal person.. but this was my childhood. And some of the happiest days of my life.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]
  10. thank you soo much both are beautiful, i wanted just Rico but i thought that would be getting too picky. so i went for vague.. but if you could just do Rico that would be splendid! but if not that's fine too, im very happy with the banner and avi. thanks so much ^_^
  11. hey all, been awhile since I've been on the OB. But I'm back and I would like to request a banner of Gunslinger Girls and an Avi, if that is possible... one or the other would be fine but both would be quite nice :catgirl: umm for the text on the banner i think i would like to keep it really simple and just have it say... [B]Better to live one year as a tiger, then a hundred as sheep[/B] and i would just like a really pretty banner and avi if possible. thanks so much guys
  12. ummm of course they're all popularity contest... but at my school the unpopular kids out weight the popular ones. So i thought i had a chance. but its those darn band kids.. they vote in mass quanties .. so i lost. its sucks... o well, i think? oh by the way the day i found out i won the election my boyfriend of 10 months broke up with me... high school really does suck.
  13. ok ... currently im running for president of my student senate at my school... elections are today. I'm not really worried but rather excited. Im already the vice president of the student senate.. and there's really no reason to worry now. If i win, i win. If i don't... o well i guess. anyways... at my school there seems to alot a competition for office and other positions in the student government... Is is just school, or is it like this everywhere?
  14. will someone make me an animated DDR Banner and Avatar? ... and if its not too much bother to make the banner size for this forum and than as big as possible so i can use it for other sites as well? Just as long as its animated and has DDR on it! that'd be great, and if you can put emily somewhere on it.. that'd be cool, but if its not possible than i dont care thanks alot
  15. Thanks again so much, I really apreciate it! I love it! both the avi and the banner are absouletley adorable! much
  16. I personally really love the soundtrack to [B]eternal sunshine of the spotless mind[/B]. When i first saw the movie i thought the music worked beautifully with the movie.. but than by itself, is just a masterpiece. The music is eeriely light, yet giving a happy/sad feeling to it. It just depends on your mood when you listen to it... and the ending song with the credits.. everytime i hear it.. it's so chilling yet beautiful at the same time. Like i said.. it make me want to smile and cry all at the same time. Now music that moves a person like that.. That is truely beautiful music.
  17. ohh yes please, if you could that would be great! i really like the lettering above the other lettering...the all lower case that are kinda bubbleyish? .. and i like the couple that's on the left side the best... if you could make an avi of that.. that would be awesome.. but if not, Thanks bunchies for the sweet banner!much
  18. will someone make me a banner that's has like a cutesy anime look to it... will it does have to... but eh it would be nice. i want it to have a love theme to it... and somewhere on the banner have the names : Emily and Mitch OHhh Ohhh.. or if you just wanna make something really great on it.. and than just have the names on it. Basically this is up for whatever anyone wants to do... all it has to have on it is our names... ummm yeah thanks bunchies.. .i know this one is a weird request but eh its something i wanted and currently am lacking time and creativity to make a banner for myself.
  19. [QUOTE=Hevn][COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1] [COLOR=RoyalBlue][SIZE=1][B]No, dear. There's a special way of eating Oreos so you'll achieve sexiness. ^_~[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR] [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] really? I didn't know consuming fatty calories made you sexy? yeah eating a couple won't hurt you... but obviously from your obession with them.. it sounds like to me you're packin down the oreos at a fast pace. Slow down, and enjoy them for simplely being a cookie. And eating bags full at a time will only give you a gut... [SIZE=4]And that's definately not sexy.[/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=3][FONT=Century Gothic]I find it kinda funny I find it kinda sad In the dreams in which I'm dying Are the best I've ever had[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] omg i love that movie to death.. i heard that they're goin to be releasing it agian in theaters with an unreleased ending... but that may be just a rumor. I first saw the movie when i was little and frank the bunny scared the **** out of me.. but now i love the movie.. its one of my favorites!
  21. [QUOTE=Harry]You're over analizing something that is enjoyable. Also the first time usually sucks anyway.[/QUOTE] Really?! it sucks? that's too bad. All i know is that anything sexual is very very enjoyable.. and i have to agree with Harry here.. stop thinking about it too much. People do it, cause it feels good (either to them emotionally or physically or both) simple as that. But i do have to add as a virgin my opinions are limited i guess. But i have found that anytime i've done anything promiscuous with a guy, the relationship has turned sour. Not being of the sexual act.. its because that's all he ends up wanting to do from that point on. Which i dont mind to a certain point, cause hey we're both getting pleasure from it..but when a person starts feeling like a tool. That's when you know its just about the booty. Girls are coming more into their own now for sexuality as well. I feel that it is a [U][B]great[/B][/U] thing that women are finally realizing that its ok to make sure that they are getting some enjoyment out of it as well. Ladies pleasure is a good thing, enjoy it. I think women should start thinking like men. I know at first everyone wants to do the emotional attachments to the person, but if a person can go on throughout life without being dependent on another person for their well being. Kudos to them as well. Cause honestly.. that's where i am in my life. I dont have any ugre for a boyfriend at all.. none what so ever. But I am human so i do randomly do some promiscuous stuff with people just to get it out of my system. This might sound bad to most... but it works for me. Besides if doin that once a month is bad.. than shoot me.. cause i dont think that theres anything wrong with enjoying it. And its something that should be enjoyed as well. Whether you're pleasing yourself by masterbation or finding in another partner.. make sure you're enjoying it. Cause if you're not than dont do it.. cause it's not worth the worries if you dont like it. I think that's it.. do just keep it simple. Do it if it feels right and good to you, and be responsible, Have safe sex. Or dont have sex at all.. for some all they need is oral and that get the job done as well. orgasm by getting urself off, or by getting someone else off. I love it when i know that im am sexually pleasing to whoever im with.. so everyone.. dont be afraid to tell the person ur with that it feels great .. or give them a little advice.. cause its all for the best. wow.. weird this is the one subject i could talk forever on.... and im still a virgin... does anyone else think thats weird? :laugh: hmm for any more advice i suggest comso its the dirttiest magizine for sex tips know to man kind.. but also the best as well
  22. ohhh i definately agree... i made some changes and like the newer version much better. Thanks so much Haze! [img]http://pic5.picturetrail.com/VOL93/2037951/3948422/57710267.jpg[/img]
  23. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet] Many people become either annorexic or bulimic to try and feel some control in their life. From what you've mentioned about school and extra ciricular activities could that be why you decided to start refusing yourself food as some kind of control mechanism?[/color][/QUOTE] omg, when you mentioned control for me.. its like you read my mind... in my open diary entry that's exactly what i wrote.... in fact let me find my passage::: exerpt from a pasage from 6-20-04 Which has really helped me out this summer alot. I feel whenever i'm sad, bored, and just whatever I can go to that world, and everything is alright. I think it's cause I control what I do on paper and that I have control. That's what I think drew me my problems, cause I could control my body and what was going on. I liked that.... it was a weird sense of power, but it was real to me. I could see the differences it made and didn't make. I dunno i think that's why i also like art... its me controling how the prespective is and its how i see it. I can make the most beautiful thing ugly in my eyes, or see the brillance in an unknown oddity. I often find the most unusal things are the best. But what does it mean... I know I want control, and I get it by doin that.. but what do i have do to besides that to find control? or whatever i need?
  24. I worked on this one tonight.. .and I really think its my personal best. believe it or not, this one took some creativity out of me. I know the concept is simplisitic, and it may be a bit too busy for some... But i really do love this banner I made... and i truely think its the best banner I ever made yet so far. but you be the judges [IMG]http://pic5.picturetrail.com/VOL93/2037951/3948422/57624058.jpg[/IMG]
  25. ok, first all... for awhile there I was getting better and such. I gained weight, and such and was eating whatever the hell I liked. like i was actually eating fast food, and such... but I gained too much, because I didn't like it. cause I could tell when i gain too much, or lose too much. I could definately tell that my tummy was getting bigger, cause that's the only place i gain weight. dont be mad guys...but im cutting back down again. I dunno why, believe it or not I am happier when im this size. Cause within a few days of cutting down again I'm back down to the orginal size i started with. I'm happier with myself this way, I'm excercising but not the extreme levels that I once was doing. Yah... what should i be doin if i am happier at this weight, and lifestyle.. even though it may not be the best choice in life, as in health wise. And by happy... i dont mean.. jumping in the air, going to be the next super model happy... but rather... i like it better than when i gained the weight..... and I'm not happy happy i guess but....i dunno. I really just lost at the moment... but you guys would be proud.. i was offered a half an oz of weed the other night, and i said no, and i found a way to leave. cause frankly... that's alot of weed.. I dont like it.. so i figured why get that messed up, if i dont like it. so 1 improvement out of 2 ain't so bad, is it kids?
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