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Everything posted by Emme888

  1. Hello again all you art critics! Just wanted some feedback on this banner that I made. And of course, remember as usal Im just using MS paint. So much love to you all this holiday season! and thanks for letting me know on how i can make this go better :)[IMG]http://pic5.picturetrail.com/VOL77/1742112/3349579/41086750.jpg[/IMG]
  2. i prefer dubbed...even though it may not be as authentic, i seem to miss the action in the show, if im reading the text. I guess im not that multitalented. OH well, but i still can watch either kinds so it really doesn't matter. Even though the voice overs are sometimes really bad.
  3. Love is something rather of a mystery to me...But what I think it is, is rather an odd outlook of what the normal human being thinks. A) I think love is just lust prolonged........To a certain point of course. Love is great and all, and we all have it to give and ect... But I'm talking about the love between 2 people that is other than family love, or friendship love. I think we must first be somewhat phyiscally attracted to somewhat, no matter what to being to take an interest in someone. Shallow as this may seem, I think this is the way is goes. We first get an impression of the person, no matter who you are you make a first judgement about the person. I feel if the attraction is there, we partake more on our part to learn more about the person, and visa a versa. We either are than turned off by their personailty or find that we are more attracted to the person. B) no matter who you are, you will expirence love of some sort Whether you find love by your religion, your family, friends , or even a stranger, you will find love. ANd yes! A stranger! Notice someones common act of kindness on you, and yes I believe just a simple act of kindness is a lesser verison of love. I find it is so refreshing that a human can do an unselfish act and bring so much happiness from such a simple act. C) love may seem to be cold, heartless, and a horrible thing...BUT it's NOT! Its just you :) I dont know why some people have this jadded misconception of love and so forth. And i want to stop that rumor right now, so the future generations do not get this alterated view on the subject. I know if you feel this way, It's either because something has happened to you, or someones hurt you, or you've hurt someone and can't believe what would bring you to do something that awlful to another human being.....whatever.... Whatever it is, It has happened to you and YOu alone, I'm sorry if it has but come on. Because of that everyones defination of love is going to be different that the great part of life! I should know..I use to be one of these people...I got hurt really badly by someone I loved deeply. Now im not talking about a simple crush... I mean love. I could of married this man, and i loved and prolly will forever love him. BUt im getting off subject. Ive learned that everyone is different and we cannot push the subject of love on anyone. I learned to get over him, and realize that there WILL be someone else out there, I just need to find him and learn to find the qualities that I adored in the first man as the second. ANd learn to find better qualities in the second man that the first didn't have, and cherish the differences in them. Okay Im done talking for now....But remember love is good, and will come to all. It's just a matter of time, and if we are willing and patient enough to wait for the great feeling to seize hold of us. Cause trust me...Its the best feeling in the world. ANd once you lose it, u do and prolly will feel like crap...but trust me...It will come around again. And you dont want ur heart closed off to it, just because of a bad expirence. Much love everyone Much love ~ Em
  4. Name: Kelly Tompkins Age: 25 Gender: Female Apperance: Slender, about 5'6", olive skin... jet Black hair (always worn in a tight little bun), green eyes, and has a small tattoo on the back of her right shoulder blade...of the red cross symbol. Role: Night shift/day shift medications nurse Bio: She's quiet, a bit nieve about some things, really scared of all the patients, hates working there trying to find a different job, hates working the night shift. Is extrememly intelligent, but let anyone know how smart she really is. Her mother use to be an patient her at the aslyum, and she was born at the aslyum. Left when she was a baby.... returned there when she was about 6 to see her dying mother. A patient attached her....and she was left with a scar on her arm. Her mother was left in a coma like status....she now trys in her spare time to find a cure to help her mother. And she believes the doctors at the aslyum caused her mothers illnesses to worsen during her time there.
  5. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?postid=478958[/IMG] Heres mine, it's a super old one and I didn't have time to make a new one..so yeah! Here goes nothing. I hope this okay for all of you...remember default paint program only..so have much love for it and me!
  6. im in! ill so join the competition! just give me some time to creat a great new banner of mine for y'all to enjoy! Ill be posting mine sometime close to the deadline!
  7. Alrighty, First of all im 15, and I need to sort of know what to do so i can know If i need to start saving for thesurgery or not? I want and think I need breast enlargements, I have currently size A breasts, and i want full C cups, but my friends think that me being a 5'1, size 0, and 112lbs, that my "new" chest would look tooo funny, and would look wrong for my body type and such! I think i need them, but im not sure if I should? And I need to know if guys really care if a girl has plastic surgery or not? or if they think less of her afterwards? And I would get the salt water implants, so that the new breasts are not as hard as rocks. I need advice from both girls and guys?!!!!! SO please help me.
  8. I know there are alot of relationship threads. But I have a problem too. I also want to know what happened to the relationship advice thread? Where did it go? I tired lookin for it, but i couldn't find it on any of the past pages. Alright here's my problem to deal with. I have a major crush on this guy who is goregously hot, and he is super nice, and way interesting. Anyways, he's just an awesome person. But the downfall is that he is a major flirt. He use to flirt with me alot, ( also alot of other people too) and I told he that I liked him. He told me that He didn't like me and that I was too young for him, or something along those lines. Even though im only a year younger than him, and he's dated people my age and younger. And were still way good friends and all but after i told him how i was feelin, I stopped flirting with him and stuff. And he also stopped, this lasted a whole 1 week and 1/2 than I started liking him again. I tried to tell myself to get over him, but he's just a great person. And the thing is that he always mentions that he once fell in love, but the girl crushed him, and how he now has a new crush, but doesn't know what it could be...and stuff. And I know for sure that he doesn't like me. But I can't help but wanting to like him. I know I'm setting myself up for a heavy heart, but I can't help it. And I dunno what to do. I would just like to find someone that I can want more than him. And whenever I do, they just never match up to him. So by comparing him to them, I totally am obvious to any flirting or anything like that. I can't help but to think that these stupid emotions are getting in the way, and it hurts.... help me, save me, I just want to end the heart ache.
  9. So stupid... it's rated pg 13 while all the others were rated R... it's either produced or directored by different people too this time. All of my friends that have seen it thinks its way dumb. Don't waste the 6 dollars to see it, it's not worth it.
  10. I've seen the show, and I like it. Fairly good anime: good animation, good plot, good character development, but the story is only like 4 or is it 6 episodes... so that's the only down fall... I love the eposide at the end with all the birds and the angel/ ghost creature... I do like the concept idea of the jewel pieces... Yup I like anime unleashed ... tech tv is good, but i think i prefer boogiepop phantom.
  11. Beanie Babies! I loved them! But now I keep my hundreds of them in bags, in my closet.... I use to play with them all the time, and have them all over my room and bed. But I got tired of them... ::sighs:: Growing up suxs, cause I wish I could still be entertained by beanie filled toys... But i would never want to go back either.
  12. ummm... is the img under the size limit"? [quote][b]Other than the aforementioned points, you just need to make sure that you are requesting something that you are going to use in this forum, which would include (80 x 80 or smaller) avatars and (500 x 100 or smaller) banners.[/b][/quote] if not you can upload it to another website and then use that url addresss for the img code. If u need a place to upload ur pic to a site and do know where just PM me and I'll give you a url of a site.
  13. Did anyone else here love Kill Bill? Alright the beginning was the crazy hot, [spoiler] with Uma's character getting shot straight in the head with the whole black and white scene.[/spoiler] Not only that but I loved the character development! [spoiler] With Lucy Lui's character's build up with the anime, and the whole fight scene and such. The blood spatter was unrealistic, but still. I loved it when Uma's character hit the 17 year old assasin in the head with the board stuck with nails! awh dang...crazy stuff. [/spoiler] Terintino (sp) cinemtography of this movie was beautifully done, and masterful. The way he transitied between scenes was well excuted. But however [spoiler] the ending was too perfect! It's such a cliff hanger!! Come on! you have to all agree. "does she still know her daughter is alive?..." and then the end!? It left me wanting to see Kill Bill part 2 right away.[/spoiler] And the fight scenes with the swords were the hottest thing to drop from this movie.... but the anime was close to beating it. Cause the detail of the [spoiler] deaths and the mass killings of the mob men for revenge for her parents death was awesome.[/spoiler] This movie was so good. A perfect 10... Go see it!
  14. The whole eposide was sad...espeically when [spoiler] Julia and Spike died[/spoiler] but I found it fitting that [spoiler] after Julia's death, that Spike died also.[/spoiler] It was rather poetic justice to end it that way, a dramatic [spoiler] and sad [/spoiler] ending to such a dramatic love story and overall plot. Of course I knew it was going to come to the ending that it was going to...cause there would be no other way to end such a story then with such a fitting climatic highpoint. The whole story to Bebop is a long and sad one, so you had to of guessed that the ending was going to be quiet similar. The eposide was masterfully done, and the action flow of the time and battles were on key with everything. It is one of my most favorite eposides of all time.
  15. I know my reply is going to sound super korny to some but to me it just makes sense: I would do nothing over again, sure I'd like to...but I wouldn't. For I feel each event that take part of our lives is what makes us the person that we are today. No matter how insiginificant we may think it to be. I think my regrets in life are few to this method of thinking. I find myself not regreting much, and when I do regret something I always try to find the best from it. Which is either learning from that mistake or taking my frustation out on something more productive. This is very weird, cause if you were to of asked anyone I know about 3 months ago, they would of told you that I am was on the of biggest petsimitic (sp) ever.... But now due to certain things I am trying to look at life in a different way. I realized that too much time is being wasted at looking at the glass half empty, rather than finding it half full. I find myself now thinking that If I live life in each moment, making the most of everything, that I'll have no regrets. For If you love to fullest extent even in times of great sorrow and despair, that truely shows the measure of one's heart. There's my stupid little advice for the da future for all ya lil youngins out there!
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1] [B]Trigun:[/B] Has probably the best thought out story and character development I've ever seen in an anime and probably the coolest character design. The story alone makes up for the shows bad animation and sometimes corny exterior. [B]Cowboy Bebop:[/B] Single handedly one of the best anime PERIOD. The characters are smooth and suave. They aren't flamoboyant, but realistic. The future setting actaully makes since and is very possible. And the animation and attention to detail is a close second to FLCL's own. [B]Fooly Cooly:[/B] The best animated anime EVER! The funniest at that. I love the hidden story of a boy becoming a man and the wacky character design as well as having many insider jokes to the pre-set Otaku. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I have to agree with DBD fully! Except for me it goes: 1.cowboy bebop- see below 2. .hack/sign- crazy hot 3. trigun- funny, and yet is touchs all the human emotions 4. FLCL- comedy 5. boogiepop phantom- crazy S!@#! it will freak out your mind! i love them all but cowboy bebop is diffently the best. The music, the plot, and character development is superb! And the dramatic sequences, fight scences, and the comedy is awesome. I love how the characters intertwine and mix togather. I believe it is truely the greatest.
  17. i can't wait! My friends and I are going, if possible, opening day! I love all the battles, fighting, and oh the specail effects are awesome! plus the last two were crazy hot, so yeah I can't wait.
  18. My friends are fun like that! I have friends that I can just dance with and hang out with do crazy stuff with and not care about it. Like me and my best friends dirrty dance all the time at dances. ( and yes he is a guy!) and I have other friends that I call "my booty buddies" just because they don't care either and we are just having fun. It's nice to have friends like that, cause you kboth know that it's not going to go anywhere. Do you have friends like this? I do and they are some of my best friends and I love them to death, cause I can just have fun with them and be myself.
  19. This joke is wrong on so many levels: "Why doesn't jesus like hockey?" Cause he keeps gettin nailed to the boards.... sorry no offense to anyone or God, or Jesus
  20. I mostly like mainstream bands, but I tend to find one or two underground bands that I LOVE!!!!! But I hate when you tell someone of a great band and they dont care, and then 4 months later the band becomes huge! And then the moron friend you tried to tell, tells you, and you were like yeah I told you about them a while ago. And I was one of the 1st people to like 'em, and then the friend is like" no way, how could you have? They just came out?" Yeah, that paragraph was kinda " like, like [b] teenage lingo [/b] " and pointless, but I hate it when a band goes mainstream and their true fans aren't givin their props for liking the band before the mainstream got their corportate hands on it....ugh!
  21. Im a sophomore, but I've already freaked out about my college expirence about 2 years ago. I plan ( hopefully) to go to NYU and double major in Creative Writing and Journalism. And for the last 1 and 1/2 I've looked at scholarships, and starting applying for them asap. But I'm a worry wort....So I bet you'll pick a good major that you'll be happy with. (don't worry, the nerds shall be the ones running the world one day, with the jocks in middle management jobs....muahahahah! Won't it be fun, to pick on the dumb jocks, who thought they were all cool in High School...hehehe... I guess Im kinda conceited... oh well...)
  22. Im 15 and I often hang out with people who are in their 20's and 30's and beyond. Many of them say, that they do not refer as a teen but more as a peer. I find it odd, I am only said to look my age due to the braces; without them many people say I look 17 or 18. So I guess I don't look my age or act it. I figure it a good thing, I suppose....
  23. I'm all for the rock/ rap thing. Like linkin park, limp biskit, ect.. It's all good to have raps in with some hard core metal or bass guitars. I say if it sounds good what does it matter. Im love the way brad and chester make the sound of linkin park the way it is..and Joe Hahn's mixes in the background are super sweet. I love em both...but I HATE HATE HATE POP!!! So as long as all rappers and rockers don't kill each other, I'll be happy. Why don't the pop stars kill each other off, that would be comedy to see Britney and Jessica Simpson catfighting to the death. hehehe!
  24. Underage drinking is fine, as long as you know your limits. But don't hang around people who are wasted, their judgements become impaired and they might do bad things, or try to at least. Like this guy this weekend is twice as old as me, and started to hit on me, and he tackled me, And i had to kick him in the head and the chest to get him off. He says he doesn't remember, but that creeps me out. And later on that night he tried to do it again, This guy ( who i thought was a friend) turned out to be a real creep! So watch out for who you hang out with when you're drinking and know your limits.
  25. We just had auditions on Monday....Won't find out about call backs until next week...*sighs* I hope i make it!!! I've been doing plays at school and the local playhouse theater since I was like in 6th grade...I love it! it's so fun. Good luck hope you make it!!
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