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Everything posted by QueenBee
my real name is sara but some nicknames may include: QueenBee, Biff, Party Queen, Frenchie, Dago, tu sporka mi alle, lump.....and the list goes on. I have so pretty crazy nicknames I never really thought about them huh..
I live in Youngstown, Ohio and it is ever so cold *shivers* and I can't leave my house there is so much snow save me!!!
My Homecoming was a blast well first of all it was my last one so that made it kinda sad, but one of my goods friends and I went with a bunch of my friends. The dance was sweet they played all my faveorite music like Rap and others. And after we all went to Olive garden and my friends idiot boyfriend tryed to steal the vino (wine) and the dumbass got in trouble, and after that it is a tradidtion in my school for some odd reason after dinner you have t goto Wal-Mart I don't know why. But all in all I had a great time.
I have lived in the same stupid little town my whole life. I live in a small town, or hole I sould say in Ohio called Lowellville, where everyone is related to everyone else and everyone knows you bussiness, oh yeah and there is never anything to do.
I am Half Italian and Irish and Scotish yeppers that is what I am and proud of it.
Aww quietstranger16 I would go with you. where do you live lol no j/k I won't stalk you but sometimes it is so fun to not have a date because you can go and have a good time with everyone elses date lol have a good time.
Alot of my friends are like that we just like to go out and have a good time and not care what anyone thinks. [COLOR=indigo]How descriptive.... Posts like this cross the fine line of "spam" and "just a crappy post", unless you have something incredibly profound that can be summed up in a single sentence, post more than one, or think your opinion/idea through. ~Drix[/COLOR]
I know Italian and Spanish I know Italian from some of my family members and spanish from school.
I want to be a Radiologist, you know the people who take X-Rays, and MRI's. They make lots of money and you get to help tons of people and if that doesn't workout I want to Be an artist any kind of artist just to have anything to do with art.
OMG I live in Northeast Ohio and like from the Middle of July until Like two weeks ago we have had like non stop flooding. so I feel your pain Shaun.
You should wait until you are old enough and then if you still have the same dreams and still want to go. Then go if it makes you happy go for it.
One time at a volleyball game and the setter made this perfect pass to me and I was to close to the net and I went to hit. of course I missed and fell right on my *** in front of like the whole school and half the town.
Ok I have a very long list of embarrasing moments but I really can't think of any right now but here is one. I am like the clumsyest person and I decided to wear a skirt and high heeled shoes to school, and i was walking up the steps and way I triped and fell like down the entire flight of steps skirt and all. everyone was laughing it was so bad.
I love rap it is off the hessy fo shessy my faves are Nelly, Lil' Kim, Eve, Chingy, Lil' Jon and the East Side Boys, aaahhh I can't even name them all they are all great.
My older brother desn't hurt me but he is way to protective, he is like a year older than me and when he was in school and he saw me talking to guys he would freak. And at parties he was always watching over his shoulder to see what I was doing...it gets so annoying ><
I am thiking it is the rain because several areas in my county were flooded and the rain has been just non-stop. and I got the pic from the newspapers website [url]www.vindy.com[/url]
You can say we wear uniform at my schhol but the principle says It is a strict dress code which it is we wear Khaki blue white and black I don't like it just because if you shirt isn't tucked in 24/7 you get yelled at here is an actual quote from my principal "I'm gonna need a 360 tuck" yes that was a quote from Geneey Jones and another reason I don't like it like my cloths and I don't want to be restricted to just polo shirts and pants with the same colors everyday I guess I like to express myself from my cloths.
No one knows Why it does that some of the people think it is a miracle of God but it was creepy I couldn't sleep last night after I saw it.
There is this church in a small Ohio town near where I live it is of Roman Chatholic faith anyway this church has a statue on it of the Virgin Mary and for the last week and a half the eyes and heart of the Virgin Mary appear to glow. You can see it during the day but you can see it so much better at night. And no one can explain why the statue is glowing. I have seen the statue it is pretty freaky. But I have a picture of it tell me what you think.
Our school colors are blue and gold and our mascot is a rocket. Pretty damn exciting huh? But thats ok I have school spirt.
I like to play so many sports it's not funny. I play Volleyball it is fun but the practices suck, I also play Basketball, Softball, and I also did track. Those were all te school sports but I also Like to play paintball in my spare time I like to shoot people hehe.
My Drivers Ed classes weren't that bad but there was this kid who would not stop clicking his pen and that gets so damn annoying anyway It got to the pointI threw my pen at him, and he still wouldn't stop so when the teacher left the room I threw my notebook at him. I think I hurt him but he finally stopped and everyone in the class was thankful.
I love to BMX I do wall jumps, bunny hops, grinds, ect...I love it, it is such a rush and when you get hurt its a bummer but you get back up and keep doing it.
He was a great entertainer but he also did a lot for the military with al the USO shows but anyway Thanks For The Memories Bob! In Loving Memory Rest in Peace Bob You Will Truelly be Missed
My first name is Sara it is Hebrew for "Princess" and my middle name in carmella my mother is Italian and she wanted me to have an Italian Name. As for QueenBee I dunno I just like it...